In order to reach the first gym, Kanaz City, Xiaozhi and his two friends were walking in the Orange Forest. Xiaosheng looked for Pokémon with a telescope and said disappointedly,"Why can't I see any wild Pokémon anywhere?" Xiaozhi said,"It's okay. We will encounter them sooner or later in the forest. And we are now on the outskirts of the forest. There are more Pokémon in the deep forest." Xiaoyao was so hungry that she was about to fall down. She sat on the ground and said sadly,"Can we eat first? I'm hungry!"

Xiaosheng said,"Sister, can you be more promising?"

Xiaoyao said,"I don't care! Let's eat first!"

Xiaozhi pointed to the three big rocks on the roadside in front and said,"Let's have lunch there! Xiaoxiaoxiang, Xiaola, Electric Monster, and Yukira come out to eat!" Xiaozhi took out the Pokémon food and his lunch box that he had bought at the port of Weibai Town from his backpack, and of course Pikachu's ketchup. The Pokémon and

Xiaozhi enjoyed lunch happily, but Xiaoyao and her brother looked at each other, and then turned to look at Xiaozhi's lunch box.

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Didn't Aunt Mitsuko make your lunch yesterday?"

Xiaoyao said,"It's all Xiaosheng's fault. He kept urging me to leave and made me forget!"

Xiaosheng said,"I thought you brought it, sister!"

Xiaoyao's stomach roared, she said,"I was hoping that Xiaosheng would take it! After all this time, no one of us took it!"

Xiaozhi said,"I still have two sandwiches. If you don't mind, you can eat them!" Xiaosheng said happily,"Thank you, Xiaozhi! You are much more reliable than my sister! I'm starting!" Xiaosheng took the sandwich that Xiaozhi handed over.

Xiaoyao couldn't wait to take a bite:"Xiaozhi, who made this? It's delicious!"

Xiaosheng also nodded repeatedly:"Yes! Yes!"

Xiaozhi said:"I made it!" Xiaoyao said:"Xiaozhi, boys who are excellent and can cook are the best!"

Xiaosheng said:"Xiaozhi, I admire you more and more!"

Xiaozhi said:"Don't be so exaggerated! Eat quickly!"

The Pokémon were lying at Xiaozhi's feet with bulging bellies. Xiaozhi missed Xiaogang a little, and didn't know if the matter was done. Xiaosheng rummaged through the backpack and said:"I still have this! Chocolate, it's my private snack!"

Xiaoyao said:"My dear brother, you still have snacks!" Xiaoyao had just eaten, but when she looked at the chocolate in Xiaosheng's hand, her eyes lit up, and she felt that her stomach could still be filled.

Xiaosheng refused and said,"No! This is my snack!"

A very fast shadow snatched the chocolate from Xiaosheng's hand. Xiaozhi said,"It's Blaze!"

Xiaosheng picked up his backpack and chased after it excitedly, saying,"Finally, I saw a wild Pokémon!"

Xiaoyao's anger about having her food taken away was beyond understanding. She also chased after it and shouted,"Blaze, give me back my chocolate!"

Xiaozhi put the Pokémon back into the Poké Ball and chased after it. His Blaze came.

Blaze stopped on the branch of a tree and ate the chocolate it got from Xiaosheng. Xiaoyao was very disappointed when she saw that the chocolate was gone. Xiaosheng shouted,"Blaze, is the chocolate delicious?"

"siba!" Ogre nodded.

Xiaozhi took out some energy cubes that the normal type Pokémon liked the most from his backpack and said,"Ogre, how about a battle with me? If you win, I will give you these energy cubes. If you lose, how about becoming my Pokémon?"

"siba" Prideful Swallow flew down and nodded.

Xiaozhi said:"Little Elephant, it's decided that it's you! Use Roll!"

The Little Elephant curled up and attacked Prideful Swallow. Prideful Swallow used its wings to attack and knocked the Little Elephant out.

"Little Elephant, Rock Blockade."

Little Elephant stabilized his body in the air and used Rock Blockade on Aogu Yan. Aogu Yan was unable to dodge and was hit by Rock Blockade and slowed down.

Aogu Yan used Lightning Flash and launched another attack.

"Little Elephant, get out of the way!"

Xiaozhi used Little Elephant's flexible body to consume Pridefula's physical strength. Coupled with the rock blockade just now, the winner would soon be decided.

""Little Elephant, shoot it down!"

Little Elephant used his trunk to roll up a stone and threw it at Swallow, who was shot down from the air.

Xiaozhi threw the Poké Ball, and after just shaking it twice, Swallow came out of the Poké Ball, panting on the rock.

Xiaozhi thought to himself: It really deserves to be his most courageous Pokémon!

""Little Elephant, Roll!"

Little Elephant hit Looney Tunes with Roll, and Xiaozhi threw another ball over and successfully captured it!

Xiaozhi picked up Looney Tunes's Poké Ball and released it, took out the medicine and handkerchief and said,"You! You're trying too hard!" Xiaozhi used the medicine to restore Looney Tunes's strength, and used a handkerchief to wipe the chocolate off the edge of Looney Tunes' beak. It is worth mentioning that the handkerchief Xiaozhi took was the one that Xiaoxia gave him when they parted.

Xiaosheng greeted Looney Tunes,"Hello, Looney Tunes, the battle just now was exciting!"

Xiaoyao hid behind Xiaosheng and greeted him tentatively,"You......Hello!"

"After you capture them, you don't have to worry!" This voice was not made by Xiaoyao or Xiaosheng, and Xiaozhi felt very familiar with it.

Xiaozhi saw that it was Xiaogang walking towards him:"Xiaogang, you are very fast!"

Xiaogang said:"After returning home, I couldn't calm down, so I quickly finished my things and came to the Hoenn region. I went to Professor Odamaki first and learned that you were on the way to Kanaz City, so I came to chase you!" The little elephant rubbed Xiaogang's legs affectionately with his head. Xiaogang touched its head and said:"I know, you miss your brother, right! Come out, little elephant." The two identical little elephants started playing happily.

Xiaogang said:"I brought Scarlet Deer, Forritos, Little Elephant, Rock Mouse and Ninetails out this time."

Xiaozhi saw Xiaoyao and her brother Xiaosheng who were looking at him and said:"Xiaogang, let me introduce you, she is the rookie trainer Xiaoyao and her brother Xiaosheng, and they are traveling with me now. Their father is the trainer of the Orange Gym"

"He is Xiaogang, a former gym trainer in Nibe City. I told you about him before. His current goal is to become the world's number one Pokémon breeder. He is my good partner and brother in traveling with me."

Xiaogang laughed and said,"Xiaozhi, you are exaggerating! I am still learning, so I am not good enough yet! Hello, Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng! Is your goal to become a gym trainer?"

Xiaoyao said,"My words are.........I haven’t thought about it yet!"

Xiaosheng said,"I don’t have any Pokémon yet, and I haven’t thought about it yet."

Xiaogang patted Xiaosheng on the shoulder and encouraged him,"My younger brother doesn’t have any Pokémon yet, but he is determined to become a Pokémon trainer, so having Pokémon or not won’t affect his dream!"

Xiaosheng nodded.

Xiaogang looked at Xiaozhi’s new partner, Eagletooth, and said,"Xiaozhi, I have seen the process of your capturing, and you are still so awesome!"

Xiaozhi put Eagletooth back into the Poké Ball and said,"Earthtooth, please give me more advice in the future!"

"siba" Aoguyan has become more obedient now.

Xiaoyao said expectantly:"Xiaogang, I heard that your cooking is delicious. I didn't eat enough just now, so......"

Xiaosheng said helplessly:"Sister, such a big sandwich, you are not full?" Xiaosheng re-estimated his sister's appetite.

Xiaogang said:"When it comes to cooking, Xiaozhi's cooking skills are not worse than mine. It happens that I haven't eaten yet. I made some rice balls and can give you some."

Xiaoyao was so happy:"Great!"

The group came to a small river in the Orange Forest. Xiaogang said that his backpack was placed here. Xiaogang saw the remains of the rice ball next to the backpack and shouted:"My rice ball is gone!"

Xiaozhi said:"I think I know who did it!"

Xiaogang said angrily:"Which three idiots again?"

Xiaozhi nodded.

Xiaogang was angry, but he still took out the ingredients and started cooking. Now he can only start from the beginning. Suddenly a group of proud swallows flew towards Xiaozhi and the others. Xiaoyao said fearfully:"What are they going to do?"

"Hahaha! The unyielding and indomitable spirit of the Argonauts make them the most suitable Pokémon for our Team Rocket!"

"You’re right, meow!"


"All right, fellow proud swallows, for the sake of delicious rice balls, please work hard to kill these people!"

It would be better if we don't mention this, Xiaogang is now on the verge of exploding:"Rice balls! If you didn't say it, I would let it go! But now, it's unforgivable! Fortnite Explosion!"

Fortnite blew away the three members of Team Rocket!

"What a disgusting feeling!"


Xiaozhi said,"Aoguyan, come out! Let's have lunch together!""

【Proud Swallow】

【Attributes: General, Flying】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Perseverance (If it becomes abnormal, it will use perseverance and the attack will increase)】

【Strength: Ordinary primary】

【Skills: peck, call, energy concentration, lightning flash, wing attack】

【Conquer the proud swallow, and you will be rewarded with 500 points. Complete the first capture in the Hoenn region and you will be rewarded with 1000 points.

The traveling team has assembled, Xiaogang has rejoined the team, and under the guidance of the proud swallows,���Next, Xiaozhi and his companions set out again on the road to Kanaz City.

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