Xiaozhi and his group continued their journey towards the direction of Autumn Leaf Town.

Xiaoyao said,"Xiaozhi, you are not going to participate in the Autumn Leaf Conference?"

Xiaozhi said,"The battles are too frequent, I want to let the Pokémon have a good rest. If I don't participate, Xiaoyao, don't you have a better chance to get the ribbon badge?"

Xiaoyao said,"That's right, in that case, the Autumn Leaf Ribbon Badge is mine!"

Xiaosheng said,"Sister, you are too relieved! Training well is the real thing."

Xiaoyao made a face at Xiaosheng and said,"Got it!"

On the way, they heard that there was going to be a Millennium Comet viewing festival nearby, so they went there together. Xiaozhi told Xiaoxia the news, and Xiaoxia also used space to return to the traveling team, and the five of them went to the viewing location.

The sky gradually darkened. Xiaoyao fell at the end of the team and looked up and said,"Which one is the Millennium Comet? There are so many stars in the sky."

Xiaosheng poured cold water on her and said,"Sister, the Millennium Comet can only be seen 7 days after tomorrow!"

Xiaoyao said disappointedly,"Is that so?" Xiaoxia asked Xiaogang,"Xiaogang, where is the venue of the celebration?"

Xiaogang said,"It should be almost there."

Xiaoxia worriedly said,"Just don't get lost!"

Xiaozhi said,"No, there is only one road after all. If you go wrong again, it would be really wrong."

Xiaogang complained,"How much do you distrust my ability to lead the way!"

Xiaoxia and Xiaozhi said in unison,"I have never trusted me!"

Xiaogang was like an eggplant hit by frost:"Why is this happening! Where is our friendship? Where is our relationship?"

Xiaoxia and Xiaozhi said in unison again,"No!" Xiaosheng looked at the mark on the registered navigator and said,"We should be there."

There was an open plain in front of the five people, but there was nothing as far as the eye could see.

Xiaoyao said,"Is this really the place? There's nothing here?"

Xiaogang looked at the travel guide and said,"It should be right. It's really strange."

Xiaozhi said,"After all, the celebration will not start until tomorrow. Maybe we came too early."

Xiaoyao slumped on the ground and said,"I'm hungry!"

Xiaosheng was about to say something to his sister when his stomach started to growl.

Xiaogang said,"Let's camp here! Xiaoxia, Xiaoyao, Xiaosheng, you go set up the tent, and Xiaozhi and I will cook."

Xiaoxia said,"It's been a long time since I've eaten the food cooked by Xiaozhi and Xiaogang. Xiaoyao, Xiaosheng, let's get busy too!"

Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng said,"Okay."

With the busyness of the group, the food was soon ready, and everyone started camping after eating. Xiaozhi, Xiaogang and Xiaosheng shared a tent, and Xiaoyao and Xiaoxia, two girls, shared a tent.

When it was almost dawn, the roar woke everyone up.

Many heavy trucks carried various amusement park rides, including carousels, Ferris wheels, etc. It turns out that the amusement park I heard about was built on the move!

The quiet plain became lively. Many staff members began to direct the construction of the playground. As the lights came on, the playground began to take shape.

Xiaozhi and his five companions were amazed at the speed.

It was built in just half an hour.

They quickly washed and dressed, and then went to the playground.

At this time, the sky was slightly bright.

At this time, two more cars drove up.

A young man in a tuxedo got out of one of them, holding a box in his hand.

He took out a red handkerchief from his arms and rubbed it gently in his hands for a few times, and it turned into a magic wand.

He tapped the box he had just taken twice with the magic wand, and many elastic pink balls emerged from the box.

A girl in a red dress and holding a fan got out of another car. She swung the pink ball out, and the ball exploded at a specific location, forming a large tent.

Xiaoyao said,"Is this a magic trick? It's too spectacular!"

When the morning sun shone on the plain, the playground at the viewing point of the Millennium Comet had been completed. As the sun slowly rose, a large number of tourists came to visit. Xiaozhi and his five companions also had a great time at the amusement park, and the three members of Team Rocket also started their part-time jobs.

The Pokémons also had a lot of fun, especially Psyduck, who bit his hand while eating ice cream. Xiaoxia had to comfort him, and everyone laughed.

They were tired from playing, and happened to see a flyer saying that the magic show of the great magician Butler would continue, so they went to the big tent they saw in the morning.

Xiaoxia was holding a Lulili. This Lulili was the child of Xiaojian's Marylou. Xiaojian gave one of the eggs hatched in space with Xiaozhi's Ditto to Xiaoxia. This Lulili was only a few days old.

Xiaoyao enviously said,"I also met a Lulili on the first day of the trip, but it's a pity that I didn't capture it. It's so cute! Xiaozhi, you have so many Pokémon, but I only have two, Fire Pheasant and Hunting Swallowtail."

Xiaoxia comforted,"Xiaoyao, you have just started your trip, and you will have more partners slowly."

Xiaoyao still looked at Lulili with envy.

The magic show has begun!

The young man in a tuxedo that Xiaozhi and the others saw was Butler. He tapped his hat with his magic wand, and a flock of blue birds flew out of the hat.

Then Butler put the hat on the table behind him, and when he picked it up again, a Kirlia appeared. After Butler handed the hat to the wolfhound, the device on the table locked Kirlia inside to form a box. A piece of red cloth covered the box that trapped Kirlia, and the flame on the top of the magic wand ignited the red cloth. Kirlia had disappeared, and in her place was a girl in a red dress holding a dark purple stone. This person was also seen by Xiaozhi and the others in the morning.

Xiaogang cheered in a crazy way:"Beautiful lady, the performance was great!" Xiaoxia returned to the arena and grabbed Xiaogang's ear and said:"Xiaogang, be quiet!"

The girl raised the dark purple stone in her hand, and the stone emitted a dazzling light. Xiaozhi and Xiaosheng heard the sound of the stone:"It is being......Call me......"

Xiaosheng looked at Xiaozhi and asked,"Xiaozhi, did you hear any sound?"

Xiaozhi said,"I heard it......."

Just as Xiaozhi was about to explain the source of the sound to Xiaosheng, he heard Butler on the stage say,"Thank you all for coming today. I am Butler, and the one next to me is my assistant Miss Diane, and the Pokémon assistants Wolfhound and Kirlia."

"Hear the sound of the stars......"

Xiaosheng was surprised and said,"The sound of the stars? Who is talking?" Xiaosheng stood up and tried to find the source of the sound.

Xiaozhi pulled Xiaosheng and pointed at the dark purple stone in Diane's hand.

"it's me......Jirachi......"

Xiaosheng shook off Xiaozhi's hand and ran to the stage. In a blink of an eye, Xiaosheng was already on the stage. Diane looked at Xiaosheng who was staring at the stone in his arms and said,"Little brother, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaosheng pointed at the stone and shouted,"I heard a sound, I really heard a sound!"

Butler looked at Xiaosheng, as if he was sure of something. Butler invited Xiaosheng to participate in the magic show. Xiaosheng went up and down in a daze. He just felt like he was riding a roller coaster. A few seconds later, he appeared at the back of the audience.

The audience burst into warm applause!

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