After crossing Mt. Tsukimi, Xiaozhi and his friends came to a fork in the road. Xiaogang took out the map and looked at the signpost at the fork in the road, then said to Xiaozhi,"The place we are in now is relatively close to Cerulean City. I remember there is a gym in Cerulean City as well."

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoxia, and as expected, he saw reluctance written all over Xiaoxia's face. Xiaozhi still remembered that the reason why Xiaoxia started traveling was because she said in front of her sisters that she would definitely become an excellent water-type Pokémon master.

Xiaogang put away the map and said,"Xiaoxia, what's wrong with you?" Xiaogang looked at Xiaoxia, and Xiaoxia didn't move.

Xiaoxia sighed. Since they were already here, she didn't want to hide it from Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, so she told them about her trip away from home.

Xiao Gang said:"So Xiao Misty's sisters are gym trainers of the Cerulean Gym! We are quite similar in this respect."

Xiao Zhi said:"Xiao Misty, if you really don't want to go home, then wait for us at the Pokémon Center. After I challenge the Cerulean Gym, we will go to the Pokémon Center to find you. How about that?" Xiao Misty was very touched, but she decided to go back and take a look when she remembered that she left home. She said:"I haven't been home for a long time, let's go together! By the way, let's see how Xiao Zhi defeated the sisters."

Led by Xiaoxia, the group came to the outside of Hualan Gym. If it weren't for the alliance logo, Hualan Gym would not be much different from an aquarium.

Xiaogang was surprised and said,"So they are going to hold an underwater ballet show!" There was a billboard where Xiaogang stopped, and on it was a poster for the underwater ballet that Hualan Gym was going to hold today.

Xiaoxia explained helplessly,"My sisters' hobby is underwater ballet, and the gym is equivalent to their side job. I have told them about this before."

Xiaogang's eyes were full of love. Xiaogang still liked beautiful big sisters like in his previous life. Xiaogang stood still in front of the poster like a statue no matter how Xiaoxia pulled him. Xiaoxia had no choice but to use her trump card and grabbed Xiaogang's ear and walked forward.

All that was left was Xiaogang's miserable cry.

Hualan Gym was full of people at this time, and the cheers and applause were deafening. Xiaogang's sight was also attracted by the three beautiful big sisters who were taking a curtain call in the pool. Xiaoxia continued to pull Xiaogang's ear and led him to the battlefield.

"Hey, Misty! Isn't this Misty?" Sakura, Acorus and Peony seemed a little surprised to see Misty.

Misty greeted them awkwardly:"Sister Sakura, Sister Acorus, Sister Peony, I'm back!"

Sakura said:"Xiaoxia, didn't you say you wouldn't go home until you become a Water Pokémon Master?"

Misty pushed Xiaozhi and Pikachu forward:"Sister Sakura, don't get me wrong, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang and I are traveling together. Xiaozhi is coming to the Cerulean Gym to challenge me, so I'm going home."

Sakura said in embarrassment:"Is that so! But......"

Acorus explained for Sakura:"Three trainers came from Pallet Town this week. Our Pokémon are all recuperating now, so there are really no Pokémon to fight!"

Sakura said:"We won't let you make a wasted trip, little sea lion." Sakura clapped her hands three times, and a little sea lion emerged from the swimming pool of the battle site. The little sea lion jumped in front of Xiaozhi and stuck out its tongue. On the little sea lion's tongue was the blue badge.

Sakura said:"Xiaozhi, just take it!"

Xiaozhi patted Xiaoxia's shoulder:"It's not my style to take it without fighting. Since the three of you are no longer able to fight, how about you fight with me in this battle, Xiaoxia?"

Xiaoxia pointed at herself and said:"Me?"

Xiaozhi nodded in confirmation.

Sakura said,"That's a good idea. You will be in this match against Misty! I'll be your referee."

Sakura:"Now begins the gym match for the Cerulean Gym. Acting gym trainer Misty will battle against Ash from Pallet Town. Each of them can use two Pokémon. When all Pokémon on one side lose their ability to fight, the match ends. Now begins!"

Ash smiled and said,"Misty, I won't show mercy. Pidgeot will be you!"

Misty responded,"Ash, I won't let you win either! Go, my baby, Starfish!"

【Sea Star】

【Attribute: Water】

【Features: Natural recovery (after the Poké Ball is taken back, the abnormal state will be cured)】

【Level: Ordinary low】

"Starfish, move at high speed."

Misty knows Xiaozhi's fighting style very well. Xiaozhi's Pokémon are all trained for speed, so Xiaoxia must also increase her speed, otherwise she will not be able to withstand Xiaozhi's attacks. Starfish glides on the water at high speed!

"Pidgeot, the wind blows"

""Bi!" Pidgeot used its wings to stir up the water in the swimming pool and attacked Starfish.

"Starfish dodges, Bubble Ray!"

Starfish's Bubble Ray dodges Pidgeot's attack and launches it.

"Pidgeot, wing attack!"

Pidgeot flapped its wings and flew quickly towards Starfish. Xiaozhi gave the timely command, and Pidgeot's wings swept across the water, suddenly knocking Starfish away.

"Starfish, don't give up, spin at high speed."

Starfish spun in the air and attacked Pidgeot like a dart.

"Bibibi Bird's wing attack, knocking back the high-speed spin"

""Bi!" Pidgeot used its wings to hit Starfish back. The front of Pidgeot's wings received the high-speed rotation and also injured its wings.

"Starfish Water Gun!"

Starfish used the water gun from the top of his head and attacked Pidgeot.

"Pidgeot, Swallow Return."

Pidgeot reluctantly spread its wings and rushed towards Starfish. Swallow Return's speed made Pidgeot disappear for a moment, and Pidgeot appeared behind Starfish. After two seconds, Starfish fell to the ground. Swallow Return was redeemed by Xiaozhi in the system mall.

Sakura:"Starfish has lost its ability to fight, Pidgeot wins."

Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia took back Starfish and Pidgeot. Although Pidgeot won, it had little physical strength left.

"Go, Gem Starfish"

"Batdayue has decided that it’s you!"

【Gem Starfish】

【Attributes: Water, Psychic】

【Features: Natural recovery (after the Poké Ball is taken back, the abnormal state will be cured)】

【Level: General Intermediate】

"Gem Starfish, high-speed star."

The gem in the center of the Gem Starfish emits a star-shaped light.

"Butterfree, dodge and use sleeping powder."

Butterfree dodged the high-speed star by turning sideways, and took the opportunity to disperse the sleeping powder.

"The Gem Starfish jumped into the water.

Looking at the sleeping powder spreading on the field, Xiaoxia made a quick decision to let the Gem Starfish jump into the water to avoid

"Butterfree, telekinesis."

Miss's move was exactly what Xiaozhi wanted. What he wanted was for Starfish to jump into the water. Butterfree used telekinesis to roll up the water in the venue, and Starfish was trapped in the water and could not move.

"Oh no! The jewel starfish is about to break free!"

"Xiaoxia is too late. Butterfree's Illusion Ray.

Butterfree's Illusion Ray controlled the Gem Starfish and slammed it to the ground.

""Starfish, are you okay? Bubble Ray."

Starfish stood up and used Bubble Ray on Butterfree.

"Butterfree, raise the wind!"

Butterfree used the same tactics as Pidgeot just now to roll up the water in the field for defense, blocking the bubble beam.

"Butterfree rushed forward and used a phantom beam."


The Gem Starfish shook the water under its body, and the water column attacked Butterfree. Butterfree took the water wave head-on, and the illusion beam also hit the Gem Starfish

"Batdayue Additional Telekinesis"

"Xiaozhi used the same trick. I won't be fooled for the second time. Gem Starfish, spin at high speed to break free from it."

"Knock it directly"


Butterfree's close-range illusion beam connected with telekinesis made it impossible for Starjewel to avoid it. Butterfree threw Starjewel heavily onto the water.

Sakura:"Starjewel has lost her ability to fight, and Butterfree wins. Since the gym trainer has already lost 2 Pokémon, the challenger Satoshi from Pallet Town won."Miss was convinced of her defeat:"Asashi, the blue badge is yours."

Satoshi took the blue badge from Sakura:"Thank you, Miss Sakura, I got the blue badge!"

"Pikachu!"Pikachu returned to Ash's shoulder from Gon.

Misty knew that if Ash had sent out Pikachu at the beginning, the game would not have been so exciting, so she was really impressed by Ash's strength. He was able to defeat Starfish and Jewelfish with a trick that was not suitable for him.

【Obtain a blue badge and receive 500 bonus points. 】

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