After the Quartz Conference, Hanako took Ash's championship trophy and Professor Oak back to Pallet Town first, while Ash, his two friends and Pikachu set off for Butterfree Bay outside Golden City.

Before Ash went to the Orange Islands, he had to fulfill his promise with Butterfree.

Ash got five lottery tickets from No. 124, and won two Mega Evolution Keystones of Mewtwo, Mega Evolution Stone of Charizard X, a Mew Exclusive Z Pure Crystal, and a shining Ralts Pokémon Egg.

Under the setting sun, two Butterfrees were waiting in the sky above Butterfree Bay. Butterfree, who thought it would not be able to wait for its trainer today, suddenly saw three figures coming from a distance, and it excitedly jumped on them.

Ash opened his arms, embraced Butterfree in his arms, and said softly,"Long time no see Butterfree!" During this period, Butterfree not only crossed the sea to leave offspring, but also did not fall behind in training, and now has the strength of a mid-level gym.

Xiaozhi took out a Poké Ball and said,"Let's travel again!"

Butterfree pointed at the pink Butterfree behind him. Xiaozhi said,"You mean, your girlfriend wants to go with us too?" The pink Butterfree shyly came to Xiaozhi, and at that moment, Xiaozhi felt like a daughter-in-law meeting her parents-in-law about the pink Butterfree. The owner of the pink Butterfree had released it before, and now that it had become a partner with Xiaozhi's Butterfree, it was natural for it to follow it.

Xiaozhi took out another Poké Ball, and the pink Butterfree took the initiative to enter the Poké Ball and became Xiaozhi's Pokémon.

【Batday (different color)】

【Attributes: Insect, Flying】

【Gender: Female】

【Features: Compound eyes (hit rate will be improved)】

【Level: Elite】

【Skills: Impact, Silk Spinning, Ultrasonic Waves, Telekinesis, Illusionary Light, Mysterious Guardian, Butterfly Dance】

【Conquer the heterochromatic butterfly and get 500 points】......

After returning to Pallet Town, Xiaozhi and his two friends rested for two days before heading to the Orange Islands.

Before leaving, Xiaozhi brought Togepi, Dratini and Jigglypuff back from Professor Oak.

As soon as Togepi saw Xiaozhi, he burst into tears; Dratini rubbed against Xiaozhi's legs with an expression that said,"I miss you"; Jigglypuff had been trained by Sylveon some time ago, and has been much more obedient recently.

Now he finally won't show off his singing voice anytime and anywhere.

Xiaozhi left Charizard and other Pokémon in the backyard of the Oak Research Institute, except Pidgeot, and let them train on their own. Xiaozhi now only brought three Pokémon, Pidgeot and Butterfree, and the leader of Xiaozhi's group of Kentaro. Xiaozhi also received ten Master Balls from Professor Oak that were specially approved by President Damaranch for Xiaozhi.

Professor Oak said,"Ash, these are the ten Master Balls specially approved by the League. Keep them. If you are going to the Orange Islands, you can also go to Daigan Island and find Professor Uchiki at the research institute there to get back a special Poké Ball. This Poké Ball is special in that it cannot be teleported. I was going to go there myself, but now the research on the Z bracelet has just started, and I can't leave, so I can only ask you to do it!"

Ash nodded and said,"Don't worry, Doctor! It's just that I may be back a while late. I heard that the Orange Islands are going to hold the Orange League, and I will train Dratini and the others by the way, and then I will come back."

Professor Oak nodded and said,"The research on special Poké Balls is not urgent, go and do your thing first! There is one more thing, when you finish writing the evolution report of Forsaken, send it to me using the computer, and also the mega evolution reports of Charizard and the others. The League is in a hurry."

Ash agreed and said,"Okay, I'll give it to you in the next few days. Then, Doctor, we're off!"

After leaving Pallet Town, Ash and the others were going to the port to take a boat to the Orange Islands.

Xiaogang stopped and said,"Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia, don't you think it's a bit strange?"

Xiaozhi said,"It's very quiet. There should be a lot of Pokémon in the forest." Xiaozhi's wave power has detected that there are no Pokémon waves within at least ten meters.

Xiaoxia said,"Yes! There is not even a single insect Pokémon that I fear the most. It's very strange!"

""Pikachu pricked up his ears and pointed to the sky.

Toucans and Spearows.

Xiaozhi's wave power was very familiar with the Toucans at the head of the Spearows. It was the one that was hit by Xiaozhi's stone. Pikachu also found it. Pikachu rarely took it seriously. Thinking of what happened that day, it was very unhappy. When the

Toucans saw Xiaozhi and Pikachu, the look in their eyes changed. I finally waited for you! They turned around and attacked them.


【Attributes: General, Flying】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Sharp Eyes (hit rate will not be reduced)】

【Strength: General Advanced】

""Pikachu, go ahead, 100,000 volts!"

Pikachu used all his strength to hit the Toucan that wanted to attack with his wings. The 100,000 volts electrocuted the Toucan, leaving it burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, and it lost its ability to fight. Pikachu wanted to avenge the first day of the journey when it led its tribe to hunt down Xiaozhi and himself. With Pikachu's current strength, fighting a group of Spearows was no problem.

Seeing that their boss was so miserable, the Spearows surrounded him and wanted to get back at him.

"Pikachu gathered the current and tried to use 100,000 volts again.

The Spearows were scared and didn't dare to move forward. They knew they couldn't afford to offend Pikachu.

"Hey, little brat, save us!"

""Please help me, little brat!"

The three members of Team Rocket, who hadn't seen each other for a while, were on a big tree not far away, waving to Xiaozhi for help.

Xiaoxia asked:"How come you three are on the tree, Team Rocket? The tree is not high, you can just jump down!" Musashi said:"Little girl, do you think we don't want to? As long as we leave this tree, we will be attacked by the Spearow."

Xiaozhi pointed to the group of Spearows who were now very well-behaved around him and said:"Is it them?"

Kojiro nodded repeatedly:"That's them, they have occupied the territory of the Pidgeots, not only us, but the Pidgeots will also be attacked as long as they leave this tree."

Xiaozhi looked at Toucan:"Is Toucan really like this?"

Toucan nodded. Spearow and Toucan are both Pokémon with a strong sense of territory. The Pidgeots are gentle and can't beat this Toucan, so they are bullied by it.

Xiaozhi preached:"It's wrong for Toucan to bully the weak, go and apologize to the Pidgeots!"

Toucan and the Spearows lowered their heads, and it seemed that their apology was very sincere.

The Pidgeots then flew down from the tree and came to Ash, thanking him for helping them. After Toucan glanced at his younger brothers, he walked a few steps closer to Pikachu, and lowered his head completely. Pikachu nodded like a big brother and patted Toucan on the head with his little hand.

Xiaogang said,"Xiaozhi, it seems that this Toucan recognizes Pikachu as its big brother!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"It seems so." Xiaozhi took a few steps forward and took out a Poké Ball:"Toucan, come with me, I will make you stronger."

Toucan was convinced and became Ash's Pokémon.

The Rocket Team's Meowth hot air balloon suddenly appeared, and a huge net below began to catch Spearow and Pidgeots.

Meowth said angrily,"We are going to catch all of you, meow. You have trapped us in the tree for so many days, we are going to take revenge on you, meow!"

Kojiro agreed,"It's the double-bomb gas. Use poisonous gas to prevent them from fighting back."

Musashi commanded Arbok,"Arbok, you go too, use the poison needle."

I don't know when the three members of Team Rocket left the big tree and wanted to seek revenge on the Spearows. They really never learned their lesson!

"Toucan, Pidgeot, you two go together!"

Toucan had just followed Xiaozhi, and when he was sent out again, he saw his brothers being caught. Pidgeot was also very angry when he saw so many Pidgeots were also in the Rocket Team's big net.

Toucan used the wing attack to break the Rocket Team's big net used to catch Pokémon, and then slashed the Rocket Team's hot air balloon. Pidgeot's air slash flew three members of the Rocket Team, as well as Vash and Arbok. The first cooperation was very tacit. Toucan looked at Pidgeot with admiration.

"What a disgusting feeling......."

Xiaozhi and his two friends rescued the captured Spearow and Pidgeot. Xiaozhi preached to the Spearows:"You must get along well in the future! Spearows, you can't bully Pidgeots anymore, understand?" The Spearows were very obedient now and nodded repeatedly. After all, the person in front of them was the eldest brother's eldest brother, and there was also a Pidgeot and Pikachu who were stronger than their eldest brother. How could they dare now!

【Conquer the Toucan and get 500 points as a reward.

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