The sky has been gloomy since this morning, and it is not surprising that it will rain at any time. After a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, raindrops began to fall continuously.

Xiaozhi and the other two ran under a big tree to hide from the rain. Xiaogang said,"The rain is getting heavier, and it is not safe for us to be under the tree. Let's find a place to take shelter as soon as possible!"

Xiaoxia said,"But is there a place to hide nearby?"


Xiaogang said:"Pikachu?" Xiaogang looked in the direction of Pikachu's finger, and there was a big house not far away.

Xiaozhi said:"Let's go there to hide from the rain first!" Xiaoxia said a little scared:"I always feel like something will happen, but there is nothing we can do!"

Ten minutes later, the three of them arrived in front of the big house. Xiaozhi knocked on the door and said:"Sorry, we want to borrow a place to hide from the rain!"

But there was no response after knocking on the door for a long time.

Xiaoxia asked in confusion:"Isn't there anyone?"

Xiaogang leaned against the door, but suddenly fell to the ground. Xiaozhi reached out and pulled Xiaogang up:"Xiaogang, are you okay?"

Xiaogang patted the dust on his body and said:"It's okay!"

Xiaoxia said:"This door is not closed! Excuse me, is anyone there?"

Inside the door is a classical building, and there are dummies in armor on both sides of the door, which makes people a little scared. Xiaozhi said:"There is no way, we have to rest here and wait for the rain to stop!"

A shrill scream reached the ears of several people.

Xiaoxia fearfully pulled Xiaozhi's arm:"What's that sound?"

Xiaogang pointed to the room deep in the corridor and said:"It's a human scream! It came from here."

Xiaozhi said:"It's okay, Xiaoxia, let's go and have a look together!"

It was getting darker and darker, with only the faint oil lamps on the wall for lighting. Xiaogang said:"This is the room!"

Xiaozhi said:"It seems that we have misunderstood something!" Xiaozhi's wave power detected that the people in the room seemed to be having a massage.

The three pushed the door open and entered. As they saw, Haoli was giving someone a massage and Meely was helping with electrotherapy. Xiaogang said:"This is......"

Xiaozhi said,"As you can see! I'm giving you a massage!" Xiaoxia let go of his hand when she saw that nothing was wrong.

A girl in a white coat with a stethoscope hanging around her neck saw Xiaozhi and the other two and said,"You have to queue up if you want to get treated!"

Xiaogang walked quickly, leaving an afterimage behind. He stepped forward and said,"Miss, nice to meet you. My name is Xiaogang. I'm willing to wait for ten years, a hundred years, or a thousand years to see such a beautiful lady! When you call me Xiaogang, you can call me Xiaogang, Agang, Ganggang, or Brother Gang! Miss, what's your name?......"

Xiaoxia dragged the person away and said,"Your old problem has come back again, and it's even more disgusting this time, come here!"

"It hurts, it hurts!"

The girl smiled awkwardly:"My name is Anna, and I'm a doctor here."

Xiaozhi explained:"I'm sorry, we're here to hide from the rain, not for treatment."

Anna looked at the heavy rain outside the window and said:"Oh, it's okay, there are many rooms here anyway, you can find one to rest."

At this time, the door of the inner room was opened, and a doctor poked his head out and said:"Doctor Anna, I'm sorry to trouble Ultrasonic Radiation again!"

Anna said:"I'll be right there."

Xiaozhi and the other two were very curious about how Ultrasonic Radiation was used for diagnosis and treatment, so they followed to see. Ultrasonic Radiation used ultrasound, and the physical condition of the person lying on the bed appeared on Anna's computer. Anna looked at it carefully and said:"No problem, your body has fully recovered, but don't force yourself."

The man said:"Okay!"

Anna handed the computer to the assistant and said:"Please ask Hao Li to give you a massage later."

Xiaogang said:"It turned out to be an ultrasound diagnosis! The so-called ultrasound diagnosis is that the ultrasound uses ultrasound to check the patient's body, and then you can understand the patient's physical condition!"

Xiaoxia exclaimed:"It turns out that this is the case. The ultrasound of the ultrasound also has this effect!"

Anna said:"Not only that, the Pokémon here can do a variety of diagnosis and treatment. Haoli can use his strength to massage, and the silk spit out by the ball of thread is a good bandage, etc. And my ultrasound can help check the body, right, Mimi."

Xiaoxia said:"Doctor Anna's ultrasound is called Mimi! What a cute name!" Anna's ultrasound has a blue bow tied around its neck, which looks very cute.

Anna said:"Thank you!"

Xiaogang grabbed Anna's hand and said:"Xiaosheng also has a ultrasound! Let Xiaosheng do his best! Come out, ultrasound!"

On the other side, the three members of the Rocket Team also slipped into this house. Musashi ate bread and said:"I didn't expect that following the little devil can not only hide from the rain, but also eat enough! It's great!"

Kojiro reached for the milk beside him:"That's right! It's rare to have a full meal!"

Meowth was so moved that he almost cried:"You're full, meowth, I'm so touched, meow!"

At this time, the door of the storage room was opened, and Xiaozhi faced the three people who were eating:"Hey, why are you here again!"

Musashi said:"Is it not possible? We haven't had a good meal for several days!"

Kojiro took out a bag from somewhere and stuffed some bread and the like into it:"Not only eat, we also want to take it away!"

Meowth said:"That's it, meow! Thank you for the treat, little brat, meow!"

The three members of Team Rocket ran out of another door, and Xiaozhi said helplessly:"Chase them!"

Anna said anxiously:"It's not possible over there, come back quickly!"

Xiaozhi asked while chasing:"Miss Anna, what's going on!"

Anna said:"There is a mechanism over there!"

The three members of Team Rocket who were running forward proudly didn't pay attention to their feet at all, and they had already slipped down. Xiaogang wanted to show off in front of Anna, so he slid down with Anna. Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia were blocked behind by the triggered mechanism.

Xiaoxia said:"Xiaozhi, I'll go ask if there are other ways."

Xiaozhi said:"I'll go with you!"

On Xiaogang's side, Musashi complained:"The underground traps are the patent of our Team Rocket!"

Xiaogang helped Anna up from the ground:"Miss Anna, are you okay!"

Anna shook her head and said:"Not bad!"

Xiaogang said:"So you guys followed in too! What's wrong with you, Super Sonic?" Xiaogang's Super Sonic flew back and forth in front of a wall. Xiaogang found a switch in the dark, which turned out to be the light switch.

Kojiro said:"It seems that there is no way to get up from where we fell!" Meowth said

:"Isn't there a road here?"

With a"bang", the three members of Team Rocket hit a wall. Musashi said:"Why is there a wall!"

Anna explained:"This is a maze, traps may appear at any time. It's okay, we can get out with the help of ultrasound. Mimi, use ultrasound!" The ultrasound of ultrasound transmitted the scene of the maze to the computer in Anna's hand.

Anna said:"Go this way!"

Xiaozhi and his friends have also reached the exit, but the exit is blocked. Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia borrowed the power of Pokémon to move the mud blocking the exit.

Xiaogang and his friends also borrowed the power of ultrasound to reach the exit.

"Bulbasaur, use the vine whip, Steelix use the iron tail, pull out!"The mud was cleared out, but there was an iron door in front of him. Xiaozhi used the power of Bulbasaur and Steelix to pull the iron door open!

"Arbok uses poison needles to attack!"

""Double Bomb Gas, use Mist!"

Xiaogang said:"Sonic Radiation, use Air Slash to blow away the smoke. Team Rocket, we saved you, but you actually repay us with evil! Sonic Radiation, use Ultrasonic Waves!"

Sonic Radiation obviously felt its master's mood, and it also liked the Sonic Radiation named Mimi, so its body began to glow, and Sonic Radiation evolved into Zubat!

"Okay, Zubat, come on!"

Zubat's ultrasonic waves threw Team Rocket's Pokémon into chaos.

"Another blow, air slash!"

Golbat successfully knocked Team Rocket away! Anna looked at the computer in her hand and smiled helplessly. She wanted to test the strength of Golbat's ultrasonic wave just now, but she didn't expect it to be too strong and destroy the computer.

Xiaogang's plan to stay was completely destroyed by the evolved Golbat. Later, it was Xiaoxia who dragged him away.

The rain stopped, and Yuanzhu City was not far away!

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