Xiling Empire

Chapter 1016: Liliana's little tail and new creations

Original At this time, I especially wanted to raise the sky with a bad smile and sighed loudly. He was the top performer. The nine-footed book Jin Jin was announced to the world. There are ten characters on the punctuation mark: Li Lina, I also have today!

Lina, who always makes others fly, is now crying, and walks around with my sister like an unlucky little daughter-in-law who has been aggrieved home and complained, but no one cares about it, followed by a look behind her When I went up to the eighteen-year-old green-haired girl, the girl also followed her steps, her face full of curiosity, and an average sentence popped out every half a minute: "I'll follow you, I really dream of you ..."

Then Li Lina shouted back angrily: "While playing! This Pope does not disturb Ji!"

"Did this guy named Lvyuan make Lilian's face smashed?"

Although I looked at Coca-Cola very much, I was still a little worried-I was worried that Li Lina was in trouble again, so I asked Lin Xue a little bit of my head. This prophet is much more clever than medical methods. Diagnosed 20 or 30 years in advance

"He asked me who I was going to. Green Lu's body wasn't sick. It involved psychology." The young lady gave me a blank look and smiled when she looked at Li Lina, "But this is really interesting, Liliana eats too? "

"Hey, don't look at the joke, OK?" The black archbishop finally couldn't hold his face. He jumped over and grabbed my dress corner and let it go. "Boss, I don't care, now I'm a scruffy companion. I have to help people settle this. "What's wrong with this girl!"

"I'm fine," Li Lina stopped walking, and Green Puppet finally stopped. "I'm sober. My name is Green Puppet. I'm a tree elf. When I set sail, I was a fellow in life sciences. My grades were pretty good that year. I really had a dream. I couldn't remember anything in the dream. Only Remember that I am close to me. I feel that I must follow me. This should be the guide of the mother tree ... "

My sister tried to guide each other, and she also felt that it might have encountered a big oolong: "I think, I may have dreamed about something on the oasis. At that time, I did meet Li Lina, and of course I also met us. A few, but it seems to be very impressed with Li Lina. Oasis 伱 remember, 伱 are all dreaming there. "

Li Li Na nodded suddenly. The look of her sister was like that of a great man, and sometimes the statue of Ding Dong who was a group of believers in life gods went to the temple to see this.

"Of course I remember, but I'm not referring to that dream." Lu Ye shook his head immediately.

"It seems to have something to do with that smashing," Sandora suddenly lay on my shoulder and bit her ears, warming her ears. "I think it may be that Lirina hit the green when she hit it.萼 Lina is a demigod who does n’t have a soul. Every move is easy to bring out the symbolic meaning. Maybe she is equivalent to infusing the soul with the green pheasant. He is not unaware. The great feature of the life deity is to walk. Divine power is leaked everywhere. "

Sandora said this to me. It seems that the power of the life deity really has this characteristic. Whether Ding Dong or Li Lina, there is an aura effect that can't be closed around, that is, the life in the area thrives-since Ding Dong lived there. , The entire city of k flowers and trees have become refined. Li Lina used to go for a walk in Xijiekou for a while. Two months later, two foreign experts came over and said they wanted to examine the dialectical relationship between suburban landscapes and urban chemical pollution in the city!

When Li Lina heard Sandora's explanation, her face suddenly collapsed, and then she pointed at the green puppet and then pointed at the ground: "Lying here!"

"What are you doing!" I grabbed Lina, who was about to take off. Head full of blue muscles.

"I'll go up and smash it again! Maybe it's normal!" Li Lina said with a green hair, holding her head violently, and she became the demi-god form of that green-haired elf. In order to help the newly-awakened tree elf on this site to recover health, it is considered that she has done a good deed.

"Funny." My sister bounced on the door of this girl, her expression helpless.

Li Lina slammed her arm and stomped, and lay down on the ground, then pointed at the green 萼: "That 伱 took the plane and hit me!"

The little girl was so determined to let the green pheasant "return to normal." I had to say that I was still quite surprised at this time. She dragged her up and knocked on her head and asked, "Isn't ye usually keen to recruit believers? Why is this? I still took the initiative to extrapolate. "

"Nonsense, don't you see this is the believer's eyes!" Li Lina hung in the air, swaying and pointing at the green owl, "This look, I want to say that her sexual orientation is normal and believe?"

Hmm ... Lord Pope is so direct.

"Anyway, I've caused it myself, I'll solve it myself." I threw Lina to the ground, then watched Lv and Lina chasing all the way and ran away. Looks like Li Lina's troubles lasted for a while.

"This should be regarded as a genuine‘ one-sided relationship ’, a friendship smashed by face.” Suddenly, she sighed, and I was amazed by the girl ’s ability to generalize. The sister also added a comment: "Actually, I think Lilina is quite happy now."

Hmm ... I don't know how my sister saw this!

"If she really hates it, Green 萼 will probably be kicked directly," my sister glanced at me, "I thought Lilina was a soft-hearted person? Now, she obviously enjoys it."

I thought about it for a while, but I did n’t understand it, but it was awesome.

"This planet fortress is probably no longer useful," Sandola was still watching Green Star while we were tossing with Liliana. After reading several reports, she shook her head and said, "Tavel After 20 working groups, I went to check the key equipment compartments throughout the mantle, and the results were really bad. Green Star was a few key transformations after the sailing was completed. Many of the equipment did not have time to debug, and the starship entered the void. And the tree elves do n’t know how to use them properly. Now Green Star ’s planet shield has no maintenance value at all. In the energy system, except for the core reactor, all other auxiliary facilities are basically broken. And to be honest, I think This planet fortress is useless even if it is repaired: it is basically a mold out of the 'zero' class planet battleship we are making now, and it is not even as good as the latter. Something made in a hurry. It ’s a lot of money. I look forward to it, thinking that Warsong is accompanied. "

I thought about that crazy madness. She is now the core of the Warsong. It is really difficult for ordinary people to understand the idea of ​​a Star Warship: she has recently fallen in love with the Double Star Movement and very much wants a companion who can accompany her. Go around, but normal people can think, who has this spare time for ordinary star warships?

So Warsong did not know from which world dragged a rocky planet one size larger than Earth. The two **** twitched three hundred astronomical units away from the studio, making a circle every seventy-seven hours, like a runaway dumbbell.

This crazy game looks scary and makes the Overseer a headache, because Warsong is playing this game with gravitational traction equipment, and her crazy brain may forget this at any time, and then it is invisible between the two stars. The rope will break. The rocky planet, one size larger than Earth, will rush towards the surrounding Avengers fleet at a speed of 720,000 kilometers per hour-the Overseer is under a lot of mental stress, and he hastened to personally give Warsong

And Sandola was thinking about whether to prepare a safe point toy for Warsong—the latter's brain should be dead, so Warsong became the only guy I know who can use a planet as a toy, The other is a small bubble, the latter's toy is Jingfeng.

"I said, will there be other starships on the road?" Looking at the green land where more and more elves gathered under the glow of Gaia, I suddenly remembered the content of that letter, "According to Harlan's statement seems to be that there were quite a few starships that set off. "

"I thought of that too," Sandora nodded. "They can't just release a 'drift bottle', but now it seems that only the Green Star has fortunately reached the end and was almost destroyed. There is no similar record on the Protoss side. The ships have all been destroyed. In fact, I have long had an intuition about these drifting bottles: Although the collapse of the old empire was a very rapid thing. But when the empire collapsed, they still had time to build a documentary. That is left to Their response time should be at least enough to send out some warning messages and the like. Today these messages from Harlan made me want to understand many things. After the disaster broke out, the abyss had controlled the empire's communication network. The first polluted was the apostles' The spiritual channel. So they did not send a warning message to the protoss: Because this may allow the abyss to spread out of the empire along the communication channel. Only the tree elves who have just contacted the empire and have not yet integrated into the main communication network are safe. . "

To prevent the spread of pollution. The sober emperor must have blocked the border line, but it ca n’t be blocked, so he simply pulled the whole world together to self-destruct. I firmly believe that they will do so. This can explain why the outside world had no news after the collapse of the old empire. Everything related to the empire was abruptly obliterated, and the void was neatly neglected, leaving no trace: because some people do not allow these dangerous "informations" that may have been infected to leak out a little bit.

Yes, the abyss are so dangerous and so indefensible that they can hide in almost everything, invade the real world through any unimaginable way, even if it is hidden in the early morning greeting that everyone is used to saying, as long as it takes time, Can thrive. They are ridiculous nightmares that are substantiated, spread by secret methods, and appear by disaster.

Under normal circumstances, this way of hiding is too fragile, let alone psychic power, even a stronger will can resist it, but if it comes from a "bottom" that no one has ever visited, then it really says no Yes.

So the guards of the old empire blocked everything, built a high wall, and died in the wall with the enemy. Only these planets, and many star ships with the same mission, left their homes as drifting bottles, leaving this section. History is left to others, or look forward to being discovered by the Protoss someday.

In this way, the conjecture before the shallow may be too nervous. Since the soldiers of the year could think of blocking the border and only let the uninfected "bottom civilization" escape the circle of destruction, then it must be envisaged that the abyss would not It will be hidden and leaked in other places, and precautions will be taken. How can the data on the Green Star be "dirty"?

I shook my head, and I decided not to worry about these things anymore. Did n’t the father and **** say that, the void creature is an unsolvable barrier to the abyss. As long as I have been mounted in the empire's network, the power of the void will continuously purify the system, even if there is an abyss infiltrating it? A tens of thousands of years old virus can still resist more than 2,300 complete kills every second!

Thinking of this, I feel like I can't do it anymore ...

Three days later, the tree elves have been awakening more than 80% in succession, and 20% of the tree elves have encountered some trouble: their dorms have more or less failed after a long run. After all, Things are not made by the empire. It was when the tree elves discovered that their journey was endless, and they couldn't find where the starship's brakes were. They made it by themselves. Of course, the technology of this sleeping cabin could not be compared with the product of the empire for many 10,000 years. After its operation, its failure rate reached 20%, and some of the malfunctioning dormant cabins could not be opened and activated-this is fortunate. Those assistant technicians are doing their best to repair them. For them, it is not easy to restore this original tool, and some dorm rooms cannot refill the soul. The data interface is out of order. Now those stranded tree elf souls are made by Austria. La and her leader bees keep it, and they can be resurrected after the dormant cabins are repaired. The bad thing is that some dormant cabins have been completely shut down thousands of years ago: the energy supply is unstable or some other failure, the body inside Ashes fly out.

Although this part of the bad tree elves only accounted for a small part, they faced a huge base of 2.6 billion. A small part is also a big problem: that is a population of tens of millions!

Therefore, Li Lina has been so busy now that she has been busy for three days. Only when she ate, the girl showed up in front of her: she was ordered to resurrect the lost tree elves. After all, to the high priest of the goddess of life, annihilation is not an irreversible disaster. She is leading her priests to create a large number of bodies for the resurrection of those tree elves: it was like resurrecting her. Fortunately. The souls of those tree elves are stored in the starship database. By the way, the pilots 'way to save costs was saving tens of millions of elves' lives.

I can see that Li Lina showed amazing enthusiasm while doing this work. Although she has been complaining that she can't take a good rest, the light under that girl's eyes cannot be hidden from others. She likes it.

When I was jumping on and off on Lirina. Another figure has to be mentioned, that is the elf girl green pheasant. This girl who had a little accident during her sleep is now completely inseparable from Li Lina. What should I say? Bingtis gave an explanation. The situation between Luan and Li Lina is like Xiao Qijing and me. Connection: one soul has the imprint of another person, so it has an irresistible intimacy. The green owl should now look at Liliana as a mother—when I think of this, I ca n’t wait for Wenwen to print 300. Thousands of newspapers are distributed all over the world, and there is a line printed on it: Liliana, I also have today!

In fact, Lin Xue has already done this, and he is working with the mercury lamp. The behind-the-scenes plan is Xiao Xue. This is a fear of the world not being chaotic, a bitter enemy, a deep stomach, and the destructive power of the mother-in-law. All the bears ...

However, according to Li Lina's response to the green pheasant, the situation is not bad. Although the entanglement of the green pheasant makes the black black priests listen very boring, she also finds a natural research sample: to make a body for the tree elf, always Have a sample? It ’s important to know that the soul is very picky for the body. It ’s okay to infuse the soul with a body of the same race. Fortunately, once the body does not belong to a race, it can be difficult to be attached, unless it is a cycle of death like Liliana. Then, the goddess of life gave birth in person, otherwise in theory, the abortion of the pig Bajie was already alive with high-tech skills, so the mission of the goddess priests was to produce more than 15 million original tree elf bodies ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Lina initially planned to find a few volunteers from the tree elf to provide a body sample. As a result, Green Puppet took the initiative ...

That tree elf is very suitable, young, healthy, full of vitality, and because of the fact that there is a lina in her knees, which is more or less contaminated with divinity, it can cooperate well with the artifacts used by the priests. Hundreds of millions of tree-elven embryos have been made, and a large area has been designated for this purpose in the southern suburbs of Studio City to cultivate these embryos. There, Lina built a huge building called the "Garden of Heaven" — —The name is very arrogant, but I don't delve into seeing that this garden is really built next to God. The Heavenly Garden is a huge three-dimensional nest. The main body is an alloy skeleton mixed with star and obsidian. These alloy beams form a giant "hanging garden" stacked by countless small cubes. Each of the "hanging gardens" The vines are entwined with a faint green light. These vines are cultivated with the young buds of the world tree. Hidden flower buds are hidden in the vines. Each flower bud is a breeding ground for life. The embryo has matured here in the enclave. With the stimulus of life, it only takes a few days to generate an individual-of course, this requires huge nutrient consumption, so I lied to Dingdang and took another sauna and took The pot of Ding Ding Juice was poured into the garden with 20 tons of water ...

It turned out to be a good effect. This huge garden, which occupies a quarter of Shanghai, is twice as tall as the Burj Khalifa. It took less than twelve hours to grow like a madness, so much so that Lina had to More than 3,000 imperial soldiers were convened day and night to chop trees inside, and the little girl almost cried with tears and asked me not to help ...

P To be continued

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