After finishing the Whirlpool Islands Tournament, Xiaozhi and his group now came to Silver Rock Island. There is an underwater tunnel on Silver Rock Island that can reach Okinawa Island. Silver Rock Island is the northernmost island of the Whirlpool Islands and the last island of the Whirlpool Islands that Xiaozhi and his group traveled to. There has been a legend of Lugia here since ancient times, and the accessories made of the silver rocks unique to Silver Rock Island are very famous!

Xiaoxia said:"Look, the rocks here are really silver. The names of these four islands in the Whirlpool Islands are really intuitive!"

Xiaogang looked at the map and said:"The underwater tunnel we are going to is at the northernmost end of this town."

Xiaozhi said:"Xiaoxia, Xiaogang, look at the goods sold on the roadside."

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang stopped and saw all the goods related to Silver Wings. Snacks, brooches, and decorations of various materials in the shape of Silver Wings are all in the shape of Silver Wings without exception.

Xiaogang lowered his voice:"Silver Wings? It seems that Lugia is deep in the Oki Island of Silver Rock Island. It's not groundless."

Xiaoxia agreed:"I think so too." After Xiaozhi got the Silver Wings, he told the two that the real Silver Wings were deep in the underwater tunnel of Oki Island and could summon Lugia.

A familiar voice sounded:"Xiaozhi, why are you here just now!"

Xiaozhi turned around and saw Xiaomao standing behind him, saying:"Xiaomao? Sorry, sorry, it took me a few days to participate in the Whirlpool Islands Competition."

Xiaomao smiled and said:"Won the championship?"

Xiaozhi said:"Of course. I asked you to go to Silver Rock Island specially. You worked hard!"

Xiaomao turned his head away proudly:"I didn't come here for you, but to see Lugia with my own eyes."

Xiaozhi smiled helplessly and said:"Whatever you say!"

Xiaomao said:"I have already made preparations. Let's go to the Pokémon Center to talk."

Xiaozhi contacted Xiaomao when he was in Qingyan Island, hoping that he would come to Silver Rock Island. Xiaozhi asked him to investigate the underwater tunnel under Oki Island in advance, and told Xiaomao that he would go to subdue Lugia. Xiaomao agreed without saying a word and came to Silver Rock Island.

Xiaomao pushed the computer in front of Xiaozhi and the other two and said,"There is indeed a huge underwater cave under Oki Island, but the terrain is too complicated, like a maze. At present, we only know that we can go down from this place." Xiaomao pointed to a point where the underwater tunnels crisscrossed.

After Xiaozhi looked at the topographic map, he said,"Thank you, I have a way to do the rest."

Xiaogang asked,"Could it be relying on the Silver Wings?"

Xiaozhi nodded and said,"Yes, the Silver Wings are originally used to summon Lugia. It should be able to sense the underwater cave where Lugia is." Xiaozhi didn't say one thing. He not only had to use the Silver Wings, but also the power of waveguide, so that it would be foolproof.

Xiao Mao agreed,"This is the only feasible way at the moment! Let's set off immediately!"

Xiao Zhi said,"Wait, Xiao Xia, give Xiao Mao the diving equipment we prepared."

Xiao Xia picked up Xiao Gang's backpack, took out the diving equipment and handed it to Xiao Mao. Xiao Zhi explained,"Because we are in an underwater cave, what if it comes in handy? Xiao Mao, take it with you!"

Xiao Mao put the diving equipment into his backpack and said,"Your preparation is not bad!"

Twenty minutes later, Xiao Zhi and the other three arrived at a cave next to the sea entrance.

Xiao Gang said,"The sea entrance is in front, and the submarine tunnel is here."

The four looked at each other and walked into the cave entrance.

【The host has been detected to have entered the underwater cave of Oki Island. The plot mission has been released to subdue the mythical beast Lugia. 】

Xiaoxia said:"The underwater tunnel gives people a very mysterious feeling!"

Xiaogang said:"There is a big difference between looking at the map and actually walking. We don't know how many turns we have made, how many slopes we have climbed, and how many stone stairs we have descended."

Xiaomao said:"This is it. The road below can only rely on the Silver Wings!" Xiaomao walked in the front. He stopped at this time, put away the computer, and looked at Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi took over Xiaomao's position in the front and took out the Silver Wings from the system backpack. In the underwater tunnel where he could barely see things with the flashlight, after the Silver Wings appeared, his eyes were instantly lit up.

Xiaoxia said:"Isn't this equivalent to a powerful flashlight? It's brighter than a flashlight!"

Xiaogang smiled and said:"If I had known earlier, I would have asked Xiaozhi to take out the Silver Wings earlier!"

After walking for a while, the four of them had no road in front of them, and a stone wall blocked them.

Xiao Mao picked up a stone and knocked on the stone wall in front of him a few times. The last knock was different from the previous dull sound, and he said,"Xiao Zhi!"

""Dragonfly and Blastoise use Iron Head! Pikachu uses Iron Tail!"

The three Pokémon used their steel-type moves together and attacked in the direction that Xiaomao had just hit. After cracks appeared in the stone wall, stones fell one after another. In the dust of the falling stones, Xiaozhi could barely make out what looked like a door.

Xiaozhi said,"It looks like a door." Xiaomao said,"It should be here."

Xiaozhi and Xiaomao opened the stone door with the help of Dragonite and Blastoise. The inside of the stone door was no longer as crowded and narrow as the passage, and even King Whale could pass through. The

Silver Wings suddenly emitted a dazzling white light, and Xiaozhi said,"This is it, this is the underwater cave, and Lugia is sleeping not far ahead." The stone stairs in front went all the way down, and it was unknown how long and how far they walked. Xiaogang looked at the fluorescent water in front of him and said,"In the middle of the water!"

There is a raised stone platform in the middle of the water, with a transparent bell hanging on it. The light of the silver wings became brighter, and a stone slab for footing actually rose above the water. Xiaozhi said:"Xiaomao, you wait for me here! I can't guarantee what will happen later."

Xiaomao and Xiaogang said at the same time:"Xiaozhi, you have to be careful!"

Xiaoxia stepped forward and said:"Xiaozhi, I'll go with you!"

Xiaozhi held Xiaoxia's hand and nodded.

When Xiaozhi placed the silver wings on the stone platform, the entire underwater cave was instantly lit up, as if this place was not in the deep sea but on the sea surface.

The transparent bell made a crisp sound, as if it resonated with the underwater cave, and the sound was pleasant and beautiful.

The water on the surface of the water quickly receded, and a huge abyss waterfall appeared in front of the four people.

Xiaozhi put on the diving equipment first, and Pikachu was also equipped by Xiaozhi.

After the three of them were dressed, Xiaozhi jumped into the abyss in front.

Just as they jumped into the water under the abyss, the four people seemed to be lifted up by a gentle force, and Lugia in the waterfall in front of them slowly appeared. Lugia opened his eyes and saw Xiaozhi and others.

"Did you wake me up?

Xiao Zhi said:"Yes"

"You have the power of the Phoenix King......."

Xiaozhi said:"I subdued Shuijun and Entei"

"I see, you also have the power of the sea. Have you seen Lugia from Asia Island?

Xiaozhi said,"I have received its blessing."

"In this case, I have been asleep for too long. You will be my trainer from now on. I want to go see the outside world!"

Xiaozhi took out a Master Ball and said,"Lugia, I have a place that is very suitable for you. You can also meet old friends."

Lugia nodded, entered the Master Ball and was captured by Xiaozhi. In Xiaozhi's space, with the addition of Lugia, the sea appeared immediately.


【Attributes: Psychic, Flying】

【Gender: None】

【Features: Multiple Scales (When HP is full, the damage taken will be reduced)】

【Strength: Divine Beast】

【Skills: Primal Power, White Mist, Meditation, Divine Power, Self-Regeneration, Cyclone Attack, Pray for Rain, Water Cannon, Predict the Future, Divine Bird Slam]

Xiaomao said:"Congratulations, Xiaozhi, you have captured Lugia."

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"I didn't expect it to be so smooth."

The group returned to Silver Rock Island. Xiaomao went to Azure City to challenge the Azure Gym, and Xiaozhi and the other two took a boat back to Asahi City.

【Complete the story mission, reward points 20000]

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