Xiaozhi and his friends boarded the communication ship to Crimson Island at the port. Xiaoxia took Eevee to the deck to bask in the sun and combed Eevee's hair. Her long-cherished wish came true for Eevee. Other Pokémon followed Xiaozhi and his friends to enjoy the sunshine in the swimming pool not far away.

Xiaozhi put a swimming ring on Togepi, and Pikachu took Togepi to play in the pool, and Mini also joined in.

Xiaozhi lay on the lounge chair, stretched his waist, and took a sip of the iced drink beside him:"I haven't been so idle for a long time!"

Xiaogang said on the side:"Xiaozhi will play in the gym competition after arriving at Crimson Island. Mr. Xia Bo, the gym trainer of Crimson Gym, is the strongest gym trainer in the Kanto region. He is not a trainer of the same level as me!" Xiaozhi said:"The Pokémon have been too tired from training recently. It's rare to give them a chance to rest!" Xiaogang thought for a while:"Yes, haste makes waste! Xiaoxia hasn't decided what form she wants Eevee to evolve into yet? ?"

Ash looked at Misty:"No! She's still hesitating between Sylveon and Vaporeon!"

Brock said:"I see, Sylveon is very cute, but Misty is more suitable for Water-type Vaporeon."

While the two were talking, Misty came over with Eevee and said to them:"Ash and Brock, I've made up my mind. I want to evolve Eevee into Vaporeon."

Ash smiled and took out a Water Stone from his backpack and handed it to Misty. This was the Water Stone he had exchanged with No. 124 a long time ago. With his understanding of Misty and his love for Water Pokémon, she would still choose Vaporeon in the end.

Misty took the Water Stone and said:"Thank you, Ash." Misty didn't know what she was thinking while holding the Water Stone, but after a moment she put the Water Stone and Eevee together. After Eevee touched the Water Stone, it successfully evolved into Vaporeon.


"Xiao Mao?"

"Why are you here?"

Xiaozhi and Xiaomao looked at each other and said the above conversation almost at the same time.

Xiaomao proudly showed Xiaozhi his badges:"I have collected ten badges. Now I am going to Cinnamon Island for sightseeing and vacation. By the way, I will eliminate the fatigue of the Pokémon and prepare to challenge the Quartz League. Xiaozhi, how about you? How many badges have you collected?"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Six!" Xiaomao said proudly,"Only six, I am ahead in this respect. By the way, Xiaozhi, you went to Cinnamon Island for sightseeing and vacation as well?" Xiaomao was even more proud, he was ahead in the number of badges obtained. Xiaozhi said,"Let's challenge the Cinnamon Gym."

Xiaomao didn't expect Xiaozhi to challenge the strongest gym in Kanto. He said,"Then you work hard! I will go back to Pallet Town to wait for you!"

Xiaozhi nodded:"Okay."

Xiao Mao felt that Xiao Zhi had changed. Before, the two would quarrel over just a few words, but since they started traveling, Xiao Zhi has become more mature and is very adept at commanding Pokémon to fight. However, this is a strong enemy and it is necessary to defeat him. He has not yet avenged the defeat he suffered before!

Xiao Mao waved his hand and left.

The boat stopped soon, and the hot spring street of Honglian Island came into view as soon as they got off the boat. Xiao Zhi and his friends did not stop and walked through the hot spring street and went directly to a secluded homestay.

Xiao Zhi knocked on the door and an uncle opened the door. The uncle said,"Are you here to stay? I have a rule here. If you want to stay, you must answer my riddle first. I can also reduce the accommodation fee!"

Xiao Zhi smiled and greeted,"Hello, Mr. Xia Bo, I'm here to challenge the Honglian Gym."

Xia Bo looked Xiao Zhi up and down and became interested,"Come to challenge the gym? Well, I'll accept your challenge! The time is set at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, but you have to find the battle site before then, otherwise the battle agreement will be invalid. The battle site is in the place where there is a big flood above and a big fire below. You stay here today! I will arrange a room for you."

Xiaozhi and the other three were arranged by Xia Bo to live in the B&B. There is a hot spring pool behind Xia Bo's B&B. Xiaozhi and the others are enjoying the hot spring treatment, and the Pokémon are very relaxed.

Seeing that Xiaozhi is not in a hurry at all, Xiaoxia is worried for Xiaozhi:"Xiaozhi, you have to solve the puzzle before 10 o'clock tomorrow to challenge the Red Lotus Gym. Aren't you in a hurry?"

Xiaozhi put his hands behind his head and said leisurely:"What's there to worry about. The puzzle has been solved a long time ago, just waiting for the challenge tomorrow!"

Xiaogang asked in confusion:"Xiaozhi, when did you solve it?"

Xiaozhi explained with a smile:"I solved it after hearing the puzzle mentioned by Mr. Xia Bo. The battle site with the answer is under this hot spring."

Gon thought for a moment and said,"There's a flood above and a fire below, so that's how it is!"

Xiaozhi closed his eyes:"So just enjoy it!" Xiaoxia looked at Xiaozhi's confident look and smiled helplessly.

The next day, at the appointed time, Xiaozhi went down from the passage behind the mountain wall behind the hot spring and arrived at the battle venue.

Xia Bo had been waiting at the battle venue:"Xiaozhi, as agreed, I will take over this gym match!"

Xiaogang didn't see any referee except Xia Bo, and asked,"Mr. Xia Bo, why don't you have a referee?"

Xia Bo said helplessly:"My disciple is on vacation, is there anyone who can help? The Red Lotus Gym match is a battle between two Pokémon."

Xiaogang volunteered:"Then I'll do it!"

Xiaogang walked to the referee's position:"Now let's start the Red Lotus Gym's gym match. Two Pokémon can be used. Only the challenger can change Pokémon. The game begins"

"Xiaozhi, my number one player is this, go Nine-Tailed Fox!"

Nine-Tailed Fox? It's the strongest gym in Kanto. Xia Bo's first move was an elite Nine-Tailed Fox.

"Blastoise is the one for you!"The best way to deal with fire is to use water. Xiaozhi sent Blastoise to fight the first battle.

【Nine-Tailed Fox】

【Attribute: Fire】

【Features: Fire (When attacked by fire-type moves, it will enhance your own fire-type moves)】

【Level: Elite】

"Nine-tailed Fox, jet of fire"

"Blastoise prays for rain.

Some dark clouds gather on the battlefield, and raindrops begin to fall, reducing fire-type moves for 5 turns. Ninetails' jet of fire hits Blastoise, but it doesn't cause much damage.

"Blastoise, water cannon!"

"Nine-Tailed, hold on."

A fierce water cannon was fired from the turret behind Blastoise. Although Nine-Tailed used"Hold on" to defend against Blastoise's water cannon, the water cannon made Nine-Tail's defense look a little forced.

"Big words explode!"


The field began to shake. Nine-Tail's steps were unstable and he was a little slow to use his special move. He was hit by Blastoise's earthquake first. The ground-based earthquake had a great effect on Nine-Tail and interrupted his big explosion.

"Water dart turtle, water tail"

"Ninetails, hold on."

Blastoise's tail wrapped around the water flow and rushed towards Ninetails. Just as a barrier was formed in front of Ninetails, it was broken by Blastoise's water tail. Ninetails was hit by two special moves that were extremely effective against it, and it lost its combat capability.

Xiaogang said,"Ninetails has lost its combat capability."

Xia Bo took Ninetails back:"Xiaozhi, you have cultivated Pokémon very well, and this one is the next one." As Xia Bo's voice fell, a Platypus jumped out of the lava below the battlefield.

Xiaozhi chose to change Pokémon:"It's your turn, Crabbeard"


【Attribute: Fire】

【Features: Flame Body (sometimes the opponent who touches it will be burned)】

【Level: Gym Level]

Xia Bo is indeed a veteran trainer, and his Pokémon are stronger than each other. Xiaozhi's Crawl is only elite level, one level lower than that of Incarnate, but it is not without a chance to win. Blastoise's Rainmaker is still effective, which is why Xiaozhi let Blastoise use Rainmaker first.

"Giant crab water flow crack"

""Duck-billed Fire Beast, use strange light."

The Duck-billed Fire Beast held its hands in front of its chest and took on the giant crab's water flow. The Duck-billed Fire Beast emitted a strange light, which directly confused the giant crab.

""Giant Crab Rockslide."

A rock slides down from the sky, and the Giant Crab rushes forward. A rock hits the Giant Crab, causing the Confusion State to be removed. This is Xiaozhi's strategy to keep Pokémon from being affected even if they are in Confusion State.

"Giant crab water flow crack"

""Duckbill Infernape, big word explosion."

The collision of the fire and water-type moves formed white steam, which filled the entire battlefield. Xia Bo admired Xiaozhi very much. After all, he could command so calmly despite such a big difference in strength.

"Giant Claw Crab at 3 o'clock, Arm Hammer"

"Platypus, hold on"

"Continuous arm hammer."

If you keep using it continuously, it will easily fail. The arm hammer of the giant crab���After being hit once, it hid in the steam and disappeared. The Giant Claw Crab's arm hammer hit the Platypus in the third attack and knocked it away.

"Platypus, Thunder Fist"

""Shred, Destruction Ray."

Lightning wrapped around the fist of Infernape. If Infernape is hit by Infernape again, it will definitely lose its ability to fight. In return, Infernape will also lose its ability to fight if it is hit by the lightning fist. So Xia Bo can only fight with his back to the wall. In this game, Xiaozhi is already on the verge of victory. The tactics are really beautiful!

Infernape caught the figure of Infernape in the steam and hit it with the lightning fist. But when Infernape was knocked out, Infernape's Destruction Ray was also aimed at Infernape. A violent explosion made everyone unable to open their eyes.

After a while, Xiaogang said:"Infernape and Infernape lost their ability to fight at the same time. Because the gym trainer Mr. Xia Bo has lost all his Pokémon, the winner is Xiaozhi." Xia Bo didn't expect that even Infernape couldn't resist Xiaozhi's footsteps. It seems that this year's Quartz Conference will be very exciting. Xia Bo handed the crimson badge to Xiaozhi:"Xiaozhi, this is the crimson badge, accept it!"

Xiao Zhi took it and said,"Thank you, Mr. Xia Bo"

"I got the Crimson Badge!"


【Obtain the Crimson Badge, 500 bonus points]

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