After resting at the Pokémon Center in Kaji Town for the night, Xiaozhi and his friends came to Kaji Gym early in the morning. They rang the doorbell many times, but no one came to open the door.

Xiaoxia said,"That's strange? Is Mr. Liu Bo not here?"

Xiaogang said,"Is it the gym's closed day today?"

"Are you here for the gym challenge? Ah Liu is not here now!"

The three turned around and saw a fat auntie, who smiled and said,"Hello, my name is Xima. Liu Bo should be meditating at the waterfall now."

Xiaogang exclaimed,"You are worthy of being a gym trainer! You are always exercising your body and mind!"

Xima looked at Xiaozhi and Pikachu and asked,"Did you appear in the Lake of Anger yesterday?"

Xiaozhi nodded and said,"Yes!"

Xima said,"So you are the trainer that Ah Liu mentioned yesterday! Adu also praised you highly! I forgot to say that when Adu just started his journey, he was training here. Ah Liu can be regarded as half of Adu's master!"

Xiaozhi then understood the relationship between Du and Liu Bo. No wonder Mr. Du seemed to be hesitant to speak yesterday.

Xiaoxia asked,"Excuse me, where is the waterfall?"

Xima said,"I will lead the way for you!"

"Thank you, Aunt Seema!"


When Xiaozhi and the other two looked ahead again, Sima had disappeared, but a voice reached their ears:"What are you doing? Hurry up and catch up!"

Looking for the source of the voice, Sima had already run several hundred meters.

Xiaozhi said:"Hurry up and catch up!" Xiaozhi also ran at a fast speed, and Xiaoxia and Xiaogang followed Xiaozhi's pace with a wry smile.

Sima walked briskly, jumping on the rocks as if walking on flat ground.

Xiaozhi easily caught up with his extraordinary physical strength, while Xiaoxia and Xiaogang gave up and followed slowly from behind, not wanting to run anymore, and were not in a hurry.

Sima stopped, looked at Xiaozhi who was following behind him, and said:"I haven't sweated so much in a long time. Young man, not bad!" Xiaozhi said:"Thank you Aunt Sima for the compliment."

Sima pointed to the waterfall in front of him and said:"Aliu is there!"

Under the huge waterfall, an old man sat under the waterfall, feeling the rushing water hitting him, sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed in meditation.

Xiaozhi stepped forward and said,"Mr. Liu Bo, we met yesterday. I am Xiaozhi from Pallet Town. Can you please have a gym match with me?"

Liu Bo slowly stood up, picked up a towel from the rock beside him and wiped his hair, saying,"Oh, the boy who was the special investigator at the ferry!" Liu Bo said seriously,"Why are you so lax about your Pikachu? If you want to train excellent Pokémon, you need to abandon your feelings."

Xiaozhi said,"Mr. Liu Bo, please forgive me for not agreeing with your idea. My Pokémon and I are good partners and good friends. They rely on me and I trust them."

Liu Bo said coldly,"Huh! Childish! There must be a boundary between trainers and Pokémon, and a sense of tension must be maintained. Because of being influenced by Pokémon's emotions, it is easy to lose sight of the situation in the battle, unable to use tactics, and then lose."

Xiaozhi said:"In that case, let me have a fight with Mr. Liu Bo!"

Liu Bo said:"You really said the same thing as Adu! Okay, I promise to have a gym match with you. Sima, come on!"

Sima spread his hands helplessly, A Liu was serious!

Sima said to Xiaoxia and Xiaogang who were exhausted behind him:"You two hurry up and catch up."

Xiaoxia said in a sad voice:"Ah! Didn't we find Mr. Liu Bo? Where else are we going?"

Sima said:"You will know if you catch up!"

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang could only stand up from the rocks that were not yet warm, and continued to move forward with one deep step and one shallow step. The group came to the edge of a cliff.

""Little brat!"

A familiar voice sounded, and Team Rocket appeared in the Meowth hot air balloon.

Xiaozhi looked up helplessly:"Why did you run so fast yesterday? If you were slower, we would have had a dinner together in the prison!"

Kojiro said:"It's all your fault, little brat. Our promotion plan has gone down the drain again! So we have to catch Pikachu!"

Meowth said:"That's it, meow! I'll press it!" Meowth pressed the red button on the remote control in his hand. The ground began to shake. This is a cliff. It is easy to have accidents when encountering such strong vibrations.

The rock where Xiaozhi and Liu Bo were standing suddenly shattered, and the two fell off the cliff.


"Ah Liu!"

Xiaozhi immediately hugged Pikachu with one hand and released Pidgeot and Dragonite:"Pidgeot, go save Mr. Liu!" Dragonite caught Xiaozhi and Pikachu.

The rocks on the cliff were shaken just now, causing them to fall continuously. There was no way to fly up, so they could only go down to the bottom of the cliff first.

On the cliff, Xiaoxia used Bullfrog and Xiaogang used Incarnadine to attack and knocked Team Rocket away.

"What a disgusting feeling......."

Sima said:"The falling rocks must have blocked the way up. I remember there is a passage ahead that leads to the bottom of the cliff. Follow me!"

"Yeah." Xiaoxia and Xiaogang followed Xima's footsteps.

Xiaozhi at the bottom of the cliff looked at the cracks above his head blocked by the falling rocks, and it would be troublesome to go up the same way. Pidgeot and Dragonite hadn't seen Xiaozhi for several days, and they rubbed their heads against Xiaozhi affectionately. Xiaozhi said:"Good boy, thank you, come back first!"

Xiaozhi took Pidgeot and Dragonite back.

Liu Bo said:"Are you in a good relationship? But......No matter how good the relationship is, we should be strict during training."

Xiaozhi said:"Mr. Liu Bo, can I ask what happened?"

Liu Bo hesitated for a moment and said:"I used to have a long-haired pig that I regarded as my best friend. Training Pokémon is a happy thing for me. I won a series of battles with the long-haired pig. Later, when the long-haired pig and I participated in a large-scale competition, the opponent used a fire-type duck-billed Charmander. Xiaozhi, you should have heard of his name since you came from Kanto. His name is Xia Bo. The long-haired pig and I lost that game."

"In order to protect the hairy pig, I got severely burned, and so did the hairy pig. That night, the hairy pig left me and never came back. So in my future training, I can only be strict!"

Liu Bo said:"Okay, the story is over! The top is blocked, let's go this way! We should be able to get out from here."

Liu Bo looked around and finally found a narrow cave that only allowed one person to pass through at a time. He walked in first, and Xiaozhi followed.

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang on the cliff also heard what Sima said about Liu Bo and the hairy pig.

""Pika!" Pikachu pointed to the things in front.

After Liu Bo saw the things on the ground, he picked them up and put them on his chest with great care, saying:"This is the anklet of my long-haired pig!"

Xiaozhi said:"Mr. Liu Bo, aren't you surprised why the anklet of the long-haired pig appeared here?"

Liu Bo still said seriously:"I don't know! I don't want to know. There is light in front, maybe I can get out!"

Xiaozhi sighed helplessly. He still had to find the long-haired pig to solve this misunderstanding. If Xiaozhi remembered correctly, Liu Bo's long-haired pig should be in front of this.

Xiaozhi dispersed the power of the waveguide, and the waveguide in front seemed to be the waveguide of Pokémon, but this waveguide was very weak.

He walked to the vast cave in front that emitted light. It turned out that the light he saw just now was ice. Xiaozhi said:"Mr. Liu Bo, look over there!" There seemed to be a Pokémon in a huge piece of ice in front of the two.

Liu Bo said excitedly:"That's my long-haired pig!"Liu Bo almost crawled to the long-haired pig, his tears kept falling:"Long-haired pig! It's really my long-haired pig!"

Xiao Zhi said:"Mr. Liu Bo, look at what the long-haired pig is holding, it is a herbal medicine that is very effective for burns. I think the long-haired pig went to pick herbs for Mr. Liu Bo, because it was injured itself, and on the way back, it accidentally fell here."

Liu Bo hugged the ice and cried:"So this is how it is......Longhair Pig......sorry......sorry......I misunderstood you.......Really sorry......"

Xiaozhi said:"Mr. Liu Bo, let the long-haired pig come out of the ice first! The fire rock rat has decided that it is you! Use jet fire on the ice!"

The fire rock rat quickly melted the ice with jet fire. However, the long-haired pig seemed to fall into a deep sleep and did not respond.

Xiaozhi said:"Pikachu, it's up to you, use electric shock!"

The long-haired pig still did not respond.

""Pikachu, increase the power!"

This time, the electric shock finally made the hairy pig react.

Liu Bo couldn't believe that his hairy pig finally woke up. He hugged the hairy pig and said,"Long-haired pig, do you still remember me?"

The hairy pig sniffed and recognized Liu Bo, and happily put the herbs in his hand on Liu Bo's hand.

Liu Bo said,"I'm sorry, long-haired pig!" The hairy pig's first reaction was to care about Liu Bo's injury.

The hairy pig had been frozen for too long. Liu Bo said,"Long-haired pig, use sleep to restore your strength."

The hairy pig used sleep to restore its strength.

Xiaozhi said,"There will be no problem this way." Xiaozhi can also clearly understand the situation of the hairy pig through the waveguide.

"A Liu!"


Liu Bo said to Xima happily:"Xima! Look at my long-haired pig!"

Xima went up excitedly and said:"Long-haired pig, do you still remember me?"

The long-haired pig nodded excitedly, and Xima was also happy that Liu Bo could find the long-haired pig.

The group successfully returned to the Kaji Gym from the bottom of the cliff, and Liu Bo and Xiaozhi also set the time to challenge the gym tomorrow. Xiaozhi's seventh badge gym match is about to begin!

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