Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 955 Business opportunities are everywhere

After Mr. Xu woke up, the doctors in the hospital checked him again and finally confirmed that Mr. Xu had fully recovered.

However, as Gu Hongyu said, although the patient's thoughts and meanings were very clear, he would feel a piercing pain as long as he used his brain for no more than one minute, and no matter how advanced the hospital's experts and professors used their medical equipment, they could not find the cause of the disease, which made many people even more shocked about Gu Hongyu.


Even with the help of auxiliary medical equipment, the hospital could not do it, but the other party just told everyone clearly in one sentence after the test. What else could this be if not a master?

"Xiao Gu, is this really the only way for Mr. Xu?" asked Mr. Chen.

Gu Hongyu smiled: "I'm sorry, the patient's body functions have atrophied in all aspects. I have done my best to keep him awake and even have a certain ability to manage his life."

"Well, it's good that way. We have been entangled in worldly affairs all our lives. It's God's kindness to us to spend our old age in peace and quiet." Old Man Chen sighed: "Xiao Gu, can you give us some of your pills?"

Gu Hongyu took out a few porcelain bottles in his jacket pocket, looked at the people in the room and focused their attention, and smiled again: "Okay, I still have some such pills, but this is not free, what can you exchange for it?"

"It's just some granules made of herbal powder. I'll buy all you have." The old man surnamed Shi said shamelessly.

"Oh, then I really met a big customer." Gu Hongyu said jokingly: "Since you are protecting Old Xu, I will give you a discount for each bottle of these pills, 1 million per bottle!"

"What, 1 million per bottle, are those pills made of gold? You are obviously asking for too much!" Old Man Shi shouted loudly.

Gu Hongyu pursed his lips and smiled: "Gold? You really think highly of it, it is worthless in my eyes."

"Don't pout, I ask you if these pills are effective? Do you know how rare and difficult it is to collect herbs? Do you know how they are refined..."

Looking at the people who were stunned and didn't know how to answer, he said leisurely: "I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. The herbs used to refine these pills can be called magical flowers and rare herbs. One herb may have the effect of strengthening the body, prolonging life, replenishing essence and qi, and even resurrecting the dead. Is charging you one million for a whole porcelain bottle too much? "

"This..., Xiao Gu, the pills we gave us before were all made from the spiritual flowers and herbs you mentioned?" With Gu Hongyu's acquiescence, Mr. Chen said with emotion: "No wonder your pills have an immediate effect on the body after taking them. This million per bottle is really worth it."

The others were shocked again when they heard it. It seemed that Mr. Chen had taken pills before, and he praised the efficacy of pills in his mouth. Many people's minds were spinning.

"Xiao Gu, my old man has three high symptoms. Can your pills treat it?" This is the question asked by Director Chen.

Gu Hongyu nodded: "No problem, but the treatment of the disease is not achieved overnight. The pills should be taken for at least three courses. You know the popular Xianyuan agricultural products on the market. You may as well eat those vegetables for a long time. I dare to guarantee that they will be beneficial to your health. "

Seeing that everyone in the hospital was attracted by the pills, Gu Hongyu casually promoted his Xianyuan agricultural products.

"I know about Xianyuan brand agricultural products, but I heard they are very expensive."

"They are more expensive than a little bit, and Xianyuan brand agricultural products are in great demand in the market. Many supermarkets sell out the stocks as soon as they open."

"But the dishes made from those ingredients are really delicious. I remember the last time I went to a five-star hotel, a plate of stir-fried vegetables cost 588 yuan, but several guys rushed to grab the whole dish as soon as it came. I didn't know the name of Xianyuan agricultural products at that time, and I even scolded several guys saying that they had changed to sheep eating grass."

"Who knew that a kind-hearted guy listened to what I said and put a chopstick of green vegetables on my plate without saying anything. As a result, when I ate it, the taste was really amazing. Later, I asked the waiter to A stir-fried vegetable dish was served, and I still remember the taste very clearly! "

"Mr. Chen, you have eaten the elixir, and you have also eaten Xianyuan brand agricultural products, right?"

Mr. Chen glanced at Mr. Xu who was wearing it, and then looked at Gu Hongyu who was showing a happy expression, and sighed and said: "I have eaten it, and it's not a small amount. If you know Xiao Gu, you will know that Xianyuan brand agricultural products were made by him. Although he later moved to Australia, he returned to Honghu Village last year. Now as long as you go to Honghu Village, you can taste the charm of Xianyuan brand agricultural products. "

"Okay, I decided to take my whole family to Honghu Village for a vacation this year. Can Mr. Gu give us some discounts?" A medical staff member of the hospital looked at Gu Hongyu eagerly.

Others were not to be outdone: "I'll go back during the next holiday, too."

"Me too..."

Looking at the people scrambling to go to Honghu Village, Gu Hongyu smiled cheerfully: "If you want a discount, that's fine. You can log on to the Xianyuan Farm website, where there is a forum where our farm often launches some discounts. Now Qingzhen is undergoing construction. Even if it's not fully completed, I guarantee that you'll be reluctant to leave after you go there, and it's worth every penny."

"Hey, hey, hey, don't interrupt me. We were just talking about the pills with Xiao Gu." Director Chen pretended to be serious, but when he saw Gu Hongyu, his face changed and he smiled: "Xiao Gu, can you give us some discounts on the pills? My old man has serious symptoms of three highs. I want a course of treatment with a discount."

"Haha, your family is really rich. Why don't you ask how many bottles of pills there are in a course of treatment? For example, to treat three highs, you need to take three kinds of pills at the same time. Each bottle counts as a course of treatment. Three courses of treatment are nine bottles of nine million. Let's give you a 20% discount, that's also Seven million and two hundred thousand. "

Seeing Director Chen's face was a little ugly, Gu Hongyu said directly: "Since we had a pleasant cooperation not long ago, I will give another 200,000 yuan discount. The three courses of elixirs are seven million yuan. In other words, if next time, not only will I not give a discount, but even the elixirs will have to return to the original price. A bottle will cost at least two million!"

"Mr. Gu, do you have any in stock? Give Mr. Xu three courses of medicine, and I will transfer the money to you later." The old man surnamed Shi said stubbornly, and then took out his mobile phone to make a call. Gu Hongyu vaguely heard that the other party was collecting money.

Director Chen thought about it and gritted his teeth and said with a tragic face: "Give me three courses of elixirs, and I will transfer the money to you later, okay?"

I didn't expect it. With such a trick, the patients of Lao Gan Hospital knew in a gust of wind that there was a young man surnamed Gu selling elixirs, and he dared to pat his chest and guarantee a double refund if the elixir was ineffective. At one time, many people bought elixirs.

In a short period of time, Gu Hongyu sold more than a hundred courses of medicine, which kept him very busy.


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