After Xiaozhi obtained the fifth badge in the Chengdu area in Azure City, since there was no way to challenge the Shallot Gym for the time being, the group decided to participate in the triennial Whirlpool Islands Tournament first. On the communication ship, the three were enjoying the sea breeze on the deck. Xiaoxia stretched out her arms comfortably:"The sea breeze is so comfortable! How long has it been since we last traveled by boat?"

Xiaogang replied:"At least four months! It feels so good to be on a boat!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"Maybe I can capture a few new Pokémon!"

Xiaoxia said expectantly:"I also want to capture new water Pokémon!"

Xiaozhi thought of the Sun Coral that Xiaoxia captured in Huangyan Island in his previous life, and said:"If I remember correctly, it seems that here in the Whirlpool Islands, there seems to be a kind of water Pokémon that only lives here-Sun Coral."

Xiaogang said:"I have also heard that Sun Coral is a special Pokémon of rock and water types, and the two attributes just happen to restrain each other."

Xiaozhi handed the illustrated photo of Sun Coral to Xiaoxia.

Xiaoxia shouted that it was so cute and she must capture one.

【It has been detected that the host has arrived at the Whirlpool Islands, and the title of Sea God Messenger will come into play. 】

Are you here?

Xiao Gang pointed to the whirlpools that could be clearly seen on the sea surface not far away and said,"Look, there are so many whirlpools!"

【Host, Silver Wings detected, in the whirlpool under the ship]

Xiaozhi asked No. 124:"Are you sure?" It's still more than half an hour's journey from here to Qingyan Island. If we jump down to find it now, we won't be close to the island, and we won't be able to use the power of Pokémon.

【Host, hurry up, the ship will leave soon! 】

Faced with No. 124's urging, Xiaozhi said to Xiaogang and Xiaoxia:"My wave power senses that there is something under the vortex. I want to go down and take a look!" Xiaozhi said, holding Pikachu, took out the Poké Balls of Dragonite, Blastoise and Crocodile, and jumped down.

Seeing this, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang had no choice but to follow and jumped down with Xiaozhi.

They all knew that Xiaozhi's feeling must be correct.

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang were caught by Dragonite.

Xiaozhi helped himself and Pikachu put on the diving equipment in the backpack.

After being caught by Dragonite, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang also put on the equipment in the backpack.

These equipment were purchased in the department store in Manjin City, thinking that there would be a day when they would come in handy.

Xiaozhi said:"Follow me!" Xiaozhi took a deep breath, held Crocodile in his arms, and dived into the water first. Satoshi took Misty and Brock and swam towards the whirlpool, letting the whirlpool suck the three of them in. Crocodile took Satoshi and continued to dive along the suction of the whirlpool.

Misty and Brock followed closely behind.

After reaching the deep seabed, the three of them saw an underwater temple in front of them. The temple was majestic and seemed to be waiting for someone in the deep sea. Satoshi's wave power also felt that there seemed to be something powerful in the temple in front of him.

What is this? An idea arose in the minds of Misty and Brock at the same time. There was actually such a huge temple on the seabed.

Satoshi patted Misty and Brock on the shoulders, pointed in the direction ahead, and the Pokémon followed. In the middle of the huge temple was a wooden box. The mysterious and powerful power came from this wooden box.

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Silver Wings. With the Silver Wings, you can summon Lugia.

Xiaozhi asked:"Is it the one we saw on Asia Island?"

【No! One more thing to add, after the host has conquered Raikou, Suicune, Entei and Raiden can get the Rainbow Wings on the highest floor of the Bell Tower. The place to summon Lugia is at the deepest level of the underwater cave of Oki Island in Silver Rock Island of the Whirlpool Islands. 】

No. 124 completed all the things. It turned out that it was not the one on Asia Island! Xiaozhi also understood that he really had to conquer Lugia and Ho-Oh.

Xiaozhi and the other two returned to the surface of the water with the box. Xiaoxia hurriedly asked:"Xiaozhi, what is in the wooden box?"

Xiaogang said:"Xiaozhi, open it and take a look!"

The three climbed onto the back of the dragon. Xiaozhi opened the wooden box. There was another box inside. The box inside was smaller than the outside. It was made of Paulownia wood. The top was a black sun and moon logo. The surroundings were well waterproofed with melted wax.

Xiaozhi said:"Fireball Mouse, use sparks to melt the wax in the box." Xiaozhi released the Fireball Mouse and opened the box with the sparks.

There was a silver feather in the box, shining in the sun.

Misty asked,"What is this?"

Brock searched his mind and said,"The place we just went to seems to be a place similar to a temple, and the Whirlpool Islands have had legends about the sea god Lugia since ancient times."

Misty said,"Lugia? Didn't we meet Lugia on Asia Island before?"

Satoshi put the Silver Wings into the system backpack and said,"Yes, what I felt just now were the Silver Wings. The Silver Wings are indeed related to Lugia. Let's sit on the back of Dragonite and go to Qingyan Island first! Come back, Blastoise, Crocodile!"

A sun coral rushed towards the three people on the back of Dragonite, and then a boat stopped in front of Satoshi and the other two.

The sun coral threw itself into the arms of a young man in a white coat, and the young man said to the three people,"Are you okay? Are you in trouble? Ah! You are Professor Satoshi, Misty, and Brock!"

""Professor Sora!" the three said in unison.

Xiaozhi and the other two boarded Prof. Sora's ship. After hearing Xiaozhi say that he had obtained 5 badges, Prof. Sora exclaimed:"Professor Sora has obtained 5 badges. Time flies! We haven't seen each other for several months since we left Wakaba Town! Prof. Sora, your paper on Mega Evolution Pokémon is so well written......."

Professor Sora began to talk again.

Sun Coral jumped onto his lap, and he stopped talking. Xiaoxia looked envious:"How cute! This is Sun Coral! Is it your Pokémon?"

Professor Sora touched Sun Coral's head and said,"Yes! I caught it by chance when I came to the Whirlpool Islands for investigation. There are many Sun Corals in Huangyan Island. If you want to catch one, you can go and have a look!" Xiaoxia nodded repeatedly

:"I will definitely go!"

Soon, the group arrived at Qingyan Island. After landing, the whole island gave people a very lively feeling, with vendors shouting and colorful flags and other decorations hung everywhere.

Xiaogang said,"This should be Kuga City, the largest port city on Qingyan Island!"

Dr. Kongmu said,"That's right! Although there are still more than ten days before the Whirlpool Islands Tournament, it has already become lively in advance. Dr. Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia, if you want to participate in the competition, you must go to the Pokémon Center to register first!"

In the Pokémon Center, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia completed the registration for the competition, and each received a guide book for the competition. Dr. Kongmu came over with the sun coral:"Everything is done!"

Xiaozhi nodded and said,"Okay!"

Dr. Kongmu said,"Then do your best! By the way, do you know where the venue is?" Dr. Kongmu pointed to the red island on the map of the Whirlpool Islands and said,"It will be held in Kako City on Hongyan Island."

Xiaogang said,"We are on Qingyan Island now. Do we have to cross Huangyan Island to get there?"

Dr. Kongmu said,"Yes, you need to come here. There are regular ships from Zhina Town to Huangyan Island." Dr. Kongmu pointed to the top of Qingyan Island and marked the place of Zhina Town.

Xiaozhi said:"Then let's go to China Town first!"

The journey to the Whirlpool Islands began. Xiaozhi and his friends' destination was Hongyan Island, where the Whirlpool Islands Competition was held.

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