Xiaozhi and his friends took a detour, and Xiaogang returned Vulpix to its owner, Xiaoxue. When in Kanto, Xiaoxue had to go abroad to study, so she temporarily gave Vulpix to Xiaogang to take care of. Xiaogang thought he could win the beauty, but unfortunately he was heartbroken again. Xiaoxia looked at Xiaogang with a lost face and couldn't help but said:"Xiaogang, how long are you going to be lost?"

Xiaogang sighed deeply, looked up to the sky and shouted:"Don't worry about me, my Vulpix and Xiaoxue are so sad. I'm so sad!"......"

Xiaozhi pulled the corner of Xiaoxia's clothes and said,"Xiaoxia, don't worry, Xiaogang's self-healing ability is very strong. When we get to the Pokémon Center, these things will disappear."

Xiaoxia smiled and said,"That's right!"

"I'm Xiao Deng from Yoshino City, let's duel!"

Xiaoxia said:"Is it a Pokémon battle? Xiaozhi, do you want to go and have a look?"

Xiaozhi nodded and said:"Then let's go and have a look!"

The three of them walked forward, and the one being challenged was Xiaomao. Xiaogang said:"It's Xiaomao!" It was Xiaomao, who Xiaozhi and the other two had not met during the period after the Green Grassland.

Xiaomao was using Umbreon, and his opponent Xiaoden was using Alakazam.

Xiaozhi and his friends sat on the stone and watched the game. He said:"It takes courage to dare to challenge Umbreon with the strength of the early King level!"

Xiaoxia said:"If I remember correctly, Umbreon is a Dark-type and Alakazam is a Psychic-type. Umbreon has the advantage in attributes!"

Xiaogang said:"Indeed, Xiaomao should be able to win easily"

"Alakazam uses the railgun!"

"Umbreon, get out of the way!"

Alakazam fired a cannon-like electric current at Umbreon, and when it got close to him, Umbreon jumped away to avoid it.

"Alakazam uses Phantom Beam!

Alakazam fired Phantom Beam at Umbreon, but Umbreon did not move.

Xiaomao said,"Don't you know that Psychic-type moves are useless against Dark-type Umbreon? Umbreon, use Dark Wave!" Umbreon emitted a terrifying aura full of malice, and a black halo rippled around it, hitting Alakazam, and with just one hit, Alakazam lost its combat ability.

Xiaodeng put away Alakazam and said to Xiaomao,"I lost, your Umbreon is too strong!" After shaking hands, Xiaodeng left. Xiaozhi waved and said

,"Xiaomao, this way!"

Xiaomao saw Xiaozhi and the other two, walked up and said,"It's Xiaozhi and you guys!"

Xiaomao and Xiaozhi and the other two went to the nearest Pokémon Center together. On the way, Xiaoxia said,"Xiaomao, your Umbreon is really getting stronger!"

Xiaomao said,"Thank you!"

Xiaogang looked at Xiaomao's Umbreon and said,"That soft fur, as a Pokémon breeder, I think it's great!"

Xiaomao said:"Pikachu's fur is shiny, too!"

Xiaogang said:"Thank you."

Xiaomao knew that Xiaozhi was probably training Pokémon on a daily basis, and that health management should be done by Xiaogang, the breeder.

After Xiaozhi and his companions arrived at the Pokémon Center, they had a meal together. Xiaozhi pointed to the battle field outside the window and said:"Xiaomao, how about doing some exercise after dinner?"

Xiaomao finished the juice in front of him and said:"Let's use new Pokémon to fight! I just captured a Scyther these few days."

Xiaozhi said:"Okay, I'll fight you with the Nighthawk I captured not long ago." Xiaomao stood up and said:"Let's go!" Xiaozhi stood up holding the well-fed Pikachu, but suddenly fell into darkness. Xiaoxia said:"Is there a power outage?" Xiaogang cleared his throat and said:"It's my turn now, I'll go ask Miss Joy."Gon jumped and went to find Miss Joy. Xiaozhi said helplessly,"Let's go too! Gon is the kind of person who forgets about business when he meets Miss Joy."

Gon, who had just started to talk to her, was dragged away by Xiaoxia. Xiaozhi asked,"Miss Joy, is there a power outage?" Xiaomao said,"Not only that, the lights of other buildings outside the window are also out!"

Miss Joy said,"I don't know the specific situation. I just called the power plant, but no one answered. Now I don't know if there is any problem with the power plant! If so, it will be troublesome. If an injured Pokémon is suddenly sent in, it will not be able to be treated."

Xiaozhi asked,"Miss Joy, where is the power plant?"

Miss Joy said,"At the dam behind the town."

Xiaomao and Xiaozhi looked at each other and said,"Let's go and take a look together!"

In front of the power plant, all the staff had their hands and feet tied up with ropes. A charging cable as thick as a tree was connected from the power plant's generator to a robot named Guoran Weng.

When Xiaozhi and the other three arrived, they saw the staff tied up at the door. Xiaomao said,"Who did it!"

With a loud bang, Guoran Weng's robot appeared in front of Xiaozhi and the others.

"Hahaha, little brat, it's us!"

Xiaoxia complained:"I know it's you! Tell me, were you responsible for the power outage in the town?" Musashi said:"That's right! When we were developing this Bu Guoran Weng No. 1, we were short of electricity, so we borrowed electricity from the power plant!"


Kojiro pointed at Ranon and said,"The idea of the Ranon No. 1 that we developed came from Ranon!"

Meowth said,"The Patience Pokémon is very strong, meow!"


Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoxia and Xiaogang and said:"Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, you go and save people, leave this to Xiaomao and me!"

Musashi said angrily:"Little brat, don't ignore us! I will let you know the power of the counter punch!"

Xiaozhi sent out Mantis and Rhino:"Mantis uses high-speed movement, Rhino uses stomping!"

Mantis used high-speed movement in front of the Rocket Team's Unruly One to disrupt their vision. Rhino stomped on the ground hard to prevent it from moving forward.

"Umbreon used Shadow Ball to destroy the plug."

Umbreon went around the back of the robot and used Shadow Ball to destroy the plug that connected the power plant to the robot.

Kojiro said,"Oh no, No. 1 can't move!" Meowth said

,"We can't use 'Return Punch' to counter the Stomp used by the little devil's Rhino, meow!"

"Umbreon uses Dark Wave, Pikachu uses Iron Tail!" Xiaozhi and Xiaomao shouted at the same time.

With a loud bang, Team Rocket took off again successfully!

"What a disgusting feeling!......""Sonnen!"

After beating Team Rocket, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao walked back to the power plant. Xiaogang asked the staff,"Can the electricity be restored?"

The staff of the power plant said,"It may take some time with those people messing around like that!"

Xiaoxia said,"It's a headache. There is no way to treat it if the Pokémon Center has no electricity."

Another staff member said,"If we start the second system of the dam's power generation and open the sluice gate now, we can switch to power generation! It's just that the key to the room where the sluice gate handle is located is lost."

Xiaozhi said,"Let's find a way! Xiaomao!" Xiaomao nodded and found the room

"Nidoqueen, use Megaton Punch." Xiaomao's Nidoqueen destroyed the lock.

Xiaomao looked at Umbreon:"Umbreon is relying on you!" The yellow halo on Umbreon began to glow, illuminating the entire room.

With the light, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao found the handle of the water gate in the room.

Xiaogang said:"Next, let's do it! Geodude, Steelix, you two come and help pull the handle." With the help of Xiaogang's Pokémon, the water gate was quickly opened.

In the control room, Xiaoxia asked:"How is it, can it generate electricity normally?"

The staff looked at the computer screen and said:"The second power supply system has been started, but it should be because it has not been used for a long time, and the power supply system cannot operate properly. If it can be impacted with a strong electric power, there should be no problem."

Xiaozhi said:"Then let Pikachu and Dragonite come!"

The power transmission system started to function normally under the stimulation of 100,000 volts used by Pikachu and Dragonite, and the power supply of the town began to be restored.

After everything was completed, the battle between Ash and Mao began, and the two sides ended up in a draw. Although Ash's Nightowl had favorable attributes, its strength level was weaker than Mao's Scyther, and they both lost their combat ability in the end.

After agreeing to fight again next time, Ash and Mao parted ways again!

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