Xiaozhi and his group, who are aiming to join the Hoenn League, came to Violet City today. Xiaozhi's Pokémon egg given by Daigo was successfully born, a shiny Kokodora.


【Attributes: Steel, Rock】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Heavy metal (its own weight will be doubled)】

【Strength: Novice】

【Skills: Impact, Hardening】

【[Capture Kokodora, 500 points reward]

After Xiaozhi and his friends took a short break at the Pokémon Center, they headed to the Violet Gym.

Xiaosheng said,"Is this the Violet Gym? I heard that the gym trainers here are good at using Electric-type Pokémon."

Xiaogang said,"Ground-type Pokémon are very effective against Electric-type Pokémon. I suddenly remembered the first time I met Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi used Pikachu to challenge my Onix." Xiaozhi said

,"There were no Pokémon with favorable attributes at that time!" Xiaoyao said,

"Xiaozhi actually used Pikachu to challenge Rock-type and Ground-type Onix?" Xiaoyao is no longer a beginner who didn't understand anything at the beginning. With Xiaosheng's popular science, he also learned about attribute restraint.

Xiaogang said:"But Xiaozhi won beautifully! He is the strongest rookie trainer I have ever seen."

Xiaozhi explained:"As a rookie trainer, the first one I challenged was Xiaogang's Nibi Gym." Xiaoyao said

:"I see!" Xiaosheng said excitedly:"Today's battle is so worth looking forward to!"

Xiaozhi stepped forward to knock on the door, but he just pushed the door lightly and it fell down. I almost forgot that Mr. Tiexuan, the gym trainer of the Violet Gym, likes to play this.

Xiaogang and the other two followed Xiaozhi's footsteps and stepped on the fallen door panel. Suddenly, two handrails rose up, and the door panel under their feet moved.

Xiaosheng said:"I actually feel like I'm on a roller coaster!"

Xiaogang's mouth twitched:"I feel the same way!"

Suddenly it began to descend. It was indeed a roller coaster, and everyone took a free shower. After a lot of effort, the road became stable, but a thunder god suddenly appeared in front of them.

Xiaosheng was surprised and said:"This is......"Thunder God?"

Xiaozhi said:"It's made by a machine."

The Thunder God directly hit him with an electric current, and Xiaozhi said:"Pikachu Iron Tail!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu destroyed the mechanical Thunder God with a single hit from his Iron Tail.

At this time, the side door opened, and it was the gym trainer Mr. Tiexuan and his assistant Walter. Tiexuan said,"Hahaha, so happy! Little brother, you are really good. I never thought that the Thunder God robot No. 2 that I created could be solved by a single hit from your Pikachu's Iron Tail."

Walter was helpless about Tiexuan's behavior and said,"Welcome to the Violet Gym."

Xiaoyao said:"So you are......"

Tiexuan said,"Yes, I am Tiexuan, the gym trainer of the Violet Gym, and he is Walter, my assistant and student." Xiaozhi said,"I am Xiaozhi from Pallet Town, and I have come to challenge the Violet Gym."

Tiexuan laughed,"Hahaha, okay, Xiaozhi, I accept your challenge."

Walter was the referee of this game, he said,"The gym challenge of the Violet Gym is about to begin. The number of Pokémon that can be used is limited to three. When the Pokémon of one side loses their combat ability, the game is over. Please note that only the challenger has the power to replace Pokémon."

Tiexuan laughed and said,"Xiaozhi, I will use Elite, Magnemite and Magnemite 3-in-1 to fight. Tiexuan is very confident in his Pokémon.

Xiaozhi said,"I will use Elephant, Electabuzz and Houndoom."

Tiexuan said,"Xiaozhi, I really admire you! Let's have a fair fight! Magnemite, you go first!"


【Attributes: Electricity, Steel】

【Gender: None】

【Ability: Magnetism (Uses magnetism to attract steel-type Pokémon, making them unable to escape)】

【Strength: Elite Level]

Xiaozhi’s vanguard sent out Little Elephant:"Little Elephant, it’s decided that it’s you!"

"Magnemite uses the Speed Star!"

"Magnemite, dodge and use Stomp!"

Magnemite used the Speed Star, Magnemite dodged the Speed Star, and then stomped the ground hard. Magnemite was affected by the wave of Stomp.

"Magnemite, electromagnetic levitation"

"Magnetron, ram!"

Magnemite uses the magnetic force generated by electricity to float in the air, and will not be attacked by ground-based skills for 5 rounds. Xiaozhi immediately let Magnetron use the normal ram attack.

Magnetron jumped up and rammed into Magnetron with amazing momentum. Magnetron was hit by the ram, but Magnetron also suffered the backlash of damage.

""Elephant, sandstorm."

Elephant created a sandstorm in the field, but this move did not cause any damage to Magnemite.

"Ignore the sandstorm, Magneto, and use the Cannon Beam!"

"Magnetron, Rock Blockade.

Magnetron focused the light of his body and released it, but Magnetron took action first and activated his special training Sand Hidden. The cannon missed, but the rock blockade used by Magnetron hit Magnetron and slowed him down.

"Little elephant, the mountain is pressing down on you!"

"Magnemite, ultrasonic."

Elvis pressed his whole body towards Magnemite, and suddenly Elvis' body emitted an evolutionary light, and Elvis evolved into Donkey Kong, whose power was stronger than when he was Elvis. Before Magnemite could react, he was hit by Tarzan's pressure and lost his ability to fight.

Walter said,"Magnemite has lost his ability to fight! Please ask the gym trainer to send out the next Pokémon."

Ironspin took back Magnemite:"Come back, Magnemite. Xiaozhi, your Donkey Kong is very strong even without using ground-type moves!"

Xiaozhi said,"Thank you Mr. Ironspin for the compliment."

Ironspin said,"My next one is Thunderball"

【Thunder Ball】

【Attribute: Electricity】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Static Electricity (The body is charged with static electricity, which sometimes paralyzes the opponent who is touched)】

【Strength: Elite Level]

Xiaozhi took back Dunjia:"Dunjia, you have worked hard, take a good rest! The electric monster is decided to be you!"

"Thunder Ball uses a harsh sound"

""Electric monster, split the tiles."

The lightning ball made a harsh sound and hit the electric monster, lowering its physical defense. After the harsh sound ended, the electric monster raised its hand knife and attacked the lightning ball. The lightning ball was hit by the split tile!

"Thunder ball, rolling"

"Electric shock monster, use lightning flash to dodge."

The lightning ball rolled towards the electric shock monster, and the electric shock monster ran quickly. The lightning ball suddenly jumped up before it got close to it, and jumped behind the lightning ball, and the lightning flash hit it.

"Thunderball uses rolling"

"Electric shock monster, electric net.

The lightning ball continued to roll, but was restricted by the electric shock monster's electric net.

"Thunder ball, high speed star"

"" Electric Monster, Tarzan Pressing Down!"

The lightning ball was unable to move, and used high-speed stars to attack the electric monster. The electric monster jumped up and used Tarzan Pressing Down with all its strength. Tarzan Pressing Down hit the lightning ball, and the lightning ball lost its combat ability.

Walter said:"The lightning ball lost its combat ability."

Tiexuan said:"Xiaozhi, you are really strong! This is my last one, come on stage, the three-in-one Magneto"

【Magneto 3 in 1】

【Attributes: Electricity, Steel】

【Gender: None】

【Features: Strong (Even if attacked by the opponent's moves, it will not be knocked down by one hit. One-hit-kill moves will not be effective.)】

【Strength: Early Gym Stage]

Xiaozhi said:"Come back, Electric Monster. You're the one for Houndoom!"

Xiaosheng said:"Finally we've come to the last one. According to the attributes, Houndoom has the upper hand."

Xiaogang said:"That's right, but we still can't let our guard down."

"3-in-1 Magnetron, Electromagnetic Gun"

"Houndoom's flame spray."

The three-in-one Magnetron attacked Houndoom with an electric current like a cannon. Houndoom was not to be outdone and fired back with flame spray. The two skills collided in the air. Houndoom was affected by the electromagnetic cannon and fell into a paralyzed state.


"Houndoom, Purgatory."

Magnemon aimed at Houndoom closely, and the next attack would definitely hit. Houndoom summoned a sky of flames to attack Magnemite, and Magnemite was burned. But Magnemite's strong characteristics activated

"Magneto 3-in-1, triple attack"

"Houndoom, hold on!"

Magneto emitted three kinds of light at the same time and attacked Houndoom. Houndoom used Hold on defense. Magneto's triple attack was blocked, and because of the burns, Magneto lost its combat ability!

Walter said:"Magnetom lost its combat ability because the gym trainer has lost three Pokémon, so the winner is the challenger Ash."

Iron Whirl said:"Hahaha, I haven't had such a great fight in a long time! The Power Badge is yours, Ash!"

Ash took the Power Badge and said:"Thank you, Mr. Iron Whirl"

"I got the Power Badge!"


【[Get the Power Badge, 500 bonus points]

After Xiaozhi got the third badge in the Hoenn region, Xiaoyao learned that Akihabara Town was going to hold a grand conference, which was not far from Violet City. Everyone decided to go to Akihabara Town first, and then go to Kamahen Town to challenge the fourth gym.

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