On the flying ship, Xiaozhi and Mewtwo were"captured" by the mysterious man who called himself the mysterious collector Gilluta. Xiaozhi, Mewtwo and Moltres were locked in a large space.

Gilluta was happy to see Mewtwo and said,"I didn't expect you to have a man-made Pokémon Mewtwo! It's really a pleasant surprise. Although Zapdos ran away, I only need to catch it again!" Xiaozhi asked,

"Since you have caught them all, I want to know if your purpose of catching the three sacred birds is Lugia, the god of the sea?"

Gilluta laughed and said,"That's right! What a collector has to do is to display his collection. The three sacred birds and Lugia are the best collections for me at the moment. By the way, little brother, I want to add your Mewtwo." Gilluta pressed a button and Xiaozhi was released from the special cage.

Gilluta said,"You are redundant. Let you enjoy my collection here! But you can't touch it with your hands! This is basic etiquette."

Gilluta smiled and left with satisfaction!

Xiaozhi stood up and showed a sly smile. Being too confident was Gilrota's fatal weakness. He took out Mew's Master Ball and said,"Mew is decided to be you!"

""Meow!" Xiaozhi heard it in the Poké Ball.

Xiaozhi's previous Z bracelet was with Professor Oak. He later spent 15,000 points to exchange for three more, ready to give to his friends. Unexpectedly, it would be useful now. He took out one of the Z bracelets from the system backpack and replaced it with the Dream Z

"Go! Dream! Aim for that black ring and use the Origin Supernova Explosion!"

""Meow!" Mew's exclusive Z move hit the black ring.

When the black ring shattered, Mewtwo used Psychic Break to escape directly. Satoshi pretended to be caught, just to take the opportunity to rescue Moltres.

Satoshi said anxiously:"Molten, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just lost too much power and now I have no strength."Melcano said to Xiaozhi through telepathy.

【Flame Bird】

【Attributes: Fire, Flying】

【Features: Pressure (gives the opponent a sense of pressure, greatly reducing the PP of the moves they use)】

【Strength: Divine Beast Level (Divine Job)]

Xiaozhi exchanged an energy block with No. 124 that can restore the physical strength of fire Pokémon. After eating it, Moltres became much more energetic. No. 124's products must be high-quality, and the effect is very obvious.

""Meow." Xiaozhi, look outside.

Xiaozhi looked up and saw through the glass of the aircraft that a blizzard had begun to fall outside!

"Dreamy, use your teleport to let's go to the ice island!"

""Meow!" Okay!

Mew's instant teleportation enveloped Ash, Pikachu, Mewtwo and Moltres, and the scene in front of them flashed to the sky above the Ice Island.

Ash's body fell suddenly, and Moltres held him on its back.

Ash said to Mew and Mewtwo,"You all come back first!" Then Ash said to Moltres,"Molten, take me to find my companions first!"

""Hold on tight!" Moltres sped up.

At this time, Satoshi's communication device rang, and Du said,"Ash, how's the situation over there?"

Satoshi said,"Mr. Du, I rescued Moltres!"

Du said,"We'll talk about the details after things are over. I've met your companions. I'm going to get the treasure of Ice Island, and the treasure of Thunder Island will be handed over to you!" Satoshi said

,"Okay, Mr. Du, we'll see you on Asia Island."

Satoshi hung up the communication device and said to Moltres,"Moltres, let's go to Thunder Island."

Misty and others who were trapped on the frozen sea near Ice Island were relieved when they heard that Du had received news from Satoshi. Du said to everyone,"I'm going to get the treasure of Ice Island now, and Moltres has been rescued by Satoshi." Satoshi also got the treasure on Thunder Island. Moltres suddenly used jet flames behind him. The irrational Articuno used the freezing ray to fight against Moltres' jet flames.


【Attributes: Ice, Flying】

【Features: Pressure (gives the opponent a sense of pressure, greatly reducing the PP of the moves they use)】

【Strength: Divine Beast Level (Divine Job)]

Moltres said:"Xiaozhi, hurry up! Most of the power of me and Zapdos has been sucked away. I can't stop Articuno. You go back to Asia Island first!"

Xiaozhi said worriedly:"Moltres, can you hold on?"

Moltres said:"It won't take long, it shouldn't be a big problem. Xiaozhi, you are the trainer chosen by that adult. Only you can do this. You go back to Asia Island first. The other adult in the sea is about to wake up! I just need to delay for a while!"

Xiaozhi said:"Okay, I can feel that Zapdos is on the way." Xiaozhi picked up Pikachu, sat on the back of Toucan, and left first.

Moltres was right. In order to calm Articuno down, the treasures must be put where they should be. Three minutes later, Zapdos also arrived. The three sacred birds tangled together in the air, but the power of Zapdos and Moltres was obviously suppressed by Articuno.

Suddenly, a rushing sea current blocked the middle of the three sacred birds. It was Lugia. Lugia finally woke up!


【Attributes: Psychic, Flying】

【Features: Pressure (gives the opponent a sense of pressure, greatly reducing the PP of the moves they use)】

【Strength: Divine Beast Level (Divine Position)]

A melodious flute sounded at this time. Is this Flora?

Xiaozhi saw Xiaogang driving the boat towards Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi jumped onto the deck. Xiaoxia asked with concern:"Xiaozhi, are you okay?"

Xiaozhi shook his head:"I'm fine! As the legend says, Flora's flute can appease the gods." Flora's flute calmed the battle scene a lot.

���A voice came:"Xiaozhi, catch it! I still have to arrest the mysterious collector." Xiaozhi stretched out his hand to catch the thing, and now the three treasures were collected. Du changed direction and chased the fleeing Gilluta.

Xiaogang also increased his horsepower and rushed back to Asia Island.

Twenty minutes later, Xiaozhi and his party rushed to the temple. After Xiaozhi placed the three beads in the corresponding positions, he nodded to Flora. Flora's melodious flute sounded again. This time, the thunderclouds in the sky began to dissipate, the blizzard stopped, and Articuno slowly calmed down.

Xiaojian murmured:"When the heaven and earth are angry and the world is facing destruction, the God of the Sea will appear and calm the anger of the gods together with the excellent controller. So this is what it means!"

After everything calmed down, Lugia brought the three sacred birds to the beach of Asia Island.

""Thank you, Xiaozhi!" Lugia landed next to Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"You're welcome, Lugia!"

Lugia said,"If it weren't for you, the impact of the disaster would have been huge. You are worthy of being the one chosen by that guy, Ho-Oh!"

"Xiaozhi, thank you!"The three sacred birds also landed behind Lugia.

Xiaozhi said:"I feel embarrassed when you say that! Well, these are what I should do!"

【The story mission Lugia's Birth has been completed. The story mission rewards 20,000 points, triggering the side mission, Conquering the Three Sacred Birds. After completing the side mission, the remaining rewards will be issued.

Lugia said:"Xiaozhi, this is our thank you gift!" Lugia emitted a blue light and sank into Xiaozhi's body.

【Congratulations to the host for receiving the blessing of the Sea God Lugia and obtaining the title of Sea God Messenger. Once the host arrives at Yuanzhu City and the Whirlpool Islands, the titles of Phoenix Messenger and Sea God Messenger will come into play.】

""It's our turn!" said the three holy birds.

Moltres said,"Xiaozhi, the three of us will give you three outstanding descendants of our tribe! I believe that they will grow up with you. The descendants of Zapdos are in the power station near Black Cloud City, the descendants of Articuno are in the depths of the Twin Islands, and my descendants are in the Lantern Mountain."

Xiaozhi thanked them and said,"I want to thank you too!"

The three holy birds returned to their respective islands, and Lugia returned to the depths of the ocean to continue sleeping.

The communication device sounded again, and Du's voice came:"Xiaozhi, the guy who calls himself the mysterious collector has been arrested by me. The news from the alliance has returned to normal levels. This matter is considered to be resolved safely!"

Xiaozhi said,"That's good!"

Du said,"I applied for your reward from the alliance, and I will send someone to deliver it to Pallet Town. I still have to deal with the next thing, so I'll hang up first!"

Xiaozhi said,"Okay."

The communication device was hung up.

After completing the celebration on Asia Island, Xiaozhi and his party continued to go to the last gym of the Orange Alliance, Durian Island, the next day.

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