Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao were heading towards Orange City, the location of the first gym in the Hoenn League. Now they finally saw Orange City!

Xiaozhi said,"Xiaoyao, hurry up, we're here!"

Xiaoyao fell behind and sighed,"Xiaozhi, there's no need to be so anxious!"

Xiaozhi deliberately said,"This is my first gym match in the Hoenn region, how can I not be anxious?"

Xiaoyao asked tentatively,"Xiaozhi,......Are we really going to the Orange Gym?"

Xiaozhi said,"To participate in the Hoenn League, you must collect eight badges first, so the Orange Gym's gym badge is a must. Xiaoyao, I remember you said you were from Orange City, right? Where is the Orange Gym?" Xiaozhi asked deliberately, because he knew that the Orange Gym's gym trainer Qianli was Xiaoyao's father.

Xiaoyao said,"That......Actually, I just have something to do, so I'll leave first!" Xiaoyao chose to run away instead of facing Xiaozhi's question.

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"It's very suspicious!"


Xiaozhi said:"Pikachu, let me follow you!"


Xiaozhi followed Xiaoyao to the door of the Orange Gym. The logo of the Alliance Gym was hung on the roof of the building. Xiaozhi went forward and knocked on the door and said,"Hello! I'm here to challenge the gym competition! Is anyone here?"

The door was opened!

"It's so noisy! I'm watching the video of the Silver Conference......Ah! Dr. Xiaozhi, why is it you! I’m your super fan, please sign for me!" A boy wearing glasses and green clothes screamed.

He is Xiaoyao’s younger brother——Xiaosheng.

Xiaozhi took Xiaosheng’s notebook reluctantly. This was the second person who asked him for an autograph in just three days.

Xiaosheng was still very excited and said:"Dr. Xiaozhi, I watched all your live games in the Silver Conference! You won the championship of the Quartz Conference with a perfect record when you debuted, and then you won the championship of the Silver Conference. You are also the most promising junior of Dr. Oak and the youngest doctor in the league!"

Xiaozhi blushed a little and said:"Yes, it’s me!"

Xiaosheng saw the Pikachu on Xiaozhi’s shoulder and said:"This is Dr. Xiaozhi’s Pikachu! Can I hug it?"

Xiaozhi said:"Okay!"Xiaozhi picked up Pikachu and handed it to Xiaosheng.

Xiaosheng hugged Pikachu very tightly and rubbed his cheek against Pikachu. Pikachu was very uncomfortable with this. Xiaozhi jumped back decisively. The 100,000 volts of electricity burned Xiaosheng black. This was the result of Pikachu's deliberate control of the current.

Pikachu turned around proudly and returned to Xiaozhi's arms.

Xiaosheng said:"Okay......It's so numb! Is this Pikachu's 100,000 volts?"

Xiaosheng immediately revived, pushed his glasses and said:"Dr. Xiaozhi is here to challenge the gym! I am the gym trainer of the Orange Gym!"

Xiaozhi said:"That! Xiaosheng! Not to mention that there is an age requirement to be a gym trainer, you don't look like a gym trainer like this!"

Xiaosheng said guiltily:"Don't worry about it! The rule of the Orange Gym is three on three, let's fight!"

"Xiaosheng, what are you doing?"Xiaoyao poked her head out of the window, and

Xiaosheng said,"Sister! You're back! Look, look, this is Dr. Xiaozhi!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Sure enough! Xiaoyao is from the Chenghua Gym!" Xiaoyao smiled awkwardly, and Qianli and Mitsuko behind Xiaoyao also looked in. Qianli said,"Welcome, Chenghua Gym!"

Xiaoyao said,"Let's talk at home!"

After everyone sat down, Xiaoyao introduced,"This is my father and mother, and this is my younger brother Xiaosheng."

Qianli said,"Hello, Dr. Xiaozhi, I heard Xiaoyao talk about you a little, and I only heard your name before. I am Qianli, the gym trainer of Chenghua Gym."

Mitsuko said,"I am the mother of Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng, Qianli's wife, and my name is Mitsuko. Thank you very much for sending Xiaoyao back. This child's personality is a bit reckless."

Xiaozhi said,"Xiaoyao and I are traveling companions! There is nothing to thank."

Qianli said:"Professor Xiaozhi is such an outstanding person that he can take Xiaoyao on a trip. She will definitely learn a lot."

Mitsuko said:"By the way, Xiaoyao, where is your bicycle?"

Xiaoyao said:"It was broken by several people who claimed to be Team Rocket!" Qianli said indifferently:"So what if it is broken! It is better to travel with your feet on the ground!"

Mitsuko said:"Yes, walking is good for your health." Qianli said:

"Xiaoyao, did you get the initial Pokémon from Professor Odama?"

Xiaosheng also said expectantly:"That's right, what Pokémon did you get, sister?"

Xiaoyao excitedly showed it to her parents and brother:"Come out! Fire Pheasant!""Chamo Chamo!"

When Xiaosheng saw that it was a Fire Pheasant, he said disappointedly:"Ah! It's a Fire Pheasant! I think the Wood Gecko is much better than it!"

""Chamo!" The Fire Pheasant was angry and pecked Xiaosheng everywhere with its beak, and Xiaosheng screamed continuously.

Qianli and Mitsuko approved of Xiaoyao's choice of Fire Pheasant. Qianli said:"You have a good taste in choosing Fire Pheasant as the initial Pokémon."

Mitsuko said:"It's very cute! It suits you, Xiaoyao."

Xiaoyao was very happy to get the approval of her parents, and said:"I told you so!"

The Fire Pheasant finally let Xiaosheng go, only to hear Xiaosheng say again:"Great! I also want a Pokémon, but it's best to be Bimbisara!"

The Fire Pheasant called again!

Qianli and his wife warmly invited Xiaozhi to have lunch before the gym competition. After the meal, several people started chatting.

Mitsuko said:"Dr. Xiaozhi, have you been traveling outside all the time?" Xiaozhi nodded and said:"Aunt Mitsuko, just call me Xiaozhi! This is how it has been since debuting, Kanto region, Orange Islands, Chengdu region, and now Hoenn region.���

Xiaosheng said enviously:"It turns out that Professor Xiaozhi has traveled to so many places!"

Mitsuko said:"It's amazing to travel alone!" Xiaozhi said

:"Actually, I was only alone on the first day, and later I had the company of friends and Pokémon."

Qianli said:"It's a good thing to have a companion when traveling!"

Xiaozhi said:"Yeah, traveling is lively and fun."

Xiaosheng said enviously again:"That's great! Being with companions!"

Qianli said:"Xiaozhi, the rule of the Orange Gym is three on three, you should have no problem!"

Xiaozhi said:"No problem!"

Qianli smiled and said:"I will not show mercy!"

Xiaozhi said:"Me too!"

On the battlefield of the Orange Gym, Qianli and Xiaozhi were about to start fighting, when suddenly smoke and dust rose, the ground shook, and a big hole was broken in the wall.

Xiaozhi said helplessly:"Why are you here again!"

Xiaoyao saw Team Rocket for the second time and recognized them:"It's you!"

Mitsuko said:"You are Xiaoyao's friends! Thank you for taking care of my Xiaoyao!"

Xiaoyao interrupted:"Mom! They are the bad guys who destroyed my bicycle and wanted to steal Pikachu!" Xiaosheng said helplessly:"Mom, look at the situation before you talk!"

Xiaozhi said:"Let me do it! We are old acquaintances! Blue Crocodile Water Cannon!"

Team Rocket quickly sent out Pokémon, Kojiro said:"Double Bullet Gas, use smoke screen!" Musashi said:"Arbok use poison needle!"

The water cannon passed through the smoke screen and directly hit the two Pokémon and Team Rocket, making them take off directly!

"What a disgusting feeling!"


Xiaozhi's Blue Crocodile emitted an evolutionary light, and the Blue Crocodile evolved into a Mighty Crocodile!

Qianli looked at the gym full of cracks and damaged walls and said,"Xiaozhi, I think the gym tournament can't be held now. It must be rebuilt."

Xiaozhi was not very disappointed. After all, the gym tournament was not successfully held on this day in the previous life. Xiaozhi said,"It's okay! It's just a pity! Then I'll challenge it again after a while!"

Two hours later

Mitsuko said,"Xiaoyao, are all the things ready?"

Xiaoyao said,"Don't worry, Mom!" Xiaosheng also squeezed out with a backpack and said,"Sister doesn't know anything about Pokémon, I want to go with you too! I also want to learn more knowledge from Xiaozhi."

Qianli said,"Xiaosheng really knows a lot about Pokémon! We can rest assured to follow Xiaozhi! Xiaozhi, excuse me, can you take Xiaosheng with you too?"

Xiaozhi said,"Of course no problem, the more people traveling, the more lively it will be."Xiaosheng is Xiaoxia's substitute, and will be a great weapon for Xiaogang when his old illness recurs in the future.

Qianli said:"This thing can be considered a farewell gift!"

Qianli gave the two of them a badge collection box.

Mitsuko also handed something to Xiaosheng:"This is for Xiaosheng!"

Xiaosheng said excitedly:"Thank you, Mom! This is the Pokémon Navigator, which is an electronic map. Then I'll take it!"

Qianli said:"The nearest one is the Kanaz Gym in Kanaz City���Xiaozhi, you can go there first!"

Xiaozhi and his two friends said goodbye to Qianli and his wife and left Chenghua City. Xiaozhi and his friends continued their journey with Kanaz City as their destination!

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