Satoshi and his friends were on their way to Viridian City. Misty was lying beside a fountain, looking at the listless Pokémon and said worriedly,"Pokémon doesn't look very energetic!"

Brock thought for a moment and said,"Could it be because we haven't let our Pokémon relax recently? We've been passing through cities lately, and there's no place like a river for Pokémon to swim properly."

Misty said worriedly,"Hey, I can't travel with a water tank on my back!"

Satoshi proposed a solution,"Isn't this place not far from Cerulean City? Misty, I remember there was a huge swimming pool in the Cerulean Gym? The one we fought in."

Misty said happily,"Ash, you're right! Then let's go back to my house and let Pokémon recover first!" Satoshi and his friends packed up and set off again. Misty first called the sisters at the Cerulean Gym to tell them that they were going back. The group arrived in Cerulean City two hours later.

Sakura, Peony, and Acorus waved to Misty from a distance.��:""Xiaoxia!"

Xiaoxia happily stepped forward:"Sister."

Mudan asked bluntly:"Xiaoxia, why are you so slow!"

Xiaoxia was stunned on the spot, feeling that something bad was going to happen.

Acorus added:"We thought you would come back immediately after receiving your call!"

Sakura said to Xiaozhi and Xiaogang:"Xiaozhi, Xiaogang and Pikachu, long time no see." Xiaozhi nodded and said:"Miss Sakura, we really haven't seen each other for a long time." Xiaogang said infatuatedly:"Miss Sakura, I didn't expect you still remember me!"

Xiaoxia smiled helplessly, and while the sisters' attention was attracted by Xiaozhi and the others, she released the ink seahorse first. Xiaozhi squatted beside Xiaoxia without knowing when:"The spirit of the ink seahorse looks much better than before."

Xiaoxia said:"Then let the ink seahorse have a good time here for a while! By the way, all of you come out!"Misty released all the Pokémon, including Starfish, Gemstone, Goldfish, Vaporeon, and the drowning Psyduck.

Iris urged,"Missy, start preparing quickly! There's no time!"

Misty asked puzzledly,"Prepare for what?"

Peony pointed to a poster on the wall and said,"Prepare this!"

On the wall was a poster with the words"Underwater Ballet Show" standing out.

Misty asked,"Are you going to have an underwater ballet show at home? Sisters, do you mean for me to help prepare the equipment?"

Brock's eyes lit up with love,"I'm really looking forward to this performance!"

Iris interrupted,"No!" Satoshi leaned in and read out the small print on the poster,"A large underwater ballet show held in Cerulean City because of the famous underwater ballet star's return to the city......"

Xiaogang blushed and said,"I wonder if we will have a chance to meet this celebrity?"

Xiaozhi said helplessly,"Xiaogang, don't you understand? Xiaoxia is this celebrity."

Mudan snapped her fingers,"Xiaozhi, you are right!" Iris turned Xiaogang's head and aimed her eyes at Xiaoxia.

Xiaoxia pointed at herself in shock and said in disbelief,"Me?"

Iris and the others nodded in unison,"Xiaoxia will play the heroine of the underwater ballet, the mermaid princess!"

Sakura explained,"In fact, we have no choice! Our recent performances have reached a bottleneck, and there are not many guests coming to watch the performances. Facing the empty venue, there is no applause. Just when we were at a loss, we received a call from you, Xiaoxia. So Xiaoxia, please save the Hualan Gym!"

Sakura looked at Xiaoxia with a pitiful and tearful look. Xiaoxia sighed and finally nodded.

Sakura held Xiaoxia's hand tightly:"Thank you, Xiaoxia! By the way, the premiere is tomorrow! The tickets are sold out."

Xiaoxia quickly pulled her hand back:"Tomorrow? Are you kidding!"......

The next day, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang took Pikachu and Togepi to sit in the audience. Xiaoxia looked at the packed audience behind the scenes and was very nervous.

Xiaoxia said,"There are so many guests! I'm so nervous!" She was not nervous about the many spectators, but Xiaozhi was also watching her performance.

As the lights in the venue dimmed, the underwater ballet show was about to begin. The swimming pool in the venue began to rise, flush with the audience so that the guests could watch better.

""Water ballet show, the mermaid princess' holiday is about to begin!"

As the voice of Acorus began to narrate, the lights also gathered on the water Pokémon in the swimming pool. Misty was wearing a mermaid costume, and Xiaozhi's eyes lit up when he saw Misty dressed like this.

Misty jumped down from the high diving platform and played with the Pokémon in the water.

Xiaozhi took the lead in applauding and said,"Miss performed very well!""Pikachupi!""qiukiqiuki!" Pikachu and Togepi were also cheering for Misty.

Xiaogang said,"Miss is worthy of being a trainer who uses water Pokémon!"

The tone of the narration changed, and it was time for the bad guys to appear. This time the bad guys were played by Peony and Acorus, but when the spotlight swept to the diving platform, it was actually three members of Team Rocket who appeared.

Musashi said,"Hello everyone! The bad guys are on the stage!"

Kojiro said,"We are going to capture all the water Pokémon here!"

The two put on scuba gear and jumped into the water. Xiaoxia was about to speak when she was choked. She took out a scuba gear from behind and put it on:"Team Rocket, what are you doing here!"

"Since you asked sincerely......(Team Rocket's opening remarks)"

After Team Rocket finished their opening remarks, there was a round of cheers from the audience.

Musashi said,"Kojiro, we are very popular!"

Kojiro waved to the audience,"That's right, I am very motivated when someone cheers me on!"

Meowth on the diving platform said,"That's right!" Meowth pressed the remote control in his hand, a hole was blown open on the roof of the Cerulean Gym, and the Meowth hot air balloon fell from the sky.

Xiaozhi was helpless:"Why are they the three again? They have only been quiet for a few days!"

Xiaogang stood up:"It's our turn to go on stage!"

Xiaozhi put Togepi into the Poké Ball, took Pikachu to the backstage, and found Sakura who had just changed her clothes. Xiaozhi said,"Miss Sakura, the people in the swimming pool are Team Rocket, leave them to us!"

Xiaozhi, Xiaogang and Pikachu jumped into the water one after another. When Sakura was still a little confused, Acorus and Peony finally escaped from the locker in the locker room.

Xiaozhi released Blastoise and Crab:"Team Rocket, your opponents are here!"

Musashi saw Satoshi and the others:"Little brat? In that case, go ahead, Arbok."

Kojiro sent out Vash:"You go too, Vash!"

Vash lost its combat capability immediately after leaving the Poké Ball. After all, it was in the water, and Vash couldn't swim. Musashi said:"Kojiro, what the hell are you doing?" It was a joke for Musashi's Arbok to deal with Satoshi's Blastoise and Crawlker. The result was foreseeable.

Satoshi looked at Brock:"Brock, you go rescue the Pokémon captured by Team Rocket, leave this to Misty and me. Blastoise's Water Cannon, Crawlker's Arm Hammer!"

Misty was only surrounded by Sakura's Sea Lion, as the rest of the Pokémon were captured. She said:"Sea Lion, use Aurora Beam!"

Three Pokémon attacked Arbok at the same time. Arbok was defeated and lost his ability to fight. Brock had already rescued the Pokémon captured by Team Rocket and put them on a rock above the swimming pool for standing. Brock shouted,"Ash and Misty, it's done!"

After defeating Arbok, the sea lion's body emitted an evolutionary light, and the sea lion evolved into a white sea lion. The audience cheered again. It was worth the price of the ticket to see the evolution of Pokémon in a show.

Ash nodded to Misty and went to the rock with the Pokémon. Now he could let go. Ash said,"Pikachu, use 100,000 volts to send them away!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu smiled and used 100,000 volts towards the swimming pool.

"What a disgusting feeling......."......

Sakura and the other two said goodbye to Satoshi and the others. Sakura said,"Thanks to you, the tickets have been sold out for half a year later!"

Satoshi smiled and said,"I didn't expect that we would be so popular by chance!"

Sakura said worriedly,"But we won't have enough Pokémon once Misty leaves!"

Misty asked,"Okay! Who do you want?"

Brock thought for a while and said,"Missy, why don't you leave Seahorse behind! It would be good for Seahorse to recover for a while at the Cerulean Gym."

Misty nodded and took out Seahorse's Poké Ball,"Okay, I'll take it back after Seahorse recovers!"

Acorus said,"Missy, leave your Starfish behind as well!"

Misty had no choice but to hand over Starfish's Poké Ball,"You must take good care of it! Why don't you leave Psyduck at the Cerulean Gym as well!"

Sakura and the other two said in unison,"We don't want Water-type Pokémon that can't swim!"

Satoshi and his friends brought the Cerulean Gym's underwater ballet show to a successful conclusion. Viridian City is not far away!

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