Before arriving at Kaji Town, Xiaozhi received a call from Du, asking him to go to the Angry Lake to investigate the strange radio waves. Du also said that he would go there too.

So Xiaozhi and the other two went to the Angry Lake first.

"Pikachu lay listlessly on Xiaozhi's shoulder.

Xiaozhi held Pikachu in his arms and used the power of waveguide to form an invisible sound-isolating earmuffs, and Pikachu regained his spirit.

Xiaozhi said seriously:"It seems that it is nearby!" Xiaogang looked at himself, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia, and felt nothing unusual. He said:"From the look of Pikachu just now, this radio wave has no effect on humans."

Xiaoxia said:"It's a bit like the staff of the masked queen we saw in the ruins last time. Can it be understood as a kind of ultrasonic wave?"

Xiaozhi nodded and said:"But I always feel that it's not that simple." Xiaogang patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder and said:"Xiaozhi, look over there! The Pokémon living in this forest seem to be the same as Pikachu just now." Xiaozhi said:"That's right! The source should be nearby!" Xiaoxia said:

"It's not just whether you heard it or not, it seems to be the cry of Pokémon."

The cry of the Pokémon coming from not far away gave people a very painful feeling. Xiaozhi said:"Let's go and have a look!"

The three of them chased after the source of the Pokémon's cry, and in front of them was a lake. Xiaoxia said:"Is this the Lake of Anger?"

Xiaogang said:"The sound we heard should be coming from nearby!"

Suddenly, a red Gyarados emerged from the water, looking very painful, and was struggling and firing water cannons indiscriminately everywhere.

Xiaoxia was surprised and said:"Red Gyarados? Aren't ordinary Gyarados blue in color?"

Xiaogang said:"Combined with what Mr. Du said about the radio waves, I can probably guess that this Gyarados was probably mutated due to the influence of the radio waves!"

Xiaozhi said:"Then we can't just leave it alone!"

Xiaoxia asked:"Xiaozhi, what do you want to do?"

"Wait a minute! What do you want to do?"

A strong man, followed by several people in black clothes, appeared behind Xiaozhi and the others."R".

Team Rocket?!

Xiaozhi looked at a member of Team Rocket following the man. This person turned out to be Du pretending to be Du. He was very familiar with Du's waveguide and would never make a mistake. Xiaozhi also roughly understood Du's intention. Xiaozhi said:"Team Rocket?"

The man laughed:"You actually know who we are? Then we can't let you leave easily." The man took out a Poké Ball from his coat pocket and said:"Go! Toucan! Use Drill." Xiaozhi said:"If you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end! Pikachu 100,000 Volts!"

This Toucan was at best only the strength of the top gym, and naturally it was no match for the top king-level Pikachu. With just one hit, the Toucan lost its combat ability.

The man took back the Toucan and said:"Why is your Pikachu not affected? Forget it, I'll let you go today. Remember that I am a cadre of Team Rocket, named Chen Ji. I will settle accounts with you next time!" Chen Ji said to his men behind him:"What are you still looking at! Hurry up and leave!"

Xiaozhi did not stop him and let Chen Ji lead his men away. Xiaogang asked in confusion,"Xiaozhi, why don't you stop them?"

Xiaozhi explained,"Mr. Du has already infiltrated Team Rocket. If I leave Tatsumi here, it might affect Mr. Du's investigation."

Xiaoxia said,"No wonder I said that someone from Team Rocket looked familiar!"

Xiaogang said,"But we can't just do nothing!"

Xiaozhi said,"Of course we can't just do nothing. Follow me."

Xiaozhi led Xiaoxia and Xiaogang to sneak into the base built by Team Rocket. Xiaozhi pointed at the people on the high platform not far away.

Xiaogang whispered,"Musashi, Kojiro, and Meowth?"

Xiaozhi said,"If I guess correctly, Team Rocket intends to capture the red Gyarados in the Lake of Anger. The three of them were captured to do hard labor!"

Xiaozhi said,"But they seem to be enjoying it! Xiaozhi, then should we just wait for Team Rocket to lure Gyarados up and rescue him?"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"That's right!"

The three members of Team Rocket jumped into the Lake of Anger wearing diving suits and floated to the surface in less than five minutes. The red Gyarados was chasing them.

Tatsumi yelled,"Catch Gyarados!"

A net caught the three members of Team Rocket, including Gyarados.

Tatsumi said,"Discharge!"

The net was instantly electrified, and the three members of Team Rocket were also electrified. Perhaps because they often experienced Pikachu's 100,000 volts, the three members of Team Rocket looked fine. Only Gyarados was knocked unconscious by the electric shock!

Seeing this, Xiaozhi suppressed the urge of Xiaoxia and Xiaogang to rush forward, and his eyes were fixed on the radio wave transmission tower behind the Team Rocket base. Suddenly, a small explosion occurred in the radio wave transmission tower.


"Pikachu, Rockwraith, Crocodile, and Dalupy, it’s you who are chosen!"

"Go! Starfish, Bullfrog, Goldfish, Vaporeon, Suncoral"

"You too!"

""Save Gyarados!" the three said in unison.

Du took off his disguise, sat on Dragonite's back and said,"Dragonite use Tornado!"

Gyarados, who escaped from the net, lost his mind even more, and headed towards the Rocket Team base, firing two consecutive destructive death rays, destroying the base completely.

Du's Dragonite blocked Gyarados's way with a tornado. Du shouted,"Xiaozhi, leave it to me! Now Gyarados has completely lost his mind!"

Xiaogang said,"If this continues, the entire forest will be destroyed!"

Du nodded and said,"I know!"

Chen Ji and Dr. Silanu, who initiated the evolutionary radio wave experiment, ran out unharmed and said to Xiaozhi and others,"Are you the one who destroyed the base? I will never forgive you again! Toucan uses crazy attack!"

Chen Ji sent out three Toucans at once.

Xiaozhi said,"Mr. Du, leave this to us!"

"Pikachu 100,000 volts!"

"Vaporeon uses Water Cannon!"

"Steelix uses Rock Slide!"

The three Pokémon won the victory effortlessly. Seeing this, Tatsumi tried to escape, but was surrounded by Xiaozhi and his Pokémon.

"White Sea Lion, Freezing Ray!"

White Sea Lion's freezing ray froze the water around Gyarados, and now Gyarados was completely blocked.

"Dragonite, 100,000 volts."

Gyarados used the Destruction Beam and collided with 100,000 volts in the air.

"Dragonite strikes again, 100,000 volts!"

"Dragonite uses Tornado."

Du:"Go, Poké Ball!" Du captured Gyarados.

Du picked up Gyarados' Poké Ball, and Du said to the trainer who used White Sea Lion:"Thank you, Mr. Liu Bo."

Liu Bo nodded slightly and said indifferently:"I just happened to see the strange reactions of the Pokémon nearby, so I came here. If everything is fine, I'll leave first!"

Du said:"I will go to the Kaji Gym after the matter is resolved."

Liu Bo just nodded slightly, and after he finished speaking, he put White Sea Lion back into the Poké Ball and walked away.

Du was obviously used to Liu Bo's attitude, so he didn't say anything else. He just said to Xiaozhi:"The man just now was Mr. Liu Bo, the gym trainer of Kaji Gym. It is not easy to get his badge." Xiaozhi thanked him:"Thank you, Mr. Du, for telling me."

Ash sent Tatsumi and the other members of Team Rocket to the police car and handed them over to Miss Junsha.

Du explained everything from beginning to end, saying:"The Rocket Team's plan is called Plan R.

It is an experiment to use evolutionary radio waves to force Pokémon to evolve.

This red Gyarados was forcibly evolved from Magikarp to Gyarados under the influence of radio waves.

The Rocket Team wants to capture it to collect more comprehensive data, and then use these as a basis to complete radio waves that are effective for all Pokémon.

All of this is an experiment to allow Team Rocket to obtain the strongest Pokémon Army!


Du said:"This matter has been successfully resolved, and the damage has been reduced to a minimum. Xiaozhi's mission this time has been successfully completed. I will give your reward to Professor Oak later. As for this Gyarados, I will cultivate it well."

Xiaozhi said:"We understand!" Du also left. After waiting for only Xiaozhi and the other two to be left, Xiaogang suddenly asked:"Hey, where are Musashi, Kojiro and Meowth?"

Xiaoxia spread her hands and said:"I guess they ran away! If they were slower, they would have been in jail!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"It's getting late, let's go to the Pokémon Center in Kaji Town to rest!""

"I agree!" Xiaoxia and Xiaogang said at the same time.

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