Xiaozhi and his friends only need to pass through the forest and a lake to reach Yanmo City. After passing through the forest, Xiaoxia stopped and said,"Hey, look, that's a Dratini! So cute!"

A Dratini was taking a nap by the lake.

Xiaogang said,"But......Dratini is a rare Pokémon, how could it appear by the lake?"

When Xiaozhi and the other two got closer, Dratini woke up and looked at them with its big eyes.

Suddenly, a Gyarados emerged from the water and stood between Xiaozhi and the other two and Dratini.

"Don't worry, Gyarados! You step back first."

After a girl with blue hair and a ponytail appeared, Gyarados stepped back.

The girl looked at Xiaozhi and Pikachu and said,"You have a dragon Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi replied,"I have Dragonite."

The girl said,"Sure enough! My name is Xiaochun. You are Professor Xiaozhi, right!"

Xiaozhi and the other two introduced themselves. Xiaozhi said,"You must be Miss Xiaochun, the gym trainer of the Yanmo Gym!"

Xiaochun said,"I am! Brother Adu told me about you."

Xiaogang couldn't help but step forward and said,"Miss Xiaochun, I have the strong willpower of a Geodude, the burning passion of a Charmeleon, and the smile of a Sunflower! Miss Xiaochun, you are so charming!"

At this time, the mini dragon jumped into the lake and started moving!

Xiaogang wanted to hold Xiaochun's hand, but missed. Xiaoxia was happy to see this scene. After all, she didn't need to do anything!

Xiaochun said,"The mini dragon started moving! Gyarados followed! Do you want to come together?"

Xiaozhi said:"Okay!"

""Miss! Wait for me!" An old man came over with a package, and he kept shouting while running,"Miss, today is an important day......."Before he could finish his words, the old man tripped over a rock.

Xiaochun stepped forward and helped him up:"Kabu! Are you okay?"

Kabu made a"yeah" gesture to Xiaochun and said,"I'm fine! By the way, where's the stuff! Here!" Kabu handed the package to Xiaochun and said,"Miss, you forgot to bring the Dragon's Fang!"

Xiaochun said,"Thank you for bringing it!" Xiaogang said,"I remember that the Dragon's Fang is an item that can increase the power of the dragon-attribute moves of the Pokémon that carries it by 20%!"

Xiaochun said,"That's right! It's a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation in our Yanmo Gym. Okay, Kabu, thank you for bringing it!" Xiaochun put the Dragon's Fang into her backpack.

Kabu said,"According to legend, there was once a dragon Pokémon that caused chaos in Yanmo City. It was quelled by the first gym trainer of the Yanmo Gym, and the Dragon Fang was the tooth of that dragon Pokémon. Since then, this Dragon Fang has been the heirloom of the Yanmo Gym. And today is the cleaning ceremony to purify the Dragon Fang. Miss, that's one of your jobs as a gym trainer."

Xiaoxia said,"Miss Xiaochun, what are we going to do?"

Xiaochun said,"I'll take the Dragon Fang, but Dratini is more important now. Dratini is about to shed its skin!"

Kabu said,"Miss, today is an important day that happens once every three years! You can go and complete the ceremony first, and then come back!"

Xiaozhi said,"That......"Miss Xiaochun, your Dratini is not about to shed its skin but to evolve!"

Xiaochun looked at Xiaozhi:"Xiaochun, are you serious?"

Xiaozhi said:"I'm sure!" After all, Xiaozhi's Dragonite has also undergone evolution, and the condition of the Dratini in front of him is no different from the signs before Xiaozhi's Dratini evolved. Xiaochun smiled bitterly and said:"I see, I thought it was about to shed its skin. The condition of the Dratini is not the same as usual. It seems that I was wrong!" Kabu said happily:"Then Miss, can we complete the ceremony first?"

Xiaochun said:"Then let's complete the ceremony first!"

A net fell from the sky and caught the Dratini in the lake.

"Hahaha! Brat, we'll take Dratini!"

Xiaozhi said,"Nightowl has decided that it's you! Use wings to attack and cut the net."

Nightowl cut the net that caught Dratini on Team Rocket's balloon, and Xiaochun caught Dratini steadily.

Kojiro shouted,"Brat, we finally caught Dratini! Gastly, use mud attack." Xiaochun said,"Let me do it! Gyarados use water cannon!" Gyarados

' water cannon hit, and it raised its tail to hit Gastly back. Kojiro and Gastly lost their combat ability together! Musashi said,"You're useless, watch me! Arbok, use bite." Xiaochun said,"It's your turn to get on Dratini, use Water Tail."

Arbok was hit by its water tail before it touched Dratini, and flew back to Meowth's balloon.

Xiaozhi said,"Pikachu, use 100,000 volts to send Team Rocket away!"Pikachu jumped up along Xiaozhi's shoulder, and the freshly baked 100,000 volts sent Team Rocket flying.

"What a disgusting feeling......."


After the battle, Dratini's body emitted an evolutionary light, and Dratini evolved into Haxorus.

Xiaochun hugged Haxorus' neck and said excitedly:"Haxorus, you finally evolved!"

Haxorus gestured with his head to continue upstream. Xiaozhi said:"Let's follow Haxorus and take a look!"

Night fell, and the moon hung high in the sky. Xiaozhi and his party followed Haxorus to the source of the lake. At the end of the upper reaches of the river, there was a small waterfall and the river water was very clear.

Kabu said:"This is the water source!"

Xiaozhi said:"It seems that Haxorus guided Miss Xiaochun to come here to hold the ceremony."

Xiaochun said:"This is really the most suitable place to hold a ceremony! Right, Kabu!"

Kabu nodded:"Yes, miss!"

Xiaochun changed into the clothes for the ceremony, and walked towards the river holding the Dragon's Fang in her hand. Kabu knelt on one knee, quietly watching the ceremony by the river. After Xiaochun reached the position, she closed her eyes and prayed for a while, then placed the Dragon's Fang on the stone in front of her.

Xiaochun said:"Dragon of the sky, dragon of the earth, dragon of the water, give peace to all dragons! Give all dragons happiness!" After that, Xiaochun leaned over and scooped up the water in the river, pouring it on the Dragon's Fang. The Dragon's Fang emitted a faint light, and under the moonlight, the ceremony was successfully completed.

Xiaochun said:"Thank you, Xiaozhi! By the way, I didn't ask you, are you here to challenge the gym?"

Xiaozhi nodded:"Yes." Xiaochun said:"I will bet on the reputation of the Dragon Pokémon trainer of the Yanmo Gym, and fight Xiaozhi with all my strength!" Xiaozhi said:"Miss Xiaochun, I won't lose either!"

After Xiaozhi and Xiaochun agreed on a time for the gym match, they returned to the Pokémon Center in Yanmo City to rest.

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