Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 96 Heading to Hong Kong (Please recommend and collect)

After another day of picking vegetables, many villagers were still excited during the work. Now, basically every household in the village has a quota to work under Gu Hongyu, and the most families have mobilized their entire family.

The next day, a new batch of villagers recruited by Uncle Aza stood in front of Gu Hongyu. One of them was Lai San, who was very arrogant when he first entered the village. His full name was Lai Qiang, but he was a little timid under Gu Hongyu's gaze.

In fact, the vegetable greenhouse does not need so many people now, but today, Manager Liu and his team who are making the vegetable greenhouse are coming. In order to speed up the construction of the new vegetable greenhouse, Gu Hongyu added the newly recruited villagers to it. Even if they don't know how to make professional greenhouses, it's not bad to help out on the side!

He said a few words to the newly recruited villagers, but as for Lai San, Gu Hongyu ignored him. Just after he finished giving instructions, the phone in Gu Hongyu's trouser pocket rang.

It was Lin Yuantao who called again. Gu Hongyu answered the phone and asked, "Yuantao, what's the matter? The vegetables were delivered to you yesterday afternoon!"

"Is it 20,000 kilograms?" Lin Yuantao was concerned about the quantity of vegetables.

Gu Hongyu smiled and said, "You asked for 20,000 kilograms a few days ago. Can I deduct it?"

"Haha, that's good! But I'll tell you another happy thing. Yesterday morning, many customers came directly to our company to ask for an increase in the supply of vegetables. It seems that those vegetables are welcomed by others!" Lin Yuantao was very happy on the other end of the phone.

Gu Hongyu also decided to tell him a good news: "Very good, but the supply of vegetables here can't keep up. Today, I found the original team that built the greenhouse last time, and we are going to build another 250 acres of vegetable greenhouses. In the future, 20,000 kilograms of vegetables can be supplied uninterruptedly every day!"

"Oh my God, Hongyu, I love you so much!" Lin Yuantao said exaggeratedly.

With a chill, Gu Hongyu said loudly away from the receiver: "No, you should still love your Fengzhu. My sexual orientation is normal, and Mei Ning is waiting for me!"

"Slip of the tongue, I love my Fengzhu too!" Lin Yuantao hurriedly explained and immediately changed the subject: "Hongyu, according to my situation, even if you increase the planting area, you still can't guarantee the supply of vegetables. Do you have to build more greenhouses?"

"Damn, do you think this vegetable greenhouse is free? Just this expansion and the irrigation equipment in the greenhouse will cost at least 5 million!" Gu Hongyu said the construction cost in one go.

Lin Yuantao listened carefully this time and immediately asked back: "Where did you get so much money to expand the greenhouse? Even if all the vegetables are sold this time, it will only be more than 2 million, right?"

Lin Yuantao actually caught the loophole of the source of funds. Gu Hongyu thought for a while and said vaguely: "Don't worry about it. Now there is a golden hen, so why worry about not being able to get a loan? I have people to support me!"

"Haha, that's right. You know that greenhouse vegetables are so profitable. I'm afraid your town will take the initiative to ask you for a loan if they know it. After the vegetable greenhouse is built, it will take a year or two to pay off the loan. Then we will really make money!" Lin Yuantao analyzed.

"I made money. You have to understand this!" Gu Hongyu said unhappily.

Lin Yuantao still laughed: "Are we good friends? Why do we have to be so clear!"

"Of course it has to be very clear. Brothers should settle accounts clearly, understand? Now I have sent you two batches of vegetables. When will you transfer the payment to me?" Gu Hongyu took advantage of the situation on the phone.

According to the agreement signed when Lin Yuantao arrived in the village, they split the profits of Gu Hongyu's exclusive sales of vegetables in a 2:8 ratio, with Gu Hongyu taking the lion's share, and Lin Yuantao and his team had to pay for the transportation and labor costs of the vegetables.

But even so, it was still a lot. Now the 50-acre greenhouse can bring them a gross profit of 500,000 yuan at a time, and the transportation and labor costs are no more than 100,000 yuan. If Gu Hongyu's greenhouse is expanded in the future, the monthly income will be even higher.

Lin Yuantao laughed dryly on the other end of the phone: "It's not long since I said that I can't share the vegetables with the customers here. Can you increase the shipment?"

"You have a pig brain. If it weren't for Xiangjiang over there, 20,000 catties a day would be too much for me. I plan to create a brand for this kind of vegetables, specializing in the high-end market. Since it is loved by customers, it will naturally be sought after by diners in a short time. If we limit the supply here, what do you think will happen?" Gu Hongyu persuaded slowly.

Without even thinking about it, the other party said, "Then the dishes made from this kind of vegetables must be sold in limited quantities. Otherwise, if the hotel is out of stock more seriously than us, if we don't implement the limit, I'm afraid the hotel's brains will be crushed by the door."

"That's right, our brand power has grown invisibly, so the price of vegetables will naturally rise. It's great that there will be competition without us raising the price!" Gu Hongyu smiled calmly.

"It's high, it's really high, we do it this way, but it's difficult for us to explain this to Hongyu's customers now. Otherwise, you come and tell them, as the boss behind the vegetable planting, you should also show your face!" Lin Yuantao seconded.

Gu Hongyu was about to refuse. What can a grower say to those slick businessmen, but when he thought about going to Xiangjiang to see Mei Ning, Gu Hongyu immediately changed his mind: "Well, then I'll take care of the village and go with the truck delivering vegetables next time."

"Ah, are you really coming?" Lin Yuantao just said it casually, but he didn't expect Gu Hongyu to take it seriously.

"How can it be true or false? Didn't you hear what I said just now?" Seeing the car coming from afar, he hung up the phone decisively. He didn't want Lin Yuantao to realize that he had another purpose in going to Hong Kong.

The car coming from afar was naturally Manager Liu and Manager Shi. They had done such a project in the early stage. Gu Hongyu took them to the land where the greenhouse was about to be built. Without Gu Hongyu saying anything, they knew what to do.

He was even more surprised that Gu Hongyu found a lot of villagers to help them. When negotiating the price, he took the initiative to reduce a lot of project quotations. After calculating, Gu Hongyu actually made a profit from the difference in labor, which made him laugh and cry.

There was nothing for him to do here. Thinking that he was about to go to Hong Kong, Gu Hongyu went directly to Uncle Azha and explained his intention to him. Uncle Azha was reasonable and also thought that Gu Hongyu went there to deal with the sale of vegetables. He agreed to take care of the village affairs with a serious face.

Uncle Azha was in charge of many things. Before the long journey, Gu Hongyu told Uncle Azha the most about taking care of the animals at home. He told him about the foals, the two wolf cubs, and the gray rabbit.

The most special thing was undoubtedly feeding. These animals were given some space water at regular times and quantities every day. For this reason, Gu Hongyu specially found a container to fill a lot of space water and told Uncle Azha in detail for a long time. In the end, Uncle Azha was a little impatient before he finished.

There was no way. If he didn't explain it clearly, Gu Hongyu didn't know what these animals who were used to space water would do.

The next morning, with the arrival of the truck, Gu Hongyu embarked on the journey to Hong Kong.

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