"Mewtwo, catch Celebi!"

As the device was destroyed, the giant formed by Celebi began to collapse, and Celebi's power began to rapidly fade as the giant collapsed.

Mewtwo bounced up from the ground and caught Celebi.

Xiaozhi's Celebi said,"Master, its vitality is disappearing very quickly! After losing the forest, the restorative power of the Lake of Life is also dissipating. I can't restore it again with my own strength." Xiaozhi's Celebi appeared, but he was still a little late. Celebi's power was about to disappear.

The forest was completely destroyed, and the Lake of Life was also polluted by fallen trees and soil. It was no longer clear. It is not an exaggeration to describe the forest as a ruin.

Xiaozhi suddenly said,"I have a way! Suicune, Entei asks you to lend your power to Celebi once again!"

Xue Cheng looked at Xiaozhi and said,"Xiaozhi, what are you going to do?"

Xiaozhi explained,"Suicune has the effect of purifying water sources. If Entei is also here, the two of them can summon Raikou. With the three of them plus the power of my Celebi, it should be no problem to restore the Lake of Life and restore Celebi's vitality!"

Entei and Suicune summoned Raikou at the same time! Raikou's yellow figure quickly shuttled through the forest and soon appeared in front of Xiaozhi and the others.

Raikou lowered his head and said,"Master Xiaozhi, I am willing to lend you my power!" Immediately, Raikou stood up.

Entei, Suicune, and Raikou gathered their strength at the same time and concentrated it on Xiaozhi's Celebi. Xiaozhi's Celebi emitted colorful light all over his body. With the coverage of the light waves, the Lake of Life was purified and restored its power again.

Mewtwo slowly put the Celebi, who had lost his power and was almost exhausted and died in his arms, into the water.

The aurora once again covered the entire forest. It was different from what Xiaozhi and his friends had seen before. This time, not only could they see the aurora, but they could also faintly hear voices coming from the aurora. Many Celebi fell from the sky and, together with Xiaozhi's Celebi, restored the destroyed forest.

The forest and the Lake of Life revived again, and the Celebi in the water regained strength and recovered his health. Celebi thanked his fellow Celebis and the three beasts for their help. After completing the restoration of the forest, the Celebis returned to their respective time and space.

Celebi flew to Xiaozhi and said telepathically:"Thank you, Master Xiaozhi! I will protect this forest well in the future! I will not let anyone destroy it again!"

Celebi happily danced in the air.

Raikou said:"Master Xiaozhi, please capture me!"

Xiaozhi took out a Poké Ball and captured Raikou. Entei, Suicune, Celebi, and Mewtwo all returned to space first.

【Thunder God】

【Attribute: Electricity】

【Gender: None】

【Features: Pressure (gives the opponent a sense of pressure, greatly reducing the PP of the moves they use)】

【Strength: Divine Beast】

【Skills: Charging, Speed, Lightning, Meditation, Lightning Teeth, Crushing, Supernatural Power, Discharge, Thunder, Electromagnetic Cannon, Praying for Rain】

【Conquer the Thunder God, reward points 1000]

Celebi Fly���Xue Cheng said:"I haven't thanked you for saving me yet! Thank you, but you are not from this time and space after all, I will send you back first!"

Xue Cheng smiled and said:"Celebi, please!"

Mew was sent by Xiaozhi to catch Bixias just now, and now it has returned with people. Bixias lost the ability to control Pokémon with the Dark Elf Ball, and he is just an ordinary person. Xiaozhi contacted Du and explained the matter clearly, and Bixias was sent to prison. The people sent by Du came very quickly and took people away directly. It is certain that Bixias will spend the rest of his life in prison.

After completing the task, the group returned to Celebi's temple. Celebi said:"Are you ready?"

Xue Cheng said:"I am really happy to meet you all! If there is a chance, we may meet again. Thank you all! Celebi, let's go!"

Everyone nodded and waved goodbye to Xue Cheng. After a strong light dazzled their eyes, Xue Cheng and Celebi disappeared.

Xuecheng went back to 40 years ago and met Grandma Yongjiu again in front of Celebi's temple. Xuecheng was a little dazed. The Grandma Yongjiu in front of him was still so young and looked very much like her granddaughter Miss Miku. When Xuecheng was about to say thank you to Celebi, he found that it was no longer here.

Grandma Yongjiu said:"Are you okay?"

Xuecheng smiled and replied:"I'm fine, I just had a dream! A great dream!" Xuecheng looked at the silent forest and thought: Celebi, thank you for giving me such a novel experience......

After Celebi and Xuechenari disappeared, Misty couldn't help but sighed:"Is there really a chance to meet again? If we meet again, we may not recognize Xuechenari!"

Brock said:"That's right! I wonder if Xuechenari's dream will come true?"

Satoshi smiled and said:"He succeeded! And, we all know him!"

Brock reacted quickly and asked:"Satoshi, do you mean we all know Xuechenari?"

Misty nodded repeatedly. She also wanted to know who they all knew.

Satoshi didn't keep the secret and said directly:"Professor Oak! Professor Oak's real name is Oak Xuechenari."


Xiaogang and Xiaoxia were extremely shocked. It turned out that Xuecheng was Professor Oak! Then the fate of their group was really brought by Celebi.

Xiaozhi and the other two stayed at the home of the Forever Grandma in Guoye Village for one night. In order to thank Xiaozhi and the others for their help, White used a small boat-like airship to send the three of them directly to the outskirts of Yuanzhu City the next day.

At this time, in the research institute of Professor Oak in Pallet Town, Xiaojian and Professor Oak were sorting out documents and reports. There was no room on the bookshelf in the research room, so they planned to put the ones that were not needed temporarily into the file room in different categories.

Xiaojian picked up a yellowed sketchbook, opened it to see the contents, and the painting on the third page was Pikachu and two Celebi, but it had been too long, and the colors of the paintings in the sketchbook had long been blurred, and the portraits were not very clear.

Xiaojian took the sketchbook, found Professor Oak, and asked,"Doctor, this sketchbook shows Celebi and Pikachu, right! But how come there are two Celebi? According to research, isn't there only one Celebi in a space-time?"

Professor Oak took the sketchbook and said nostalgically:"In theory, it is true, but what I saw back then were indeed two Celebis, this one was shiny, and it was captured by a trainer."

Xiao Jian was surprised and said:"Shiny Celebi? And captured by a trainer?" Xiao Jian couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Professor Oak nodded affirmatively, closed the sketchbook, and handed it back to Xiao Jian:"Xiao Jian, this one is still on the bookshelf."

After Xiao Jian came back to his senses, he smiled and said:"Okay! Shiny Celebi! I want to see it too!"

Professor Oak smiled and looked up at the window. He did what he said back then!

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