Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 950 Shooting Incident

Sometimes compromise can lead to good fortune and avoid disaster, but everyone has a bottom line in their hearts. After exceeding this bottom line, even clay people will have some earthiness.

Gu Hongyu was very unhappy about the Xu family. This was a blatant bullying of the weak by the powerful. If the Xu family had not been suppressed by stronger political opponents after doing these things, they would probably still be powerful and arrogant, and it seems that they should be like this when bullying the weak.

The country also has many concerns and has no explanation for Gu Hongyu who has been treated unfairly, which makes him very sad.

Now, why should he help to treat Mr. Xu?

He has worked hard and saved the Chinese people before, so today he should be domineering, riding on the people's heads, and ignoring the people's suffering.

Now that he is sick, he thinks of the preciousness of life and that he still has to rely on the people he has offended to treat him.

All of this will not be said for the time being.

When others begged Gu Hongyu, they were so confident, as if if he didn't treat the other party, he would be despised by the world and the public enemy of the whole country.

Why do ordinary people have no human rights?

When Gu Hongyu stated the conditions, the other party was so angry that he took out a gun and pointed it at him.

This made Gu Hongyu completely give up the idea of ​​treating Mr. Xu.

However, before leaving, Gu Hongyu looked back at everyone in the room, and finally said to Mr. Chen: "Grandpa Chen, if you want me to save people, it's okay. As I said, let the country sell Honghu Village, Ma'aozi Village, and Haojiawan Village to me at a price. I'll take my leave now."

Gu Hongyu opened the door and walked out amid the stunned sighs of the big guys.

Li Zhenhua thought with some sigh in his heart: "This kid is really good at temper. He can remain calm when facing big shots, no, he can remain calm when facing guns. He is a talent."

"Old Li, your special operations team is suitable for producing talents," said the general surnamed Shi sarcastically.

Old Master Chen smiled bitterly and said, "Old Shi, you are too impulsive. Xiao Gu is a submissive person. If you give in to him more, maybe this matter will be resolved. What should we do now?"

"Given Xiao Gu's personality, I think Old Xu will be helpless if he doesn't meet the conditions he proposed this time. Alas, I will report Xiao Gu's conditions to the higher-ups."

"General Shi, I have something to do and I'm leaving now. Next time you contact Xiao Gu, you can come by yourself. I kindly invited Xiao Gu here for you, but I was not a good person inside and outside." This was Li Zhenhua's counterattack against Shi just now.

However, when the group of people walked out of the house, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

In the beautiful garden outside the hospital, the eldest son of the Xu family, who had not been seen for a long time, got a pistol from somewhere and pointed it at Gu Hongyu.

"Gu, I heard everything that was said in the room just now. Since you didn't save me, I will kill you first." The eldest son Xu looked a little angry.

Gu Hongyu was really shocked when he first met the eldest son Xu. He was just thinking about something when he came out of the house, and he didn't expect the eldest son Xu to come back.

The eldest son Xu in front of him has really changed a lot. He looks very decadent. When he pointed the pistol at Gu Hongyu, his whole body was shaking. It seems that he is very nervous.

Seeing this, Gu Hongyu breathed a sigh of relief. If he had just come out and shot him, it would have been really dangerous, but now he is prepared, this pistol is nothing at all.

After adjusting his mood, he looked at the somewhat slovenly Xu Da Shao and said, "Long time no see, Xu Da Shao. I didn't expect you to stop doing business and become a killer, but the prospects of this industry are not very good."

"Don't talk nonsense, everything I have now is all thanks to you. My grandfather became a vegetable because of you. Mr. Gu, I'll give you a chance to go back and treat my grandfather immediately, otherwise we can only live alone today." Xu Da Shao said crazily.

Gu Hongyu smiled softly: "You are still sleepy, right? Save your grandfather and give your Xu family a chance to make a comeback, and then let me die faster without any effort."

"Besides, do I owe you anything? I really forced you and your grandfather to be like this. Your heart is blinded by lard and eaten by dogs. If you hadn't been so arrogant and reckless, your family would not be in the situation today. You are so embarrassed to ask me for treatment. I have done my best to you by not taking revenge."

"Xiao Xu, don't mess around, don't be impulsive, put down the gun in your hand, do you hear me?" After being stunned for a while, Mr. Chen said to Young Master Xu.

Here, Li Zhenhua also advised Gu Hongyu: "Xiao Gu, you should also say less. Didn't you see that the other party had a gun in his hand? If it was really an accidental discharge, the consequences would be disastrous."

Some people are really crazy when they see people.

Young Master Xu is such a person. Seeing the audience, he was not afraid at all, but said more frantically: "Don't worry about me, I will make this kid die a miserable death today."

Gu Hongyu was also aroused: "Damn, come on, don't you have a gun in your hand? Don't fucking shake your hand, come on, come over here and shoot me."

Gu Hongyu pointed at his forehead while speaking.

"Xiao Gu, have you lived enough? Xiao Xu is a little excited today, don't say anything exciting anymore"

Mr. Chen hasn't finished speaking yet.

The sound of "bang" shocked everyone.

Sure enough, Young Master Xu fired. He stared blankly at the still smoking barrel and muttered: "I killed someone, I killed someone."

The distance between Gu Hongyu and Mr. Xu was less than five meters, but when the bullets flew from the pistol, his agility was not an exaggeration. He dodged and the bullets flew across his face and shot behind him. On the walls of the hospital, some cracked debris splashed out with a "pop" sound.

"Are you still accurate? Come on." Gu Hongyu became angry and continued to provoke.

"Ah, Xiao Gu, you're okay, thank God." Mr. Chen and the others were frightened, but seeing Gu Hongyu still alive and kicking, the atheist actually thanked God.

Li Zhenhua on the side looked surprised: "This Xiao Gu is really hiding his secrets. Shooting with a pistol at close range no longer poses a threat to him. This time, Zhang Han's special operations team really took advantage of him."

However, the most shocked person was Young Master Xu. Looking at Gu Hongyu who was not only unharmed but also continued to shout, he was shocked. Who are these people? At such a close range, even without aiming, they could not hit several important parts. Other parts of the body You can hit that part no matter what, the opponent's reaction speed is too fast.

Today, Young Master Xu is also willing to take risks.

"Bang, bang bang bang"

Several gunshots followed, emptying the magazine of all the bullets. To be continued.


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