Xiling Empire

Chapter 1017: Liliana's troubles

On the fourth day after the Green Star incident was resolved, I woke up early-the reason was that the mercury lamp got nervous early in the morning and fluttered everywhere in the room. Her wings may have to change hairs, anyway, I think so.

Breakfast was very simple. You fritters, soy milk, tea eggs, and shallow, but also jam, pepper, tofu and iced red wine. I didn't know how she planned to eat it. Today, the cook is a sister-in-law. She is already familiar with various Chinese style breakfast methods. The breakfast for the past two days was made by her and An Weina in turn. Of course, Sandora's food must be prepared by An Weina herself. The average person is really unsure.

After eating, the sister-in-law packed up and went to Shadow City: go to school.

Now she is a very ordinary female high school student in the senior high school department of Emperor's College, majoring in field command, scorpion fighting, and housekeeping. At the same time, she has signed up for the Misaka Nuclear Harmony Long Live Interest Group. Everyday life is full and happy. Adults and other family members prepare food, go to school to listen to military officers or Yingling teacher lectures in the morning, walk to the military area to lunch at noon, and in the afternoon study with sisters Misaka how to use the common gadgets in the school dormitory to make fusion bombs, and occasionally follow the school organization Activity to an internship in a certain macro world: most of it is the unreliable Misaka Misaka plan. The main lesson of the military academy ends very early. Most of the time, students can follow their respective professional instructors to study. Her professional instructor is An Weina: I will go home in the afternoon to learn how to do housework with the maid leader. I see her busy every day, but she is also very happy. In this home, the sister-in-law is probably the most common one-yes, after the previous lessons. It is still the most ordinary one. After all, she was thrown into an environment full of extraneous creatures, but she is also the most satisfied one in my opinion, just like An Weina. I usually live my little life without any sense of existence, and everything I want is in this big house. Even if there are occasional whimsical thoughts, there will be a bitter cheap brother who thinks about gratification.

I envy her, especially at work

Green Star has been demolished most of its equipment, leaving countless empty cabins waiting to be rebuilt and a set of core reactors that have been shut down, and it still has a lot of work left. The 2.6 billion tree elves need a new home, and the souls of more than 10 million tree elves are waiting to be reborn. Now where I am is dealing with the second problem: the heavenly garden.

The vines planted by Liliana have thrived. This huge building, a multi-layered sky garden made of alloy and mysterious ore, can hardly see the original skeleton, and huge vines occupy every inch of sight. Standing under it, in front of me was a high wall that could not see the end, and at a high altitude, it was a square green tofu block-the mosaic was the same as the mold, this is Lina's own Exact words. Thanks to the enthusiasm of the previous two days, I helped. The growth of the Garden of Heaven was a little bit unexpected, and a large number of soldiers kept pruning branches in it day and night to keep this nursery from growing. Even Lina could not do anything about it, anyway. This is the goddess' divine power at work. There is no way but to wait for it to fade away: it may take half a month.

I'm also very strange. Of course, the power of Ding Dong does not fake. She once made the 300-mile Admiral of the Empire grow flowers from the metal plate, but this time I just used a bit of soup to make Ding-Dong soup and diluted it millions of times. This is how it happened. How about it?

In the past, I was going to secretly take Dingdang Liangtang and sell it as water for melatonin.

The Heavenly Garden has a total of 100 floors, and each two floors are connected by a transmission beam. It was arrogantly named as the "Road of Ascension" (tentative version at 3:30 pm yesterday) by Lina as a "nest" for purely cultivating embryos. There is no too complicated structure here. The terrain is clear at a glance. Basically, you wo n’t get into the dead end when you hold the compass. The walls are woven with neat vines in all directions. The height is more than ten meters. Mass culture. The buds shrouded in pale green light can often be seen between the vines. They are unfinished bodies. Each bud has a small green light spot flying up and down. I am curiously close to one of them. The light spot immediately and affectionately hit his face a few times, and then slumped on my shoulder.

It was a little fairy with a big slap, with a translucent texture on the body, as if the body was composed of green light, and a pair of wings that could not see the shape behind it-the reason why the shape was not visible was because it was completely two The long and narrow halo of the regiment fluctuated with the action of the goblin, and it seemed that it had not yet fully grown.

"Eng Ding Dong? Mass production Ding Dong?"

I was surprised at the various mass production phenomena in Shadow City, and I could not help but have such associations.

The goblin didn't make any sound, just looked around curiously, then fluttered the two halo wings into the vine, and then, the huge bud in front of me trembled slightly, and continued to accelerate growth.

"I don't know what this is. It grew out of the flowers and trees of Avalon." With a snoring sound of leaves, Lina's voice came from the side. She drilled through the vines. In the wall, an elf dressed up in front of me, "Maybe the power of the goddess has projected on Avalon, and this kind of weird little animal, ah, is a small animal-their intelligence is no better than a bird How high is the class, and when it was just born, it was a erratic light, not even the five senses. "

"Um, Avalon really has something weird." I twitched.

"But if they are there, the growth of the Vine of Life is easier to control, and they can catalyze the embryo," Lilian laughed proudly. "These goblins are very obedient, as long as they are believers of the goddess of life, they will Will follow, so I brought a lot from Avalon and asked them to help take care of the embryos, one by one, they do n’t eat, drink or rest. The favorite thing to do every day is to circle the plants or say hello to strangers. In addition, these small points can also help to see the status of the embryo. It is also good to be an alarm-the heavenly garden is not staffed enough, there are only ten high priests and a hundred church knights on each floor, and there is no way to take care of each bud. These goblins look much easier. "

When saying these things. Lilina's motherhood with blinding dog eyes on her face, I nodded comfortably: "Well, now I'm the mother of more than 10 million children."

Liliana: ""

Loli is very fierce. Fortunately, she is only one meter and nine. I easily got Lilina who jumped up, and then looked at this strange green world in front of me. Haunted? "

Lilina suddenly appeared alive: "She? Didn't I just flicker to cooperate with the experiment in a few words, now she is at the top of the heavenly garden. She cannot leave there until the first batch of embryos has completed a growth cycle, at least I can rest for a few more days. Boss, look at this project is big enough! My proud work! Now the souls of those tree elves have been injected into the embryo, but just haven't awakened, in these days Here, they are gradually familiar with each other and their new bodies directly in these buds. When the body matures, the soul is fully adapted, and it is definitely better than the hibernation cabin! "

I nodded casually, actually. I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't tell what's wrong in a while and a half. After watching these vines for a while, I suddenly remembered the thing: "Yes. I use green crickets as protozoa of all embryos. Doesn't that mean that all embryos here have a face? "

"Of course not." Li Lina immediately gave me a white look. "The appearance can be adjusted. During the embryonic process, the development environment is slightly adjusted, and the appearance is different."

"Oh," I nodded, and then asked with uncertainty, "what about gender?"

The black-bellied bishop paused for a moment, then the two remained silent for a few seconds, and Lina looked at her tears suddenly: "Boss, I may be in trouble, right?"

"I'm going to mourn over ten million people ?!"

Li Lina pointed with her finger and told me: "It's not that serious. According to the **** ratio, it should be more than 6 million people. Boss, the boss's impulse is the devil! In case there are individual comparisons among those 6 million people Personality is also uncertain "

I grabbed this girl's head and knocked hard, and Li Lina immediately pretended to cry and call her mother, and the movement even attracted several Holy Knights, church monks, missionaries, and church craftsmen and pastors who were patrolling in the distance, but These people have become accustomed to the situation where their parents had a K after a trouble, and they bowed a long distance and what should they do, Lina later wrote a guarantee letter with tears, and waited for this. The wretched tree elves immediately woke up and made normal new bodies for them: at least they had to have normal sex.

Looking around at these embryos that are about to mature in a few days, I know that each bud has a girl who is currently 13 or 14 years old, and think again that the soul that has not been known is uncle or uncle. Suddenly, I felt like a shocking body. The damage of Liliana was too great. It seems that my decision to come here today to visit the garden is correct. Otherwise, I really have to wait for these souls to solidify in my body. I am afraid that it will be troublesome to modify them. At that time, walking on the streets of the Shadow City, we came across a graceful and beautiful girl, and greeted Qi Qiao with a smile and smile: "Well, my name is Da Zhuang? Tiegen." This Nima made a normal person It ’s so embarrassing, and even more embarrassing is that another elven girl may come from the side, so Comrade Tiegen pointed at the second elf and introduced to him: “Hey, this is my dad, and when he wakes up, he becomes a girl”

Well, it seems pretty cute!

After coming out of the Garden of Heaven, I looked back at the green building that covered the sky: "So, in the future, use this mother tree instead of the tree elves?"

From a functional point of view, the role of the Heavenly Garden now is to serve as an embryo culture device for tree elves. Although it now has only one donor sample, the embryos that can be cultivated lack the space for free change and do not meet the requirements of biological evolution, but it can Improved, so I have this question.

Lilina nodded first, then wrinkled her nose: "I have this plan, but there is still a lot of work to do. I have stripped off the thing on the small planet of Green Star Earth Center and stored it in the World Tree Temple Here, do you want to see? "

Temple of the World Tree. The nickname Heaven, aliased to the Kingdom of God, is theoretically a place to live, but this three-inch Ding hardly stays in the temple. More often, she likes to sleep in her owner's pocket, or flies around the house stupidly to catch mice. As a result, the work of caring for the temple over time is all over Liliana's head, so Lilina threw the "mother tree" that was about to die into the temple. At least there, the decline of the mother tree would be suppressed. Speaking of which, I have n’t been to this temple for a long time, but I still remember that I need authentication when I enter the temple, and the method also remembers: I took out the sleeping Ding Ding Dong. A sway in the trunk of the tree of the world opened the door.

This is the legendary swipe with face.

Li Lina watched me swipe the card with Ding Dong with ease, and her face was very delicate: "Boss, I always think that I have used the goddess as a strange thing."

"She wasn't normally normal." I shrugged. He shoved Ding Dang into his pocket, and the latter came out dizzily, "Ajun, Ding Dang is called after eating."

"I always feel like she's been sleeping too much lately," I couldn't help muttering, "It seems to be more than a month. Everyday I sleep except to eat, almost like Halai's habit, this shouldn't be the case, Ding Dong usually jumps alive. . "

"Who knows. Maybe it's a long man." Li Lina whispered, and at this time she could not see her respect for the goddess. She set the transmission path. A huge portal lighted up in the verdant hall in front of us. "I put the dying tree vines in a different space on the upper level of the temple. I can only enter through the portal."

The whole world tree shrine is located in an unclear space. Although it feels like it is located in the trunk of the world tree, after entering, I definitely don't think so: looking out from the skylight of the temple, you can see To another clear blue sky and white clouds, and even some places in the temple can see small rivers and lakes and even forest landscapes. This seems to be a strange place where the inner space is greatly extended. I even doubt it can Put the entire solar system in. The upper part of the shrine mentioned by Li Lina is a huge star gold stone platform. This is the most empty place in the temple of life. Above it is an uncovered blue sky and white clouds. The sky is as low as if you can reach with your hands. Around the huge star gold stone square There are rows of neatly arranged green stone pillars, which are engraved with reliefs. Most of the reliefs were carved by Lina after the completion of the temple, including the image of the ethnic group who believes in Ding Dong, miracles made indiscriminately, magic of unknown purpose. Runes, as well as "XX come here" and "response visible below". The main significance of carving these stone pillars is that Li Lina feels that as a temple, it would be too embarrassing to have something similar to the deities of the gods, especially after she has seen the obsidian palace and the father's temple of the goddess of the ice. ——Actually, I think it ’s all nonsense. Take a look at Lin ’s temple. It ’s a simple stone castle. There are basically no reliefs except the outer wall. Of course, this may also be because Lin ’s strength is so strong that she simply I won't make these gadgets at home.

The stripped mother tree floated near the platform. After being separated from the "Oasis" planet, Lina smoothed the order of these messy vines, evacuated them and placed them in the sky, leveling with the upper platform of the temple. Qi, so looking at it from this angle, the gray-green vines are like a large ball slightly shaking the tentacles surrounding the platform

"Boss, don't compare metaphors. Don't compare them."

Lirina advised sincerely.

"Heck, this thing really isn't saved?"

I scratched my hair awkwardly and looked at my hand: a thin branch on the vine was swinging around, and I was dangling by my hand. I reached out and touched it lightly. This thing seemed to have a sense, and immediately retracted .

"If it's just too old to say, even I can bring it back to life," Lina shook her head in disappointment. "The current situation is that the mother tree is divine, it is likely to fall from another tree of the world The branch, which grew out of the earth, can be considered as an extension of another tree of the world ~ www.readwn.com ~ so it cannot accept the power of the goddess of jingle: system conflict. "

I use my own way to understand what Li Lina means: we compare Ding Dong as the **** of world management to Android, then this mother tree is a Saipan, and the small programs from Saipan are made into compressed packages and stored in Android system management Of course there is no problem in the folder, but what Li Lina has to do now is to run this Symbian applet in the Android environment, which will be a bit difficult. Go to McDonald's and order a KFC bucket or go to the Unicom lobby to charge 150XXXXXXXX The phone bill should have a deep understanding of what I mean-it's best to say hello to the hospital before going.

"So after trying a few times, I decided to give up the resurrection of the mother tree," Liliana said in dismay. "Because we can't find out which goddess of life planted this plant tens of thousands of years ago, even from Protoss records. I found the creator of the tree elves, and the world tree of the year was definitely not found. The tree elves were discovered by the old empire as an independent race, indicating that the goddess of life who created them allowed the tree elves to develop freely after finishing their work. The remnants of the World Tree should also remain in that world, along with the old empire. "

"But without the mother tree, I would not be able to find the life spectrum of the tree elf," Liliana paused, and continued, "In other words, without the mother tree, the tree elf I made from the garden of the heavens is always just a clone Body, even if you put a soul in them, they are not tree elves, they are two races! "

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