Xia Bo praised:"Xiaozhi, your Pokémon are really well trained, and your tactics are also very clever. You can be so calm and not lose in the challenge of higher-level challenges. The younger generation that Oak is optimistic about is really strong, just like he was in the past."

Xiaozhi asked:"Mr. Xia Bo, do you know Professor Oak?"

Xia Bo nodded:"We were opponents in the past! But that guy went to do research, and we didn't have the chance to have a battle again. Xiaozhi, since you are the younger generation that Oak is optimistic about, I'll give you this thing. This is what Platypus found in the magma before."

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Charizard Y Mega Evolution Stone.

Xiaozhi shook his head and refused,"Mr. Xia Bo, this is too expensive!"

Xia Bo smiled and said,"It would be a waste if I don't have an Evolution Key Stone. Giving it to the new generation of trainers is also what the Mega Evolution Stone expects. Xiaozhi, just accept it!"

Xia Bo stuffed the thing into Xiaozhi's hand, and Xiaozhi had no choice but to accept it:"Thank you, Mr. Xia Bo."

Xiaozhi and his friends enjoyed another day of hot springs at Xia Bo's place, and the next day they were going to take a boat to leave Crimson Island and head to the next gym, Tokiwa City.

But when they were about to buy tickets to board the boat, they were stopped by a Squirtle that suddenly appeared.

"Kami Kami......"Stotle blocked Xiaozhi and his friends' way with an anxious look on his face, as if he was saying something urgent to them.

""Pika?" Pikachu tilted his head. Stolett spoke too fast and Pikachu didn't quite understand.

Xiaozhi pressed the Poké Ball of Blastoise to release it, so that its kind could communicate with each other!

"Squirtle said it again to Blastoise, as if he had found a savior.

After listening to Squirtle's story, Ash's Blastoise nodded and took out the sunglasses of the Squirtle Army from its shell and put them on.

Brock said,"Isn't this the sunglasses of the Squirtle Army?"

Misty summoned all her Pokémon except Psyduck and said,"Something must have happened. There is a small boat here. Let's go and take a look!"

Half an hour later, Ash and the others followed Squirtle to a small island, which was not far from Crimson Island. Brock took out a travel guide and said,"This is called Kermepomi Island. There should be a lot of Squirrels and Squirtle living on this island."

""Kami-Kami." Stotle pointed to the right of Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi looked at the two and said,"Let's go and have a look."

They walked forward a few steps and saw turtle shells everywhere. The shells were big and small. They should be Squirtle and Stottle. Xiaoxia said,"What's going on?"

Xiaogang took out a stethoscope from his backpack, squatted down and carefully checked the bodies of these Squirtle and Stottle. After a while, Xiaogang said,"The vital signs are normal, but they are all sleeping."

Xiaoxia looked at the turtle shells of Squirtle and Stottle around and said,"Are they all asleep? There are so many of them? This is very strange!"

Stottle pointed to a huge turtle shell on a huge stone. It was a Blastoise. Xiaozhi looked at Pikachu on his shoulder:"Pikachu, use electric shock to wake them all up. Be careful to control the intensity." Pikachu's strength has reached the quasi-king level. If the intensity of the electric shock is not controlled, these Squirtle and Squirtle will be easily injured.

"Pikachu!"Pikachu jumped off Xiaozhi's shoulder and used electric shock on all the Squirtles and Squirtles in front of him, and they were all awakened by the electric shock.

"Squirtle and Squirtle rubbed their eyes, obviously not knowing what happened.

The Squirtle thanked Ash and recounted the whole thing in front of Ash and the others. Ash concluded,"You mean, Blastoise went out to find food a few days ago, but didn't come back for several days, until the waves hit the shell of Blastoise onto the shore, and then you pulled Blastoise onto the shore, and then you fell into a deep sleep. That's what happened!"

"Kami Kami." Stotle nodded.

Brock pointed at Blastoise and said,"Ash, the only way to know what happened after Blastoise left the island is to wake him up first."

Ash nodded,"Blostoke water gun, Pikachu electric shock."

Blastoise's water gun and Pikachu's electric shock intertwined with each other. The power of the electric shock was enhanced by the water gun and hit Blastoise head-on. Blastoise first stretched out its glans and yawned loudly before its limbs came out of its shell.

As Blastoise's turret stretched out from its shell, there seemed to be a pink thing stuck on the top of the turret. Squirtle and Squirtle went forward to investigate. The thing stuffed in Blastoise's turret made it feel a little uncomfortable.

Misty looked at the familiar pink ball and thought of a bad memory before:"Ash and Brock, it can't be the Jigglypuff we met before!"

The Jigglypuff that Misty was talking about is the Jigglypuff they met in Neon Town. This Jigglypuff loves to sing and doodle, and after it finishes singing and sees a Pokémon or a human falling asleep in front of it, it will take out the marker from the microphone and punish these people with doodles.

Unexpectedly, this Jigglypuff actually followed Satoshi and the others to Crimson Island.

Satoshi confirmed with No. 124 and said,"It's that Jigglypuff, it must like us since it followed us here, how about I capture it!" Satoshi then took out an empty Poké Ball. Misty and Brock waved their hands to refuse, they didn't want to fall asleep at every turn, and not to mention that they would still have doodles on their faces when they woke up, and it would take a long time to clean them. Satoshi smiled and said,"If you train well, this won't happen!"

"Brie."Puffin struggled to get out of the turret on Blastoise's back.

Xiaozhi wanted to catch Puzzin off guard:"Good opportunity, Pikachu 100,000 volts"

"Pikachu's 100,000-volt power suddenly electrocuted Jigglypuff, who was about to jump to the ground. Xiaozhi took the opportunity to throw a Poké Ball and successfully captured Jigglypuff. Pikachu's strength can make Jigglypuff lose its fighting ability with one strike, so it took almost no effort to capture it.


【Attributes: General, Fairy】

【Gender: Female】

【Features: Charming Body (sometimes makes the opposite sex Pokémon that touches you become fascinated by you)】

【Strength: Ordinary intermediate】

【Skills: Acting like a spoiled child, singing, clapping, charming voice, overwhelming pressure, imitation】

【[Capture Jigglypuff, reward 500 points]

Ash put away the Poké Ball containing Jigglypuff, waiting to preach to it another day when he has time! Blastoise apologized to Squirtle and Squirtle, it was it that got them into trouble, it was very ashamed about it, and wanted to give up the position of leader of the Squirtle on this island to Ash's Blastoise. Ash's Blastoise waved his hand, with a proud and proud look.

Seeing this, Blastoise didn't want to force it, so he asked Squirtle to pass the things he had found on the seabed to Ash. Ash opened the big shell that Squirtle handed over and saw that it was another Mega Evolution Stone.

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Mega Evolution Stone of Blastoise.】

In just a few days, this is the second Mega Evolution Stone that Xiaozhi has obtained. He has collected all the Mega Evolution Stones of the first three starter Pokémons!

After resolving the matter on Kumebami Island, Xiaozhi and his friends returned the same way and boarded the last ship back to the mainland today, preparing to go to Viridian City to obtain the last green badge.

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