Xiling Empire

Chapter 1015: Hey i go

"Now," he bit his finger lightly and looked at me weakly. "Now it's in our hands."

Yes, the information of that year was recorded in the detector database salvaged from the gate of the abyss. Its original is now in our hands, spanning tens of thousands of years of historical reincarnation, from the old empire to the new empire. After opening and ending a crazy history, it came to us.

"Block all networks and close the space where Green Star is located. All fleets that have directly contacted this planet since the Green Star database was opened will immediately land on the surface of Green Star and forbid contact with the outside world."

Sandora hardly hesitated, and a series of orders were issued directly, and then I found the opportunity to interject: "So what, this really works? Abyss, hiding in a text message, and then jumping out to pollute the real world or something"

"Don't they just do that?" Sandora glanced at me. "They once polluted the whole country along the empire's spiritual network. The spiritual network can accommodate them. Why can't it be contained in one sentence? Abyss can be in many cases. Hidden in the invisible, since it can contaminate everything in the real world, then anything that exists in the real world, whether tangible or intangible, or even just a sentence, a concept, a well-known vocabulary, can be used as the carrier of the abyss, and shallow That ’s right, this information is still from the bottom of the abyss, maybe it can really hide all detection methods. "

Even this time I was nervous, shallow and shallow, but I was really a stunner, a blockbuster guy. This girl's magical brain-jumping ability really opened a terrifying horror story. The only thing I'm thankful for now is. With a shallow reminder, we stifled this weird and hairy performance in the cradle: even if the abyss was really hidden in that message, it had no chance to leave Green Star, and the scientists read it from the database. Anything that arrives is temporarily isolated. According to a decree passed two years ago, after discovering the ruins of the old days, before getting Sandorah or my approval. Nothing extracted from the old empire will be rashly uploaded to the new empire database. This was originally to prevent conflicts in the operating protocols of the various devices of the old and new empires (that is, the legendary driver vicious bug), but now This cautious measure may stifle a potential danger.

Green Star's external communications were completely interrupted, and Sandola only used her special spiritual frequency band to issue a safe and secure announcement to the public: an emergency situation at the survey site, temporary martial law in the Shadow City, before obtaining the personal authorization of the head of empire. Martial status is not lifted, and no one is allowed to actively contact Green Star. Only after completing this announcement did Sandora turn to Tavel: "Where's that message?"

"It's stored in the database," Tavel had realized the seriousness of the problem, and said the worst case he had imagined. "If the master's guess is correct, then any read, copy, and transfer operations on it Pollution may have spread, but this possible pollution is currently restricted to the internal network. We are putting ourselves in an isolated environment when operating the legacy of the old empire. "

Well, she didn't add "theoretically" at this critical moment.

"Very well, the decree was perfectly executed." Sandora glanced at me. "Through Ajun's spirit channel, pass that message." After saying this, Sandora blinked at me: "Ah Jun, use 伱 as a filter for the time being, okay? "

I thought about it. Understand that the other person is referring to his identity as a void creature. The abyss cannot infect the void creatures. On the contrary, the only result of their direct contact with the void creatures is the reverse decomposition. After all, the abyss is a secondary product of the void. Reading those messages through my spiritual connection, no matter what's inside. They must have been purified.

The information was quickly passed, just a very simple phrase, and the phrase was stitched together by several broken words, because the scientists of the old empire received an intermittent piece of information, and they found that this piece of information was just a sentence The words continued to rebroadcast, so after extracting a few words and arranging them to form the original text message, it was like this--

anyone there? Hurry up and talk, I'll get off when I finish this post!

That's the whole content of that message. It's a long paragraph, but just these words keep repeating.

Of course, we do not discuss the content of the short message. It may be that the watch-type messenger is hard-pressed no matter inside the abyss or outside the abyss.

"Originally, it used an encoding method that cannot be directly recognized, and the source language may be different from any known language," Tavel explained, "but this information itself hides a hidden codebook. Hidden in the energy peak between each character of the message, through this codebook, the message itself can be translated into any language, which is quite clever wisdom, indicating that the sender of the message does not know what its recipient uses Language, but it has come up with a dictionary that allows any intelligent creature to summarize a law. After translation, the content of this message is to seek a response. "

"The scientists of the old empire must have also translated it, so they decided to reply to the call from the bottom of the abyss," I glanced at Sandora, "too risky."

Sandora's smile was a little reluctant: "If it hadn't happened once and there was a simple reminder, who would have thought of this danger?"

This information, as well as all the databases and recording equipment that have been associated with the dissemination of this information, have been marked out. Even those scientists who participated in reading the database have taken the initiative to isolate themselves from the public network. All these "suspected infected persons" "After ten minutes, they were urgently concentrated in a metal cavity in the upper layer of the mantle. The cavity was originally an energy furnace of the Green Star surface ecosystem, but Green Star surface ecology has long been unknown in which world was destroyed. : For the sinister universes that constantly ran through during the escape journey, as long as the green star shield flickered once, the entire ecosystem would be wiped out, and this old antique starship originally used a crappy shield device. . Therefore, this set of energy furnaces ceased operation completely more than 10,000 years ago, and the energy furnaces inside are now thrown to the ground by space transfer. The place left contains scientists and equipment.

We also arrived at the scene. The space here is very large. It is an approximately hexagonal alloy space. There is a circular depression with a diameter of nearly 100 meters in the center of the ground. The recessed area is still shimmering with energy interfaces and fixing bolts. Remains, this is what is left after removing the energy furnace. A large number of equipment was stacked beside the recessed area, and dozens of Schilling technicians were busy analyzing philosophical equipment. Tavel was personally examining a large data terminal next to him.

All of these are isolated by a psionic barrier.

Tavel's ontology was also involved in opening the database, so she was also isolated.

"No signs of infection were found, and all the data was clean," Tavel reported to us across the psionic barrier, "but it cannot be ruled out that there is a new type of abyss that Imperial Technology cannot recognize, and the logic of the mother and mother is correct. .The out-of-control of Plan X of the old empire only happened after this information was salvaged. It is likely that the abyss is polluting the real world in a way we have never known before, theoretically. "

"Actually, I don't think it's always possible. Seeing, every step of X's out of control sounds very logical? Because we found important secrets at the bottom of the abyss, we speeded up the progress of various projects, because before All of the projects are smooth sailing, so the scientists are somewhat blindly optimistic, because this is an opportunity to fully understand their own deadly enemies, so everyone is working hard-there is no problem in the logic, even if there is no abyss participation. It seems to be The only result. "

"Ajun, this is very possible, but to deal with the abyss, we cannot tolerate one-ten-thousandths of conjecture," Sandora said firmly, "continue the experiment. Use all the known catalytic methods first. If it is not effective, you can only Ah Jun is here. At least one thing can be determined now, even if the abyss really mixes in, it must be trapped inside this barrier. "

After saying this, Sandora whispered to me: "I guess I'll have to go in and clean them up one by one. Including the equipment, these materials are not a big deal."

I thought about it. First smiled apologetically at Tavel: "I didn't expect Lilian to be quarantined, but it will be fine."

The sister in glasses blinked indifferently: "My Majesty, don't worry, this is a daily business for us. Forefront scientists always come into contact with dangerous things, and we have to isolate ourselves once every three minutes."

Me: "" This group of guys without limit has such a powerful daily life!

After repeated monitoring, we still could not find the so-called abyss reaction hidden in that piece of information. Even Shallow herself began to wonder if she was too trivial. She had a wild head, but it did not mean that she was the whole. People are unreliable, and shallow is also very responsible.

Although it is also possible that Plan X did get out of control under the influence of the abyss somehow, but obviously, it has nothing to do with the information in front of us.

In the end, these materials were preserved, but it does not mean that we can be completely sure that they are safe and harmless (in fact, after touching the abyss once, it is basically impossible to say that something is completely safe and harmless), just Shan Dora proposed to detoxify these materials: using my spiritual link as a springboard, uploading the materials to the memory core of a production host, and filtering through void creatures, no matter what malicious code is in these materials, definitely It's all over.

People and equipment that have been exposed to the data also need to be cleaned up-just in case. In the limelight, I walked into the Psionic Barrier alone, feeling a tense atmosphere inside. This atmosphere came from dozens of scientists and assistant technicians in front of them. They were not afraid of the possible abyss infection, but I was going to accept the baptism of His Majesty the Emperor personally, so I was very excited. I think it ’s okay, but someone who must have been present was determined to go home for more than 200 years after taking a bath

"Relax," I shrugged, shivering, and I have switched to the void form. In this form, I can't make any expressions. I can only use body language instead. "Tavel, open your eyes."

Feng Fenghuo fire glasses mother Tavel closed her eyes so surprised that I couldn't help but say, the other side was shocked and looked at me awkwardly: "Your Majesty, aren't you going to punch you? Don't hit your face? ? "

When Tavel's voice fell, dozens of scientists around him all suddenly realized that they had closed their glasses one by one. I was messy in the wind: "Who said that one must punch when purifying!"

In other words, Tavel helped develop this purification power. I thought she was flexible enough, so how could she remember to face?

As a result, Tavel looked around embarrassedly and whispered, "It was what Princess Xiaoxue said,‘ how many lost lambs did my father ’s fraternity fist woke up. I ’ll learn boxing with my father when I was a kid. ” That's what she said. "

Me: "Snow girl, go back and give our girlfriend three days of moral character, no opinion!"

The young lady was so embarrassed and annoyed by my "girlfriend": "The two of you are together! I want to leave it alone, my grandfathers can't do it!"

The purification process only takes one minute in total. In fact, it is only to release one's abyss realm, and then soak the contents of the psionic barrier fully. This is much more difficult than the operation of fraternity and face punch. But the effect is better and more humane. It is the 2.0 version that I researched after a few days. I think everyone can see it. Carter? Carlo's punch was actually in vain.

But what I do n’t understand is why, after I developed such high-end advanced skills, I still have to teach my girlfriend to play boxing in the future. After thinking about it for a long time, I suddenly realized: This probably explains that Xiao Xue will walk after playing She ’s a bear child, and she probably started boxing with her dad when she was six.

It makes me almost desperate.

Green Star finally returned to normal after martial law for nearly two hours, and even returned to normal with Shadow City, but in the end we were not able to determine whether the shallow guess was true or false. Was Plan X of that year really out of control under the influence of the abyss? Did the abyss really throw a dangerous seed at the old empire, and then all the scientists of the old empire were fooled? Is there really such a superb smart opponent at the bottom of the abyss that can draw such a far-reaching plan?

If these conjectures are true, then I will have to re-examine my first encounter with the abyss in that year. The thought of this is likely to be another huge conspiracy, and I feel shudder-I have not developed fear and Feeling uneasy. The power of the void creatures and the three years of tempering may have matured a lot. But this time, I really feel that things are pretty bad.

"Perhaps the situation is just the opposite, there really is a hostile guy at the bottom of the abyss," Lin Xue seemed to see that my mood was bad. On a private channel, "Intuition tells me. We won't face a dark future."

We have now come to the surface of Green Star, back to the soft gel crystal, flat and desolate ground, and the dorms of the tree elves are being transferred to the surface in batches for the final opening work. The sleeper carried to the surface to activate it because we found that there was insufficient space in the upper layer of the mantle: it was designed from the beginning to support half of the tree elves to wake up, and half of the tree elves were asleep. Before the system was aging and the crew was tired, the tree elves lived in the green The surface of the star: At that time, the planet ’s shield was still alive and could withstand the harsh cosmic environment. When they moved to the ground in batches, they went directly into the dormant cabin, so the hive “city” in the mantle did not predict Leave enough living space. Now that there are 2.6 billion tree elves about to wake up, we can only take them to the surface.

Allow me to extend my greetings to the tree-elf designer who performed the mantle reconstruction work that year-did you never think that everyone would wake up? !! Or did he think that the surface environment of this shabby starship would still be inhabitable by then?

Fortunately, Tavier has filled the atmosphere with Green Star. This atmosphere may have a high oxygen content for the tree elves, but it does not affect survival. The Schilling Technicians have cracked the entire structure of those dormant cabins and completed them. After the soul was reloaded, they were able to suspend the dormant capsule and transport it to the surface to "thaw". This huge project is under the command of an assistant technician and is operated by an engineering soldier. It is expected to be completed within a few days: think about it, with a population of more than two billion people, all of them will be resurrected in a few days. No wonder Li Lina is happy to draw: She has made up her mind to make all the tree elves flirt with the goddess of life. I think her success rate is unprecedentedly high.

At a glance around us, it has become a busy transportation hub, and the light of space transmission is constantly flashing. It is the elite soldiers of the sisters of Asida-Asidola who are helping to transfer the dorms underground. The space below is not enough, and the time is not enough, so those overtime air regiments are much more useful than the bulky regiment-level space gates. Looking at it, there are crisscross crisscrosses in all directions, and there is a dormant sleeping compartment, one model: a straight coffin.


"Aunt, it looks like a mass funeral," Li Lina tried to climb up my thigh ~ www.readwn.com ~, but tried to attract attention, but I was thrown down halfway through the climb, "诶, That dorm room over there looks familiar! "

She was referring to a sleeping cabin with the lid half open. All sleeping cabins were the same, but this one had a distinctive feature: its lid was cracked several times, and there was a silly little face in the middle. Embossed, indented.

When Lilian landed on her face, she smashed into this dorm.

When some of our idle guys were around this dorm room, discussing how hard Lina ’s face could be, the tree elf girl in the dorm room was finally reborn: she was the first batch of awakened tree elves. One more.

I still remember the girl's name: Luan, this is her name on the oasis. Listen to the chief patriarch, this is also the real name of the tree elf. Lvyou sat up from the dorm room and looked at the collective funeral scene around in perplexity, her eyes full of panic, and then she awkwardly climbed out of the dorm room, but she did not wait for the next staff member to come up and respond. Luan had rushed towards Lilina.

The girl clutched the shocked and troubled one meter zero nine small loli with a happy smirk on her face: "I had a long and seemingly short dream, and a dream appeared in the dream. Can I follow the dream? ? "

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