In the RV,

Xiaosheng looked at Jirachi expectantly and said,"Jirachi, help me realize my wish!"

Jirachi looked at Xiaosheng in confusion:"Wish?"

Xiaosheng nodded:"Yes, wish! What should I wish for? Jirachi, I want snacks, snacks that I can't finish." Xiaosheng thought for a moment and said the wish that every child has.

Jirachi closed his eyes, and the blue wishing paper on his head lit up. Everyone looked at Jirachi expectantly.

Xiaogang said,"But I don't see any snacks?"

Xiaosheng said stubbornly,"Forget it!"

Xiaozhi pointed at Xiaosheng's hand and said,"Xiaosheng, look at your hand."

A bag of potato chips appeared in Xiaosheng's hand out of thin air.

Jirachi said happily:"Snacks, snacks!"

More and more snacks appeared out of thin air. Xiaozhi picked up a bag of potato chips and looked at it and said:"Xiaosheng, Jirachi, wait a minute."

Jirachi said:"What's wrong?"

Xiaosheng also said:"Yes, Xiaozhi, why did you make us wait!"

Xiaozhi said helplessly:"These are all snacks sold in the amusement park! You can see there is an amusement park label here. Jirachi just made these snacks move in space and appear here."

If Xiaozhi doesn't stop, several people will be buried. They pulled themselves out of the sea of snacks.

Xiaosheng picked up one of the bags and looked at it, and said:"Really!"

Xiaoyao said:"It's better not to fulfill the wish like this. Xiaosheng, quickly let Jirachi restore these things to their original state."

Jirachi said:"Restore to their original state?"

The wishing paper on Jirachi's head lit up again, and Xiaoyao was buried in the snacks again under Jirachi's instant movement.

Xiaoxia pulled Xiaoyao out.

Jirachi yawned and said:"I......Very sleepy......"Jirachi fell asleep.

Xiaozhi said helplessly:"We have to send these things back."

Xiaogang smiled bitterly:"It can only be done this way."

When Butler and Diane arrived, the group was sorting out the snacks in the RV. Xiaosheng put Jirachi in the RV to sleep. If it weren't for his wish, he wouldn't have asked everyone to clean up the mess, so Xiaosheng worked the hardest.

Butler asked nervously:"Where is Jirachi?"

Xiaosheng pointed to Jirachi sleeping on the table in the RV and said:"Here."

Diane said:"What happened here?"

Xiaozhi explained that Jirachi fulfilled Xiaosheng's wish for a lot of snacks. Diane found a cart to help Xiaozhi and the others send all the snacks back.

Xiaosheng asked:"Mr. Butler, will Jirachi sleep for another thousand years?"

Butler said:"It's okay, it's just a temporary rest after using the power. After today, there are still six days before he will sleep for another thousand years."

Xiaosheng breathed a sigh of relief:"That's good." If he hadn't made a random wish, Jirachi wouldn't be like this. He was afraid that Jirachi would fall asleep again because of helping him.

A new day has arrived. Borg is trying to help Diane distribute flyers. Satoshi and the others don't want to go. When Borg hears that Misty is not going either, he is so happy that he lets himself go.

Xiaoyao helplessly looks at Borg's back as he leaves:"Misty, Satoshi, is it really okay for us to hide this from Borg and Xiaosheng?"

Misty said:"Xiaosheng is so happy, as for Borg, let him suffer a little!"

Satoshi said:"Borg has a strong ability to withstand pressure."

Xiaoyao said:"That's right."

At the latest, Misty told Xiaoyao about Satoshi's suspicions. Xiaoyao also said that she would pay attention. Although they usually fight and quarrel, when something really happens, Xiaoyao will not hesitate to stand in front of Xiaosheng.

Xiaosheng brought Jirachi to find Satoshi and the other two and said:"Satoshi, sister, sister Misty, I'm taking Jirachi out to play!"

Satoshi said:"Go!"

The three members of Team Rocket who were distributing flyers to earn part-time wages saw Jirachi following Xiaosheng. Kojiro said,"Jirachi! If we catch Jirachi, we will have endless snacks!"

Last night, Jirachi fulfilled his wish and conjured up snacks, which were clearly seen by the three members of Team Rocket through a telescope. Meowth said,"There are endless meals, meow!" Musashi said angrily,"You two idiots are too unambitious! With Jirachi, we can steal whatever we want at will!"

Kojiro was sober for a rare moment and said,"Wait a minute, based on our previous experience of trying to catch the mythical beasts, it seems that we don't have this ability. And my Desert Naya, can your Goran and Snake defeat so many mythical beasts in the hands of the little devil?" Meowth said disappointedly,"Instead of being so unrealistic, it's better to make money, meow!" Musashi said,

"That's right, we will be beaten if we go. We also have the bonus given to us by the little devil, plus the wages for this part-time job, we can live a good life for a long time." Meowth said,

"That's what I said, meow!"


The Rockets decided to make money properly and not make trouble. Getting the wages is the most important thing at the moment.

The group played until the evening, and Xiaozhi and others went to help Xiaogang to pack up the tools after Butler's magic show. When Xiaoyao was pushing the shelf back to the backstage, he was tripped by the fallen wood on the ground. The shelf was about to fall down. Xiaoyao tried to support it and shouted to Xiaosheng:"Xiaosheng, come and help!"

Xiaosheng put down the box in his hand to help hold up the shelf that was about to fall, but Jirachi didn't seem to have enough fun and said:"Xiaosheng, let's go play again!"

Xiaosheng said:"Wait a minute!!"

Jirachi said:"Let's go, let's go!" Jirachi snatched Xiaosheng's glasses. Xiaosheng couldn't see clearly without glasses, so he went to chase Jirachi.

It was difficult for Xiaoyao to support himself. Fortunately, Xiaoxia and Xiaozhi packed up the front and came to the stage and saw this scene. The two helped to hold up the shelf. Xiaoyao said:"Thank you, Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia"

"Jirachi, give it back to me!"

"Come chase me!"

Xiaosheng also used all his strength to get his glasses back. He jumped up and hugged Jirachi and took back his glasses. He said:"I caught you, Jirachi."

Jirachi smiled happily:"I was caught by Xiaosheng!" Xiaosheng put on his glasses again and tickled Jirachi:"Look how I fix you!"

Jirachi was amused and laughed.

Xiaosheng heard a voice and looked up. He saw a hole in the tent. Following his line of sight, he saw that the mirror was destroyed by the whirlwind sword, and an Absol slowly approached Xiaosheng and Jirachi.

Xiaosheng kept retreating in fear:"It's Absol!"

Absol attacked Xiaosheng and Jirachi with the whirlwind sword without saying anything.

Xiaozhi said:"Pikachu, go protect Xiaosheng and Jirachi"

"Pikachu!" Absol's whirlwind blade was blocked by Pikachu's iron tail.

Butler and Diane also came to the backstage. Butler said:"Absol? Isn't this the Pokémon that is said to appear when a disaster occurs?"

Absol has been chasing Xiaosheng and Jirachi, or to be more precise, chasing Jirachi. Jirachi suddenly said:"Absol, you are here to pick me up!"

"Kirlia uses hypnosis!"

"Gardevoir uses hypnosis!"

Gardevoir's hypnosis is much more powerful than Kirlia's, and it hypnotized Kirlia. Xiaozhi stood in front of Absol and said,"Mr. Butler, what do you want to do?"

Butler said without changing his expression,"I want to protect Jirachi!"

Xiaozhi said,"Didn't Jirachi say that Absol was here to pick it up? It can be seen that Absol has no ill intentions. Let me do it."

Xiaozhi released the power of wave guidance, and Absol also understood what Xiaozhi meant and left the tent.

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Mr. Butler, now the matter is resolved."

Butler said,"Then Xiaozhi, you should go to rest early after dinner!"

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