On this morning, Xiaozhi and his friends were doing morning exercises on the beach.

Xiaogang said,"Hey? Look over there!"

Xiaozhi and the other two raised their heads and looked in the direction Xiaogang pointed. They saw a man wearing flip-flops, a white coat and shorts, clinging to the cliff.

Xiaozhi said,"Isn't this Dr. Odumaki?" Xiaozhi was not mistaken. Dr. Odumaki was the kind of doctor who focused on field research, so Xiaozhi was not surprised to see Dr. Odumaki here.

Dr. Odumaki was lying on the cliff to observe the nests of wild long-winged gulls.

"So the structure inside is like this!"A long-winged gull returned home and saw a man fiddling with his nest. He angrily pecked at Dr. Odamaki with his beak.

"Pidgeot went to save Professor Odumaki!"

Pidgeot caught the falling Professor Odumaki, and Xiaozhi and his party arrived. Fortunately, they made it in time!

Professor Odumaki said:"Is this Pidgeot Xiaozhi's? You saved it again!" Xiaozhi said:"I'm glad that you are okay, Dr. Odumaki!"

Everyone sat on the rocks by the sea and chatted. Dr. Odumaki said:"Xiaogang, it's great that you can meet Xiaozhi safely!"

Xiaogang said:"Thank you for your care at that time! By the way, what did Dr. Odumaki do on Wudou Island?"

Dr. Odumaki said:"Actually, I have always had a wish, I want to observe the Pokémon of Wudou Island. For example, you see that the long-winged gulls nearby are nesting on the steep cliffs like this."

Xiaoyao said:"But it's too risky for Dr. Odumaki to climb up like you!" Xiaosheng interrupted Xiaoyao:"Sister, what are you talking about! In the field of studying Pokémon in the wild, Dr. Odumaki is a big celebrity! He is so powerful! In order to see Pokémon, no matter how great the difficulties are, I dare to explore anywhere!......Is that so?"

Dr. Odaki smiled and said,"Thank you. I am honored to receive such a great compliment from Xiaosheng. Xiaozhi, why are you still on the Fighting Island? I thought you were almost through Kaina City!"

Xiaozhi said,"Fighting Island is very suitable for practice. The main reason is Xiaoyao. Xiaoyao wants to participate in the gorgeous competition to be held in Kaina City."

Dr. Odaki said,"Xiaoyao wants to become a coordination trainer? This is quite suitable for Xiaoyao. Your parents will be happy if they know."

Xiaoyao said shyly,"I am still practicing too! Thanks to Xiaozhi and the others' help, now I finally have some results."

A red helicopter with the logo of the Magma Team landed on the top of the cliff. A group of people in red uniforms came down from the helicopter. They were all from the Magma Team. At the same time, a submarine of the Water Fleet appeared on the sea. The Magma Team and the Water Fleet entered the Fighting Island one after another.

Xiaozhi and his party were looking for a place to rest today. They saw a depressed boy on a stone in front of a cave. Xiaosheng stepped forward and asked,"Are you from the Fighting Island? Why are you here?

The boy said with red eyes:"My name is......Hehui, big brother, you are a Pokémon trainer, right? Can you please go back to my Doi Ninja?" Hehui looked at Xiaozhi and Pikachu.

Everyone came forward and heard what Hehui said. Xiaoyao said,"Did your Doi Ninja be caught by a man, a woman and a talking Meowth?" Hehui said

,"That's them." Xiaosheng said,

"Why are those three idiots again!" Xiaozhi said,

"Hehui, don't worry, we will help you rescue your Doi Ninja."

At the same time, in the secret base established by Hehui, the three members of Team Rocket sneezed loudly. Suddenly, the door of the secret base was knocked open by someone wearing a Magma Team uniform. The three members of Team Rocket couldn't beat the big wolfhound they sent out, so they had to escape first!

Xiaozhi and his group followed Hehui to his secret base, only to see that the door was open, and the inside was completely destroyed, and there was an unknown tunnel extending to where. Xiaozhi said,"Wait a minute, something is wrong inside!"

Xiaogang asked,"What's wrong with Xiaozhi?"

Xiaozhi said:"It feels like there's danger!"

Hehui worriedly said:"Will my Doi Ninja be in trouble?"

Xiaozhi said:"Don't worry, everyone follow me."

Xiaozhi led the way and walked for a while before coming to a large space where a huge stone-carved building stood. Xiaozhi motioned for everyone to lower their voices and hide behind a huge stone.

They could clearly hear a man's voice:"It turns out to be in this place! The awakened little temple! Okay, each team begins to confirm preparations to rush in!"


After the Magma Team, the Water Fleet emerged from the water. After the two sides met, the leader of the Magma Team and the girl who led the Water Fleet fought with big wolfhounds and sharp-toothed fish.

Xiaoyao said:"Aren't those the Magma Team and the Water Fleet?"

Dr. Odamaki said:"I didn't expect there would be such a big ruin behind the cave!"

The girl who led the Water Fleet said:"Thank you for your help! Captain Himura!"

The man who led the Magma Team said:"Executive Captain Izumi! Long time no see."

The two fought as soon as they met, and then greeted each other.

Izumi ordered the men behind him:"You go first, let me handle this. Try to avoid fighting and give priority to executing the mission." Then the people of the Water Fleet also entered the ruins to explore.

Xiaoyao said:"It seems that their relationship is very bad." Xiaozhi said:"It is quite bad. The relationship between the Magma Team and the boss of the Water Fleet is not good. Let's wait and see what happens!"

At this time, the conversation between Himura and Izumi was still going on.

A voice came from Himura's intercom, and he replied:"This is Flame No. 1, has it been invaded by the water fleet? It doesn't matter, avoid unnecessary battles and continue the mission." Himura looked at Izumi:"What if there is nothing you want, but only the power we are pursuing?"

Izumi said:"I want to ask you the same question, even if there is the power you or we are pursuing, do you have a way to control it?"

Himura said:"Did you come with the red bead?"

Izumi said:"If so, what do you want to do?"

Himura stepped forward:"Of course......"

Quan Mei smiled and said,"I'm sorry, I'm not qualified to touch that thing, and I guess you are not qualified to take it out either.......Blue beads, right?"

Izumi continued,"Why do you want the power of the earth? The ocean power we pursue can wash away everything. You have no chance of winning at all!"

Humura snorted,"Only those who don't understand the power of the earth will say such things!"

The power of the earth and the ocean? Groudon and Kyogre.

Xiaozhi conveyed their conversation to Xiaogang and the others in full. Humura's intercom came with a voice again. The Magma Team had made a wasted trip this time, and Humura asked everyone to retreat.

Izumi was about to ridicule Humura, but she received the same reply from her subordinates on the intercom, and Izumi also ordered to evacuate.

Xiaosheng asked,"They all seem to be looking for something. What are the red beads and blue beads?"

Xiaozhi knew but couldn't say it now, so he could only let the Magma Team and the Aqua Team evacuate. At this time, the three members of Team Rocket came out and jumped around. It turned out that they also sneaked back.

Kazuki said,"My Doi Ninja!"Kazuki saw Doi Ninja who was tied up by silk and following Musashi.

Xiaozhi said:"Arrogant Swallow, attack with wings!" Doi Ninja cut off the things tied to Doi Ninja, grabbed Doi Ninja's body and brought it back to Kazuki.

Musashi said:"Little brat, why are you in the way again!" Xiaozhi said

:"Little Elephant, roll attack. Kazuki, it's up to you next!" Little Elephant rolled and knocked the three members of Team Rocket out.

Kazuki said:"Doi Ninja, use the secret power!"

Doi Ninja used the secret power to blow the three members of Team Rocket away

"What a disgusting feeling!"


Hehui later told Xiaozhi that he had never won a battle and it was Xiaozhi who gave him confidence. Xiaozhi also told Du about this, and Du also told Xiaozhi that he would pay attention to it.

Hehui and Doi Shinobi also rebuilt their secret base.

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