The night gradually fell, and Xiaosheng and Jirachi, who were already asleep in the RV, as well as Xiaogang and Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and Xiaoyao who were still awake.

Xiaoyao whispered:"Xiaozhi, will Mr. Butler definitely come?"

Xiaoxia believed Xiaozhi and said:"Xiaozhi said he would come, so he must come."

Xiaozhi felt a wave approaching:"Here it comes! Lie down!" Butler really came to the RV where Xiaozhi and his friends were resting. When he was about to pick up Jirachi, Xiaozhi said:"Mr. Butler, what do you want to do?"

Xiaosheng seemed to have sensed it, and instantly woke up and hugged Jirachi tightly, looking at Butler vigilantly.

Butler was surprised and said,"I didn't expect you to be so alert, Xiaozhi! But how did you know?"

Xiaozhi said,"Absol said he came from Fanse to pick up Jirachi, but Jirachi is in your hands. Isn't this the result?"

Butler was surprised and said,"You can actually understand the language of Pokémon!!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Just barely!"

Butler's face darkened and said,"I have worked so hard for this day! If you want to make trouble, don't blame me for being rude!"

Xiaozhi said,"I should have said this first."

Butler's face was grim:"Xiaozhi, you are as annoying as those guys in Team Magma, or in other words, people who don't agree with me are annoying!"

Misty and others behind Xiaozhi went into alert when they heard Team Magma.

Xiaozhi suddenly laughed and said,"I still don't know what you want to do? How can I agree with you?"

Butler laughed and said,"Xiaozhi, you are actually interested in this! Let me tell you in detail, I want to use Jirachi's True Eye to absorb the energy of the Millennium Comet, so that a part of Groudon can regenerate a Groudon again. Xiaozhi, isn't this very meaningful for research? As a Pokémon doctor, you should be interested in this! If it succeeds, how about we share the results? Now you just need to hand over Jirachi to me."

Diane came to stop Butler and said,"Butler, I beg you not to go on!"

Butler shook off Diane's hand and said,"I can't give up like this, success is right in front of me! Okay, Xiaozhi, what's your choice?"

Diane said,"Xiaozhi, don't!"

Xiaozhi spread his hands:"I know everything, and Mr. Du has heard everything you said just now. I forgot to tell you, Mr. Butler, I am not only a Pokémon doctor, I am also a special investigator of the alliance. Latios, get ready for battle!" Xiaozhi took out the communication device that was talking from his pocket.

As soon as Latios appeared, the pressure of the mythical beast enveloped Butler.

Butler gritted his teeth and said,"The Night Giant used the mental power!" He didn't expect Xiaozhi to have a mythical beast.

"Latios, Dragon Wave!"

Latios' Dragon Wave easily suppressed the mental power.

Xiaozhi said:"Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, protect Jirachi."

Diane pointed at the car behind everyone and said:"Everyone get in the car, I'll take you away!"

Xiaozhi said:"You go first!"

Everyone got in the car, and Absol appeared from the dark and followed Xiaoxia and the others into the car. Diane stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the car sped away.

Butler sent out the big wolfhound:"Big wolfhound chase it!"

"Wishful thinking! Latios, Dragon Wave"

"Night Giant, block it!"

The Night Giant blocked Latios's Dragon Wave and immediately lost his ability to fight. But the giant wolfhound took the opportunity to run away.

With the strength of this giant wolfhound, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang can still deal with it.

Jirachi, who was held in Xiaosheng's arms in the car, suddenly said:"I want to go back......Farnes......"

Misty said,"Ash said that Jirachi and Absol both came from Fawns."

Diane explained,"Fawns is where Butler brought Jirachi out. Butler used to be a scientist on the Magma Team. He wanted to make Groudon regenerate."


As people from the Hoenn region, Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng know the three great beasts of the Hoenn region. Groudon, the creator of the earth, Rayquaza, the god of the sky, and Kyogre, the one who controls the ocean, are the legendary super ancient Pokémon. And the Magma Team is obsessed with Groudon.

After listening to Xiaosheng's explanation, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia also understood.

Diane continued:"After the experiment failed, Butler was driven out by the Magma Team, but he found the crystal of Jirachi's sleep in Fanns."

Xiaosheng said:"He should not want Jirachi to fulfill his wish!"

Diane said:"That's right! Butler's real purpose is to use the huge energy of the Millennium Comet through Jirachi to make it the energy for Groudon's regeneration. So what he needs first is a young man who can wake up Jirachi's partner. We are performing magic shows in various places just to wait for that young man to appear."

Xiaoyao said:"So you chose Xiaosheng, right!"

Xiaoxia said:"Xiaosheng, don't blame yourself first, we just need to send Jirachi back to Fanns!"Xiaoxia saw Xiaosheng's self-blame. If it weren't for his help, Jirachi would still be well in the crystal and would not have experienced such a thing.

Xiaogang also said:"That's right, Xiaosheng, as long as Jirachi is sent back to Fanns, we just need to protect Jirachi and wait for it to fall asleep again. Butler will no longer have the opportunity to use Jirachi. Miss Diane, how long will it take us to get to Fanns?"

Diane roughly estimated the journey:"It will take about four days!"

Xiaosheng heard the encouragement of Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, looked at Jirachi in his arms and said:"It is my responsibility as a partner to send Jirachi back to Fanns."

Xiaoyao said:"Well said, Xiaosheng. And we all help together!"

"That's right!"

Diane���:"That's decided!"

After Xiaozhi handed Butler to Du, he took Pikachu and sat on Latios and chased after him.

When Xiaozhi went to find Xiaoxia and the others, he received a call from Du:"Xiaozhi, this time we made a mistake in supervision. Butler and he also took a Kirliao with him and escaped with teleportation!"

Xiaozhi said:"I know! Mr. Du, please speed up to Fanes. If I guess correctly, Butler is also rushing to Fanes."

Du said:"I know!"

The communication device was hung up.

Xiaozhi knew it wouldn't be that simple. He patted Latios and said:"Latios, speed up!"

Latios said telepathically:"I know!"

Xiaozhi guessed correctly. After Butler escaped with Kirliao, he still returned to the amusement park. He had already modified a flying device.

Butler murmured to himself:"Diane, I thought only you could understand my mood! Why, are you doing this?"

Xiaoxia and the others didn't know that Butler's big wolfhound had installed a positioning device on the car, and Butler was firmly in control of their direction.

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