After arriving at Azure City, Ke Xia went to the pharmacy to get some medicine, and then took a boat back to Asagi City. After Xiaozhi and the other two said goodbye to Ke Xia at the dock, they prepared to challenge the Azure Gym!

On the way to the Azure Gym, Xiaozhi and the other two passed by the beach and saw an uncle fighting with Goli!

The uncle's flying kick was dodged by Goli.

"Goli, your fighting skills have become much stronger! Now it's your turn to attack and I'll defend!"

Goli's hand knife chopped towards the uncle's chest, and the uncle praised:"Goli, this hand knife is very good! Come again! The next is the Hell Roll!"

Goli grabbed the uncle and rolled on the beach. Just when the uncle was about to fly out, Xiaozhi asked Bayleaf to save the uncle with a vine whip.

Xiaoxia asked:"Uncle, are you okay!"

Xiaogang said:"It's too messy to use your body to receive Goli's Hell Roll!"

The uncle got up from the ground and shed tears of emotion. He went forward and hugged Goli:"Goli, you are great, this Hell Roll is really great!"

Goli also hugged the uncle excitedly. This scene made Xiaozhi and the other two speechless!

The uncle returned to normal and said to Xiaozhi:"The boy in the hat, I always feel like I have seen you somewhere! Let's not talk about this first, thank you for helping me just now. What's your name?"

Xiaozhi said:"I am Xiaozhi from Pallet Town!"

The uncle thought for a while and felt that Xiaozhi looked familiar, but he just couldn't remember where he had seen him. Forget it, he said:"Xiaozhi, are you here with Pikachu to challenge the Azure Gym?"

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"Mr. Ah Si, please give me your guidance in the gym competition of the Azure Gym!"

Ah Si was surprised and said:"How do you know that I am the gym trainer of the Azure Gym?"

Xiaozhi said:"You see that you are different from ordinary Pokémon trainers, so I just guessed it." You can't say that he knew Ah Si in his previous life!

Ah Si said:"Young man! You have vision! Now run! Yes, yes, run! Show your momentum! Momentum!" Ah Si and Goli both ran.

Ah Si pointed to the front and said:"Go ahead, follow me!" Xiaozhi ran behind Goli.

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang looked at each other, trotted to catch up with Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia complained:"Why do we have to run too!"

Xiaogang said,"Hurry up, Xiaoxia, we can't catch up!"

Ten minutes later, Haoli ran to a building and stopped. Xiaozhi and the other two followed closely behind. Xiaogang said,"This must be the Azure Gym, right?"

Xiaozhi and the other two arrived a while later when Ah Si arrived. Ah Si said breathlessly,"It would be outrageous if we can't even stick to this level of running!"

Xiaoxia complained,"Mr. Ah Si, you are more outrageous than us, right? And wasn't it you who suggested running?"

A group of young boys ran out to the door and said in unison,"Welcome back, teacher!"

Ah Si said seriously,"Did you practice well today?"

The boys said in unison again,"Yes!"

Ah Si motioned for Xiaozhi and the other two to follow,"Let's go, let's have lunch first! The gym challenge will start after lunch!"

Ah Si's wife had already prepared the meal, and Ah Si, Xiaozhi and the other two arrived at the right time. As Ah Si's wife was adding more food to Xiaozhi and the other two, she said gently,"You are the challenger this time! You all eat more, if it’s not enough, there’s more!"

Ah Si ate the rice in the bowl with big mouthfuls and said,"Eat as much as you can, eat more!"

After the meal, Ah Si said with full enthusiasm,"Now that you’re full, let’s do some after-meal exercise! Satoshi is starting the gym competition!"

Satoshi stood up and said,"Yes!"

The referee was Ah Si’s disciple:"The gym competition between Ah Si, the gym trainer of the Azure Gym, and Satoshi from Pallet Town is about to begin. There are two Pokémon that can be used, and only the challenger has the right to replace Pokémon. Now the game begins!"

Ah Si said,"Ash, the Pokémon I’m using are Goli and Poliswami!" Ah Si took out Poliswami, and Poliswami was the first to appear

【Fast swimming frog】

【Attributes: Water, Fighting】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Water storage (when attacked by water-attribute moves, you will not be hurt, but will recover your physical strength)】

【Strength: Elite]

For Fighting and Water-type Frog, it is more advantageous to use Grass-type Pokémon

"Bay leaf decides you!"

"The fast-swimming frog uses the water gun without mercy!"

The fast-swimming frog sprays the water gun at the laurel leaf.

"Bayleaf used the whip to propel herself up and jumped up."

Bayleaf stretched out the whip to propel herself up and jumped up, not only avoiding the water gun but also occupying the position above the fast swimming frog.

"Now is the time for Bayleaf to use Taishan Yading!"

Bayleaf used his entire body to press down the fast-swimming frog, restricting its movements.

"The Frog used a series of slaps to counterattack.

The Frog raised his hand and used a series of slaps on Bayleaf.

""Bay Leaf Reflection Wall!"

An invisible wall formed in front of the laurel leaf, reducing the damage of the chain slap, but the chain slap of the fast swimming frog hit 5 times.

"The Frog used Hell Roll!

The Frog curled up and grabbed Bayleaf's limbs, throwing them to the ground together.

"Bay Leaf uses the Whip!"

Bay Leaf took the damage from Hell Roll and used the Whip to tie up the Fast Swim Frog

""Bay Leaf Energy Ball!"

Bay Leaf fired an energy ball at Frog, and Frog fell to the ground.

The referee said,"Frog has lost its ability to fight!"

Bay Leaf rubbed Xiaozhi's head as if asking for praise. Xiaozhi said,"Bay Leaf, you are awesome!"

"Beibei!" Bayleaf's body emitted a light of evolution.

Bayleaf evolved into Geranium.

Xiaozhi said:"Congratulations on completing the evolution of Geranium. Come back first!" Xiaozhi took back the Geranium.

"Haoli Next���It's your turn!"

"The King of Dai Dai has decided that it is you!"


【Attribute: Fighting】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Perseverance (If it becomes abnormal, it will use perseverance and the attack will increase)】

【Strength: Gym Intermediate】

"Hao Li used continuous hand knives.

Hao Li attacked first, and his sharp hand knives slashed at the Slow King continuously.

"Slow King closed his eyes, dodged, and used meditation!"Slow

King closed his eyes and used perception to dodge the hand knife. Slow King used meditation to improve his special attack and special defense

"Hao Li uses the cross chop!"

Haoli made a cross with his hands and continued to chop at the Slow King.

""The Slow King uses telekinesis to defend!"

At this time, the Slow King opened his eyes and used telekinesis to form a protective shield to block the cross. Telekinesis is not used for attack but for defense.

"Goli Hell Roll.

Goli's two consecutive attacks failed to cause any damage to Slow King, so Goli curled up and attacked Slow King again.

"Right now, Slow King used his mental power to throw Gouri out! Gouri caught Slow King and used Hell Roll. Slow King's mental power caught Gouri who was attacking at close range, and it waved its fingers to throw Gouri out. Slow King was also hurt by Hell Roll.

""Stand up, Gouri, use your willpower to use the Thunder Fist!"

Gouri stood up with difficulty, and his fist was filled with electricity and attacked Slow King.

"" Slowking, Absorbing Punch!"

Slowking also fought back with a punch-type move, the Lightning Punch and the Absorbing Punch collided with each other, and Slowking's Absorbing Punch was more powerful, and Goli fell to the ground.

The referee said:"Goli has lost his ability to fight! The gym trainer has already lost two Pokémon, so the winner is Satoshi from Pallet Town."

Satoshi said:"Slowking, you worked hard in your first gym match! It was great!" Satoshi praised Slowking, the first gym match was really good. Ah

Si took out the Strike Badge and handed it to Satoshi, saying:"Ash, a fair match is really exciting. I haven't met a challenger as strong as you in a long time! This Strike Badge is for you!"

Satoshi accepted his fifth badge and said:"Thank you, Mr. Ah Si"

"I got the strike badge!"


【[Get the Strike Badge, 500 points reward]

After the battle, Xiaozhi contacted Kexia, who said that Guang'er's body was fine after taking the medicine, but it would take some time for Ami to accept the gym challenge again.

After hanging up the phone, Xiaoxia looked at Xiaozhi and asked,"What should we do now?"

Ah Si and his wife came over.

Ah Si said,"The Whirlpool Islands will hold the Whirlpool Islands Tournament held every three years in the near future.

You can go and have a look!

The Whirlpool Islands are the small islands between Azure City and Asagi City.

" Ah Si's wife said,"Xiaozhi, this is a gift for you, a boat ticket to Qingyan Island.

Thank you for defeating my husband.

Now he will have to undergo a long period of special training again!

" Ah Si said with great enthusiasm,"That's right, starting tomorrow I will have 24 hours of continuous special training!


The next day, Xiaozhi and the other two boarded the boat to Qingyan Island, and the trip to the Whirlpool Islands was about to begin!

After seeing off Xiaozhi and the others, Ah Si suddenly laughed to his wife and said,"I remember now, isn't Xiaozhi the youngest doctor in the league? It's not unfair to lose to him!"

Ah Si's wife just smiled and said nothing. Her husband is such a thick-skinned person.

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