Xiao Gang joined Xiaozhi and his group. After leaving Nibi City, they saw the Moon View Mountain in front of them. There is a rumor about the Moon View Mountain that there is a moon stone on this mountain. The moon stone is an evolution stone item that can make Pipi evolve into Pikachu.

"Pikachu pricked up his ears. Xiaozhi and the others also heard the cry for help not far away, so they decided to go and have a look.

A young man in a white coat was being attacked by a group of supersonic radiation.

Xiaozhi said:"Pikachu, go save that man and use electric shock"

"Pikachu!"Pikachu jumped up from Xiaozhi's shoulder and sent out an electric shock. It was no problem to challenge multiple supersonic radiations. After the electric shock ended, the supersonic radiations rushed back to the cave not far away.

"Numb! It's so numb!"

Xiaozhi caught Pikachu, and was suddenly hugged by the young man he had just rescued:"That's great, I'm so touched! Thank you for your help!"

"Pikachu!"Pikachu gave another electric shock. It was just held in Xiaozhi's arms, and it was frightened and squeezed by the young man, so it gave an electric shock to serve.

Xiaozhi quickly comforted it:"Pikachu is fine!" Pikachu snorted at the young man who was shocked again, and continued to lie on Xiaozhi's shoulder.

The young man stood up and supported his eyes:"Sorry, I scared you! I'm just too moved. Thank you for showing me the warm friendship between humans and Pokémon."

Xiaoxia asked in confusion:"Friendship? Xiaozhi and Pikachu have a good relationship."

The young man said:"Yes, even without the Poké Ball, humans and Pokémon can still understand each other. Meeting you, I can't help but be pushed to the climax of touching and excitement."

Xiaxia poked Xiaozhi, and the three of them gathered together with Xiaogang. Xiaoxia said:"This person always feels weird."

Xiaogang said:"I feel the same way."

The young man was moved and came to hold Xiaozhi's hand again:"Thank you for touching me!"

Xiaozhi's head was full of black lines:"No......You're welcome. But why would the Sonic Radiation attack you?"

The young man said,"I'm Li Ke, a researcher who loves courage at the Nibe City Science Museum."

Xiaoxia whispered,"It's really strange."

Li Ke pointed to the cave where the Sonic Radiation had just escaped and said,"Come with me and take a look, and you'll know." Xiaozhi and the others followed Li Ke into the cave. It was brighter inside than outside, and there was an unusually bright light every few steps.

Li Ke said,"Look here, isn't it the same as during the day? Some strange people have made the cave like this, causing the lives of the Pokémon to lose balance."

Xiaogang added,"Does that mean that the Sonic Radiations have gone insane because of this strong light?"

Li Ke nodded,"Yes, you see, Paras actually used the mushrooms on his back to plant, and the sandshrew over there is so dry that it's almost dehydrated and has no strength at all. I patrol everywhere to protect Mount Tsukimi from destruction."

Misty asked:"Then why was Mt. Tsukimi destroyed?"

Brock explained to Misty on behalf of Li Ke:"It should be because of the Moonstone!"

Li Ke sighed and said:"Yes, since the report that the Moonstone has the ability to evolve Pokémon came out, many people have come to Mt. Tsukimi to dig, and slowly it has become what it is now!"

A Pipi holding a Moonstone passed by Xiaozhi and the others.

Brock rubbed his eyes hard:"That was just Pipi just now!"

Misty looked over:"How cute!"

Xiaozhi said:"Look, Pipi seems to be going somewhere, let's go and see!"

"Hahaha, I found you, meow!"

Misty said:"Who's that voice?" Satoshi said helplessly:"It should be those people, I thought they had been quiet for just a few days, but it turns out they have also come to Mt. Tsukimi."

Satoshi and the others chased after them and saw the three members of Team Rocket.

Musashi said:"Little brat?"

Satoshi said:"Why are you three here again?"

"Since you......"

Xiaozhi interrupted,"Can't we try something new?"

Musashi said angrily,"Don't interrupt us, little brat!"

Xiaozhi took out the Poké Ball,"Butterfree is decided to be you!"

Xiaogang said,"Xiaozhi, I'll help you, you go too!" Xiaogang threw the Poké Ball almost at the same time as Xiaozhi.

"Arbok goes / Gastly, you go too."

Xiaozhi said:"Xiaogang, when did you capture Sonic Radius?" Xiaozhi saw that what Xiaogang summoned from the Poké Ball was Sonic Radius, he didn't notice when Xiaogang captured Sonic Radius? Xiaogang said:"Just when I was at the entrance of the cave"

"The gas bomb uses poisonous gas."

The poisonous gas from the gas bomb filled the not-so-spacious cave.

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang looked at each other.

"Batday, the wind blows! Blow away the poisonous gas"

"Supersonic Radiation, you help too!"

Butterfly and Supersonic Radiation flapped their wings together to blow away the poisonous gas.

"Arbok bites."

Arbok opens its mouth and pounces on Butterfree with its sharp teeth.


Gas bombs hit the supersonic radiation with their entire bodies.

"Butterfree Illusion Ray."

A ball of light condensed in front of Butterfree, and it fired rays of light at Arbok.

"Sonic Radiant,"Sonic Radiant, ultrasonic waves." Sonic

Radiant emitted circles of ultrasonic waves from its mouth.

Before Arbok and Gas Bomb got close, they were both thrown into chaos. Arbok and Gas Bomb wrestled with each other.

Xiaozhi smiled slightly:"Blow Butterfree away, send them away!"

Butterfree's wings fanned out a strong wind, and Team Rocket was sent away together!

""Pipi!" Pipi stepped forward to express his gratitude and pointed in a direction.

Xiaozhi said:"After dealing with Team Rocket, we feel much better. Let's go with Pipi to take a look!"

Everyone nodded.

Pipi led everyone through the criss-crossing passages, and everyone's eyes suddenly lit up. Pipi first crawled out of the hole in the mountain wall, and Xiaozhi and the others followed closely. After leaving the passage, there was a meadow.

Xiaoxia said:"Are we outside already?"

Xiaozhi pulled Li Ke out of the cave:"It seems so."

Xiaogang looked up at the sky:"We didn't notice that it was going to get dark!"

The group followed Pipi for nearly half an hour, until it was completely dark, they found a cave covered by grass. Through the cave is a huge open-air pit-style cave.

Li Ke said:"Look, this should be the original moonstone!"

At this time, the moonlight shone on the huge moonstone placed in the center, shining with stars, which was very beautiful.

Xiaogang said:"It feels incredible"

"Pipi."Pipi put the moonstone she was holding next to the huge moonstone.

The moonstone began to emit a light blue light.

Xiaoxia exclaimed:"So many Pipi!"

Many Pipi came out from the dark and bowed their heads to Xiaozhi and the others. It can be seen that they were thanking them.

After thanking them, the Pipi began to dance around the moonstone. As the Pipi danced, they evolved into Pixi.

Xiaoxia said:"Is this how Pipi evolved?"

Xiaozhi said:"Pixies probably don't want their lives to be destroyed! Otherwise, they wouldn't have brought us here to witness this moment!"

Xiaogang said:"Then we shouldn't let Pixi down, just watch quietly from the side!"

Li Ke said firmly:"I've decided, I want to stay to protect Pixi and the others and live with them."

Xiaozhi and the other two looked at each other, all full of smiles.

The next day, Xiaozhi and the other two said goodbye to Li Ke and the Pixis and left Yuejian Mountain.

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