Ash and his friends are heading to Kaji Town. Now they are about to climb over the Sribaghi Mountain. After climbing over it, they will be able to see Kaji Town.

At this time, the Pokémon eggs in Ash's backpack and Brock's both emitted a hatching light.

Ash and the other two came over, and Misty said,"It's about to hatch! I wonder what Pokémon it is."

Brock took out his notebook to record the data:"No matter what Pokémon it is, as long as it's healthy!"

The Pokémon eggs successfully hatched into two little elephants.

Ash picked up his little elephant:"Little elephant, please give me your guidance!"

"Bag." The little elephant rubbed Xiaozhi with his head.

Xiaoxia said:"How cute!"

The little elephant is a ground-type Pokémon. Xiaogang and Xiaozhi's team have added new members

【Little Elephant】

【Attribute: Ground】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Sand Hide (During sandstorms, the dodge rate will be increased)】

【Strength: Novice】

【Skills: impact, shouting, turning into a circle】

【[Capture the Little Elephant, and get 500 points as a reward]

Ash and his friend put the newly hatched Little Elephant into the Poké Ball. Brock looked up and said,"It's foggy without me noticing!"

Misty looked up and saw that the fog was getting thicker, and said,"It really is! Such a thick fog! I can't see anything!"

Ash said,"Then I'll use Nighthawk to help!" Ash took out Nighthawk's Poké Ball, and when he was about to let Nighthawk out, a girl holding a lantern and a Ninetales walked up to Ash and his friends.

The girl asked,"Are you lost?......still......"

Xiaogang said infatuatedly:"Wow! What a beautiful lady!"

Jiuwei walked up and rubbed Xiaogang with his head affectionately. Xiaogang seemed to be injected with chicken blood, and quickly stepped forward and said:"Miss, my name is Xiaogang, please tell me your name!"

The girl smiled and said:"My name is Luo Ke, the fog is very thick here, and it's late. If you don't mind, please come to my house to rest!"

Xiaozhi said:"Really?" Xiaozhi didn't feel any waveguide on Luo Ke's body, but the waveguide power of Jiuwei was very strong! There is only one explanation, Luo Ke is a mental body created by Jiuwei.

If Xiaozhi remembers correctly, this Jiuwei should have lived for more than 200 years.

Luo Ke nodded and said:"Of course!"

Xiaogang said:"Miss Luo Ke is not only beautiful, but also kind-hearted!"

Xiaozhi pulled Xiaoxia over and whispered to pay attention to Miss Luo Ke. Xiaoxia whispered that she would pay attention. So, the three followed Luo Ke to rest in the"home" she said.

The three members of Team Rocket, who were also lost in the fog, followed Xiaozhi and the others quietly. Xiaozhi smiled helplessly and continued to walk forward as if he didn't know.

Luo Ke and Jiuwei stopped and said,"This is it!"

Xiaoxia looked around and said,"Here? But......"

Before Xiaoxia finished her words, the thick fog in front of them dispersed, and two crimson wooden doors appeared in front of them. With a"creak", the two wooden doors slowly opened.

Inside the wooden door was a huge courtyard, with staggered heights, which looked very luxurious, like a palace.

Xiaoxia was surprised and said,"In such a deep mountain, there is such a big mansion!"

When Jiuwei turned his head to look at Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and Pikachu, his eyes were full of coldness, but when he looked at Xiaogang, his eyes were full of intimacy and tenderness. Xiaozhi saw all this!

Luo Ke stepped forward a few steps and said,"Please come in!"

After Xiaogang heard Luo Ke's words, he excitedly followed Luo Ke's footsteps. Xiaozhi nodded slightly to Xiaoxia and walked into the yard.

After they walked into the yard, the wooden door slowly closed, and the three members of Team Rocket ran in just before the door closed.

Xiaoxia felt a little cold on her back and held Xiaozhi's hand. Xiaozhi smiled at her and pulled her behind him. After holding Xiaozhi's hand, Xiaoxia felt a little relieved.

Luo Ke brought fruits to Xiaozhi and the others, saying,"These are the only fruits we have. Please don't dislike them."

Xiaogang said,"How could we dislike them? They look delicious. Thank you Miss Luo Ke for being so kind to us."

Ninetails lay on Xiaogang's legs and rubbed him with his head.

Xiaogang touched Ninetails' head and said,"It's so itchy! Ninetail, don't be like this! Ninetail, you are very cute!"

After the three members of Team Rocket followed Xiaozhi and the others into the house, they went to find food. After all, they hadn't eaten for several days. After they opened a room, they found that it was full of biscuits. The three of them were very happy, and even Guoran was very happy to eat them.

Unknowingly, the three members of Team Rocket got lost here, and it was the next day when they were fully awake.

On Xiaozhi's side, Xiaogang said infatuatedly:"Ah! Miss Luo Ke, my heart is filled with you! Such a good place, I really want people to stay forever!"

Luo Ke smiled and said:"Hearing you say that, I am really happy! Mr. Xiaogang, you can stay forever!"

Xiaogang said:"Really?"

Luo Ke said:"The fog on Mount Sribagi often takes one night to dissipate around noon the next day. Please stay here tonight!"

Xiaozhi nodded slightly to Xiaoxia, and then said:"It seems that we can only stay overnight! I'll trouble Miss Luo Ke." Luo

Ke said:"Then I will go to prepare the bedroom now."

When Jiuwei and Luo Ke walked to the door, Xiaozhi pointed to the mirror in the corner. Xiaoxia looked over and saw that there was only Jiuwei in the mirror, but no Luo Ke. Xiaoxia swallowed hard!

Xiaogang still looked like a fangirl.

Only about five minutes later, Luo Ke and Jiuwei came back. Luo Ke said:"Sorry to have kept you waiting! The room is ready."

Jiuwei threw himself into Xiaogang's arms again.

Luo Ke said:"Nine-tail really likes Mr. Xiao Gang!"

Xiao Gang said:"I took care of Liuwei before, so I like Nine-tail too."

Luo Ke smiled and said:"Is that so! I'm so happy!"

Xiaoxia asked:"Excuse me, Miss Luo Ke, why do you live alone in such a deep mountain?"

Luo Ke explained:"��It does feel strange to live in such a deep mountain with Kyuubi. In fact, the owner of this place has been traveling for a long time and has not returned. Because he was away for too long, the servants gradually left. Only I, who was responsible for taking care of Kyuubi, stayed here waiting for the master to come back."

Xiaozhi said,"That person is really hard-working." Luo

Ke looked at Xiaogang and said,"So I have something to ask Mr. Xiaogang."

Xiaogang pointed at himself and said,"Please ask me?"

Luo Ke nodded and said,"Yes, it's hard for me, a woman, to maintain this place, so can I ask Mr. Xiaogang......Stay here with me and Jiuwei, okay?"

Xiaogang was so excited that he stuttered:" it be......Miss Rocco wants......Marry me?"

Luo Ke said shyly:"If Mr. Xiaogang doesn't dislike me......"

Xiaogang jumped up from the chair:"Of course I don't mind!" Xiaogang rushed towards Luo Ke, but Xiaogang's body passed through Luo Ke's body.

Xiaoxia almost screamed, and Xiaozhi covered her mouth. Xiaozhi was speechless. He didn't plan to take action so early. After all, Xiaogang looked very happy.

Xiaogang rubbed his knee and said,"It hurts! How could I fall!" Xiaogang got up from the ground, and Jiuwei pushed Xiaogang out of the room.

Luo Ke suddenly looked at Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia seriously:"Please leave here!"

Xiaozhi asked:"What if we don't leave? Jiuwei, how long can your illusion last?"

Luo Ke said:"This is not what you need to worry about!"

Xiaozhi said:"In this case, please treat Xiaogang well. Xiaoxia, let's go!" Xiaozhi picked up his and Xiaoxia's backpacks, held Xiaoxia's hand, and walked outside.

But they did not leave the mansion. After leaving the gate, they relied on the strong mental power of Nighthawk and Gardevoir again and returned to the yard again.

Satoshi and his friend hid behind a big tree to observe the status of Brock and Ninetales. Misty asked,"Brock still looks dazed. Satoshi, why didn't we take Brock away just now?"

Satoshi said,"This Ninetales is targeting Brock. We can't take it away by force, and I want to help Brock capture a champion-level Pokémon. Go this way!"

Satoshi and his friend found a room with many books. This room was different from the other rooms. There was a room within a room. Satoshi pushed the door open and entered. There was a portrait hanging on the wall of the room. The portrait showed Ninetales and a person who looked very much like Brock. There was a table under the portrait, and on the table was a very old diary and a very old-fashioned Poké Ball.

Misty picked up the diary and read the first few pages. Her face darkened and she said,"Satoshi, this diary is......200 years ago......What should we do now?"

Xiaozhi said:"Take this Poké Ball and diary, and let's go back to find Xiaogang!"

Xiaogang looked up and saw Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia coming towards him and said:"Why are you here?"

Xiaoxia handed the diary and Poké Ball to Xiaogang and said:"Look for yourself!"

Xiaogang said in disbelief:"This is......This is......"

When Xiaogang looked up again, Rocco had disappeared, leaving only Ninetales. The house began to fall apart.

Xiaozhi shouted,"Xiaogang, put Ninetales in the Poké Ball!"

Xiaogang held up Ninetales' Poké Ball. He finally understood why Ninetales liked him so much and why he wanted to stay. It turned out that he looked exactly like his master. Xiaogang looked at Ninetales. Ninetales had always been very persistent about his master's affairs. If he could enter the Poké Ball,......

Xiaozhi's timely reminder made Xiaogang understand what he should do to Ninetail now. Xiaogang said:"Ninetail, come back!"

Ninetail looked at Xiaogang holding the Poké Ball in front of him, and returned to the Poké Ball as if he saw his master.

Rocco's figure appeared again and said:"Thank you Mr. Xiaogang, after two hundred years, I can finally return to my master's Poké Ball. Please take me away, Mr. Xiaogang! I am willing to follow Mr. Xiaogang."

Xiaogang said:"Is it okay?"

Rocco (Ninetail) nodded and said:"This has always been my wish!"

Xiaogang said:"Thank you for your trust."

Xiaogang subdued the Ninetail, and the morning sun shone into this dilapidated yard after 200 years. Ninetail finally ushered in its new life.

Kaji Town is not far away!

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