On the morning of the challenge to Xiaozhi's last gym in Chengdu, Xiaozhi received a call from Du early in the morning.

Du said:"Xiaozhi, I am looking forward to your battle with Xiaochun!"

Xiaozhi said:"Mr. Du, are you calling me early in the morning to talk about this?"

Du said:"Of course not, help me train Xiaochun. In the past year, the work of the investigator has been too busy, and there has been no chance for her to reflect on herself. It just so happens that you are going to challenge the Yanmo Gym, and I will leave the rest to you!"

Xiaozhi smiled bitterly and said:"I'll see if there is an opportunity!"

Du said:"No, just send the ice or fairy type to the field, and it is best to use one Pokémon to push the team. Xiaochun has been relaxed when I am not here, it's okay!"

Xiaozhi agreed reluctantly. He hung up the communication device and thought, Miss Xiaochun, I am helpless too! After all, your cousin is my direct leader, I can't not listen!

When Xiaozhi challenged the gym, he would stop at the right time, trying to make every Pokémon have a chance to play. Only when he challenged the league would he use a Pokémon to push the team. Since the leader had made a request, Xiaozhi could only obey! As soon as Xiaozhi and the other two walked out of the Pokémon Center, old man Kabu hurried over. He said,"Mr. Xiaozhi, something happened!"

Xiaozhi hurriedly asked,"What happened?"

Kabu said,"The Dragon's Fang was stolen!"

Xiaoxia said,"Where did the criminal go?"

Kabu said,"I'll take you there!"

Xiaozhi and the other two followed Kabu and chased after him. When they arrived at the lake, they saw the three members of Team Rocket running away in a motorboat not far away. What they were holding in their hands was the Dragon's Fang that was packed in a wooden box yesterday.

Xiaochun rode on Haxorus to catch up, and Xiaozhi released his Charizard, Pidgeot and Toucan. Pidgeot and Toucan carried Xiaogang and old man Kabu, and Xiaoxia rode Charizard with Xiaozhi.

Meow said,"It's the little devil meow!"

Musashi said,"It's really annoying!"

Kojiro said,"I've stepped on the accelerator to the bottom!"

Meow said,"But sooner or later we will be caught up." Kojiro

's eyes lit up,"Drive over there, it will be difficult for them to chase us if we enter that cave!"

What Kojiro was talking about was a huge cave with a dragon head carved on it, right behind the Smoke and Ink Gym.

Kabu shouted,"Miss, they are going to escape to the Dragon Cave!"

Xiaochun said,"It's bad!"

After entering the Dragon Cave, the waterway inside was not very wide, and Xiaozhi and his group had to avoid the river and the rocks in the air, so their speed slowed down.

Xiaochun said,"We are in trouble!"

Xiaogang asked,"Miss Xiaochun, what's wrong?"

Kabu explained,"This Dragon Cave is connected to the Dragon Sanctuary, where many Pokémon live. It is a paradise for Pokémon and is generally forbidden to enter."

Xiaochun said,"I just hope that the Rockets will not destroy it again!" The

Dragon Sanctuary is a peaceful and tranquil place. The three members of Team Rocket rushed out of the waterfall without noticing. When they thought they were going to fall, a Dragonite that was twice the size of an ordinary Dragonite hugged the three members of Team Rocket.

Meowth said,"Dragonite meow?"

Musashi said,"Why did Dragonite save us?"

Kojiro said,"What did Dragonite say? Meowth, translate it!"

Meowth said,"Dragonite said that we should help each other when we are in trouble, meow!"

Dragonite landed safely with the three members.

Kojiro said,"Anyway, Dragonite should thank you for saving us. Hey, why did you suddenly get so close to me!"

Meowth translated,"It said that the box you were holding smelled like Dragon's Fang, meow!" Musashi said,"Maybe, we can use it!" Musashi took the box Kojiro was holding, took out the Dragon's Fang and said,"Dragonite, there is indeed Dragon's Fang in it. To be honest, we fled to this place to protect Dragon's Fang from being taken away by bad guys. Can you help us?"

Meowth and Kojiro looked at each other and realized that this was their idea. Kojiro and Meowth said pitifully,"Please, Dragonite, please help us!" The kind Dragonite nodded and believed what Team Rocket said. It picked up Team Rocket and flew deep into the Dragon's Sanctuary.

When Xiaozhi and his group chased to the Dragon's Sanctuary, Team Rocket and Dragonite were gone.

Xiaochun said:"There should be a Dragonite guarding the Dragon Sanctuary, why isn't it here?"

Kabu said:"Could it be that Dragonite was held hostage by the three members of Team Rocket?"

Xiaozhi said:"I don't think so......."The Charizard suddenly flew up and caught a figure that was flying towards it in the air.

Xiaoxia said,"This Charizard is wearing a bow tie. Could it be Lisa? The one from Miss Jiko in Charizard Valley."

Xiaochun said,"Do you know Jiko?"

Xiaozhi said,"We met in Charizard Valley before. Miss Jiko's Lisa likes my Charizard very much."

Kabu said,"Miss Jiko is a good friend of my lady. She often brings the Charizards from Charizard Valley to Dragon Sanctuary for training."

"Hello! Xiaozhi, it's been a long time since we last met! Xiaochun, are you okay? Ji Ke landed on Lisa's hot air balloon.

Xiao Gang said infatuatedly:"It's been a long time since we last met, Miss Ji Ke! I can meet you here again because we are tied together by the red string......."

Misty covered Brock's mouth and dragged him away:"You are not being led by the red line!"

Ji Ke said:"If you are here, are you going to have a gym match with Chun? Who will win or lose?"

Chun said:"The match hasn't started yet! Let's not talk about this for now, let's go catch up with Team Rocket!"

On the way, Kabu explained the whole thing, and Xiaozhi and the others also knew that the Dragonite guarding here was the Pokémon of the previous generation of the Yanmo Gym Trainer.

Dragonite was brought to the Dragon Temple in the center of the Dragon Sanctuary by Team Rocket. Meowth translated Dragonite's words and said:"Dragonite said that there is a Dragon Temple inside that collects important things."

Xiaozhi and the others also heard Kabu talk about the Dragon Sanctuary and the Dragon Temple.

Misty said:"Dragon Temple?"

Chun said:"It was built by our ancestors hundreds of years ago to pray for Pokémon and humans to coexist peacefully. There is a flame called the Fire of Prayer enshrined inside."

Brock said:"Look over there!" The flame began to spread throughout the Dragon Sanctuary.

It turned out that Team Rocket was still determined to take the Dragon Fang and then set their sights on the Prayer Fire. The Prayer Fire seemed to be able to identify bad guys and burned Kojiro. Kojiro threw the copper basin filled with flames to the ground in pain, which led to the fire. When

Dragonite found out that he had been deceived, he got angry!

Satoshi and his friends were blocked by the fire, so they decided to put out the fire first. Satoshi said,"Blottesto use Pray for Rain! Misty, you, Brock and Miss Jiko go put out the fire and save the Pokémon first, leave this to me and Miss Tsubaki!"

The three nodded at the same time and said,"Got it!"

Satoshi said seriously,"Miss Tsubaki, Dragonite has used Reverse Scale, so we have to use tough measures, otherwise the destruction of the Dragon Sanctuary will only be more serious."

Tsubaki said,"I understand!"

"Charizard uses Dragon Wave!"

""Hackon uses Iron Tail!"

Charizard's Dragon Wave hit Dragonite, causing great damage to Dragonite. Hackon's Iron Tail hit the falling Dragonite right in the face, knocking it into the lake.

When Dragonite flew out of the lake again, his eyes returned to normal.

Dragonite shed tears as he watched his favorite flower being completely destroyed. Ash breathed a sigh of relief, finally letting Dragonite regain consciousness.

Ash comforted,"Dragonite, it's not your fault! Look, that's what the Pokémons said!" The Pokémon living in the Dragon Sanctuary gathered around after the fire was quelled. After the fire was put out, Brock and the others came back and found Ash and the others.

Brock said,"Ash, we caught Team Rocket!"

Ash looked at the three members of Team Rocket who were caught by Steelix's tail. The three members of Team Rocket also knew that they had done something wrong, and they lowered their heads waiting for Pikachu's 100,000 volts to serve them. Ash preached,"You're in trouble this time, do you know that?"

Kojiro murmured,"It's because we have no food money that we have to come up with this idea!"

Xiaochun said,"Give the Dragon's Fang back!"

Without waiting for Team Rocket to speak, Kabu snatched the box from Kojiro's back. He looked carefully at the Dragon's Fang in the box, fortunately it was fine.

Xiaozhi nodded to Xiaogang, and Xiaogang said,"Nine-Tails, strong mental thought!"

"Such a nasty feeling......"


Guarding against Pikachu's 100,000 volts, but not against Ninetails' mental power, the three members of Team Rocket took off again.

Xiaochun and Kabu put the protected prayer fire back into the Dragon Temple, and also appeased Dragonite.

Xiaochun said:"Mr. Xiaozhi, thank you for your help! As for the gym competition, please start tomorrow! Today, Kabu and I have to deal with the Dragon Sanctuary first."

Xiaozhi said:"Understand! Charizard, do you want to stay with Lisa for a while?"

Charizard nodded.

Xiaozhi said:"Then I'll leave Charizard to help! Please ask Miss Ji

Ke to take care of it!" Ji Ke said:"Leave it to me, Xiaozhi, don't worry!"

Xiaozhi and others stopped Dragonite and protected the Dragon Sanctuary. Tomorrow will finally start the last gym competition in Chengdu!

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