On the first day of the finals of the Whirlpool Islands Tournament, the fierce battle kicked off.

Xiaozhi was in the sixth game of the day, and his opponent was a trainer named Turi.

The referee:"In the sixth game, Xiaozhi will fight against Turi. You can use only one Pokémon. When one of the two sides loses the ability to fight, the game ends! The game begins now!"

Xiaoxia shouted:"Xiaozhi, come on!"

"Pikachu, Pikachu!"Pikachu was dressed up as a cheerleader by Xiaoxia, and formed a cheerleading group with Pichu to cheer for Xiaozhi.

"The little crocodile has decided that it’s you!"

"In that case, come out, King Thorn!" Duli hung the Poké Ball on the bait position of the fishing rod, and when sending out the Pokémon, he swung the rod hard, the Poké Ball entered the water, and the Pokémon appeared! This way of appearance won praise from the audience.

Xiaogang said:"This way of appearance is very creative."

Xiaoxia was very confident and said:"It's good but it can't beat Xiaozhi!"

【Thorn Dragon King】

【Attributes: Water, Dragon】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Leisurely (speed will increase in rainy weather)】

【Strength: Elite】


The Thorn Dragon King summoned rain clouds and the weather turned rainy.

"Little Saw Crocodile, high speed movement."

Xiaozhi saw that he used the Rain Prayer at the beginning and already knew the characteristics of the Thorn Dragon King. Leisurely and Free will increase its speed on rainy days. Little Saw Crocodile used high speed movement. Since they were going to compete in speed, Little Saw Crocodile's speed was not bad. With the blessing of high speed movement, it quickly approached the Thorn Dragon King.

"Thorn Dragon King, use Tornado.

Thorn Dragon King rolled up the water on the field and swept the little crocodile into it. Because of the speed, the little crocodile was trapped in the tornado.

""Little Crocodile, use Split to escape."

Xiaozhi immediately changed his mindset, and Little Crocodile used his claws to break through the tornado and escaped.

"The Thorn Dragon King chased after it and used the water gun!"The

Thorn Dragon King showed his speed advantage and caught up with the little saw crocodile right below it and used the water gun on it.

"Little Saw Crocodile, use Water Wave."The little Saw Crocodile used the speed of falling to use Water Wave. The water gun and the water wave collided in the air, and the little Saw Crocodile took this opportunity to land on the platform used for landing in the battlefield.

"The Thorn Dragon King used the water cannon.

The Thorn Dragon King moved in front of the little saw crocodile and used the water cannon on the little saw crocodile.

"The little crocodile jumped onto the water cannon and used Freezing Teeth.

The little crocodile jumped up onto the water cannon, using it as a foothold. It jumped onto the water cannon and started running, using Freezing Teeth.

"The Thorn Dragon King dived into the water to avoid using the Smoke Screen."

The Frozen Fang hit the Thorn Dragon King, and he felt the pain and hid in the water, and used the Smoke Screen to hide his body.

"Crocodile jumps out of the water and uses Freeze Ray on the entire battlefield.

Crocodile falls into the water after using Freeze Fang. The smoke screen blocks Crocodile's vision. Xiaozhi lets Crocodile come out of the water. Crocodile jumps out of the water and uses Freeze Ray to freeze the entire surface of the battlefield.

"The Thorn Dragon King broke out and used the water cannon."

The freezing ray caused damage to the Thorn Dragon King, and the Thorn Dragon King broke out of the lake with the water cannon.

"Crocodile used Bite on the mouth of Sauron. Crocodile used Bite on the place where Sauron broke the ice, biting the mouth of Sauron tightly, and the power of Water Cannon accumulated in Sauron's body.

When it comes to unexpectedness, Xiaozhi's Pokémon can always be unexpected, and it is not feasible to suppress them with strength. After all, they are fighting against legendary beasts every day.

Sauron was swollen like a balloon by the power accumulated by its own water cannon. Crocodile opened its mouth, and Sauron was flushed away by its own water cannon. Its body collided everywhere on the battlefield, and it lost its combat ability after landing.

Referee:"Sauron has lost its combat ability, Crocodile wins. The winner is Xiaozhi!"

Xiaozhi picked up Crocodile:"Well done, Crocodile!"

"Vani Vani." Croc won the battle of a higher level, and it was very happy.

Misty's game was one day after Xiaozhi's game. Xiaozhi followed suit in the audience and cheered for Misty loudly. Misty's game was the ninth game, and her opponent was an uncle named Zhang Zao.

Referee:"The ninth game is between Xiaoxia and Zhang Zao. You can use only one Pokémon. When one of the two sides loses the ability to fight, the game ends! Now the game begins!"

Zhang Zao saw Xiaoxia and said disdainfully:"She is a little girl! It looks like she can easily enter the finals. Go ahead, Thousand Needles."

Xiaoxia took out Starfish's Poké Ball:"Starfish, it's your turn to play!"

A dramatic scene appeared. It was not Starfish but Psyduck that came out. Psyduck ran out of Starfish's backpack before Starfish, and Starfish's Poké Ball was still in Xiaoxia's hand. The rule is that only one Pokémon can be sent to fight, and it must not be exchanged.

Xiaoxia shouted:"Your name is Psyduck, not Starfish. Forget it, now only you can play! If you lose, you will have to practice harder!"

Psyduck still looked dazed. Xiaoxia was helpless. She didn't know if Psyduck had listened to her while lying on the ground.


【Attributes: Water, Poison】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Poison Sting (sometimes the opponent who touches it will become poisoned)】

【Strength: Elite】

"Needlefish uses water gun!"

"We'll use water guns on Psyduck too." Psyduck can't swim, so it's better to stay on the platform. The Thousand Needle Fish used a water gun on Psyduck, and Psyduck fired back with a water gun. The two water guns collided!

"Thousand Needle Fish, use Missile Needle.

Thousand Needle Fish sucked in the water on the field, making its body swell up, and all the needles on its body stood up, ready to launch the Missile Needle.

"Thousand Needle Fish, Missile Needle Launch"

"Psyduck, hold on."

The Thousand Needle Fish's thorns came towards Psyduck, and Psyduck used Hold on to defend against the missile needles.

"The Thousand Needle Fish rammed into Psyduck.

The Thousand Needle Fish jumped up and rammed into Psyduck with amazing momentum.

"Psyduck, use piercing sound!"

Psyduck opened its mouth wide and made a piercing sound, reducing the damage caused by the ramming

"The Thousand Needle Fish rammed again."

The Thousand Needle Fish rammed and hit Psyduck, then fell into the water. It jumped out of the water again and used the ram. This time, the ram hit Psyduck's head directly.

Psyduck's headache intensified, and suddenly its eyes turned blue.

"Here it comes, Psyduck uses Psychic!"

Psyduck used Psychic to control Needlefish, Psyduck gently raised its hand, and Needlefish was repeatedly thrown heavily into the water. Needlefish fell to the ground and couldn't get up!

The referee said:"Needlefish has lost its combat ability, Psyduck wins. The winner is Misty."

Xiaogang breathed a sigh of relief and said:"When I saw Psyduck come out just now, I was worried!"

Xiaozhi said:"Psyduck still can't swim and will only use psychic-type moves when its head is attacked, its combat strength is also improving, and it is Suicune who trained it."

Xiaogang thought for a while and said:"That's right."

Suicune complained a lot about this. Whose water-type Pokémon can't swim, but Psyduck is the exception. Suicune also tried to teach Psyduck to swim, but just like Ash, he gave up in the end and just trained it to fight.

After the battle on the second day, there were only 16 trainers left, and the computer would randomly shuffle the cards to decide tomorrow's opponents. When Ash and the other two returned to the Pokémon Center, they went to the lobby to look at the grouping.

Misty said,"How could it be? My opponent is Ash?"

Ash said,"Nothing surprising. If we keep winning, we will definitely win. Misty, our last battle was at the Cerulean Gym, right? I won't show mercy just because you're my girlfriend!"Xiaozhi smiled, he knew how Xiaoxia felt, but only by saying this could he inspire Xiaoxia to take tomorrow's game seriously.

Xiaoxia knew that Xiaozhi said this because he wanted her to have a good fight. From another perspective, this was also a good opportunity, so that Xiaozhi could see that he had become stronger. Xiaoxia said:"Xiaozhi, I want to keep going side by side with you. Don't worry, I will take the game seriously tomorrow."

Xiaogang smiled and said:"That's right! I will cheer for both of you tomorrow!"


Pikachu and Pichu also cheered for their trainer!

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