Professor Oak pulled Ash away before he even left the waiting area, and Misty, Brock, Shige, and Hanako followed him. Professor Oak took Ash directly to the special viewing area where President Damaranch was.

The door was closed, blocking out all the sounds from the outside world. Ash had no choice but to wait until the next battle. What was coming finally came!

A group of people gathered around him!

Professor Oak was the first to speak excitedly,"Ash, forget about the Mega Evolution! What about the last trick?"

Damaranch was also very interested and said,"Ash, tell me about it!"

Shige, Misty, and Brock were also waiting for Ash's explanation. Ash took off the Z bracelet on his wrist and handed it to Professor Oak,"This is a Z bracelet, and it is inlaid with Z Crystals, which is a special way of fighting in the Alola region. When Pokémon communicate with their trainers during battles, they can use Z moves, which is what Pikachu and I just used, but it can only be used once per game."

Professor Oak was already recording what Ash said. This is a new research direction.

Damalanchi asked,"In my opinion, the power of that 10 million volt move is not much less than the attack launched by the legendary beasts. But Xiaozhi, does this move hurt Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi shook his head and said,"Not really. It's the power of Pokémon and Trainer, and this power is released through the Z-Band."

Damalanchi took the Z-Band and looked at it carefully, pointing at the Z-Crystal on it and said,"Can this thing called Z-Crystal on it be replaced? Xiaozhi, the Z-Moves you and Pikachu use are electric-type, so can we use Z-Crystals of other attributes?"

Xiaozhi thought to himself: He really deserves to be the knowledgeable top leader of the alliance.

Xiaozhi nodded:"Yes, I have sorted out the information about the Z bracelet, Z pure crystal and Z tricks. I will pass it to Professor Oak when I go back. But for now, I am the only owner of the Z bracelet, so the research and manufacturing of the Z bracelet can only trouble Professor Oak."

Dama Lanqi looked at Professor Oak and said,"Xiaozhi, if you were not so young, I really want you to inherit my position after retirement! In view of your contribution to the alliance, I will remove the permission to carry Pokémon for you as the president of the alliance. In addition to what Oak said before, I will grant you ten Master Balls."

Xiaozhi said excitedly:"Thank you, President!" A Master Ball is 10,000 points, and ten are 100,000! This is a very unexpected gain for him, not to mention the removal of the permission to carry Pokémon, which means that he can carry as many Pokémon as he wants in the future!

He currently has 22,000 points at No. 124, plus ten Master Balls, it's really rich overnight!

After returning, Xiaozhi passed the previously sorted information to Professor Oak, and waited until after the Quartz Conference to hand over the Z bracelet to Professor Oak and the alliance for research.

Xiaozhi didn't waste much effort in the following games. With his excellent tactics, he advanced to the finals. His opponent in the finals was Xiaomao!

Host:"Today we finally ushered in the finals of the Quartz Conference. Both sides are from Pallet Town. The red side is Xiaomao from Pallet Town. His grandfather is the famous Professor Oak. The green side is Professor Xiaozhi who everyone knows! The champion of the Quartz Conference will be decided between the two of them!"

Xiaozhi said:"Xiaomao, do you still remember this?" Xiaozhi took out the upper half of a tattered Poké Ball from his pocket.

Xiaomao said:"How could I forget!" Xiaomao took out the lower half of the Poké Ball from his shirt pocket.

This tattered Poké Ball was obtained by Xiaozhi and Xiaomao in the river outside Pallet Town before they set off. At that time, the two people's snatching caused this already tattered Poké Ball to be divided into two parts, the upper and lower parts, and each of them got half.

Xiaozhi tied the upper part of the Poké Ball with a thin rope and put it on his neck:"Xiaomao, let's fight!"

Xiaomao hung the lower part of the Poké Ball on the necklace around his neck:"Just what I want!"

Referee:"Let the game begin!"

"Go, Nidoking!"

"I've decided that Blastoise is you!"

Misty said,"Isn't this the Pokémon that Ash and Momo sent out when they were fighting in Bluepulch City?"

Brock said,"Perhaps they both want to continue the battle they had at that time!""


【Attributes: Poison, Ground】

【Features: Poison Sting (sometimes the opponent who touches it will become poisoned)】

【Strength: Mid-level gym】

"Nidoking uses Horn Butt!

Nidoking uses Horn Butt under Xiaomao's command.

"Blastoise, the Iron Wall."

Blustoise's body is as hard as steel, which improves its defense ability. It is ready to take the attack. Nidoking hits Blastoise with the thorns on its head. Blastoise grabs Nidoking's thorns and

"Blastoise, Water Wave."

Blostoke's close-range Water Wave hit Nidoking.

Xiao Mao was very familiar with this move. His opponent in the top 16 match used this move. Now Xiao Mao has thought of a solution.

"Nidoking, double kick."

Nidoking used Blastoise's power to raise his foot and kick Blastoise.

"Blastoise, use Water Tail."Blostoke

's tail gathered water, and it took the opportunity to let go of Nidoking's horn and used Water Tail to knock Nidoking away.

Nidoking was hit by two water-based moves and was now barely able to stand!

"Nidoking is extremely poisonous.

Xiao Mao knew that Nidoking could not withstand Blastoise's next attack, so he ordered Nidoking to fill the entire venue with venom and attack Blastoise.

"Blastoise returned the punch to create a protective shield. Blastoise let the water waves surround itself, deflecting the bullet that was supposed to hit it.

"Blastoise's last move, Water Cannon!"

The turret on Blastoise's back aimed at Nidoking, and a violent stream of water sprayed out. Nidoking fell to the ground!

Referee:"Nidoking has lost his ability to fight!"

Misty said:"This is the move that Xiaozhi has been asking Pokémon to practice recently!"

Xiaogang nodded:"Yes, but I didn't expect it to be able to defend against a trick that is sure to hit. This trick can definitely defend against more than one poison."

Xiaomao took back Nidoking. He didn't expect Water Wave to be used in this way, and said:"Xiaozhi, you are really strong! My next one is it, go, Duduli"


【Attributes: General, Flying】

【Features: Stagger (When in confusion, avoidance increases by 20%)】

【Strength: Mid-level gym】

"Blastoise, keep going!"

"Duduli, use high-speed movement"

"Blastoise, use Blizzard on the entire field."Doodlebug ran quickly, and Blastoise used a fierce blizzard to blow the entire ground. The battle field was frozen! Doodlebug slipped on the frozen ground, and the high speed became a burden.

"In this case, Duduli uses triple attack."

Duduli's three heads emit three different rays of light.

"Blastoise, rocket headbutt."

Blostoe retracted its head into its shell and took on the triple attack from Totoro. Blastoise attacked Totoro like a rocket.

""Doodle, dodge and use Drill."

Doodle slipped and Blastoise's rocket headbutt hit him. Doodle stood up, turned around and used Drill.

"Blastoise, hit me with another blizzard.

This time, Blastoise used a close-range blizzard that turned Tootsie into an ice sculpture.

Referee:"Totsie has lost his ability to fight.""

"The next one is you, Alakazam." Alakazam can float in the air, so it will not be affected by the ice on the ground.

"I hope Blastoise can still hold on!"


【Attribute: Super Power】

【Features: Synchronize (transfer your poison, paralysis or burn status to the opponent)】

【Strength: Top of the Gym】

"Alakazam, mental power."

Alakazam used mental power and sent out a powerful mental force.

"Blastoise, use water cannon.

Blastoise fired a strong water cannon at Alakazam, and the water cannon collided with the strong mental power.

"Alakazam, use teleport.

Alakazam disappeared, and the next moment Alakazam appeared behind Blastoise.


's Mind Hammer hits Blastoise, who falls to the ground. After fighting continuously, Blastoise has little energy left.

Referee:"Blostoise has lost its ability to fight."

Xiaozhi takes Blastoise back:"Thank you for your hard work, Blastoise." Xiaozhi replaces Sylveon:"Sylveon is decided to be you!"

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