Xiaozhi and his two friends were on their way to Asagi City when they saw a strange sign.

Xiaoxia asked,"What is this?"

Xiaogang said,"What a big sign! It looks like a mysterious sign left by aliens!"

Xiaozhi asked,"Why is there such a sign in this place?"

Suddenly, something fell from the sky and landed in the center of the sign.

""I'm sorry!"

The voice from the sky reached the ears of Xiaozhi and the other two. They looked up and saw a boy on the Toucan's hot air balloon waving at Xiaozhi and the others. In front of the hot air balloon was a Toucan, with its claws holding a ring connected to the hot air balloon. The

Toucan's hot air balloon slowly fell down, and the boy ran to Xiaozhi and the other two and said,"I'm so sorry, you are not hurt!"

Xiaozhi said,"We are all fine!"

Xiaogang picked up the thing that had just fallen in the middle of the mark and handed it to the boy,"This is yours, right?"

The boy took the heavy object that looked like walking grass in Xiaogang's hand and said,"Thank you! My name is Xiaofei. I'm really sorry that I didn't see you just now."

Xiaozhi and the other two said their names.

Xiaoxia pointed to the thing in Xiaofei's hand and asked,"Xiaofei, what is this? It looks a bit like walking grass."

Xiaofei said,"This? This is a marker. Your current position is the target that the marker needs to hit. My goal is to be a first-class hot air balloon pilot! Actually, I was training to make Toucan evolve and become stronger, but later I was attracted by the charm of hot air balloons."

Xiaofei invited Xiaozhi and the other two to his home. Xiaofei said,"This is my home! Dad, I'm back!"

Xiaofei's father looked up and said,"I'm back! Xiaofei, is this your friend?"

Xiaofei told the story, and Xiaofei's father said,"Xiaofei is too reckless. My name is Pegasus. Please stay for a meal tonight!"

Xiaozhi and the other two looked at each other, and Xiaozhi said,"Then we won't be polite!"

Xiaoxia walked to the photos on the wall and said,"Mr. Pegasus, what are these photos?"

Pegasus smiled and said,"They are all photos of the Pokémon hot air balloons I made."

Xiaogang praised,"It's amazing!"

Xiaofei asked,"Xiaozhi, have you all ridden in a hot air balloon?"

Xiaozhi nodded and said,"Yes, it feels really good to fly with the wind! Xiaogang can fly a hot air balloon."

Xiaofei said,"Is that so! There happens to be a Pokémon hot air balloon contest tomorrow, do you want to participate? It's not too late to sign up now!"

Misty said:"But we don't have a hot air balloon!"

Tenma smiled and said:"Don't worry about that, I happen to have a Pikachu hot air balloon in my warehouse that you can use!"

Xiaogang said:"Thank you Mr. Tenma!"

Tenma said:"I'll go get the hot air balloon, Xiaofei, you take Xiaozhi and the others to wait for me on the hillside outside."

Not long after, a cute Pikachu hot air balloon appeared!

Misty was very happy and said:"It's so cute!"

""Pikachu!" Pikachu couldn't wait to jump into the hot air balloon.

Pegasus said,"Then fly and see!"

As the hot air balloon took off, Xiaozhi and others felt that the wind was very comfortable.

Pegasus said,"Let me tell you about this competition! It is to drive the hot air balloon correctly within a limited time, and then throw the marker to the mark on the ground from 1,000 feet. The one closest to the center point is the winner."

Xiaofei said,"In short, this competition can put the abilities of Pokémon to use. Toucan is responsible for pulling the hot air balloon to fly."

Xiaozhi said,"Then we can also use bird Pokémon!"

Xiaofei said,"That's it. Pokémon and the driver need to cooperate, and the wind direction and the strength of Pokémon must be considered. If the strength is too small, the hot air balloon cannot be pulled."

Xiaoxia said,"I didn't expect it to be so difficult."

Xiaogang said,"In this case, Xiaozhi's Pidgeot is very suitable. It has a good size and physical strength, and its strength has reached the king level."Pidgeo has successfully broken through to the King level during his training with Articuno, and his strength is second only to Charizard.

Xiaozhi took out Pidgeot's Poké Ball and said,"Pidgeo is decided to be you! Catch this!" Xiaozhi threw the ring to Pidgeot, and with Pidgeot's help, the hot air balloon flew faster!

Team Rocket has also learned about tomorrow's Pokémon Hot Air Balloon Competition. The three of them are very motivated and decided to compete fairly. They have never lost in driving hot air balloons. If they can transform their hot air balloons with the steel burner that is the championship prize, it will be twice as easy to catch Pikachu next time!

The next day, all the hot air balloons have been prepared, Xiaogang is doing the final inspection, and all the contestants are waiting for the start of the competition.

Xiaoxia said,"Xiaozhi, look, it's Team Rocket's Meowth hot air balloon!"

Xiaozhi said,"It really is. Are they interested in the prize this time?"

Musashi also saw Xiaozhi and said loudly,"Little brat, this time we are preparing for a fair competition, and we will definitely win the championship!"

Ash smiled and said,"I hope you guys play well! You know what will happen if you break the rules."

Meowth said confidently,"That's for sure, meow! We will definitely win the championship, meow!"

Misty said helplessly,"I really don't know where their confidence comes from!" Ash said seriously,"I think they are serious. Misty is just like the last King Goldfish Fishing Competition. When they encounter something they are good at, don't they all want everyone to think they are the best? I believe the Rocket Team is the same."

Misty agreed with Ash and said,"If that's the case, maybe they can really win the championship!"

As the sound of"start" fell, all the hot air balloons took off. Leading was the Rocket Team, followed by Ash and his friends, and behind them was the father-son combination of Fly and Pegasus, who took the top three positions first. The weather was sunny just now, but suddenly it was covered with dark clouds. Ash said,"It looks like there's a storm! Pidgeot, keep your body steady! The hot air balloons can't be tilted."

""Pidgeot!" Pidgeot flapped its wings to stabilize its body, and the hot air balloon also stabilized.

But not long after, Xiaoxia pointed at the burner and said:"Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, look at the flame of the burner!" The flame was almost extinguished by the strong wind!

Xiaogang said:"There is a way! Fireball, come out! Use the jet flame to assist the burner."

The Rocket Team is obviously familiar with facing stormy weather, and it is still in the lead with Meowth's control.

Xiaoxia expressed her praise for the Rocket Team for the first time and said:"Those three people are really good!"

Xiaogang said:"We can't fall behind, go on, Fireball!" With the help of Xiaogang and Fireball, the hot air balloon passed through the storm.

Xiaofei's voice came from the walkie-talkie:"Xiaozhi, are you all okay!"

Xiaozhi said:"It's okay, we passed through the storm! Xiaofei, how about you?"

Xiaofei said:"We are right behind you!"

Xiaofei and their hot air balloon followed Xiaozhi and his team and successfully passed through the storm.

Xiaofei said:"Only three of our hot air balloons have passed through the storm, and the specified time is about to come."

Xiaozhi said:"Let's all do our best! Xiaofei."

Xiaofei said:"Yes!"

Xiaoxia said:"Xiaozhi saw the mark!"

Xiaogang looked at Xiaozhi and said:"Xiaozhi, go ahead!"

On the Rocket Team's hot air balloon, Meowth shouted:"Musashi is right there!" Musashi threw the marker down suddenly.

Xiaofei and Xiaozhi also threw their markers down at the same time.

The referee began to measure the distance. The Rocket Team's marker hit the center of the mark, while Xiaozhi and Xiaofei's markers slightly deviated from the center.

The host said:"There were too many accidents in this year's competition. Only these three hot air balloons reached the finish line. After measurement, the marker thrown from Meowth's hot air balloon hit the center of the mark and won the game."

The three members of the Rocket Team hugged each other and cried with joy. Musashi said excitedly:"Did we really win?" Kojiro nodded repeatedly and said:"We won!"

Meowth said:"We won, Meow!"

Xiaozhi stepped forward and said:"Congratulations, Team Rocket!"

Meowth was very touched and held Xiaozhi's hand, saying:"Thank you, little brat!"

Xiaozhi looked at Kojiro and said:"Kojiro, I have something for you." Xiaozhi gave Kojiro the Fire Stone he won in the Bug Catching Competition, which was the reward for their fair competition this time.

Kojiro held the Fire Stone and said:"Are you really going to give it to me?"

Xiaozhi said:"Congratulations on winning the championship! Use the Fire Stone well!"

Kojiro took the Fire Stone and said:"Thank you, little brat, I will."

Xiaoxia said:"We are willing to lose this time,���I am glad to see you guys!"

Xiao Gang said:"Indeed!"

Xiao Zhi and his friends are still traveling.......

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