After returning to Yuanzhu City, Xiaozhi and his group rested at the Pokémon Center last night. The next morning, after packing their luggage, they were ready to find Xiaosong to go to the Bell Tower to summon the Phoenix King. Suddenly, they heard a crisp bell sound.

【Story mission released, subdue the mythical beast Ho-Oh.】

Xiaozhi and his friends had heard the same clear ringing sound in the underwater tunnel of Okinawa Island where Lugia was sleeping.

Xiaogang said,"Could Xiaozhi be......"

Misty said,"It's very familiar! It must be! Could it be that Ho-Oh sensed that Satoshi was coming with the three sacred beasts? But we arrived in Vermillion City yesterday evening, if the bell was going to ring, it should have rung yesterday!"

After hearing the sound, Miss Joy ran past Satoshi and the other two with Jigglypuff, and stood in front of the window, staring blankly at the window in front of her. Directly facing the window was the Bell Tower. She murmured,"This is the sound of the Bell Tower! Could it be that Ho-Oh is back?"

Osomatsu from the Vermillion Gym also ran out, looked in the direction of the Bell Tower and said,"The bell actually rang? Could it be a sign that Ho-Oh is coming back? Or is it........."

"I think it should be one of the three sacred beasts!"

Komatsu turned around and saw his childhood playmate, Mina-kun, who grew up chasing after Suicune and doing research on Pokémon legends all over the world. Mina-kun was wearing a purple suit with a red bow tie at the collar and a small cape, and his hair was very stylish.

Komatsu said:"Mina-kun!"

Mina-kun greeted with a smile:"Komatsu, long time no see!"

Xiaozhi and the other two ran out of the Pokémon Center and looked in the direction of the Bell Tower. Xiaoxia said:"Is it really the sound made by the Bell Tower?"

Xiaozhi said:"It should be right! The bell of the Bell Tower will not make a sound no matter how strong the wind is. Only Ho-Oh or one of the three sacred beasts can make the Bell Tower make a sound. After all, the legend of Yuanzhu City is written like this."

Xiaogang said:"Let's go find Mr. Komatsu first, and then go to the Bell Tower!"

The three of them arrived outside the Vermillion Gym, just in time to see Komatsu and Mina-kun.

Komatsu was very excited when he saw Satoshi coming over:"Komatsu, you're back!" Komatsu couldn't help but be excited, his family had been waiting for three hundred years, just waiting for the day when Ho-Oh would return to Vermillion City.

Satoshi nodded and said:"Mr. Komatsu."

Mina-kun felt strange, Komatsu was not so excited to see himself whom he hadn't seen for many years, but he was so excited to see this boy, he asked:"Komatsu, who is he?"

Komatsu said:"Let me introduce him! This is Professor Satoshi, from Pallet Town, the messenger of Ho-Oh."

Mina-kun was surprised and said:"How is it possible?" Mina-kun immediately said that it was impossible, he was doing research on Pokémon legends, and he had an inexplicable obsession with Suicune. The boy in front of him, who was at most eleven years old, was actually the messenger of Ho-Oh, and no one would believe it if they told others!

At this time, the sound of the bell tower suddenly stopped.

Satoshi said:"Now is not the time to talk about this, let's go to the bell tower first!"

Xiaosong said:"Could it be that it is not an advent, but a warning?"

Xiaogang said:"Mr. Xiaosong, how do you explain this?"

Mina-kun explained:"In fact, a similar thing happened about 20 years ago. After the transparent bell on the ninth floor of the Bell Tower was stolen, the bells hanging in the four corners of each other floor made sounds at the same time."

Xiaoxia said:"Stolen?"

Xiaozhi said:"If that's the case, I might know who stole the transparent bell!"

Outside the Bell Tower, the three members of Team Rocket panicked when they saw a broken transparent bell. Time went back to fifteen minutes ago. The three members of Team Rocket and Guoran Weng stole the transparent bell hanging on the ninth floor of the Bell Tower. They thought that if they could send the bell back to the Rocket Team headquarters, promotion and wealth would not be far away.

Musashi suddenly said:"Kojiro meow, we have been walking with this transparent bell for so long, have you heard the bell in your arms ringing?"

Kojiro said:"So it seems not!"

Meow said:"Then let's shake it hard, meow! If it can't make a sound, even if we send it back, our promotion plan will be ruined, right?"Meow?"

Musashi said,"Meow is right! Give it to meow!" Musashi took the bells from Kojiro, Meow and Guoran Weng and shook them vigorously.

Musashi accidentally broke a transparent bell in his hand, and the three of them turned pale. Meow said,"What should we do now?"

The weather suddenly changed, and rain clouds began to gather, making people feel cold on their backs.

"Entei, Suicune, Raigu, bring back the transparent bell!"

In the blink of an eye, the bell in Musashi's hand fell into the arms of Xiaosong, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia. Xiaozhi asked:"What about the other one?" Meowth said:""

The transparent bell fragments on the ground were very dazzling.

Xiaozhi said:"Pikachu, 100,000 volts!"

Pikachu walked forward slowly, tilted his head and smiled, and with one 100,000 volt attack, he successfully sent away the three members of Team Rocket and Guran Weng.

"What a disgusting feeling......."


Xiaosong said:"There are only three transparent bells left now, Xiaozhi, look......"The transparent bell is the key to the advent of the Phoenix King. Now that one of them has been destroyed, what should we do now? It should affect the subsequent ceremony!

The three beasts said at the same time:"It doesn't affect it."

Xiaozhi said:"Since Suicune and the others said so, it should not be a big problem." The transparent bell is just a reminder of the advent of the Phoenix King, not a key prop. He knows this very well. After all, Lugia's summoning relies on the silver wings instead of the transparent bell.

Mina said:"Dr. Xiaozhi, I apologize for what I said just now. Please let the Phoenix King return to Yuanzhu City!"

Xiaozhi looked at the three beasts, and the three beasts nodded at the same time. He said:"Let's go to the ninth floor of the bell tower!"

Xiaosong, Mina and Xiaogang hung the transparent bell back to the ninth floor of the bell tower at the same time.

The three beasts roared together, and a rainbow-colored feather appeared in front of Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi reached out and held it.

Suddenly, seven-color light burst out from the rainbow wings.

Xiaozhi placed the Rainbow Wings in front of the statue of Ho-Oh.

A loud phoenix cry cut through the sky and reached everyone's ears.

The seven-colored light weakened, and Ho-Oh was hovering over the bell tower.

The three beasts knelt down at the same time and said,"Lord Ho-Oh!


At this time, in addition to Xiaozhi and the other two, Komatsu and Mina-kun both knelt on one knee. Their ancestors were from the same family. Their ancestors and they had been looking forward to the return of Ho-Oh for three hundred years.

Ho-Oh said,"Xiaozhi, your growth has surprised me! I asked Suicune, Entei, and Raikou to follow you, and you have lived up to my expectations. I feel the breath of an old acquaintance. Now let me help you create a new world! Conquer me!"

Xiaozhi looked at Komatsu and Mina-kun:"Mr. Komatsu, Mina-kun, now I will give you the Rainbow Wings, and I will conquer Ho-Oh!"

Komatsu and Mina-kun said at the same time,"I will obey the orders of Lord Xiaozhi!"

Xiaozhi took out a Master Ball and successfully conquered Ho-Oh. Xiaozhi's mysterious space has finally taken shape. Now it is like a small world. The sky is Ho-Oh, the sea is Lugia, and the forest is Celebi. He is wondering if he really wants to create a small world.

【[Plot mission completed, 2000 points reward]

Before leaving, Xiaosong said to Xiaozhi:"Master Xiaozhi, thank you! I will protect the Rainbow Wings well. In fact, I am already very happy to know that the King of Phoenix has forgiven humans."

Xiaozhi said:"You're welcome. Mr. Xiaosong, it's time for us to go too!"

Xiaogang saw that Xiaosong did not see Mina-kun, and asked:"Where is Mina-kun?"

Xiaosong smiled and said:"He went out to travel! And looking for new research topics! But he said he will be back after a while. It must be a big blow to him that Master Xiaozhi was able to subdue Suicune!" Xiaoxia asked :"Why is that?"

Komatsu explained,"When we were little, Mina-kun and I were playing in the forest outside of Vermillion City when we encountered a flash flood and were saved by Suicune. I don't know if it was the Suicune of Satoshi, but since then, Mina-kun said that he wanted to conquer Suicune in the future, so later on, he went out traveling to find Suicune and do research."

Satoshi said,"I see!"

Baka said,"Mr. Komatsu, let's go!"

Komatsu waved goodbye and said,"Take care!"

Satoshi and the others continued on their way to the next gym, Kaji Town!

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