After the song, Flora put away her flute and said,"When the heaven and earth are angry and the world is facing destruction, the God of the Sea will appear and calm the anger of the gods together with the excellent controllers. Mr. Xiaozhi, if you are really an excellent controller, please show us the evidence!"

Xiaozhi stood up and said,"I will prove it to everyone!" Applause rang out all around, and Flora put away her seriousness, moved her shoulders and said,"Everything that should be done before the ceremony has been done!"

Xiaoyou reminded,"Flora is not over yet!"

Flora remembered that there was indeed one more thing, and coughed lightly,"Let the God of the Sea bless Mr. Xiaozhi!" Xiaozhi looked up at the sky, and Zapdos and Articuno had already appeared. His wave power could clearly feel the anger of the two, and he said to Xiaoxia and the other two,"Let's go get the treasure now!"

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoyou and Flora and said,"I can get the treasure back tonight!"

Flora said,"In that case, I'll go too! The witch must be with the excellent controller." As she said that, Flora looked at Xiaoxia with a little provocation.

Xiaozhi nodded. Flora's flute could calm Lugia. Her power was indispensable.

When the group boarded the boat, a storm also came!

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaogang and said,"Xiaogang, drive the boat!"

Xiaogang and Xiaojian walked into the cabin and prepared to start the boat.

Flora looked at the turbulent sea and said,"The celebration will not end until tomorrow night, otherwise we can go tomorrow morning! Such a big storm is very dangerous!"

Xiaoxia retorted,"In that case, you just go back!"

Flora put her hands on her waist and said,"I'm not afraid, but I'm reminding you."

Xiaozhi stopped the two and explained to Flora,"Flora, actually I am a special investigator of the alliance. I came to Asia Island to investigate the abnormal currents that were recently discovered. As you can see, the abnormal currents are even worse today, and the thunderclouds and storms are all indicating that a certain balance has been broken!"

Flora blurted out,"Is there something wrong with one of the three sacred birds?"

Xiaozhi nodded.

Xiaoxia asked,"How did you know?"

Flora said,"Our clan has been guarding the Three Sacred Birds and the God of the Sea, Lugia, for generations. But I only know about them. After all, I've never seen the Three Sacred Birds and Lugia."

Xiaozhi said,"Flora, the sound of your flute has a soothing effect, and the treasures on the three islands will surely calm this crisis. So I ask you to come with us!"

Flora said,"Of course you can!"

The storm made the waves higher and higher. Xiaogang and Xiaojian took turns driving and finally arrived at the nearest Fire Island after twenty minutes.

Xiaozhi released Mew from the Master Ball first:"Mew! I need your help with Mew!"

""Meow!" Xiaozhi, you say it! It has not exercised for a long time.

Xiaozhi pointed to the sky and said:"Mew, help me block the Zapdos, I need to get the treasure"

""Meow!" Leave it to me!

Xiaozhi could feel that Zapdos was flying to the Fire Island like crazy. Only Mew, who was also a legendary Pokémon, went there. After all, Mew had the ability to transform into any Pokémon, so it shouldn't be a problem to block it for a while.

【Lightning Bird】

【Attributes: Electricity, Flying】

【Features: Pressure (gives the opponent a sense of pressure, greatly reducing the PP of the moves they use)】

【Strength: Divine Beast Level (Divine Job)]

Mew spun its body, turned into a Zapdos, and flew high into the sky.

Flora was shocked and said,"What kind of Pokémon is this? It actually has the ability to transform into any Pokémon."

Misty looked at Satoshi and said,"Now is not the time to talk about this, Satoshi, go ahead!"

Satoshi nodded,"Wait for me here!" Satoshi led Pikachu up the stairs on the Fire Island. The two Zapdos were getting closer and closer in the air and were entangled in a fight.

Satoshi's Mew really likes to fight. Satoshi's Pokémon have all been beaten by Mew to varying degrees. Compared to the original problem child Mewtwo, it's nothing.

""Pikachu pointed at the stone sculpture of Moltres.

In the stone sculpture, Moltres had a red bead in its mouth. Xiaozhi stepped forward and took the bead off and put it in his pocket. He still needed two more. Xiaozhi learned from his previous life that these three beads could also stabilize the emotions of the three sacred birds, so it was very necessary to get these three beads before rescuing Moltres.

"Wait a minute, kid!"

Xiaozhi saw the familiar trio and said,"Team Rocket?!"

""Since you asked sincerely (Team Rocket's opening remarks)"

After finishing the lines, Kojiro was so moved that he cried:"Little brat, this is the first time we have finished our lines recently, you don't know how miserable we are!"

Xiaozhi said helplessly:"Okay, okay, I know you are miserable, but you still have to get out of the way!"

Musashi shouted:"Little brat, we are here to help you! To repay you for letting us have enough food to eat recently, don't be ungrateful!"

Meowth echoed:"That's right, meow!" Xiaozhi pointed to the sky and said:"Then you look up at the sky first, and then decide whether to help!"

The three members of Team Rocket looked up at the same time, and they saw two lightning birds fighting.

The three members of Team Rocket swallowed hard, saying that they wanted to help, but they didn't say they wanted to fight against legendary Pokémon! Musashi said:"Once the words are spoken, they can't be taken back." She didn't have much confidence when she said this.

Xiaozhi waved and said:"Come if you want!"

"Xiaozhi, Zapdos has lost its mind. It is a divine beast that controls the godly duties of thunder and lightning. It is much stronger than me. I can no longer stop it!" Mew said to Xiaozhi using telepathy.

Xiaozhi shouted to the sky:"Mew, come back first!"

Mew changed back to its original form and was caught steadily by Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi first let it go back to the Master Ball to rest. He immediately changed out another Master Ball:"Mewtwo, it's you!"

Mewtwo looked at Zapdos and said:"What a powerful opponent!"

The Zapdos in the sky was surrounded by lightning and was extremely large. Although it had lost its mind, it seemed to be looking for something!

Xiaozhi didn't care about the surprised looks of the three members of Team Rocket, and asked Mewtwo:"Mewtwo, is Zapdos looking for Moltres?" Xiaozhi's wave power could not communicate with Zapdos' heart.

Mewtwo nodded:"That's right!"

The lightning bird suddenly emitted a dazzling lightning, which actually shrouded the entire Fire Island in a blue light.

The thunderclouds covering the sky above the Fire Island suddenly dispersed, and a giant airship appeared on the Fire Island.

The lightning released by the lightning bird was absorbed by the airship, and the lightning surrounding the lightning bird dissipated.

It was obvious that it did not have much strength, but it also regained some consciousness.

The airship suddenly launched a black ring and attacked the lightning bird!

"Mewtwo used Mind Break!"

Mewtwo used Mind Break on the black ring that attacked Zapdos, and the black ring fell to the ground. It really worked! Mewtwo's psychic-type trick can destroy the machine from the inside.

Zapdos was seriously injured by the electric current and struggled to fly up, but it could not fly for a long time. Ash turned to the three members of Team Rocket and said,"Here's your chance to show off! Bring Zapdos to Brock and the others, and tell Misty that I'm fine! Then you all go to Ice Island and wait for me!" The three members of

Team Rocket came to their senses. All they could do now was not to cause trouble for Ash, so they took Zapdos and left first.

Ash used telepathy to say to Mewtwo,"Mewtwo, I have a plan......"

After Xiaogang and the others treated Zapdos's injuries, they did not wait for Xiaozhi to come down. Xiaoxia said anxiously:"Xiaozhi will be fine! Xiaozhi will definitely be fine." Musashi comforted

:"Little girl, the little brat told us to go to the Ice Island first. And the little brat has such a powerful Pokémon by his side, so he will be fine."

Kojiro said:"If he is not strong, how could we be beaten so many times?"

Meowth sighed:"This kind of pride is really sad, meow!"

(Something happened at home today, so the update is a bit late. Tomorrow the author will update Lugia's explosion!)

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