Xiling Empire

Chapter 1026: God? Anguish ……

"In your day, how many protoss were there in the void?" Bingtis suddenly looked at Xiao Xue and asked very seriously.

Xiao Xue was only here to make fun of herself, because the cause and effect line was broken in front of her, so she basically did not participate in everyone's discussion: it is meaningless and may mislead others, so from now on she has been concentrating on the ecology The little crow in the environment bin makes a face. At this time, Bingtis suddenly asked her a question, and the girl didn't respond at all. She didn't respond until the other person repeated it: "Oh, oh, how many protoss? At that time, few people mentioned this kind of statement. From the time I remembered, people around me just mentioned 'Dragon God, So,', 'Dark God, So,', 'Bright God, So, and so on', but few people said how about 'God's, So and so' Now. "

"Good guess," Bettis exhaled. "The Apostles of the Spirit have been promoted to complete gods after the Void Cataclysm. Not only has the power reached the level of the gods, but also all the qualities of the" God ", For example, the power of information perturbation, the symbolic meaning between words and deeds, and the ability to interact with believers. If the Apostles of the Spirit after the Void Catastrophe have evolved to such an extent, then you will naturally get used to mentioning the star field. "God" is no longer added to specific people because you are also members of God! "

Bingtis' analysis is more and more amazing. No one interrupted her at this time. Although this female hooligan is usually crazy, her knowledge is really incredible. She has a deep understanding of the history of the astral **** realm, and she has her own understanding of the various information perturbations and the nature of the power of the gods in the void. Now only she can analyze what is invisible to others from the status quo, and we only I could listen to it honestly. She thought for a moment. Give us an analogy: "It's like human beings call other people on the planet. When you talk about aliens, you say" British, so and so ", and" Americans, so and so ". But I believe absolutely no one will Say 'Human, so and so'. Xiaoxue may have grown up in that environment since she was a child, so she didn't hear what these terms meant. But we should hear that after she was born, everyone was not used to it Think of the "Protoss" as a name for another race. At that time, the Apostles of the Spirit will at most say the goddess of light, Bingtis, but no longer say the Bingtis from the protoss. "

Bingtis got up and poured himself a glass of water. Sandora also had the opportunity to express her thoughts: "The Apostles of the Spirit were once called the non-protoss, or the third protoss. This statement itself means that the apostles of the Spirit are not true In fact, judging from the level of strength alone, the spirit apostle is not weaker than the gods, so an important reason to judge that the spirit apostle is not the true **** is that our race cannot have the 'symbol' power of the astral deities. "

"Symbol" power, this is a very abstract term, it is not clear to explain, the more understandable understanding is that the true **** of the astral field in various daily activities. The ability to transform one of his "actions" into a "symbol" that can have a substantial impact, and after mortals reproduce or associate with this "actions", they can contribute to certain phenomena. Mortals in the process The actions they take are often called "rituals" or "sacrifice," and the phenomena they promote are called "miracles." Ding Dong likes to eat lollipops. This hobby can generate symbolic power. Believers in the goddess of life will first present various kinds of honey when offering tribute, and this tribute can really produce magical power: after worshiping honey, believers who jingle She will receive various blessings such as healing, robustness, and longevity depending on the degree of piety. In the process, Jing Ding did nothing and her effect was her "symbol" power.

The true God has such a symbolic power, but the Spirit Apostles as powerful as them are not. This is the important reason why the Spirit Apostles of the old empire has always been called the "outside" protoss: the difference is not who is more powerful.

"The essence of symbolic power is an information disturbance, and the ability to extend the information disturbance to other ordinary things," Bettis looked into my eyes. "It is not the same as the information disturbance principle of the void creature. The void creature is because It is the source of all information itself. If you use the example you are used to compare, a void creature is an energy source. Fluctuations in this energy source will cause all systems to fluctuate, and the reasons for the disturbance of information or the symbolic power of the gods are: It is our own entanglement point of a large amount of information, which is equivalent to a magnet to the world. The magnet passes over the magnetic field and will confuse the original magnetic field. There is an inheritance relationship between the two kinds of information disturbances. The focus of the message is because we are created by God the Father, just as the electric energy output from the power source flows through the coil to generate a magnetic field-this example should be familiar on earth. That ’s why, God the Father is the power source, we are Coil. Prior to this, the Apostles of the Spirit did not have symbolic power, because they were acting from the world to the higher levels. , They are missing the key link to become the source of information disturbance, that is, the void infusion. In this case, if they want to be a “God” that can be believed and can make believers produce practical power because of belief, the only way is to master Void power, the old empire is following this last step. And now ... if the body is not wrong, the Apostles of the Spirit have finally waited for that key link. Chen, your existence will sublimate the entire race in a few years . "

Everyone didn't speak for a while, it seemed to be digesting the amazing prediction of Bingtis, only Sandora said thoughtfully: "I don't think it's quite right, A Jun's ability to perturb information is from the beginning. As a result, they all gained almost the power of the true God. Why did you not think at that time that he could transform the Spirit Apostle into a true God? Now a crow mutates and becomes a precursor? "

"This is the" inheritance relationship "I just mentioned," Bettis explained carefully, "the Father God has the power of information disturbance, and then he created the gods, and the gods" inherited "the weaker ones from him. Information disturbs the power, so the gods have the ability to be believed. It depends on whether the apostles of the Spirit can become true gods. The key is to see if ordinary members of them can also inherit this power. Before, I can only determine the shallow They become stronger because of Chen's influence, which can't fully explain what symbolic power they have inherited. Only when Chen can make things affected by himself can also affect the next level of things. I dare to be sure that he is about to become a father and a god. A mature void creature like King Lun. This time a mutant is a crow-think about it. In that yard, the crows that Chen touches every day are not ranked at all. They just stay in Chen's sight. That ’s why there is no variation in flowers and plants? Why are there no variations in tables and chairs? Why are there no variations in tableware and the like used by Chen Ping ... "

I said casually: "Because I didn't have time to mutate, Sandora was eaten." Everyone: "..."

"Dude. Can you look at the environment when you are telling a joke?" Bingtis looked at this with a poor expression, and I narrowed my neck quickly: "You continue, you continue."

"There are a lot of things in contact with Chen, most of them are closer than the two crows, but the first one to mutate is the crows, why?" Bingtis looked around us and suddenly lowered his voice, " Because Anvina who looks after them is a crow. Um. Or at least she already thinks of herself as a crow. "

"So, the power of information perturbation is showing inheritance, and Anveena becomes the second source of perturbations that can affect the surrounding environment?" Sandora frowned. "How do you feel wrong?"

Bingtis waved his hand: "She's not that strong yet. In this process, it is Chen who really generates the information disturbance. Anvena just serves as an inducement to deflect the event, but even the inducement. Be the starting point of the next source of information perturbation. What do you think is wrong? "

Shallow and straightforward: "We are the first to mix with A Jun. Why isn't it the first source of disturbance?"

I slapped it on my own head: This girl's words and sentences are becoming more and more innovative. What does it mean to mix together ... But what she said is really what we care about: who should be the first to be mine Influence, of course, Qian Qian and her sister, even Sandora will be behind Pandora. However, the current situation shows that the first manifestation of the tendency to spread the information disturbance is An Weina: she did not make much variation herself, but the crow family who came into contact with her was selected for promotion.

Do I usually feel so close to Anvena?

"This may be related to some of Chen's subjective tendencies ... it's very difficult to explain." Bingtis almost knocked me into despair in one sentence, and Sandora narrowed her eyes at once: "Oh, Junjun Birds and Don't let the ghost go? "

Fortunately, Bingtis also knows how to save: "That's not what I mean, Chen, do you usually have the idea of ​​promoting An Weina or think she has a divine spirit?"

I thought for a long time, and said with uncertainty: "I often say that she is the goddess of the maid?"

As soon as Bingtis stayed, he nodded particularly hard: "Mother, maybe it's true ..." So the whole family was stunned.

"No? This is okay?" Sandora couldn't help but feel a little morbid. The situation in front of her was too unscientific. Her queen, who had always been very scientific, was quite shocked, so she held my hand and dangled. "Ah Jun then try again and see if it affects me. "

I stared at Sandora for a long time, and suddenly turned my head awkwardly: "Forget it, in case I am really successful, then your portrait will only be offered to every family in the kitchen ..." My special After thinking about it for five minutes, I thought of eating!

"This is anxious. It takes a short time for the void creatures to mature. The Father God did not create the divine realm in one or two years." Bingtis stretched his back and seemed not to be on this topic. It ’s a pain to say, “In short, there is only one thing that can be determined. As Chen matures, he will spread the ability of information perturbation to everyone around him. Through spiritual connection to the network, he should be the first to achieve overall race promotion. It ’s the Apostles of the Spirit, and then your tribe. After Chen finds a way to control his power, he can determine the promotion degree of each race as accurately as the Father and God-just like the divine realm, except for the four major deities. In addition, we actually have other gods, the **** of fire, the **** of wind and thunder, the **** of water, the **** of music, etc. These little gods also have positions in the pantheon, and they have some predecessors that you absolutely imagine Less than: The **** of fire was the first time the **** of the father had performed the barbecue skill he learned from the next session to the goddess of darkness. The birth of the **** of the wind came from a sneeze of the goddess of water, the **** of water Dini is Dragon created ...... "

With a light brain, he jumped up and said, "Dragon God created the Water God? Why?"

Bingtis spread his hands: "Is there any doubt about the **** of water, the **** who is best at irrigation?

I reached Spar on the spot!

"The Lord of the Spirits, Kepru obeys God. Azeroth defers to God, Vedis defers to God ... It looks like an interesting future," Sandora smiled. His face glowed with great interest. "Ajun. You see, you are quite amazing at once."

I thought about it and looked at Bingtis with a serious expression on his face: "You are a god, then, based on your experience, what would happen if the Apostles of the Spirit were truly promoted to the true God? I mean ... the benefits Something like the Apostles of the Spirit have become stronger, or they can solve the problem of chickens and eggs ... "

Fudges froze. Then he touched his chin and muttered, "The same is true. Now you can almost do what God can do. Then you become a **** ... Controlling the world is a little easier than before? Or when installing the operating system of the world? It can be quickly decompressed and so on ... "She said for a long time, but it turned out to be all things that the Apostle of the Spirit can now do. In the end, she was okay, and she spread her hands:" The only good thing is that you can be a **** stick in the future, and then There are a lot of believers to build a lot of old temples for you, and none of you can live ... "

"What? It turns out that's what happened with God, boring ..." Lin Xue walked away with disappointment.

My sister also spread out her hand: "That's it? The changes haven't changed much since the equipment was updated. I'm going back to cooking."

Sandora quickly followed her sister: "Oh, then I'll go back to dinner."

Shallow pouting: "Just if there is a big house, that's fine, my house is quite big now ..."

So a group of people lost interest at about the same time. Turning away, Bingtis looked stunned at the back, and finally jumped and shouted, "Hey! What's your reaction! What's wrong with God! More or less a sense of glory! This is at least a senior title. Hey! You guys just explained to me that the salary was upset by the first level. "

I patted the female hooligan's shoulder comfortably: "Forget it, we don't know the temper of our family. And to be honest, I really do n’t think the true God is a good job. The daily work of the world management **** is like property ... ... "

This is the truth, and as I learn more about the priesthood of the celestial gods, their powers are now clear to me. A creature like God will not rule anything at all, because nothing can bring benefits to them, believers cannot give the power of the gods, the world cannot give the resources of the divine world, and the allegiance of the 100 billion mortal worlds is only for them. Numbers, true gods can completely transcend any world, because they are both laws and concepts. Everything they need comes from their own will. The **** of world management is the most common among the gods in the astral field. The gods of the lower world communicate, and their "management" of the mortal world is more like voluntary labor. Repair the damage of the universe, clear up common bugs, channel traffic to the stars, and occasionally clean up the mess for believers ... If there is no living Lei Feng spirit that has been accumulated for hundreds of billions of years, who is doing this hard work?

Sometimes I feel that if it is not for hunting the abyss, this group of immortals may prefer to eat in the **** world until the end of time-if this end exists, I will definitely do it anyway.

And if the Apostles of the Spirit were really promoted to become a true God under my influence, I really do n’t know if they would do the same boring work. In fact, the current spirit empire is similar to the behavior of the gods. Except for scientific research materials, we basically do not need any resources of the world: those resources are for the vassal race, and we do not need living space: All empire facilities are built in a different space created by themselves (this is exactly a replica of the huge temples of the gods). Whether it is a new empire or an old empire, the only reason to expand the territory is to kill the abyss and other messy enemies. , Not to fight for the living environment-so I think suddenly if the abyss in the void, the imperial soldiers who are often on blood will be bored to death ...

Soon, the experts of the institute discovered that they could no longer explain more about the mutated three crows: the technological equipment could easily scan the structure of each elementary particle in the crow ~ www.readwn.com ~ also Can explain the principle of the various abilities of that future Raven God, but their research ends here: the specific process of mutation is an indescribable mystery, which involves the knowledge of the void and the entanglement of various information. Perhaps the wonderful results of this may only be understood by the Father: Of course, I may be able to figure it out after a few years.

Early the next morning, the three crows were sent back to their home. The crow nest in the yard was lively again. To celebrate the successful completion of the physical examination of the three mutant creatures and start a new life, Anvena even opened them. A small banquet: She cooks the crow and cooks two dishes!

I am afraid that the ghost maid has completely regarded herself as their kin ...

Crow fledgling ... well, I'm embarrassed to call it a fledgling now, that little guy has grown too fast, it has doubled in forty-eight hours! Let's call it a little crow. The little crow was sealed by my own hands, temporarily suppressing its dangerous energy control ability, in order to prevent the little guy from accidentally spraying his father and mother or flying out to cause the city to burn Accidents like flames.

Now, I have started thinking about the next question: if the future Apostles of the Spirit successfully become gods, then ... what about the brutal fallen apostles? (To be continued) RQ

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