Satoshi and his friends are camping at the estuary for the Gorgeous Contest that will be held in Kaina City. Haruka will debut at this contest and officially become a Coordinator Trainer.

Satoshi is holding Pikachu and sitting side by side with Brock and Clement, acting as the three judges of the Gorgeous Contest. Clement looked at Haruka and said,"Sister, are you ready?"

Haruka said,"Don't worry!"

After Haruka finished speaking, she seemed to be ready and started. She said,"Isn't the Gorgeous Contest supposed to show the beauty and handsomeness of Pokémon? Huimei also said that the first major review point is when the Poké Ball appears. Now I'll show you how to debut.......Fire Pheasant and Thornytail are on stage!"

Xiaoyao turned around and released the Fire Pheasant and Thornytail. The Fire Pheasant ran around everywhere after it came on stage, while the Thornytail was shaking its tentacles and head. Xiaozhi and the other two were speechless. Is this really the result of practice?

Xiaoyao said:"No, no, I told you that you have to turn around when you come out, kick like this, and then turn around."���As Haruka was talking, she demonstrated it herself.

Haruka chuckled and said,"I'm sorry! This isn't perfect yet, I'm still practicing."

Satoshi said,"Haruka, did you misunderstand something? We need to show the charm of Pokémon, not the coordination trainer."

Haruka was surprised and said,"Is that so!" Haruka seemed to have heard it for the first time. Brock smiled helplessly and said,"It seems that Haruka still has a long way to go to become a coordination trainer!"

Xiaosheng raised his hand to show his agreement and said,"I agree."

Haruka looked at Satoshi expectantly and said,"Satoshi, can you show it? I want to learn it well."

Satoshi said,"Okay! Gardevoir is decided to be you!" The shiny Gardevoir didn't need any movements, it was already shiny enough.

Haruka looked at Fire Pheasant and Thorntail, a little disappointed, because her Pokémon were not shiny. She said:"Xiaozhi, Gardevoir doesn't need to do anything to be beautiful!"

Xiaozhi said:"Okay! I'll change one, Gardevoir will come back! Heracross is decided to be you!"

Heracross is a bug type, with the same attribute as the stingtail.

"It's started! Heracross uses Missile Needle!"

Heracross fires sharp needles around his body.

"" Insects chirping!"

Heracross vibrated his body and emitted sound waves, shattering the missile needles, and the area around Heracross became sparkling.

Xiaoyao said:"Great!" Xiaozhi said:"Although the special moves are important, the important thing is to control the strength. You don't need too many movements when you appear on the stage. Let me give you an example. If you use the Fire Pheasant to participate in the first review, I will ask you if you have thought about the special move combination of the Fire Pheasant."

Xiaoyao said:"It’s just that I haven’t practiced it yet. Come on, Fire Pheasant! Use sparks."

The Fire Pheasant fired a small flame

""Flame vortex!"

The sparks were completely covered by the flame vortex.

Xiaozhi said:"The flame vortex has covered the entire spark. Xiaoyao, if you have no idea, you can try to match moves of other attributes, or other ways of expression. As for the appearance, you can practice it later."

Xiaozhi felt that Xiaoyao had put the cart before the horse. What should be shown is the charm of Pokémon instead of focusing on the appearance.

Xiaoyao said thoughtfully:"Thank you, Xiaozhi, I think I know what to do"

"Pikachu pointed in the direction of the tent.

""Ah!" Everyone shouted.

They saw the tent's fixing nails were dragged away along with the entire tent and Xiaogang's washed clothes. Xiaogang said:"The tent......The tent and my freshly washed clothes!

The thing that was dragging the tent hit a tree, stopping the tent from being dragged any further. The culprit that was dragging the tent hid underground, forming a bulge on the ground.

"The little elephant used earthquake to force the Pokémon underground to come out!"The little elephant used earthquake, and the Pokémon underground that had just played a prank turned out to be a lobster soldier.

The lobster soldier waved its claws and seemed to be saying something very domineering.

Xiaogang said:"The lobster soldier is a Pokémon that will drive other Pokémon out to occupy territory. It should want to drive us out. This place seems to be its territory."

Xiaozhi said:"Lobster soldier, the battle to capture it!"

"Hehehe!" The lobster soldiers are full of fighting spirit

""Little Elephant uses Roll!"

Little Elephant attacked first, attacking the Lobster Soldier. The Lobster Soldier jumped to avoid the first attack, and Little Elephant turned around and attacked again, this time rolling and hitting the Lobster Soldier. The Lobster Soldier did not admit defeat and used the Bubble Ray to attack Little Elephant.

"The little elephant blocked it with mud.

The little elephant threw mud to block the foam beam.

""Elephant, Iron Head!"

Elephant not only blocked the bubble beam with mud shots, but also slowed down the speed of the lobster soldiers. Elephant used its iron-hard head to knock the lobster soldiers away.

Xiaozhi threw a Poké Ball at the lobster soldiers, and the lobster soldiers were captured.

【Lobster Soldier】

【Attribute: Water】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Super-Strong Pliers (Because of the pliers that boast of their strength, their attacks will not be reduced by the opponent)】

【Strength: Ordinary low level】

【Skills: Water gun, hardening, staring, provocation, bubble ray】

【[Capture the Lobster Soldier, 500 points reward]

Xiaozhi captured the Lobster Soldier, Xiaogang went to mend the tent, and Xiaozhi and the other two washed and hung the dirty clothes.

The Lobster Soldier was too energetic and reckless, so Xiaozhi could only give it to Suicune for a few days to temper it before training it.

After a busy morning, it was finally time to have lunch, but Xiaoyao was worried. Xiaosheng asked,"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaoyao said,"Look, my Thorntail has a poor appetite!" Xiaoyao piled up the Pokémon food for Thorntail, but Thorntail seemed to have no energy. Usually, this amount of Pokémon food is not enough for Thorntail to eat, and usually another bowl is needed.

Xiaogang looked over and said,"It's quite strange! The thorntail usually has a good appetite!"

Xiaozhi comforted him,"Xiaoyao, don't be nervous, the thorntail is going to evolve!"

Xiaoyao said happily,"Xiaozhi, are you serious?"

Xiaozhi said,"It is accumulating strength to prepare for evolution." As soon as Xiaozhi finished speaking, the thorntail's body emitted an evolutionary light. Xiaoyao went from happy to nervous. If the thorntail can't evolve into a shell cocoon, it can't evolve into a hunting swallowtail. What should she do then?

Xiaoyao was worried, and the thorntail evolved into a shell cocoon.

Xiaosheng said,"Sister, congratulations, the thorntail has evolved into a shell cocoon, and the next evolution is a hunting swallowtail."

Xiaoyao's heart was finally put down.

On the Rocket Team, Musashi's thorntail also began to evolve, but it evolved into a shield cocoon.

Xiaozhi, who subdued the lobster soldier, and Xiaoyao, whose thorntail successfully evolved into a shell cocoon, Xiaozhi and his party will continue their training on the Fighting Island.

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