Xiaozhi and his group still stayed on the Fighting Island

"Mystery novel fans across the country, sorry to have kept you waiting! It's time for Xiaoyao's expedition team to lead you into the unknown and pursue the incredible mysteries of the world! This time our destination for exploration is the nameless river on Wudou Island."

Xiaoyao made the index fingers and thumbs of both hands look like a camera and gave a narration like a commentator.

Xiaogang said:"A drop of water flows into a river and then flows into the sea. It's so romantic!"

Xiaosheng said with anticipation:"That's right, as long as we trace the river upstream, we may encounter new Pokémon."

Xiaoyao continued his explanation:"The Xiaoyao expedition team is now walking along the river on an unknown road. What kind of mysterious phenomenon is waiting for them ahead?"

"I can't believe that what's blocking Xiaoyao's expedition is a huge waterfall!"

In front of Xiaozhi and his friends is a not very high but very imposing waterfall, and the splashing water forms a thin mist.

Xiaosheng said:"The water is flowing very fast.���Even Magikarp can't climb up a waterfall like this."

Gon said,"But the more places like this, the more likely there are unknown Pokémon!" Xiaoyao asked,"Then how do we get up there?" Xiaozhi said,"Let's use Pokémon to help us!" Bulbasaur and Geranium used vine whips to send everyone to the waterfall."

After everyone got to the top of the waterfall, Xiaozhi took Bulbasaur back into the Poké Ball, but Geranium acted coquettishly with Xiaozhi and didn't want to go back to the Poké Ball. Xiaozhi touched Geranium's head and let it stay outside for the time being!

The river above the waterfall flows slowly, and there is still mist that has not dissipated, like a secret base.

Xiaosheng said,"I didn't expect the waterfall to be like this, the river flows very slowly!"

Xiaogang said,"It should be because this is the mainstream, and the mainstream is next to it!"

Xiaosheng's Pokémon Navigator also showed this, saying,"Really!"

Xiaozhi and the other four continued to move forward. Xiaogang felt that the ground under their feet was a little soft, and reminded,"Everyone, the soil in this area is very loose, everyone must be careful."

After passing through that section of soft soil, everyone saw a group of water leaping fish playing in front of them.

Xiaogang said,"They are very small and look like they were just born not long ago."

Xiaoyao reminisced,"I remember the first time I met a water leaping fish, I got washed in the face by a water gun. But the baby water leaping fish is so cute!"

Xiaogang said,"Water leaping fish is a rare Pokémon with an unknown habitat. I didn't expect there would be so many here."

Xiaoyao wanted to capture it. Xiaoxia's water Pokémon seemed very well-behaved, so she said,"This is a good opportunity. I'll capture one!" Xiaoyao ran towards the water leaping fish.

A relatively large water leaping fish jumped out of the bushes, and Xiaoyao was forcibly washed in the face with a water gun again.

Xiaoyao said depressedly,"Water leaping fish really defeat me!"

Xiaosheng laughed heartlessly on the side, and the brother and sister were playing together.

At this time, one of the baby water-leaping fish accidentally fell into the water while playing. Because it was only a few days old and had not yet started formal swimming training, it was not strong enough and the current was fast, so the water-leaping fish was washed away by the current.

Xiaosheng shouted anxiously:"The mainstream is in front, and the current will only become more turbulent."

Xiaogang said:"Lotus Leaf Boy, go save it!" The

Lotus Leaf Boy jumped into the water handsomely and temporarily placed the baby water-leaping fish on the lotus leaf above his head. The water flow was very fast, and even the Lotus Leaf Boy was washed away. The larger water-leaping fish grabbed the leaf above the Lotus Leaf Boy's head and dragged it back.

Xiaogang sent out the powerful Megalodon:"Megalodon, you go and help too!"With the help of Megalodon, several Pokémon successfully rescued the baby Water Leap.

The Water Leap was not so wary of everyone.

Xiaogang picked up the baby Water Leap and said,"It's okay, be more careful next time, go play! Everyone come back too!" Xiaogang put the baby Water Leap on the ground and instructed, and took the Lotus Leaf Boy and Megalodon back into the Poké Ball.

An old man with a hairstyle that looked like Water Leap said,"Thank you for saving the Water Leap. I'm the one who is responsible for breeding Water Leap in this swamp. My name is Numata, you can just call me Grandpa Numa." When Numata came over, he saw Xiaogang's Pokémon rescuing the baby Water Leap.

The four introduced themselves.

Numata said,"There is a no-entry sign nearby. Didn't you see the railing at the entrance of the swamp?"

Xiaogang explained,"Grandpa Numa, it's like this, we came here from the waterfall to practice Pokémon."

Numata was surprised and said,"No way! You actually came from that waterfall?"

Xiaozhi said:"I'm sorry, Grandpa Nu, we didn't know that this place is forbidden to enter."



Numata said:"Forget it, it doesn't matter! You saved my water leaping fish, so go to the cabin and have a cup of tea!"

In Numata's cabin,

Numata explained:"This is a guard hut built to breed water leaping fish babies."

Xiaosheng said:"Grandpa Numa, there are water leaping fish eggs here!"

Numata said:"Little brother, do you know what this is!"

Xiaosheng said:"Xiaozhi's water leaping fish was also born from a Pokémon egg."

Numata looked at Xiaozhi and said:"Xiaozhi, it turns out you have a water leaping fish too!"

Xiaozhi nodded and released his water leaping fish

""Gala." Xiaozhi's Water Leap greeted everyone energetically.

Numata said:"This Water Leap is very strong!" Xiaozhi said

:"Grandpa Numa is the breeder specially commissioned by the League to hatch eggs!"

Numata said:"Xiaozhi, you actually knew?" Xiaosheng explained for Xiaozhi:"Grandpa Numa, Xiaozhi is the youngest Pokémon doctor in the League!"

Numata said:"So it's you! No wonder your Water Leap looks like it was born not long ago, but it is very strong. It happens that three Water Leaps are going to be born today. Do you want to go and see it together?"

Xiaosheng said expectantly:"I am very moved every time I see Pokémon being born!"

When the group arrived at the hatching site, the three eggs just emitted the light of hatching. Xiaoyao looked at the newly born Water Leap baby and said:"It's much smaller than when Xiaozhi's Water Leap was hatched!" A Water Leap baby splashed Xiaoyao with water.

Xiaosheng said,"Sure enough, my sister is born to be incompatible with water jumpers!"

Xiaogang said,"Grandpa Numa, there is a bigger water jumper here. Is it also from here? Its strength should be beyond the scope of what a rookie trainer can adapt to!"

Numata said,"You mean that one! It was not originally here. It has a wild water jumper that came from nowhere. It seems to regard the water jumper here as a companion."

Suddenly, the alarm sounded, and the three members of Team Rocket appeared.

Xiaozhi said,"Do you want to go by yourself, or do I send you off!" Kojiro said,"Although we owe you a favor last time, little brat, we have to take these water jumpers away today."

Numata said,"Who are you? Are you here to snatch the water jumpers that I bred for the alliance?"

Xiaosheng and Xiaoyao said,"Grandpa Numa, you'd better stop talking!" Xiaosheng and Xiaoyao were speechless. Numata is embarrassed��:"Is that so? My wife often reminds me that I can't keep secrets."

Xiaozhi said:"Geranium, Solar Beam!" Xiaozhi couldn't let Grandpa Swamp continue talking, otherwise it would be really bad.

The Rockets were about to take action, but were sent away by Geranium's Solar Beam.

"What a disgusting feeling!"


The water-leaping fish came to Xiaogang and looked up at him.

Numata saw what the water-leaping fish meant, picked it up and handed it to Xiaogang, saying,"Xiaogang, take it away! The water-leaping fish here will always leave, and it will have no real companions if it continues to stay here."

Xiaogang said,"Really? Grandpa Numa."

Numata nodded.

Xiaogang asked,"Water-leaping fish, are you willing to go with me?"

""Gala!" Aquapon nodded, and Xiaogang also captured his third water Pokémon in the Hoenn region - Aquapon.

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