After arriving at Goldman Saga City, Xiaozhi and his friends were amazed at the tall buildings in Goldman Saga City.

Brock exclaimed,"What a big city!"

Misty said excitedly,"I really want to go shopping!"

Xiaozhi suggested,"Let's go find the Pokémon Center first. After you challenge the gym, I'll go shopping with you!" Misty took Xiaozhi's hand and said,"Thank you, Xiaozhi!"

The group learned at the Pokémon Center that the Goldman Saga Gym was closed today. Brock said,"Why don't we go to the department store first? We need to buy food and some travel supplies."

Xiaozhi looked at Misty and said,"There's no other way. Let's just decide! Misty, do you want to buy clothes or accessories?"

Misty thought for a while and said,"I want both!"

Brock pulled the two of them together and said,"That's decided! Let's go!"

Xiaozhi and his friends decided to go to the department store first. Misty was walking on the street, and was amazed at the prosperity of Goldman Saga City,"It's really a big city! It's so lively!"

Brock said,"Ms. Joy said that we can get there by following this road!"

Pikachu ran into a Pikachu head-on.

"Pikachu apologized to Pikachu.

""I'm sorry, this is my Pippi, is Pikachu okay?" A pink-haired girl picked up Pippi and apologized to Xiaozhi and the others. After the group introduced themselves to each other, Xiaoqian said confidently:"You are going to the department store! I'll lead the way!"

Xiaoqian pointed to the underground passage on the side and said:"It's faster to go through this underground passage."

Xiaoxia pointed to the department store in the opposite direction and said:"Isn't it over here?"

Xiaoqian assured:"You can go through this way, too, and you will get there directly."

Xiaoqian led Xiaozhi and the others through the underground passage, but......They are lost!

Xiaogang complained,"If we had known this, we would have gone to buy some hamburgers first!"

Xiaoqian said embarrassedly,"I took the wrong exit, but I know the best hamburger shop in Manjin City. Come with me!"

Xiaoxia whispered,"Is it really okay this time?"

Coming out of the exit again, they did not find the hamburger shop but the department store. Xiaozhi quickly interrupted Xiaoqian's idea of continuing to lead the way and said,"Thank you, Xiaoqian. Let's go to the department store first!"

Xiaoxia felt lucky and said,"I didn't expect that she is really a directionally challenged person! But we got to the department store safely."

Xiaozhi and his friends bought a lot of ingredients and they didn't have to worry about food for a while. Xiaoqian thanked him and said,"Thank you, Xiaozhi, for treating me to a meal!"

Xiaozhi waved his hand and said,"It's okay!"

Xiaoqian asked,"Xiaozhi, you guys didn't come to Manjin City just to buy things, did you?"

Xiaozhi said,"Of course not, Xiaoqian, I want to challenge you!"

Xiaoqian stuck out her tongue,"We've been discovered! That's right, I���It's Akane, the gym trainer from the Goldman Gym. Today was supposed to be my day off, but to thank you for treating me to a meal, I'll accept your challenge today!"

Goldman Gym

Referee:"Now begins the gym challenge between Akane, the gym trainer from the Goldman Gym, and Satoshi from Pallet Town, with badges at stake. Three Pokémon can be used, and only the challenger can change Pokémon."

"My first one is Nidorina! Xiaozhi, I will use my strongest Pokémon to fight against the champion of the Quartz Conference"


【Attribute: Poison】

【Gender: Female】

【Features: Poison Sting (sometimes the opponent who touches it will become poisoned)】

【Strength: Primary level】

"Gardevoir, it's decided to be you!"

"Xiaozhi, your Pokémon is really rare! Nidorina uses Poison Needle"

"Gardevoir teleports!"

Nidorina used a poison needle on Gardevoir, but Gardevoir dodged it with a teleport.

"Gardevoir, mental power!"

Gardevoir used mental power to control Nidorina, and with just one strike, Nidorina lost her ability to fight!

Referee:"Nidorina has lost her ability to fight!"

"Xiaozhi, your Gardevoir is so strong! But I won't give you the badge so easily. Pipi, it's your turn!"


【Attribute: Fairy】

【Gender: Female】

【Features: Magical defense (will not be hurt by unexpected attacks)】

【Strength: Elite Peak]

Xiao Qian said:"Pipi uses Finger Swing!"

Xiao Zhi said:"Gardevoir, be careful, I don't know what type of moves Pipi will use."

Pipi shook his fingers, but did not launch an attack, instead he jumped up and down.

Xiao Qian held her forehead:"Magic Carp's Water Splash Leap!"

"Gardevoir, take this opportunity to hypnotize me!"

Gardevoir sent out hypnotic waves, and Pipi became unsteady on his feet and began to feel drowsy.

"Oh no! Pippi, wake up!"

"Gardevoir eats dreams!"

Gardevoir put its palms together and ate Pipi's dream. Pipi's physical strength was rapidly decreasing.

"Gardevoir, Psychic!"

Gardevoir added one last Psychic attack, and Pipi fell to the ground.

The referee:"Pipi has lost his ability to fight!"

Misty said:"This is too smooth!"

Brock said:"Finger Swing is a skill that relies on chance, and the skills used are not necessarily full of surprises."

Akane took Pipi back, feeling a little helpless:"Ash, this is my next one, go Miltank." She also didn't expect Pipi to use Water Splash.

【Big milk tank】

【Attributes: General】

【Gender: Female】

【Features: Thick fat (Being protected by thick fat will halve the damage of fire and ice attribute moves)】

【Strength: Gym Intermediate]

Xiaozhi changed Pokémon:"Garvedo, come back! Snorlax is your turn!"

"Big milk tank uses rolling!"

"Snorlax used his belly to bounce it away!"

Milky Tank rolled up into a ball and rolled towards Snorlax at a very fast speed. Snorlax raised his belly and bounced Milky Tank away.

"What? How could it be!��

"Snorlax Arm Hammer!"

Snorlax swung his right hand and knocked away Miltank who was using a rolling attack again.

"Miltank uses Tile Breaker!"

Akane gave up rolling and switched to other special moves. Miltank swung his hand knife violently at Snorlax. Snorlax's arm hammer would reduce its speed.

"Snorlax held on and used Tarzan Pressing Down!"Snorlax took on the tile-breaking blow, and then used his entire body to press down Miltank

"Snorlax, grab Miltank and use 100,000 HP to give it the final blow."Miltank didn't fall down after so many blows from Snorlax, which shows that its physical strength is not much inferior to Snorlax. Snorlax grabbed Miltank that was flattened by it and threw it out, using all his strength to attack Miltank. Miltank fell to the ground!

The referee:"Miltank has lost his ability to fight! The gym trainers have lost three Pokémon, and the winner is Satoshi from Pallet Town."

Akane took Miltank back, and she said to Satoshi:"The champion of the Quartz Conference is really strong, I admit defeat! I didn't expect you to make good use of Snorlax's body. I admit defeat with all my heart. This is the official badge, Satoshi, you take it!"

Satoshi took the official badge:"Thank you, Akane!"

"I got my official badge!"


【Get the official badge, reward points 500】

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