Xiaozhi and his group finally arrived at Asagi City. Asagi City is a city located on the seaside. The port here is very famous. The ships here can not only go directly to Vermilion City in Kanto, but also serve as a major transportation route between the Kanto region and the Chengdu region.

After having lunch at the Pokémon Center, the group walked on the way to the Asagi Gym.

The door of the gym was closed, but there was a doorbell on the door. Xiaozhi rang the doorbell, and someone in the gym answered:"Hello!"

Xiaozhi said:"Hello, I'm here to challenge the gym!"

"Welcome to the gym challenge!" The door slowly opened, but it was a little dark inside. The voice continued,"Just keep going forward and push the door open to come in!"

Xiaozhi and the other two walked in. Xiaogang said,"The walls and pillars of the Onion Gym are made of steel! Just like what is said in the travel guide, the gym trainers at the Onion Gym use Steel-type Pokémon."

Xiaoxia said,"For Steel-type Pokémon, Fire-type Pokémon are very advantageous!"

Xiaogang said,"Not only that, using Fighting-type and Ground-type Pokémon is also very effective!"

Xiaoxia said,"Is that so!"

Xiaozhi pushed the door open, and at the same time the lights in the battle field lit up. A girl walked onto the battle field and asked,"Who among you wants to challenge the Onion Gym?"

Xiaozhi stepped forward and said,"It's me, but can you ask the gym trainer, Miss Ami, to come out?"Xiaozhi recognized the girl who appeared in front of him. She was Kexia, an apprentice trainer of the Onion Gym, and also Ami's apprentice.

The girl said with a guilty conscience,"I am Ami, the gym trainer of the Onion Gym! A beautiful, pretty warrior." The girl was worried. Could it be that this person knew Ami?

Xiaozhi did not expose her, and said,"Okay! I'm Xiaozhi from Pallet Town." Xiaozhi knew that the other party was not Ami. It seemed that the Onion Gym could only follow the experience of the previous life and challenge it later.

The girl said,"The rules are three on three! Come out, Onix!"

Xiaoxia said in surprise,"Why is the body of this Onix so shiny!"

As the former gym trainer of the Nibe Gym, Xiaogang is good at using rock-type Pokémon. At a glance, he realized that there was something wrong with this Onix.

Xiaozhi did not take out the Pokémon, and said,"The waterproof wax applied to Onix is against the rules of the battle. If you are really a gym trainer, you should know this."

"I'm so sorry, Professor Satoshi." A girl with Magnemite interrupted the battle and walked in front of Satoshi. She was the real gym trainer of the Onion Gym, Ami.

Brock said in a crazy way,"She's so beautiful! The Magnemite on her shoulder suits her so well!"

Misty looked at Brock and shook her head helplessly.

Ami lowered her head to Satoshi and said,"I'm so sorry, Professor Satoshi! She is the trainee gym trainer of the Onion Gym, Kexia."

Satoshi said,"It's okay, Miss Ami. It's just the waterproof wax on Onix......."

Ami said,"I know that! Kexia, you put waterproof wax on Onix, didn't you?"

Kexia didn't think she did anything wrong, and said,"Yes, I put waterproof wax all over Onix. If the challenger uses a water-type Pokémon, Onix won't be afraid of water-type special moves!"

Ami said seriously,"Shut up! Kexia, do you know that this is against the battle rules of the Pokémon League?" Kexia argued,"Ms. Ami, I remember you said that we should talk to Pokémon properly and understand their characteristics! Onix is a rock-type and ground-type Pokémon, and it is most afraid of water-type special attacks, so I thought of removing Onix's weaknesses."......"

Ami said,"Kexia, you still don't understand what I mean. To become a gym trainer, does it mean that you can only use this method to solve the problem if you have no advantages in attributes?"

Kexia asked back,"Isn't it?"

Ami said,"Of course not! Okay, think about it carefully, and calm your mind first!"

Kexia said,"Yes!" Kexia left first with her head down.

Ami said,"It's my management mistake. Professor Xiaozhi made you laugh! Under normal circumstances, I should accept Professor Xiaozhi's challenge, but now I can't participate in the gym competition either physically or mentally."

Xiaoxia asked,"Excuse me, what's the matter?"

Ami frowned and said,"It's like this, my electric dragon Guang'er is very weak, and I have to stay with its body now, so I'm sorry, Professor Xiaozhi, there is no way to participate in the gym competition for the time being! That's why Kexia took the initiative to accept the challenge for me, and she used the wrong method." Xiaozhi shook his head and said,"It's okay, I don't mind."

Ami brought Xiaozhi and the other two to the Radiant Lighthouse, which is a lighthouse with a long history, standing next to the port of Asagi City. Ami took them to the top floor, only to see an electric dragon lying weakly on the ground.

"Grandpa." Ami saw the old man coming up the stairs from the other side and called him grandpa.

The old man walked up to Xiaozhi and the others and said,"Hello, I am Ami's grandpa, my name is Yasaku. You must be Xiaozhi, right?"

Xiaozhi and the other two greeted,"Hello, Mr. Yasaku."

Yasaku said,"Xiaozhi, you are here to challenge the Asahi Gym, right? As you can see from Ami's recent condition, she is unable to participate in the gym competition for the time being. Let me explain the specific reasons for Ami!"

"When there was no electricity in Asagi City, the light from the tail of the electric dragon was used as the light source of the lighthouse to provide navigation for sailing ships. Even after the establishment of an electric lighthouse, the lighthouse has always been used as a symbol of praying for safety. But recently, Guang'er's body has been weak, and the light from the tail has weakened. Ami and I have taken turns massaging but it has not been very effective."

Xiao Gang said:"Then there is no way to treat it?""

Yashuo said:"I have asked the Blue Pharmacy to develop a drug for treatment."

Ami said:"Just now I asked Kexia to ask her to go to Blue City to get medicine. I am worried about her going like this!"

Xiao Gang held Ami's hand and said:"If you don't mind, I am willing to go! This is also for the beautiful Miss Ami's electric dragon!"

Ami said:"Is it really okay?"

Xiaoxia dragged the person away, and Xiaozhi said:"Of course, Miss Ami's Guang'er will recover sooner, and I can challenge the Asagi Gym sooner.""

Yashuo said:"Then I'll leave it to you!"

The glass of the lighthouse suddenly shattered, and a cage covered Ami's Dragonite.

Musashi said,"We'll take this Dragonite, little brat!"

Xiaozhi said,"You wish! Pikachu cuts the cage with his iron tail!"

Pikachu's iron tail did not do any damage to the cage.

Kojiro said,"Little brat, we've been prepared for a long time. This time we used the best steel to make the cage, it's very hard!"

Xiaozhi said,"Really? Then let them two try, Crocodile and Incarnadine, it's you! Crocodile uses a water gun, Incarnadine uses jet flames, attacking alternately!"

Musashi said,"Hey, Meowth, think of a way!" The cage can indeed withstand steel-type moves, but steel can't withstand the repeated attacks of water guns and jet flames.

Meowth said,"Okay!" Meowth pressed the remote control, and their modified hot air balloon appeared. A claw stretched out from Meowth's hot air balloon, hooked the cage that held the Dragonite, and dragged it outside

""Onix, use your long body to pull the cage down!"

Ami said,"It's Kosha's voice!"

Several people chased out and saw Kosha and Onix outside the lighthouse. Onix used its head to hold the cage that held Dragonite tightly.

Xiaozhi said,"Calmar and Croc are almost there!" With the efforts of the two little ones, the cage was finally successfully destroyed.

Xiaozhi sent out Slowking:"Slowking, use your Psychic to bring Dragonite out!" Xiaozhi's Slowking and Xiaoxia's Bullfrog were both evolved through communication with the King's Certificate, and the evolution was completed after the Pokémon Sumo Tournament. The other King's Certificate used by Xiaoxia was exchanged by Xiaozhi and No. 124 for 2000 points.

Slowking used his Psychic to rescue Ami's Dragonite and handed it to Ami.

Xiaozhi shouted to Kosha outside the lighthouse,"Kosha, Guang'er is rescued!"

"Onix, use the power of your tail to throw the hot air balloon out!"Onix opened its mouth, raised its tail and swept it across Team Rocket's hot air balloon, knocking Team Rocket away! Team Rocket's newly modified hot air balloon ended before it had a chance to be used.

"What a disgusting feeling......."


Koxia hugged Onix's neck and said,"Thank you Onix, you did a great job!"

Yasaku praised,"Ami, it seems your disciple finally understands what you mean!"

Ami nodded,"Yes!"

After Xiaozhi and his friends learned from Mr. Yasaku that there was also a gym in Azure City, they boarded the regular ship to Azure City with Koxia who went to get medicine.

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