The battle between Ash and Misty is about to begin!

The host said:"Today is the third day of the Whirlpool Islands Tournament. Now the second round of the second game is about to begin. Let's all cheer for the contestants!"

Brock, Pikachu and Pichu are all in the audience cheering for the two. Brock said:"This game is really exciting! Right, Pikachu Pichu?"

"Pickup truck!"


Pikachu and Pichu were wearing cheerleading uniforms and cheering very hard!

The referee said:"Starting from the second round, the number of Pokémon that can be used is changed to two. When both Pokémon of one side lose their combat ability, the game ends. Now the game begins!"

Xiaoxia said:"Xiaozhi, I want to show you my progress. My first one is Bullfrog, come out!"

Xiaozhi said:"I'll use it! Dragonite is decided to be you!"


【Attribute: Water】

【Gender: Female】

【Features: Water storage (when attacked by water-attribute moves, it will not be damaged but will be restored)】

【Strength: Intermediate Gym]

Misty's Bullfrog has the water storage attribute, so water-based moves are useless against him. Xiaozhi's Dragonite also has the water storage attribute, so both of them can block the opponent's water-based moves.

"Chenglong uses singing.

Chenglong's comfortable and beautiful singing filled the entire battlefield. Bullfrog became dazed and drowsy, fell to the ground, and fell into a state of sleep.

"Bullfrog, wake up! That's right! Use Sleep Talk."

Bullfrog was still sleeping soundly after being called by Xiaoxia. Xiaoxia remembered that there was a trick called Sleep Talk, which she had learned with Xiaozhi's Pokémon before. Bullfrog used the Tile Breaking Technique in his sleep!

""Chenglong white mist."

Chenglong sprayed out white mist to hide his figure. Even the awake Bullfrog could not immediately find Chenglong's position in the white mist, let alone the sleeping Bullfrog. Bullfrog's tile-splitting did not hit him.

"Bullfrog used Sleep Talk again."

Sleep Talk again, this time Bullfrog used Mud Shooting.

"Chenglong approached Bullfrog and used the Taishan Pressure."

Chenglong quickly approached Bullfrog and jumped up, pressing Bullfrog with his whole body. Bullfrog finally woke up after enduring the Taishan Pressure.

"Bullfrog used a ram to escape.

Bullfrog rammed into the dragon, and took a few steps back, breaking free from the dragon's control. Bullfrog was also hurt by the reaction of the ram.

"Chenglong uses Earthquake.

Chenglong took the blow from Bullfrog and fell into the water again. Chenglong shook the water surface and Bullfrog was hurt.

"Bullfrog uses Bounce.

Bullfrog suddenly jumps high into the air, where he will no longer be hurt by the earthquake.

"Dragonite uses Loud Voice.

Dragonite raised its head, and when Frog-kun in the air fell and approached Dragonite, Dragonite made a loud and loud vibration. Frog-kun was bounced away by the vibration of Loud Voice and lost his ability to fight.

The referee said:"Frog-kun has lost his ability to fight!"

Xiaoxia took Frog-kun back and said:"Frog-kun, you are great, thank you for your hard work. Xiaozhi, my next one is Vaporeon. Go, Vaporeon"


【Attribute: Water】

【Gender: Female】

【Features: Wet body (when it rains, abnormal conditions will be cured)】

【Strength: Intermediate Gym Level]

Xiaozhi took back Dragonite and replaced it with Crabcrab:"Come back Dragonite! Crabcrab is next, you'll be on the field." Crabcrab's current strength has reached the peak of the gym, and it is only one step away from the quasi-king level.

"The Giant Claw Crab uses Trampling.

Xiaozhi launched the attack first, and the Giant Claw Crab glided on the water surface at an extremely fast speed and suddenly jumped up.

"Vaporeon dodged and used Speed Star.

Vaporeon dodged the stomping and fired Speed Star to attack the Crab.

""Giant Crab, use the Crab Hammer to hit the water surface."

After the Giant Crab raised its claws to block the high-speed star, it used the Crab Hammer to hit the water surface. The energy generated by the Crab Hammer hit Vaporeon.

"Vaporeon, hold on, use Shadow Ball."

Vaporeon was hit by the energy of the Crab Claw Hammer and kept retreating, finally standing up. Then he attacked again, and Shadow Ball hit the Giant Crab.

""Giant Crab, 100,000 Horsepower."

The 100,000 Horsepower of the Giant Crab collided with the energy of the Shadow Ball, and finally the 100,000 Horsepower defeated the Shadow Ball, and Vaporeon was hit by the 100,000 Horsepower. The 100,000 Horsepower is a ground-type move, and the damage to the water-type Vaporeon is limited.

"Vaporeon uses Surf.

Vaporeon summons a massive ocean wave and rides on its power.

""Kraft, Buster Beam."

Kraft used Buster Beam at the center of the wave, and the beam went up, splitting the wave in two. Vaporeon, who lost the ability to surf, fell quickly.

Vaporeon lost the ability to fight.

The referee said,"Vaporeon lost the ability to fight, and Kraft won. Misty has lost two Pokémon, so the winner of this game is Ash."

Misty brought the fighting Pokémon to the Pokémon Center to recover. Misty suddenly said with ease,"Ash, I don't regret it! After this game, I feel like I have the motivation to move forward again!"

Ash held Misty's hand,"Missy, I hope you don't keep working hard just to catch up with me. Everyone has their own path, right?"

Misty silently repeated Ash's words in her heart and nodded. After this battle, she had found the path she wanted to take.

A girl walked up to Ash and asked,"Excuse me, you are Ash, right!"

Ash nodded and said,"Yes!"

The girl stretched out her hand to Xiaozhi and said,"Xiaozhi, your opponent tomorrow is me. My name is Gao Mei. I watched your game, and your Pokémon is really strong. I hope we can have a good game tomorrow."

Xiaozhi nodded, held Gao Mei's hand, and said,"I will give my all in tomorrow's game."

Xiaogang was eager to go up and talk to her, but Xiaoxia pulled Xiaogang, who was about to become infatuated, away and told him not to disturb Xiaozhi.

On the fourth day of the Whirlpool Islands Tournament, the third round of battle began.

The referee said,"The rules are the same as the second round. Two Pokémon are used. Now the game begins!"

"Go Gyarados!"

"Blastoise is decided to be you!"


【Attributes: Water, Flying】

【Gender: Female】

【Features: Intimidate (intimidate the opponent when appearing, make them retreat, and reduce the opponent's attack)】

【Strength: Intermediate Gym Level]

Xiaozhi's Blastoise has reached the peak of the Quasi-King level, and is a powerful suppression of Gyarados. The Intimidation feature cannot pose any threat to it.

"Gyarados uses Destruction Ray!"Gyarados starts the game with a big move, Destruction Ray attacks Blastoise

"Blastoise, hold on."

Blastoise did not try to evade, but used"hold on" to block the destructive death ray.

"We also use Destruction Ray on Blastoise."

After Gyarados uses Destruction Ray, it is temporarily unable to move. Blastoise also uses Destruction Ray, and with just one hit, it makes Gyarados lose its ability to fight.

Referee:"Gyarados loses its ability to fight!"

Xiaoxia said:"This power suppression is too strong! Gyarados loses its ability to fight with just one hit!"

Xiaogang said:"It's not just power suppression, it's also a tactical victory. Gyarados's Destruction Ray was blocked by the guard, and then Gyarados could not move. At this time, the same Destruction Ray was used to fight back, and Gyarados could only take the Destruction Ray head-on, which made it lose its ability to fight."

Gao Mei took back Gyarados and thought to herself: Xiaozhi's Blastoise is too strong! But it is still a water-type Pokémon, and the electric-type trick is definitely useful. Gao Mei sent out Lanternfish next. Xiaozhi took back Blastoise and replaced it with Dragonite. Blastoise was just a Pokémon that Xiaozhi let out to move around, and the one who really wanted to solve this battle was Dragonite.

【Lantern fish】

【Attributes: Water, Electricity】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Charge (When attacked by electric-attribute moves, you will not be damaged but will recover)】

【Strength: Gym Intermediate】

"Lantern fish uses 100,000 volts.

The lantern fish sent out a powerful electric shock and attacked the dragon.

"Chenglong used white mist.

Chenglong used white mist to avoid the 100,000 volt

"The lantern fish jumped into the water and used strange light.

The lantern fish dived into the water and used strange light under the water. Even though it couldn't see where the dragon was, the battlefield was all water, and the effect of the strange light would more or less affect the dragon.

"Chenglong used Blizzard.

Chenglong used Blizzard on the water below him, and the ground quickly froze.

"Lantern Fish uses Thunder."

The Lantern Fish uses Thunder under the frozen water, summoning thunderclouds, lightning continuously strikes downwards, the Lantern Fish Thunder destroys the ice, and it jumps onto the ice

"Dragonite dodges the thunder by stepping on the ice, and with its speed of stepping on the ice, its forehead glows with a metallic luster, and it knocks Lanternfish out from behind, and Lanternfish falls to the ground and loses its ability to fight.

Referee:"Lanternfish loses its ability to fight, and Gao Mei has lost two Pokémon, so the winner is Xiaozhi.""

Xiaozhi won all the way to the end.

At the closing ceremony of the Whirlpool Islands Tournament, the host said:"The Whirlpool Islands Tournament has been held for six consecutive days. Now, please ask the sea god's messenger Maya to give the champion the mysterious water drop to Xiaozhi. A new sea hero is born!"

After the priest Maya handed the mysterious water drop to Xiaozhi, the Whirlpool Islands Tournament also came to an end!

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