A huge flying ship-like object suddenly appeared in the sky above Fire Island, one of the three small islands near Asia Island, and fired many black rings at Fire Island.

Moltres flew high into the sky from Fire Island and tried to resist, but unfortunately it underestimated the power of the black rings. After the black rings wrapped around Moltres' body, Moltres could no longer move and was taken into the flying ship.

No one noticed that when Moltres was captured, the entire Orange Islands' sea area and weather were changing.......

At this time, when Xiaozhi and his group were about to arrive at Asia Island, Pikachu suddenly looked at the approaching thunderclouds in the sky with a very serious look.

Xiaogang said anxiously:"It looks like a storm is coming! We have to speed up!"

The sea water surged, and a wave hit the boat, and the boat was almost overturned. Xiaozhi hurriedly grabbed the handrail to steady himself, and used his body as a cushion for Xiaoxia. He said:"Xiaoxia, are you okay!"

Xiaoxia shook her head and said:"I'm fine!"

【It has been detected that the host has arrived near Asia Island. The plot mission Lugia's Explosion begins!

Xiaozhi asked No. 124:"No. 124, is the sudden change in weather due to Moltres being captured?" He remembered that in his previous life, it was after Moltres was captured that the balance was broken and some extreme weather occurred.

【Yes, host.】

Xiaozhi thought to himself: Damn! It's still too late.

The boat had been swept away by the current, and Xiaogang in the cabin could no longer control the direction. Xiaojian went to help, but neither of them could adjust the boat's course.

""Pikachu!" Pikachu has been looking at the sea with a serious face since just now.

Xiaozhi moved to the bow with difficulty on the shaky boat, and a small island appeared in his sight. He said:"Xiaogang and Xiaojian, look!"

Xiaogang and Xiaojian's attention was on the rudder just now, and they didn't notice that they had been washed so far by the current without knowing when. The four looked up and found that there was indeed a small island in front of them!

This is Asia Island. As they got closer to the island, the current became more and more stable.

Xiaojian breathed a sigh of relief:"It's a close call!" Xiaogang asked puzzledly:"But what about the current and waves just now?"

Xiaoxia said:"Let's take a rest on this small island for a while! Xiaozhi, what do you think......"Misty looked towards the bow and saw that Xiaozhi had already jumped off the boat with Pikachu.

Xiaozhi took out the communication device and called Du:"Mr. Du, we have reached Asia Island now, but the abnormal sea currents are even worse. It feels like the balance has been broken!"

Du said:"Xiaozhi, I was just about to tell you something! Pokémon all over the world seem to be migrating. I will send you the images sent by the alliance."

Xiaozhi looked at the images sent by Du on the communication device. The Pokémon that can swim are all moving towards Asia Island, and the sky is full of flying Pokémon, and their movement direction is the same. The Pokémon on land are all gathering towards the coast closest to Asia Island.

Du continued:"Xiaozhi, do you know the legend about Asia Island?"

Xiaozhi said:"I know. It is said that the three sacred birds live on the three small islands near Asia Island.......And Lugia, the god of the sea. So now I am suspecting that the weather change should be related to a problem with one of them."

Du said:"I understand, this matter may be a devastating disaster if it is not handled properly! I am on my way here, and I need you to stabilize the situation before that."

Xiaozhi said:"Mr. Du, I know this."

The communication device was hung up, and Xiaoxia worriedly said:"Xiaozhi, I feel very uneasy!"

Xiaogang and Xiaojian felt the same way. The three of them heard what Xiaozhi said on the phone!

Xiaozhi comforted everyone:"Don't worry, I still have Mewtwo and Mew, I believe we will all solve this matter safely."

Xiaojian said stiffly:"You......Look over there!"

Xiaozhi and the other two turned around and saw a group of people wearing cloth clothes and strange and exaggerated bird-shaped masks standing on the embankment.

When the group saw Xiaozhi and the others, they surrounded them. The person in the middle took off his hood and said,"Is this Pikachu your Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi saw that it was a girl and replied,"Yes, I'm Pikachu's trainer."

The girl excitedly said,"That's great! Can I invite you to the Asia Island celebration?"

Xiaoxia asked,"What is this celebration?"

The girl explained,"I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Xiaoyou, and this celebration is a tradition of our Asia Island, and the Pokémon trainers who arrived at Asia Island today are the protagonists of our celebration this year."

""Sister, shouldn't I, the other protagonist, be the one to introduce this?" A girl wearing sunglasses and fashionable clothes appeared behind everyone. Her outfit was nothing like everyone else's.

Xiaoyou complained,"Flora, why don't you wear the costume for the celebration?"

Flora complained,"The celebration doesn't start until the evening! I'll just change into it then. You're making such a fuss, sister!"

Xiaoyou couldn't do anything with her sister.

Flora walked over to Xiaozhi and the others and continued what Xiaoyou said,"The other protagonist of the celebration is me, Flora.

I'm also the priestess of the celebration this year.

Actually, it's very simple to say.

It just requires a trainer to complete the most important part of the celebration.

Go to the three islands near Asia Island to retrieve the sacred objects, decorate them in the hall, and then I'll play the song dedicated to the gods with the flute, and the celebration will come to an end!


"Since you are the selected trainer this year, I will......"Flora approached Xiaozhi and kissed him on the cheek.���Their lips touched lightly:"This is the old rule, a welcome kiss for you!"

Xiaoxia's possessiveness instantly came up, and she said angrily:"Hey, what are you doing to someone else's boyfriend?"

Flula pointed at Xiaoxia and said to Xiaozhi:"Is she your girlfriend?"

Xiaozhi comforted Xiaoxia:"Okay! Yes, she is my girlfriend. In this case, I will participate in the celebration."

Xiaozhi and his group were surrounded by the crowd and headed to the venue of the celebration. Xiaoxia was unhappy all the way. Xiaozhi held Xiaoxia's hand and said:"Are you still angry?"

Xiaoxia turned her head away, but her hand was honestly held by Xiaozhi:"No!"

Xiaozhi explained helplessly:"This is the rule here. Isn't it normal for us to follow the local customs?" Angry girls are hard to coax!

Xiaogang also helped Xiaozhi explain:"Xiaoxia, this is indeed the rule of Asia Island."

Xiaoxia snorted and seemed to accept this statement.

As night fell, in the main hall where the celebration was held, Xiaozhi and his party had a hearty meal at the invitation of Xiaoyou and the others. However, Xiaozhi looked up at the sky from time to time, and Pikachu did the same, as if they were observing the weather.

A melodious flute sounded, and Flora was wearing the cloth clothes that Xiaozhi had seen Xiaoyou and the others wearing before. She wore a circle of garlands on her head, and the tulle was fixed by the garlands, dancing with Flora's body.

Xiaogang sighed and said regretfully:"If Flora was eight years older, I would definitely consider it. Now the most beautiful one is Miss Xiaoyou!"

Xiaoxia grabbed Xiaogang's ear and said:"You should be more obedient!"

Xiaogang withdrew his gaze in dismay and continued to eat the food in front of him.

Xiaojian praised:"But I have to say, this flute sound is really beautiful!" Xiaoxia cast a murderous look:"Xiaojian, what did you just say?"

Xiaojian waved his hands quickly and admitted his cowardice:"I didn't say anything, I didn't say anything."

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