Xiaozhi saw Diane's car at dawn. He destroyed the positioning device at the rear of the car before reuniting with everyone.

The car finally stopped for a rest after driving for another day.

Diane was lost in thought while looking at the poster of Butler's magic show in the car. Xiaoxia got into the car to get something and saw it. Diane looked up and said,"Is everyone asleep?"

Xiaoxia said,"Yes, Xiaoyao also fell asleep after making a wish. I was afraid that everyone would be cold, so I came up to get a blanket."

Diane suddenly said,"Butler and I are childhood sweethearts. When he was a child, he loved inventions and was a person who liked to surprise people." Diane fell into memories of every little bit of her time with Butler when she was a child.

Xiaoxia sat down next to Diane and said,"Miss Diane, is Mr. Butler's matter really okay?"

Diane sighed and said,"It's okay, I can't let him make any more mistakes! His ambition has changed so much that I don't even recognize him! Xiaoxia, you know, sometimes I really envy you and Xiaozhi. You have a good relationship and are fighting for your respective dreams. You will definitely be happy forever."

Xiaoxia said,"Miss Diane, I understand your entanglement. In fact, you should be inferior! You think you can't help Mr. Butler in anything, so you always listen to him! In fact, when Xiaozhi and I were traveling, Xiaozhi grew really fast, and I couldn't catch up no matter what. Until later, I got Xiaozhi's encouragement, and I also found my own dream. I don't have to catch up, I can also walk side by side."

Diane smiled and said,"Xiaoxia, I think I'm not confused anymore! Well, three days have passed, and in four days Jirachi will enter a thousand-year sleep again. We can start again!"

Xiaoxia said,"I'm glad to help you!"

With each passing day, Xiaosheng's mood became more and more depressed, and he often hugged Jirachi in a daze when he was resting. There are only two days left before Jirachi will fall into a deep sleep again.

That night, when Xiaosheng saw Xiaoyao breaking off the fifth corner of the Dream Star, he suddenly ran away. Xiaozhi signaled everyone to go and have a look.

Xiaosheng sat by the lake and stared at Jirachi in a daze. Xiaozhi brought Pikachu to sit next to Xiaosheng.

Xiaosheng said,"I won't be able to see Jirachi soon!"

Xiaozhi comforted him,"Yes, the next time we meet will be a thousand years later. Xiaosheng, you must find a way to live longer!"

Xiaosheng said,"How can I live a thousand years?"

Xiaozhi said,"But these seven days are something Xiaosheng can remember for a lifetime! As long as the memories are left, isn't it the same as being together forever? Xiaosheng, you haven't become a trainer yet. For a trainer, reunion and separation are things that must be experienced. Maybe you can't fully understand what I'm saying yet!"

Xiaosheng shook his head and looked at Xiaozhi:"Xiaozhi, I know! Just like Jirachi is by my side now, as long as we are happy, isn't that enough? We just need to cherish the present, right!"

Xiaozhi nodded. Xiaosheng is a smart child and understands everything at once.

Xiaosheng smiled again and was no longer depressed.

On the sixth day, Xiaozhi and his friends finally arrived at Faunus. Diane said,"We are here. This is Faunus."

Xiaozhi looked at Absol, and Absol nodded.

There are dense jungles in Fanes, and huge rocks stand in the middle of them, which are like majestic stone towers guarding Fanes.

A group of people walked into it, and Xiaosheng said:"There are so many wild Pokémon here! There are Tropical Dragons, Long Nosed Leaves, and Blue Birds!"

Everyone felt relieved when they arrived in Fanes.

Jirachi lay on Xiaosheng's head, and seemed to know that this was its home, and said:"I like it here!"

Xiaosheng said:"I like it here too!"

Everyone laughed and said:"We like it here too!"


This is already the sixth night, and Xiaoyao's dream star has only one corner left. Everyone built a fire and enjoyed this peaceful and quiet night together.

Xiaoxia handed Xiaozhi dry food and said,"Here, eat it quickly!"

Xiaozhi said,"Thank you." Xiaozhi took the dry food and started to chew it. Their food had been consumed long ago, leaving only the hard-to-chew dry food.

Xiaoxia looked at Xiaosheng and Jirachi who were still playing and said,"They are really happy!"

Xiaosheng was fighting with Jirachi for a branch. Xiaosheng said,"Jirachi, give it to me!"

Jirachi pulled the other end of the branch and said,"No!"

Xiaosheng pulled hard, and Jirachi hit Xiaosheng's face. Xiaosheng said in pain,"It hurts!" But he looked at Jirachi and laughed.

Xiaoyao said,"Xiaosheng, you should go to bed!"

Xiaosheng hugged Jirachi and said,"It should be okay for me to play for a while!"

Xiaoyao said,"We have to get up early tomorrow! Go to bed quickly!"

Xiaosheng complained dissatisfiedly,"My sister only puts on airs at this time." Although Xiaosheng was dissatisfied, he still took off his glasses, hugged Jirachi and made faces at Xiaoyao before lying down.

Xiaozhi and the others laughed out loud. Xiaosheng covered Jirachi with a quilt and said,"Jirachi, I want to be with you forever!"

Jirachi arched into Xiaosheng's arms and said,"Me too!"

Xiaoyao covered Xiaosheng with a blanket, patted his back and sang her mother's lullaby again. Xiaoxia leaned on Xiaozhi's shoulder and fell asleep with Pikachu in her arms. With Xiaoyao's soft singing, everyone spent the last quiet night.

The sun rose, and this was the last day that Jirachi woke up.

Everyone got up early and, led by Absol, came to the place where Jirachi slept.

Many Pokémon on both sides of the road came to welcome Jirachi's return. When the group came to the cave, it was getting dark.

Diane turned on the flashlight. The deeper you go into the cave, the darker it gets. Diane confirmed and said,"This is where Jirachi sleeps." Absol raised his head and motioned for everyone to look up. There is a pit on the top of the place, and you can see the silver-white Millennium Comet by looking up. Jirachi said,"Stars......Calling me......"

Xiaosheng wanted to hug Jirachi but his hand stopped in mid-air.

Jirachi said,"Xiaosheng, we will always be friends!"

Xiaosheng said,"Forever! Jirachi, I will always remember you!" Xiaosheng hugged Xiaoyao and cried.

Jirachi said,"Yes."

Jirachi responded to the call of the Millennium Comet and slowly floated into the air. This was Jirachi's mission.

Diane said,"The Eye of Truth is about to open! When Jirachi summons energy from the Millennium Comet, he will open the Eye of Truth."

The black lines on Jirachi's body slowly opened like eyes.

Diane continued to explain,"During the thousand years of sleep, Jirachi will inject the energy absorbed from the comet into the earth little by little. That's why Fawns can have such rich vegetation."

Xiaosheng wiped his tears and said,"It turns out that Jirachi is so great!"

Suddenly an accident happened!

When Jirachi was about to start absorbing the energy of the Millennium Comet, four steel pillars suddenly appeared on the cliff and fired purple lasers at Jirachi, trying to capture Jirachi.

Xiaozhi said:"Latios mega evolution, use Psychic."

Latios's body turned purple in front of everyone's eyes, and used Psychic to block the laser. Xiaosheng held Jirachi in his arms, and Jirachi slowly opened his eyes and said:"Xiaosheng"

"Latios destroyed the four devices."

Latios used the Dragon Wave to destroy the four devices.

Xiaozhi said:"Butler, you finally showed up!"

Butler couldn't hear anything now:"Dragonfly sprays flames! Jirachi is no longer needed! Regenerate, Groudon!"

Butler has developed a device similar to the Eye of Truth, which absorbs the power of the Millennium Comet and regenerates Groudon.

Xiaozhi sent out again:"Mewtwo! Mind Break destroys the machine. Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres, all of you come out to help!"

Latios defeated Dragonfly without any effort.

Xiaozhi said:"Mr. Butler, wake up! Look at this, how does it look like Groudon!" Xiaozhi pointed to the monster on the ground that was about to be resurrected. If the device was not destroyed in time, terrible things would happen. Butler shouted:"Don't stop me!"

Xiaozhi said:"Increase the strength!"Now we can only destroy the device first, otherwise there will be terrible consequences.

The four beasts in the air joined forces and finally destroyed the device before Regenerating Groudon woke up.

Butler said madly:"How can you! How can you!"

Diane came to Butler, slapped him, and shouted:"Are you really going to destroy the world?"

Butler woke up because of this slap:"I just want to prove myself!"

Diane said:"Enough! Butler, it's really enough!"

Butler looked at his ambition that had been ruined, and finally faced himself. What was he doing before!

Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief and said:"Finally succeeded in protecting Fanes!"

Xiaozhi gave the part of Butler that was used to regenerate Groudon to Du. Fortunately, Xiaozhi stopped it in time, so it didn't cause too much damage. Du also said that if Butler behaved well, he would be released soon.

Diane chose to stay in Fines to protect it and wait for Butler's return.

Under Xiaosheng's singing, Jirachi fell asleep again. Jirachi turned into that deep purple crystal again and sank into the ground.

Xiaosheng said,"Good night Jirachi!"

A new day has arrived. Xiaoxia remembered something and asked,"Xiaoyao, there is still a corner of your dream star that has not been folded!"

Xiaoyao said regretfully,"Ah! I forgot about it! But......Forget it, my dream still depends on me to realize it"

【Completing the story mission will reward you with 20,000 points, and over-completing the mission will reward you with three lottery tickets.

Xiaozhi and his group once again set out on the journey to Qiuye Town.

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