Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 95 Sensational villagers (recommend, collect)

(Thanks to 'Bai Jin Bai', 'Hei Sao', 'Nan Xian Ju Shi', 'Du Shang Zang Qing Wei Wu Tears Broken Heart丶', 'Zhan Xin Guang Yin', 'Deep Sea Drunk Shrimp', 'European Continental Floor' for their support!)


That night, Lin Yuantao called Gu Hongyu again, and all he wanted to do was to set the number of vegetables to be harvested every day. However, this number still surprised Gu Hongyu. Now that Xiangjiang has just started on the right track, there are nearly 20,000 kilograms of sales a day, and this is the result of Lin Yuantao and his team trying their best to suppress it.

Faced with such a situation, Gu Hongyu was a little amused. Now the total planting area of ​​his vegetable greenhouse is only 50 acres. If the vegetables are picked at this rate, they will not be able to maintain the shipment volume for 20 days and will be sold out. This is just the beginning.

Although Gu Hongyu did not plan to make a profit by growing vegetables at first, he was still tempted by such a huge sales volume. Although selling ginseng can make money quickly, it is not a long-term solution. Gu Hongyu has not found a target for other high-value-added crops at this stage. It is also a good choice to grow vegetables first to accumulate funds.

We agreed to Lin Yuantao's request to supply 20,000 kilograms of vegetables a day, and explained to him that the sales volume of vegetables must be controlled after the harvest of green vegetables. In addition, as soon as there is vacant land in the greenhouse, it should be planted immediately to shorten the growth cycle of vegetables such as green vegetables.

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu picked up his mobile phone and called the two bosses of greenhouses and greenhouse irrigation systems again. When they heard Gu Hongyu's intention, they were surprised. It has only been a short time, and Gu Hongyu in the small mountain village is about to start a new round of expansion.

Calculating the funds on him, Gu Hongyu plans to expand the greenhouse area to 300 acres at a time, plus the amount of irrigation equipment is about 6 million, which is within his affordability.

Gu Hongyu had an idea in mind for building 300 mu of vegetables, that is, this kind of vegetables will definitely be touted and create a brand in the future, which means that this kind of vegetables can only be high-end products, so the daily sales of vegetables must be controlled. 20,000 kilograms a day is enough for Gu Hongyu.

And 300 mu of vegetable greenhouses can fully maintain the uninterrupted production of such a large amount every day. As for the extra surplus, the village will use it in the future, and it will be used for entertaining guests and giving gifts. Some more will be calculated for safety.

The next morning, after finishing his chores, Gu Hongyu went to the village, intending to find Uncle Azha to find villagers to harvest vegetables, and casually told him about the upcoming expansion of the vegetable greenhouse.

The chickens and dogs in the village could hear each other early in the morning, and the chimneys of every household were emitting gray smoke full of wood ash. The children who got up early were already making a fuss in the village, which was really full of energy.

"Xiao Gu, why are you here so early today!" In the past, he would go to Gu Hongyu's cabin by the lake, but today Gu Hongyu had changed his nature, and such behavior confused him.

Gu Hongyu smiled: "Uncle, it's nothing, you should finish your meal first!"

After swallowing a few mouthfuls of porridge at Uncle Azha's house for breakfast, he wiped his mouth with his hand and said: "Xiao Gu, you don't know, when I told other villagers about the vegetable sales last night, the whole village was shocked. No one thought that these vegetables would be sold at high prices and so popular!"

Looking at Gu Hongyu smiling without saying a word, Uncle Azha continued: "The vegetables we harvested yesterday sold for more than 40,000 yuan according to the price you said?"

Isn't it just more than 40,000 yuan? Seeing Uncle Azha's shocked look, Gu Hongyu said disapprovingly: "After you left yesterday, they called me again and said that the sales volume of at least 20,000 kilograms of vegetables a day was suppressed, otherwise the vegetables in my greenhouse would be sold out within a few days!"

"Oh my goodness!" Uncle Azha slapped the stool and almost shook the empty bowl on it to the ground.

At this time, many people gasped outside the courtyard. Gu Hongyu looked around and saw many villagers standing outside. It seemed that they had heard what he had just said to Uncle Azha.

After exclaiming, Uncle Azha recalled what Gu Hongyu had said just now: "Xiao Gu, you said that you have to harvest 20,000 kilograms of vegetables every day. Does that mean you need to recruit people?"

"Yes!" Gu Hongyu agreed immediately, but then threw out a piece of news that shocked the villagers even more: "Uncle, I'm afraid these people are not enough. I came here today to tell you two things. One is that you arrange for the villagers to continue picking vegetables today, and the second is the matter of recruiting people. I have decided to expand the vegetable greenhouse, and the total area will be 300 acres."

"300 acres of vegetable greenhouse?"

"Oh my God, 20,000 kilograms of vegetables a day, 7 yuan per kilogram , that means more than 100,000 yuan income every day? "

"This Xiao Gu makes a lot of money!"

"But we can also benefit from Xiao Gu. We can earn the same amount of money in a month as we could earn in the past six months."

"That's right. Do you think Xiao Gu will give us a raise in the future?"


Originally, many villagers saw Gu Hongyu and Uncle Azha. Many of them were very concerned about the sales of vegetables yesterday and planned to come and listen. As a result, Gu Hongyu's remarks shocked them again. Many villagers not only listened to it, but also told their children to go back and call others to come. Finally, Uncle Azha's courtyard could no longer accommodate people.

Looking at the crowded scene in front of him, Uncle Azha said excitedly: "Xiao Gu, many of the villagers who just arrived didn't hear what you said, otherwise you can tell everyone more?"

Indeed, many villagers looked at Gu Hongyu expectantly. After thinking for a while, Gu Hongyu said, "I am very happy today. Vegetables can be sold at high prices and are snatched up by customers. According to this trend, even if the cost is deducted, I will still make a lot of money. Then I can continue to stay here and develop agriculture with peace of mind, so that all hardworking people can get rich together."

"Of course, if I can eat enough, I will definitely not let you who help me go hungry. Now I have decided that all villagers who work for me will receive a quarterly bonus after three months, a year-end bonus at the end of the year, and salary increases and benefits will be increased year by year..."

This time, before Gu Hongyu finished his big talk, he was greeted with warm applause from the villagers. Nothing is more important than their own interests. Hearing that Gu Hongyu is giving quarterly bonuses, year-end bonuses, and other benefits, how can they bear it? The applause continued while screaming and shouting also came one after another.

Everyone looked at Gu Hongyu with even more excitement at this moment. The villagers who already worked for Gu Hongyu were excited about the bonuses they would get in the future, while the villagers who did not work for Gu Hongyu revealed a strong desire in their eyes.

Without letting the villagers wait any longer, Gu Hongyu put down his hands to stop the villagers' voices and said seriously: "Since we have to harvest vegetables every day in the future and the greenhouse will also expand its area, I will now arrange for Uncle Aza to recruit another 100 honest, reliable, hardworking and hardworking workers. I hope that those who are not willing to join but are not able to be selected will not be discouraged, and there will be the same opportunity in the future."

Gu Hongyu spoke with full energy, and most people understood it in the lively occasion. Thinking about Gu Hongyu's journey since he came to the village, and slowly developing to the current scale, many people have complete trust in their hearts.

So another round of applause followed another round of applause!

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