As Xiaozhi and his group continued their journey towards Yuanzhu City, they encountered a fishing competition. Xiaoxia immediately became excited and went to sign up for the competition.

When Xiaoxia filled in the partner Pokémon she would use, she chose Gambling. Gambling was very motivated about this!

Xiaogang said,"Xiaoxia is really motivated!"

Xiaozhi said,"That's right! I participated in the last bug catching competition. This time, Xiaogang and I will be responsible for cheering."

Xiaogang smiled and said,"Okay."

At this time, a fast swimming frog appeared in front of Xiaoxia's Gambling Frog and hit the Gambling Frog without saying anything. Xiaoxia hurried to check on the Gambling Frog:"Gambling Frog, how are you? Whose fast swimming frog is this! Why is it so rude!"

""What happened to my Frog?" A proud and confident voice sounded, and the boy who came over with a fishing rod was obviously going to participate in this fishing competition.

Xiaoxia went up to argue:"Why is your Frog like this!"

The boy said:"If you don't say it, I would like to say it. You have completed the registration for the competition and are still dawdling. Don't you know that you are blocking the road? Your Frog was only hit by Frog, and it was scared and hid behind the trainer. This Frog is so useless!"

Xiaoxia noticed that the Frog hid behind her legs and looked very afraid of Frog. Xiaoxia's Frog is timid by nature. Although the strength is there, the personality cannot be changed.

Xiaozhi protected Xiaoxia and said:"Please apologize to Frog!"

The boy said disdainfully:"Am I wrong?"

Xiaozhi said seriously:"I say it again, apologize! Otherwise, accept my battle, I want to fight your Frog"

"Pikachu was also very angry.

Seeing Pikachu's strength, the boy didn't dare to fight, but he didn't want to apologize, so he snorted coldly:"If you want me to apologize, then I will apologize if I win the championship of the fishing competition. Otherwise, forget it!"

Xiaoxia said:"Okay, wait!"

The boy went to register. Xiaoxia said:"Xiaozhi, I will make him apologize to the mosquito frog sincerely!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"This is the Xiaoxia I like! I will help too!"

Xiaoxia blushed at Xiaozhi's sudden love words. Xiaogang said:"And me! I will cheer for you too!"

The staff said:"Now let's explain the rules.

There are no special requirements for fishing rods.

You can use your own fishing rods or the fishing rods rented on our site.

Within the limited time of two hours, you can catch as many goldfish kings as you want, but only one can fit into this rake ball.

Whoever can catch the heaviest goldfish king will be the champion of this game.

Now the staff will distribute the rake balls.

The prize for the champion is the championship trophy and a year's worth of chocolate.


Gang was about to start the boat and said,"Are you all ready? I'm going to start the boat!"

The boy drove the boat to the front of Xiaozhi's boat and said,"I forgot to tell you just now, my name is Shifu, you just work hard!" Psyduck in Xiaoxia's backpack ran out, but unfortunately it didn't stand firmly and fell into the water, struggling for help. Shifu laughed and said,"This is the first time I've seen a Psyduck that can't swim. I'll wait and see!" After that, Shifu drove the boat away.

Xiaozhi fished Psyduck up, and Xiaoxia angrily gave Psyduck a slap:"What did you say you came out for? Now it's good, we are all underestimated."

Xiaozhi said,"Okay, okay, Xiaoxia, don't be angry."

Psyduck hid behind Xiaozhi.

Xiaoxia said,"Really!"

After Xiaoxia caught one, she felt that it was too light so she let it go. The wind blowing to the lake changed its direction, and Xiaoxia said,"Gang Xiaozhi, let's go to another place! The wind direction has changed, so we should also change the fishing location. Let's go to the north, where the downwind direction is more favorable."

After Xiaogang drove the boat to the location Xiaoxia wanted, he waited for a long time but didn't catch any fish. Xiaoxia was a little anxious and said,"We will really lose to that guy Shifu! I have to use my secret bait!"

Xiaogang said,"Could it be that......"

Xiaoxia said,"That's it, Xiaoxia's super enhanced fourth version!"

Xiaozhi said,"It's already the fourth version! It's so fast!"

Xiaogang nodded repeatedly.

Xiaoxia said,"Just wait and see!" When Xiaoxia threw the fishing rod into the water, a relatively large goldfish king in the lake bit Xiaoxia's bait. After looking at it for a while, it bit Xiaoxia's bait.

Xiaozhi said,"This one has a good size!"

Xiaoxia pulled the fishing rod and pulled the goldfish king out of the water, saying,"Mosquito Frog, use the continuous slap!"

The continuous slap of the mosquito frog stunned the goldfish king, and Xiaoxia took the opportunity to throw the rake ball.

Xiaoxia held the rake ball and breathed a sigh of relief:"Thank you, mosquito frog!"

At this time, the end of the game sounded on the radio:"Time is up, contestants who have caught the goldfish king in the lake, please come to the weighing table, and contestants who have not caught one will also receive a commemorative badge for the competition!"

The weighing of the goldfish kings that were caught one after another has ended. At present, the first one is Shifu's goldfish king, which weighs 55 kilograms. Only the Kingfish caught by Xiaoxia has not been weighed. Xiaoxia released the Kingfish in the Rek Ball, and the host was surprised and said:"Oh my God, the Kingfish of the last contestant, Xiaoxia, is also 55 kilograms, tied with contestant Shifu for first place."

Shifu said:"Then who is the champion!"

The host said:"When the weight is the same, both parties must bring out their partner Pokémon to compete."

Xiaoxia said:"No problem!"

Shifu said:"Me too!"

The host acted as a referee:"Xiaoxia and Shifu, the one-on-one fishing partner Pokémon battle begins now."

Xiaogang said:"The Fast Swim is an advanced form of the Frog, and its physical strength and speed are faster than the Frog. Although the Frog is stronger, it is still hard to say who will win."

Xiaozhi said:"Xiaoxia will win"

【Fast swimming frog】

【Attributes: Water, Fighting】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Leisurely (speed will increase in rainy weather)】

【Strength: Elite】

"Frog uses Hell Roll!"

Frog rolls up and rolls towards Frog.

"The mosquito frog uses the power of the earth!

The mosquito frog uses the power of the earth to attack the fast swimming frog, disrupting the fast swimming frog's pace.

"The Frog used the Taishan Pressure to press down the opponent with its entire body, and the Frog was paralyzed when it stood up.

"The fast-swimming frog fought back with a series of slaps! The fast-swimming frog raised its hands and pounced on the mosquito-repellent frog.

"The Frog dodged and used the Ice Fist!"

The Frog waited until the Frog got close, then ducked its head to avoid the attack. It hit the Frog with its cold fist.

""The last blow of the Frog is a slam!"

The Frog hit the Frog with amazing momentum, and the Frog fell to the ground.

The host said:"Tokifu's Frog has lost its ability to fight, and the winner is Misty and her Frog!"

Misty hugged the Frog excitedly:"We won, Frog!"

Tokifu took back the Frog, bowed his head and apologized:"I admit defeat. According to the previous agreement, I apologize to your Frog! Sorry, Frog!"

Misty said:"It's good that you know, we accept your apology!"

After the game, Xiaozhi and the other two were in a dilemma when facing a year's worth of chocolate. Xiaozhi said:"What should Xiaoxia do with these chocolates!" Misty said

:"Most of them will be left for the Pokémon in the space and the Pokémon we carry with us! Send these back to Xiaogang's home, send these to Aunt Hanako, Professor Oak and Xiaojian in Pallet Town, and send the rest to my house."

Xiaogang said:"My brothers and sisters will definitely be happy!"

Having won the fishing tournament and received a year's worth of chocolate, Xiaozhi and his friends are still on their way.

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