Xiling Empire

Chapter 1025: Aura, really aura

Shadow City Fortress, the first research center, the third laboratory of carbon-based biological venues.

Responsible for receiving us is Tavel's senior assistant technician, an unscrupulous and capable young scientist. With all the expert groups focusing on overcoming the technical difficulties of the "Lord Adventist" and the manufacture of deep submersible vessels, Tavel can't find more Many people came to help us analyze what happened to a mutant crow. It was quite difficult for her to find a senior assistant technician.

The three crows that apparently no longer belong to the normal species were sent yesterday. In one day, Imperial scientists completed a scan of the three creatures from beginning to end. The experiments that can be done have been done: because the premise is that It can't hurt the lives of the three crows, so there are not many experiments to be done.

"We numbered the samples, two adult individuals were number one and two, and the young one was number three." The young assistant technician opened the large container that looked like a silver-white container in the center of the laboratory. The container The metal cover on the outside slid quietly into the ground below, revealing the space separated by a transparent barrier inside. "According to the order, the three samples were placed in the environment most suitable for their survival and familiarity, only the second sample A little frightened, everything else is unharmed. "

Inside the transparent barrier is a small artificial environment created by man. There is a green field, several shrubs, and even a small pool of spring water. On the top of the shrub is a crow's nest brought along. A large water bottle and a water bottle are placed beside the spring water. There are half bottles of water in the child. A large pile of pebbles was placed next to it. "What's going on with that bottle?" Li Lina pointed to the water bottle in the eco-environment storehouse. That thing was the only thing that didn't seem to match the surrounding natural scene, very eye-catching.

"The mother-in-law ordered it to be put in, and she said that she wanted to test whether the crow would put the pebble in the bottle to drink water when it was thirsty." The assistant technician replied swiftly, then a little confused, " We don't even understand what this test means. "

"Ah. It looks like the test has failed," said Qian Qian, lying on the fence and looking at the ecological environment bin. "There's nothing left in the bottle."

I thought about it, and slapped it on the back of this girl: "You stupid! Didn't find those stones bigger than the mouth of the bottle?"

Li Lina finally looked down, and looked at us with a broken face: "Did no one find that the water bottle is a personal lake ?! Is the crow so indifferent !!"

Then I found out why I was suddenly stupid

"Ahem, talk about the crow. What was the result of the physical examination?" I scratched my hair awkwardly, and shifted the topic back to the business. The assistant technician immediately reported: "The full inspection has been carried out. This sample is still a carbon-based organism-well. The main body is still a carbon-based organism. Samples No. 1 and No. 2 have very few mutations. Only the brain system has significant mutations, and there are signs of improved thinking ability. There is a certain degree of variation in the circulatory system, and the significance of this variation is unknown. Sample # 3 has been confirmed to be completely mutated, and the brain system is more than a hundred times more active than similar species. "

"Hundreds of times?" I quickly interrupted the other party. "What concept?"

"That is to say, after a certain training, you can communicate with intelligent creatures. You can fully understand the common language of the Empire, and if you have auxiliary equipment, you can even communicate with us in common language. You have the ability to learn and use tools, but what can you do? The extent needs to be observed. "

I opened my mouth and closed it for a long time before I looked at the ugly fledgling: it looked like it was a little bigger than yesterday. I don't know if it is an illusion. The fluff on its head has matured. Now the fledglings 'parents are gently touching the little ones' wings with their beaks, because the fledglings do not eat at all. They also have a certain degree of variation, and their intelligence has improved to a higher level, but they still don't understand why their children don't eat food.

"Just such a bird? A bird with a bigger head than almonds will be as intelligent as humans in the future?"

"It is developing rapidly, and the genetic simulation map shows that if it can successfully grow into adulthood, it will be hundreds of times the size of similar creatures!" The assistant technician opened the holographic projection, and the majestic crow **** appears on it. , There are five guys taking a group photo, bubble 209001 to bubble 209005

The assistant technician paused and explained nervously: "This data has been reviewed by the host on the peak before, and it will become like this after the feedback is returned."

I rub my eyes and my face is full of tears: "Don't worry, I understand, she may want to give me a more intuitive explanation in her own way." I brushed this thing for two months and did not appear, bubbles I drove it out while driving the trumpet. Of course, this must also be obtained. You can see how many digits she has compiled! As long as the server doesn't crash, it is estimated that everything she wants to brush is coming out at once!

"In short, this is the volume of the mutated sample No. 3 after normal development," the assistant technician may not know much about the strangeness of the first family, and then continued to report. "Its genes have changed quite accurately, but In theory, this is very difficult: the carbon-based biological genes on the earth are a fairly fragile structure, and the chance of generating an ordered combination under the condition of random mutation is not more than one ten million, that is, ten million Among the mutation combinations, there is only one new individual that can appear with complete physiological functions and has stable heritability. Sample No. 3 is such a perfect mutation. It does not have a serious genetic disease, but will become even larger and smarter. This is a genetic mutation that occurs under natural conditions. As a scientist, I must say that this has absolutely no case value: it is not scientific. "

"Outcome determination process, direct information perturbation will make the real world modify itself"

Bingtis came with us. Originally, she was just an audience on such a high-tech occasion. This time, she unexpectedly said something inexplicable. However, when I wanted to ask her what it meant, the other person shook her head mysteriously. "I just thought of this suddenly, let your scientist talk first. I'll explain it to you in a moment."

After we got a signal, the assistant technician continued to report his findings: "In addition to the mutations that can be directly observed with the equipment, sample three has some mysterious or ultra-intuitive mutations. It has some special features that can be stored and transformed in the body. Structural units of energy. These structural units may be produced by cells, but they do not belong to any known Earth product. In addition, a systematic energy cycle system was observed in sample three. This system is generally limited to energy. Biological or elemental organisms have seen it in the body. The normal material life, especially carbon-based life with very low tolerance to different energy, the probability of such a system in the body is almost infinitely low. "

"Elemental creatures" I looked at the crow chicks flapping with bare wings in the eco-environment warehouse. The little guy noticed the outside sight and turned his head to look at this, then nodded at me friendlyly, and spit out another one. Little Shadow Arrow (I do n’t know if that thing is a Shadow Arrow. But a dark energy arrow looks so much like Shadow Power), I suddenly realized that I was not facing a pet that I could treat as a pet Wild bird, but a super creature that will have the same intelligence as humans, so what is it thinking now? Did this little guy realize that he was being used as a test subject? Wouldn't it be ah, it should not have reached this level, after all, it only took a few days for the chick to hatch. Even if birds develop at an alarming rate during the first few days of hatching, there should not have been much intelligence. "There are some long-lived creatures in the Azeroth world that have an energy system in their bodies, such as the animal spirits that the trolls admire, and some pure blood elf babies. Have you studied this? "

"Yes, we have compared the biological samples of the Azeroth world and several other subordinate worlds. Because some people speculate that this mutant animal may have been contaminated by genes from other worlds, but the comparison shows that it is in vivo. The energy system does not belong to any known form. At present only one thing can be determined: it will be born with the talent to control multiple supernatural powers, and this talent power will most likely rival the Raven. Now the sample three will occasionally Unleashing too much shadow power accumulated in the body. This power is a mixture of plasma plasm and arcane energy. Although small in scale, it is already lethal. "

"It might kill its parents." Her sister suddenly realized one thing. "It must be prevented, at least until it knows how to control its power. It can't let it cast a shadow arrow at will."

I nodded again and again: "Yeah, it's fainting me."

Lilina gave me a white look and turned to ask the assistant technician: "Have those crystal eggs been checked? What's going on inside?"

"It also produced deep variation, excessive mineral content, and crystallization of organic matter. In addition, we also found that strange energy condensation phenomenon, but the crystal eggs seemed to be the product of evolutionary failure, and they all became stillbirths."

Lilian frowned. "I feel something in the crystal egg that is not of this world."

"Yes, you feel right. There are three kinds of radioactive elements in the crystal egg. They are new materials. The combination of quarks does not conform to the laws of this universe, but they can still exist stably in the universe. They seem to be created out of thin air. If there is an explanation, it can only be said that this is the result of some kind of information perturbation, causing the material of another world to be projected into this world. "

Information Disturbance—The four words spoken by the assistant technician seemed to flash across my mind instantly. I immediately thought of the four words mentioned by Bingtis, and then thought of myself. Bingtis saw the change in my expression, and smiled slightly: "Well, the time for science is over for now, Chen, now I will explain to you what is unscientific-"

"There is a conjecture in the body, and the mutation of the crow in your yard should be related to you."

"You are a huge source of information perturbations. In the beginning, these perturbations only interfered with the people who were closest to you and contacted the most. Then the perturbations began to spread to everything you experienced. Now, the perturbations may expand again. The target it chooses is the crow in the yard. You see, the energy control talent, the internal structure changes to elemental biology, these two characteristics are easy to associate with you, right? "

My expression may be dull. It took me a while to remember: "How does it sound like I'm a source of pollution?"

"It's not pollution, but I see it from you," said Bettis, who stopped here suddenly, seemingly trying to weigh it up. It's rare that even a female hooligan like her weighed on what she said next. "Just a guess, I seem to see the shadow of the Father God."

Everyone was shocked.

"Or the shadow of the true god, they are all similar. After all, some of the talents of our deities are directly inherited from the Father God. Do you remember the way that Father God came to your house?"

I nodded, of course I remember. Sitting on long distances, crowding subways, buying tickets from ticket sellers, and leek boxes-Bingtis named this journey as God's or something. There are a lot of symbolic meanings that sound quite bluffing.

"You are making the same impact," Bingtis glanced at me. "Your existence itself has higher priority than the world, and now as you get more and more um, mature, maybe you already have the same basic characteristics as the Father God. In the beginning, the people around you are affected. Slowly, as long as you have contacted things, they will have extraordinary significance. They begin to grasp the power, have higher wisdom, and move from a small fish in the wave of information disturbance. Become a giant and look at this bird, in our eyes. Even if it can grow to two people tall and can spit out a shadow storm, it is inconspicuous, but in the eyes of mortals, it is enough to be called "

I followed it: "God of the Raven."

Fudges glanced at me. Nod.

"Now your influence is not limited to 'people', but has begun to spread to wild animals. Anvina mentioned that the first crystal egg that failed to hatch appeared almost a year ago, so maybe you started that day. It has already had an impact on those two big crows, and this effect has not been considered a result until recent days. This should prove that your power is gradually changing. "Bettis looked very serious and began to think about the divine world. Some records, "You know that the main gods in the divine realm are the four branches: life, order, light, and darkness. The divine realm and the gods are born of the Father God. The common saying is: The Father God created God. World, and then created the four major protoss. But in fact, this statement is not accurate: if you have to say that the creation of the Father is completely original from nothing, then only the gods themselves and the bright protoss are the creation of the Father The other three branches of the Protoss were actually 'promoted'. The Dark Goddess was originally a dark elf of a certain world. The Father God rescued them from the local residents during a tour and brought them back to God. The Dragon Gods were originally the golden dragons of the Nether, but were later brought back by the Father God. There are also the Goddess of Life, whose origins are even more wonderful-long, long ago, the Father God went to the Nether to travel, and then a dim forest fairy He rashly bumped into him, and the Father God fed this forest fairy for a while out of curiosity, and brought it with him when he went back and forth to the realm of God-she is Gaga, and now the most powerful life controller of the whole void, she The idea was even enough to kill the powerful true god, but at first she was a forest fairy who picked berries in the bushes and worked hard to collect dew every day. This is the detail of the origin of the gods of the star domain, except for the **** of light-originally known as the star The tribe was created by the Father and God himself. All other races were promoted under the influence of the Father God! But this promotion can also be regarded as a kind of re-creation, so the **** world has the creation of the Father God. The general description of the four major deities. "

"So Ah Jun is becoming the same as the Father God." She hesitated and interjected, but Bingtis didn't finish, she waved her hand to show the follow-up: "I haven't talked about the key point yet: God has Countless species of animals and plants, I think you still remember, there are rabbits that can release lightning storms and mice that master arcane stars in the grasslands, but in fact? In fact, the Father God was just boring at first, They were created completely according to the level of the mortal creatures, and those animals gradually became so powerful because of their association with the Father and God, and finally conformed to the environment of the power of the gods. Now look at this crow, a Birds that can lay Shadow Arrows within days of hatching! "

"The true God has a remarkable characteristic, that is, any action in the world can have symbolic meaning. This symbolic meaning often does not require God to do anything, as long as God exists in a certain place. The most direct example is since Ding-Dong became God, and the enrollment rate of universities and colleges in this city and even in the province suddenly dropped by several percentage points. "

Suddenly I felt a few arches in my chest pocket, and then a small voice came out: "I didn't hear it, I didn't hear it, I didn't hear anything." God started to escape reality. You said in school Are the students okay?

"Is this kind of influence good or bad?" My sister suddenly worried, "I know that there are very powerful creatures everywhere in the divine realm, but there is the divine realm, the place where the divine lives, here is the earth, if even the mouse Suddenly, Arcane Nova and Chain Lightning will be released. Is there any way for human beings to live? Or, will all creatures in the entire world evolve with it? "

"The world must have been shattered before that day. Do you think a mortal world can be transformed into a divine realm? The foundation cannot keep up," Bettis shook his head vigorously, "so the Father almost never left The divine world, occasionally going to the mortal world, will not stay too long: he is too powerful, and the influence of the void creatures is too extensive. Although the Father God can control his power well, he also wants to minimize the destruction of the world Yes, speaking of this, I think that you should try to understand your power deeper from now on ~ www.readwn.com ~ The sooner you control your information, the better the power of disturbance, this other person ca n’t help you, all void A three void creatures, your respective strengths are still different, you can only explore it yourself. "

"Of course, don't be too nervous," Bingtis smiled as everyone looked nervous. "It's a long process to gradually expand this influence. Chen, you have spent four years from awakening to now. It only took a year to expand the halo to the scope of a yard. It did not have a substantial impact on several crow eggs until a year ago, and it was only a few days ago that a crow egg successfully hatched the **** of the crow. This shows you that There is still more time to adapt. "

I think about it too, it took me four years to catalyze an egg, anxious!

"When your strength will become the same as the Father God one day, maybe you have to consider moving to the shadow space," Bingtis began to associate, "but it's nothing, there is more prosperity than the outside world now. , And more and more hosts responsible for space maintenance, it can be much more sturdy than the real world. At that time, it is said that the fuser space is also one of the gods. "

Speaking of which, Bingtis stopped suddenly, then suddenly turned to Xiao Xue: "How many protoss in the void did you have in that era?"

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