They will soon arrive at Manjin City, and now Xiaozhi and others are preparing to have lunch by the river.

Xiaogang said while preparing lunch:"We don't have much food, but luckily we can arrive at Manjin City in the afternoon!"

Xiaozhi said:"Isn't Manjin City a big city that is not inferior to Huangjin City? I will treat you to hamburgers when the time comes." Xiaozhi is not short of money now. He has the funds given by the alliance and the income from the Z bracelet. Now the Z bracelet has been put into use by the top leaders of the alliance. The Four Heavenly Kings and Mr. Adu are not people who lack money, and the prices they offer are very good.

Xiaoxia said:"Then I want a double beef burger!"

Xiaogang said:"I want to add chicken"

""Pika Pikachu signaled to Xiaozhi that it wanted to eat French fries with lots of ketchup.

Xiaozhi touched the little head of Pikachu sitting on his lap and said,"Okay, okay." Xiaoxia looked at the Poliwag swimming in the river and the Psyduck wearing a swimming ring and said,"They both look really comfortable!"

Xiaozhi said,"Not Crocodile yet." Crocodile was dancing on the shore. Xiaogang took out the egg of Incendiary from his backpack and wiped it,"Soon this little guy will be able to play with everyone too!"

Xiaoxia held Crocodile's Pokémon egg in her arms and said,"That's right, I wonder what kind of child my Crocodile will be! It would be nice if he was as lively as Xiaozhi's Crocodile."

At this time, the Pokémon eggs of the two glowed at the same time, and Crocodile and Incendiary were born!

Xiaoxia said excitedly,"So cute!"

Miss's Crocodile broke free from Misty's arms and ran towards Ash's Crocodile. Brock's Incarnado stayed quietly in Brock's arms, yawned loudly, and found a comfortable position to continue sleeping. Brock said,"This child's personality seems a little gentle."

Ash and Misty both laughed.

Suddenly a huge net caught all the Pokémon, and the voice of Team Rocket rang out:"Hahaha!"

Ash said helplessly:"Why are you here again!" Musashi said:"It's us, we are going to take away all the Pokémon here today!" Brock said,

"You wish! Ash, you don't have to do anything this time, Misty and I will do it!"

"Mosquito-repellent frog bubble ray, small saw crocodile water gun!"

""Incarna, spray flame!"

It's a pity that the skills of the three Pokémon are ineffective. Kojiro said:"This time we have taken measures to prevent electricity, water and fire." Meowth pressed the button of the remote control in his hand and said:"So that's it, let's go!"

A destruction ray came from the forest and directly destroyed the balloon of Team Rocket. Xiaozhi and the other two didn't quite know what was going on, but putting all the Pokémon into the Poké Ball was what they should do now.

The three members of Team Rocket struggled to get up from the ground, and seeing that all the Pokémon were taken back, Musashi said:"We are angry! Which Pokémon used the destruction ray?......"

It was estimated that more than ten urolos came out of the forest and attacked several people with the Destruction Beam without any explanation.

Xiaozhi shouted,"Run!" Xiaozhi and his friends were chased by the urolos while using the Destruction Beam. The three members of Team Rocket shouted behind them,"Little brat, wait for us!"

The group didn't know where they were being chased to!

Xiaozhi held the trunk of a tree and panted,"It's safe for now. The urolos didn't catch up. Pikachu is here too. Are you all okay, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia?"

Xiaogang said,"I'm fine!"

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang looked behind them, and it was not Xiaoxia but Musashi. Musashi said in horror,"Why are you here!"

On the other side, the separated Xiaoxia was together with Kojiro and Meowth. Then, the two teams started the Pokémon battle tacitly, and then they were chased by the urolos again! In the end, they could only cooperate temporarily!

Xiaozhi looked around and said,"Not good, we must have mistakenly entered the forest of the cymbals!"

Xiaogang asked curiously,"Why do the cymbals here just destroy and kill without any explanation?"

Xiaozhi said,"Never mind, it's more important to find Xiaoxia."

"Xiaoxia, where are you?"



Musashi looked at Xiaozhi and Xiaogang who were looking for Xiaoxia and murmured,"I didn't expect that the little girl is such an important person in this travel team! I wonder if Kojiro and Meowth are looking for me now?"

Kojiro said,"Forget about Musashi! We who are left have to find a way to survive!"

Xiaoxia asked doubtfully,"Aren't you worried about her?" Meowth said indifferently,"Musashi is so powerful! She can survive safely no matter if she is beaten, flattened, or knocked away by you." Kojiro agreed,"Meowth is right, maybe there are one or two Kudus who are her subordinates and listen to her orders!" Kojiro said

,"It's a fork in the road! Go that way, I think it's this way!"

"Go this way!"

"Go this way!"

Xiaoxia, Kojiro and Meow Meow each pointed in a direction.

Meow Meow suggested:"Since this is the case, let's decide who will be the captain first!"

Xiaoxia said:"I have no objection!"

Kojiro said:"Me too!"

"Rock, Paper, Scissors!" Misty and Kojiro both played paper, but Meowth's paws couldn't tell which one was which. Meowth said excitedly,"This is scissors, meow!"

For an afternoon, neither team could find the other. It was getting dark, and they were hungry, so they had to eat dinner first! Bronco built a bonfire, and Satoshi went to get water. Bronco said,"If we light a bonfire, maybe Misty and the others will see it. Now there are only a few ingredients left, so just eat it!"

Musashi stared at the pot with drooling,"Do you usually eat such good food?"

Satoshi said,"Almost. If there were enough ingredients, it would definitely be more abundant than this." Musashi thought to himself: Usually, it's a luxury for us to eat a bowl of instant noodles each.

Musashi looked forward to it,"Can we eat as much as we want?"

Under the gaze of Satoshi and Bronco, Musashi ate two bowls of rice and drank five bowls of soup before stopping. Satoshi whispered,"Satoshi, my appetite is better than yours!"

Xiaozhi said:"It looks like he hasn't eaten for a few days." Xiaozhi was also impressed by the way he ate.

On Xiaoxia's side, Xiaojiro and Meowth shared a biscuit, but there was not much difference between eating it and not eating it. Xiaoxia took out a hot dog roll from her backpack, and facing the eager eyes of Xiaojiro and Meowth, Xiaoxia had no choice but to divide it into three parts:"I don't have more, this was made by Xiaogang for me this morning."

Xiaojiro and Meowth were moved to tears!

The next day, the two teams set out again, and they were chased by the Circle Bear again, but they met it unexpectedly.

Xiaozhi asked:"Xiaoxia, are you okay!"

Xiaoxia said:"I'm fine!"

Meowth said:"Now is not the time to talk about love, run, meow!"

Xiaogang pointed to the front and said:"There is a suspension bridge ahead!"

Musashi said:"Don't you think it's a bit shabby?" Xiaozhi said:"Don't worry about it, just run!"

The tattered suspension bridge couldn't bear the weight of five people, and it broke. Satoshi was on the top, and Misty and the others were holding each other's legs. Satoshi threw two Poké Balls directly upwards:"Vulpecula, Chikorita, use Whip!"

"Steelix, you go too!"

"Venusaur uses the vine whip!"

"Arbok blames you for going too!"

Psyduck suddenly appears and presses on Xiaoxia's neck. Xiaoxia is angry and says,"What are you doing out here? You will only add weight!""

"Pull up together!"

The Pokémon worked together to pull everyone up.

Musashi suddenly said:"Are we all safe now?"

Kojiro said:"Yes!" Meowth said:"Then let's continue our battle, Meow!"

The two teams separated, but Psyduck ran to Team Rocket. Misty shouted:"Psyduck, you are this way, this way!"

Psyduck tilted its head and returned to Satoshi and the others.

"Bulbasaur Solar Beam, send them away!" Bulbasaur

's Solar Beam successfully sent Team Rocket away, but the direction they flew to was exactly the same forest where they had just escaped with great difficulty.

At this time, Xiaogang saw the signboard beside the suspension bridge and said,"Look, there is a sign here! Please pay attention to the bears in the forest next door, especially now is the season for breeding offspring. They have a very violent personality, so travelers please be careful!"

Xiaoxia was grateful for surviving the disaster and said,"Then we are lucky!"

Xiaozhi shrugged and said,"The three members of Team Rocket are not so lucky!"

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