The voice of Suicune in the space reached Xiaozhi's ears:"Master Xiaozhi, this dark Poké Ball will only make the captured Pokémon become evil, but there are restrictions on its use. Dark Poké Balls are only effective on wild Pokémon and have no effect on captured Pokémon."

Xiaozhi said:"I know! Suicune and Entei, get ready for battle!"

Xiaozhi's eyes were full of anger, and he asked the three members of Team Rocket in a cold voice:"You three! Who is he!"

Kojiro was frightened by Xiaozhi's eyes, but he still told the truth:"He is a senior cadre of our Team Rocket, Lord Bixias!"

Xiaozhi raised a finger and said:"I'll give you one minute. If you don't leave, I will beat you all away!" Entei and Suicune appeared at the same time, giving a deep sense of oppression to everyone present except Xiaozhi.

"Entei and Suicune, bring back the Dark Poké Ball with Celebi in it!"

Entei and Suicune said at the same time:"Yes, Lord Satoshi!"

When the three members of Team Rocket saw Entei and Suicune appear at the same time, they no longer had time to care about how Satoshi subdued Entei and Suicune. Now they only had one idea, which was to run! They have been dealing with Satoshi for so long, and they have always known that Satoshi is a man of his words. That cold look showed that Satoshi was on the verge of exploding!

The three members of Team Rocket moved slowly from behind silently.

Entei used smoke spray and Suicune used absolute zero to successfully destroy Bixias' robot. The Dark Poké Ball with Celebi in it also rolled to the ground.

Satoshi picked up the Dark Poké Ball and said:"Tell me! How to remove the influence of the Dark Poké Ball!"

Although Bixias was surrounded by Entei and Suicune, he did not feel nervous at all. He looked at the Dark Poké Ball in Satoshi's hand and laughed:"Hahaha, do you think I can tell you? You are too naive!"

Bixias raised his hand, and the device on his wrist attracted the Dark Elf Ball in Xiaozhi's hand:"You have no way to remove the influence of the Dark Elf Ball. No matter how many times you attack, Celebi will return to my hand."

Xiaozhi said coldly:"You!"

At this time, the wild Pokémon in the forest spontaneously wanted to protect Celebi, and gradually surrounded Bixias. Bixias said:"Then let you see the effect of the Dark Elf Ball! Go, Celebi! Get rid of them all."

Bixias pressed the button of the Dark Poké Ball and released Celebi. When Celebi appeared again, his eyes became empty, and he was surrounded by a murderous aura that made people's backs cold. He was like a powder keg that could explode at any time.

Celebi formed a light red ball of light in front of him, and the Pokémon around him were instantly bounced away. Xiaozhi immediately summoned his own Celebi and formed a protective shield to protect everyone behind him.

After the light ball exploded, it formed a huge shock wave that broke all the surrounding trees in half.

Celebi formed a light ball in front of him again, and chased after the Pokémon that were fleeing in all directions.

Xiaoxia said:"Celebi......"

Xiaozhi looked at his Celebi and said,"Celebi, is there any way to stop it?"

Celebi shook her head and said,"The forest is where we were raised. If the forest is destroyed, we will have no power. I fell asleep to restore the forest. But now, the power of evil is filled with its power. If the forest is destroyed, it will also lose its power. If its power is exhausted, it will fall into sleep or even die......."

The last thing Celebi had to say was that it would lose its life!

Xue Cheng asked,"Is there no way?"

Celebi said,"I'm sorry!"

Celebi's power had destroyed most of the forest. The three members of Team Rocket who escaped were extremely afraid of Celebi's power. Musashi said,"This is too much! If the forest is destroyed, what will happen to these wild Pokémon!"

Kojiro said,"That's right!" Meowth said,"Meowth, we didn't expect it to be so serious, meow! Are we wrong, meow?" Musashi said,"No! Although Team Rocket did get Celebi, if it goes on like this, it will eventually affect our world. Let's go help the little brats!" Kojiro said,"

But Lord Bixias is a senior cadre of Team Rocket! Now there is still a Celebi, and the Pokémon in our hands can't defeat Lord Bixias." Meowth said,"

I have a way, meow! Isn't the device on Lord Bixias' wrist the one that controls the Dark Poké Ball, meow? We just need to put this"If you reveal the news to the little devil, meow, the little devil will use his sacred beast to get rid of Lord Bixias. Meow. We just revealed the news and didn't do anything meow!"

Kojiro said:"Good idea!" Musashi said:"What are you waiting for, let's go back now!"

Bixias raised his arms and laughed loudly:"Celebi, you are the most suitable Pokémon for me! Destroy the forest completely!"

Xiaozhi said:"You won't get what you want!"

Bixias said:"Then come and stop it! You guys should think about it slowly! I'm going to see my results now!" The evil power in Celebi formed a giant, and walked step by step to the Lake of Life in the center of the forest. Bixias jumped into the hands of the giant formed by Celebi.

Xiaoxia, Xiaogang and Xuecheng had already run out of ideas. Xiaozhi now didn't know what method to use to make Celebi return to normal. Celebi's power in the previous life was exhausted. Suicune purified the Lake of Life to save Celebi. It's impossible to let Celebi's power be exhausted again!

Xiaozhi suddenly remembered that Bixias was controlling the Dark Poké Ball with the device on his wrist. If he destroyed the device, would Celebi be able to recover?

Even if there was only a one percent chance, he had to give it a try.

The three members of Team Rocket ran back, and Kojiro said,"Little brat! We have something to tell you!"

Meowth said,"Lord Bixias was controlling the Dark Poké Ball with the device on his wrist, meow." Musashi said,"We saw it with our own eyes, we can't be wrong!" Xiaoxia said vigilantly,"What are your plans?"

Musashi put his hands on his hips and said,"We are telling you this news with good intentions! Little girl, believe it or not!"

Xiaozhi said,"I believe it!" The three members of Team Rocket also said so, so it was almost certain.

Kojiro said,"Little brat is still reasonable."

Xiaogang said,"Let's go now!" Xuecheng said

,"Now we can only try!"

Several people looked at each other and chased after him.

"Xiaozhi, Xuecheng!" The voice of Forever Granny came from the sky. Xiaozhi and the others looked up and saw White driving his small boat-shaped airship with Forever Granny and Miku coming over.

Xiaozhi originally wanted to use Moltres to take everyone to stop Bixias, but now with the airship, the speed is actually not worse than Moltres.

Xiaozhi and the others got on the airship, and Xiaogang told them what happened after Forever Granny and the others left. Forever Granny said:"The village is fine for the time being, but Celebi is under control. This........."

Xiaozhi said:"There is only one way now, that is to destroy the device on Bixias' wrist. This should be able to release the control over Celebi."

White said:"Now the speed is already the fastest!"

"Hahaha, Celebi, keep destroying! I can finally leave Team Rocket, and I am the man who can fulfill my ambition of conquering the world!"

Xiaozhi and his group quickly caught up with Vixia and Celebi. They all heard what Vixia said just now. Xue Cheng said:"Vixia, you won't get your wish! Charmeleon, spray flames!"

Xiaozhi took out the two with the strongest combat capabilities:"Mewtwo, Mew, use Mind Break!"

The two legendary beasts Mew and Mewtwo launched a Mind Break together. Mew's power controlled Vixia, and Mewtwo directly destroyed the device in Vixia's hand!

Charmeleon's spray of flames knocked Vixia away from the giant hand formed by Celebi's power.

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