Sylveon? Xiao Mao has never fought against a fairy-type Pokémon, and he doesn't know the skills of this Sylveon, but there are ways to deal with fairy-type special moves.

"Alakazam uses teleportation!"

"Sylveon, use your right Shadow Ball to launch.

Sylveon used Shadow Ball to its right, and Alakazam was caught off guard.

"Alakazam's Psychic Power."

The Psychic Power was activated, and Sylveon couldn't move. Alakazam used the Psychic Power to throw Sylveon out.

"Sylveon, use the charming voice to break free from it."Sylveon made a charming call, and Alakazam's mental strength was interrupted, and Alakazam let go of Sylveon.

"Sylveon, slide on the ice, use bite!"

Sylveon glided gracefully on the ice, it seized the opportunity to bite Alakazam's hand with its sharp teeth. Alakazam felt the pain and tried to shake off Sylveon.

"Alakazam used his mental strength again.

Alakazam wanted to control Sylveon again, but Sylveon stretched out a ribbon and tied Alakazam tightly.

"Magic Flash."

Sylveon Eevee used Magic Flash, and Alakazam was hit head-on.

"Sylveon, Shadow Ball."

Sylveon hit another Shadow Ball before Alakazam flew out, and Alakazam fell to the ground.

The referee:"Alakazam has lost its ability to fight."

Sylveon panted heavily, and it was also exhausted by Alakazam's strong mental power.

"Go ahead, Arcanine. Throw out some fire!"

"Sylveon, Light Wall."

Arcane used the Flame Jet to clear the way, which not only melted the icy road surface to make it unaffected by the terrain, but also effectively formed an effective attack. Sylveon used the Light Wall to reduce the damage caused by the Flame Jet.

"Windy covered the entire venue with hot air."

The hot breath sprayed by Windy instantly melted the remaining ice in the venue.

Xiaomao borrowed the method of blizzard that Xiaozhi used just now:"Xiaozhi, I learned this from you."

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"Sylveon, use Psychic and then Lightning."

Sylveon wrapped its body with Psychic and rushed out at the speed of Lightning. Sylveon has the hidden characteristic Fairy Skin. Ordinary attacks used by Sylveon are all Fairy-type tricks. With the Psychic-type tricks plus the Fairy-type tricks, Windy is in trouble.

"Windy, use Iron Head."

Windy stood up quickly and used Iron Head, also hitting Sylveon, Sylveon fell to the ground!

Referee:"Sylveon has lost its ability to fight."

"It’s decided that you are the one to be the Forsaken!"

The next Pokémon that Xiaozhi replaced was Forsaken. It had only appeared in the Pokémon P1 Tournament before, and not many people knew it. Later, it only appeared in the battle with Mr. Xiba, and everyone was unfamiliar with Forsaken.

The host:"The Pokémon used by Professor Xiaozhi is called Forsaken, and it is the evolved form of Infernape."

In the special spectator seats, Xiba saw Forsaken and said to Aju and Damalan:"President, Aju, this Forsaken has fought against my Super Power, and its strength is very good. Although it has the strength of a mid-level gym, the power of its special moves is not inferior to the Pokémon with the peak strength of the gym."

Damalan thought to himself: Xiaozhi, how many surprises do you have in store!

Aju said:"If I remember correctly, I seem to have seen it once in the P1 Tournament broadcast on TV. Forsaken is also a Fighting-type Pokémon!"

Xiba nodded.

"Windy Dog, strike first, use big words to explode"

"The Forsaken used Cross Chop to defend."

The Big Word Blast attacked the Forsaken, but the Forsaken did not dodge but used the same method that Hiba used before, which Abbyron used to block Pidgeot's Air Slash. Xiaozhi improved it a bit, so that it can be used for both defense and attack. The Forsaken made a cross with his hands, and with his own jumping power, he not only defended against the Big Word Blast, but also let the Cross Chop hit Windy Dog.

"Windy Dog, digging holes"

""Against the Wind, Swords Dance."

Arcanine burrowed into the ground, and Xiaozhi first increased the attack power of Against the Wind to deal with Arcanine.

"The Abandoned Monkey made a hand knife at the 5 o'clock position."

After coming out from underground, the Windy Dog pounced on the Abandoned Monkey. The Abandoned Monkey raised his hand and hit the

"Windy Dog, back from the dead"

""Forsaken, Fist of Fury."

Windy tried its best to pounce on Forsaken again, and Forsaken's Fist of Fury and Resurrection hit each other.

Referee:"Windy and Forsaken both lost their ability to fight."

Host:"The battle is very intense. At present, Xiaomao has 2 Pokémon left, and Professor Xiaozhi has 3 Pokémon left. The outcome of this game is still unknown."

Xiaomao said:"Xiaozhi, this is the first battle for my next Pokémon, go! Umbreon"

"I've decided that the Pikachu is you!""Pikachu!"

Professor Oak said,"It turns out that Xiao Mao has captured an Eevee! And it has evolved into Umbreon!"

【Moon Eevee】

【Attribute: Evil】

【Features: Mental strength (not afraid of opponent's attack)】

【Strength: Top of the Gym】

"Umbreon, Wave of Evil"

"Pikachu ran, and then used 100,000 volts.

Umbreon used Dark Wave, and Pikachu used the speed of Lightning to get close to Umbreon and used 100,000 volts to fight back the Dark Wave.

""An electric net was formed at Pikachu's tail, covering Umbreon and making it unable to move.

"Shadow Ball.

Umbreon tries to escape with Shadow Ball.

"Pikachu, Iron Tail."

As soon as Umbreon escaped, Pikachu's Iron Tail hit Umbreon head-on.

"Umbreon, malicious pursuit"

"Pikachu, play."

Umbreon used malicious pursuits continuously, and Pikachu showed a harmless and cute expression and pounced on Umbreon. Umbreon fell to the ground.

Xiaomao was surprised and said,"How could it be!" Xiaozhi explained,"Xiaomao's Play is a fairy-type skill, and it is very effective against the evil-type Umbreon."

Xiaomao was briefly surprised but suddenly laughed out loud,"Xiaozhi, even if I lose today, I don't regret it at all! Your knowledge of Pokémon and your understanding of them are far beyond mine. My last Pokémon is my first Pokémon, so let it make up for the regret of not fighting on the day we set out!" Xiaomao saw his new direction in the battle with Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi said seriously,"I couldn't ask for more."

Xiaomao's Blastoise exuded the aura of a quasi-king as soon as he appeared on the scene.


【Attribute: Water】

【Features: Torrent (When HP is less than one-third, the power of water-based special moves increases by 1.5 times)】

【Strength: Quasi-King Level]

Xiao Mao had never used Blastoise since the Quartz Conference, and only used it in the battle with Xiaozhi. It turned out that its strength was the same as Pikachu, and it had reached the Quasi-King level.

Xiao Mao smiled and said,"Xiaozhi, let's let our initial Pokémon have a battle!"

Xiaozhi turned the brim of his hat to the back of his head and said,"Let's start!"

"Blastoise, Water Cannon"

""Pikachu, run, use 100,000 volts."

The quasi-king-level water cannon trick was very powerful, and the fierce water flow attacked Pikachu. Pikachu ran and successfully dodged the water cannon, and 100,000 volts hit the water turtle.

"Blastoise, earthquake.

Blastoise shook the ground

"Pikachu, power grid."

Before Pikachu landed, a power grid trapped Blastoise, but the earthquake also caused damage to Pikachu.

"Pikachu stood up and thundered.

Pikachu steadied his feet and summoned thunderclouds, and lightning descended from the sky.

"Blastoise used high-speed rotation to resist."

Xiao Mao immediately used high-speed rotation to break free from the electric net and offset part of the effect of the thunder.

"Pikachu absorbs the lightning!"


The lightning that Blastoise and Xiaomao expected did not fall, but was absorbed by Pikachu's upright tail, and the voltage of the lightning was concentrated on Pikachu.

"Pikachu uses Iron Tail to give Blastoise the final blow!"

The combination of Iron Tail and Thunder hit Blastoise head-on. Blastoise struggled to stand up, but still lost its ability to fight.

The referee walked to the middle of the battle field and said,"Bluse has lost its ability to fight, and Xiaomao has lost 6 Pokémon, so the champion of the Kanto League Quartz Conference is Xiaozhi!"

As the referee's voice fell, the whole venue broke out in thunderous applause!

Xiaoxia said excitedly,"Xiaogang, Xiaozhi is the champion!"

Xiaogang nodded and applauded,"Congratulations, Xiaozhi!" Xiaomao sighed, took the Blastoise back, and clapped his hands to congratulate Xiaozhi,"Xiaozhi, congratulations! Let's have such a passionate battle next time!"

Xiaozhi walked in front of Xiaomao and said,"Xiaomao, I'll wait for you in the next league competition!"

Xiao Mao said: This guy, how come he seems to see through my thoughts, but I am very unwilling to lose to him, so I will decide after the next league meeting! I always want to beat this guy once!

Xiao Mao nodded:"Then I will accompany you! Remember to see you in the finals!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"Okay!"

Xiao Mao took off the half Poké Ball and handed it to Xiaozhi:"Xiaozhi, it's yours."

Xiaozhi did not take it:"Xiao Mao, just take it! This is a testimony of our friendship, and it is also a talisman, isn't it?"

Xiao Mao put the thing back into his pocket and smiled:"That's right."

President Damalanqi presented Xiaozhi with the championship trophy of the Quartz Conference, and the Quartz Conference came to an end.......

【Congratulations to the host for winning the Quartz Conference Championship, and the reward points are 50,000. Because of the host's outstanding performance, 5 lottery tickets are also awarded. 】

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